Saving a Snowflake Princess

{Timeskip 3 weeks} Summer's POV

Ever since my little boy had got that sword and unlocked his semblance he's been improving on a scale reserved for S-ranked huntsman.We ended up learning from a "demon expert" that his semblance was one of a kind.It can soak up the soul of a demon,human or any creature that he kills and he can then use whatever powers they had and to make it better after some time it also  upgrades that same power as well.As we were working on those for the past weeks we saw that he certainly has got what it takes to be a hero to people with the skills he had.So far with his electric powers he could shoot electricity in tendrils, make balls of them,encase himself in electricity for armor which came in handy when he made his power stronger by turning the electricity a blue color rather than the normal yellow and killed a deathstalker that way, I've also have seen that Y/N didn't seem to have a limit to how much electricity he could create or absorb so whenever he absorbs more of it he seems to get boosts in 4 physical categories: Strength,speed,agility and senses and he already had a high level of strength and speed from the demon's soul anyway.The electrical healing power was strong too especially after getting his upgrade since now it was capable of healing obliterated cells,shattered bones and weirdly return a person's teeth if they're knocked out, which we found out after having a "talk" with Qrow  about teaching my little boy about flirting and being a "ladies man" though it was nice of what Qrow said he'd get Y/N after he healed him oh silly me I forgot how Tai had almost made me break his back after he opened his big mouth after Y/N healed Qrow.

{Flashback 2 weeks ago} Qrow's POV

It's been a week since Y/N got his semblance and I got an ass kicking, at least it gave me a reason not get up and plan my revenge on Tai for ditching me like that till Y/N walked in with a sad look. 

Qrow:" Oh hey kiddo what's with the long look you alright?"

 He looked at me his sad eyes and walked closer then he muttered something I couldn't hear. 

Qrow:" Hey bud you got a speak up a little I can't hear you."

 Y/N:" I-I'm sorry Uncle Qrow I didn't mean for you to get hurt."

 I see. He thinks he's to blame for me getting the worst beating I ever got while really I should have probably have told him that say he saw some people in Atlas doing it when he was with me then I wouldn't have been the one to blame Atlas would though making lie to his parents wouldn't probably gotten me 6 feet under.

 Qrow:" Hey kid it's not your fault it's mine don't worry about me I'll heal it'll just take some ti- "

I then got cut off when I saw his face go from sad to a look that seemed like he remembered something important before he ran over and grabbed my hand.

Y/N:" I can heal you right now Uncle I can if you you want please let me help you like you helped me!"

I was surprised that he said he could heal me though honestly I kinda though he was just saying that to make me feel better but I didn't want to break my favorite nephew's heart so I decided to play along. 

Qrow *smiling*:" Alright then kid go ahead work your magic."

 Y/N then proceeded to close his eyes and to my surprise he started to glow a faint light blue before electric sparks started to appear on his body before they started to transfer over to mine.I then felt tingly as hell before I then saw that my arms and legs that were literally shattered when the girls found out about my teachings and the massive scar I had on my back from my rookie days as a huntsman started healing. My jaw was on the floor to see all my wounds healed up and that Y/N wasn't messing around he actually could heal and destroy a damn good combination, I got off the bed and felt refreshed as hell being out of bed and back on my feet.

 Qrow:" Hehe kid you weren't messing around, I feel great! Now kid I want to ask you 2 important things that I just have to know."

 Y/N cutely tilted his head to the side with a confused look but smiled none the less.

 Qrow:" One how many girls did you flirt with so far?"

 Let's just say I didn't really expect him to answer and I have to say he did better than I did growing up. 

Y/N:" Well first was Yang, then that pretty blonde girl that I saved from that demon, the cute faunus girl as well and also yesterday I did with Esdeath and she turned red for some reason."

 Damn my nephew has already flirted with 4 girls 3 his age and one 4 years older than him?! This kid is gonna have no problem in the future when it comes to woman. 

Qrow:" Jeez kid you a little player, anyway the second thing I want to know is how can I repay you cause let me tell you being in a bed for a week straight and not being able to move sucks so just say anything and I promise you it's all yours." 

Y/N stood there with stars in his eyes but his also showed a little shyness before he told me what he wanted.

Y/N:" Well if it isn't any trouble Uncle can I have another puppy please?" 

Well can't say I expected that but I did say he could ask for anything and he healed me without a second thought and let me finally get off my ass, so I smiled and decided what the heck. 

Qrow:" Sure kiddo after your training we can go get you a new pet though just wandering why do you want another pet?"

 Y/N:" I just feel like Zwei gets a little lonely whenever none of us are around so maybe just someone to keep him company while we're gone." 

Just as I was gonna smile I saw the door open and in walked in Summer and the traitor himself: Taiyang. Tai's face was priceless when he saw me all healed up and Summer had a suspicious look which I didn't like to see though luckily again Y/N helps me out with his cuteness.

Y/N:" Mommy! Look I healed Uncle Qrow and he said I could get another puppy! Can I please?"

 He said this with eyes that would put a puppy's to shame and Summer didn't even bother to try to resist. 

Summer:" Aw of course you can my little demon slayer! Qrow you can take him and uh just use Tai's credit card cause I know you don't have a cent on you."

 Me and Tai were shocked to here that and even though she pretty much just called me broke I did smile seeing as this was great payback for ditching me at the mercy of three angry women that made me stuck in a bed for a WHOLE week, then Tai decided to make his presence known. 

Tai:" Honey we should think about this cause having just one pet is already a big responsibility but more will most likely cause problems don't you think? And also I'm the one that takes care of Zwei and Y/N taking care of a pet on his own doesn't sound like a good idea." 

He looked like he was about to say something else till we heard sniffing sounds and as we looked around expecting it to be Zwei instead we looked and saw Y/N tearing up and the one making the sniffing sound before starting to make whimpering sounds that just sounded horrible and I mean that by they were the saddest sound I ever heard. 

Y/N:" B-But daddy Uncle Qrow and mommy said I could how come you don't? Zwei might get lonely since we are all gone a lot of times. Had I been a bad son to you?" 

The poor kid looked so defeated then suddenly I fell on my knees and had a hard time breathing. I looked around and saw that the same thing was for Tai then I realized that it was coming from Summer who was giving off a pissed off look that would make Salem herself piss her pants.

To make matters a hell of a lot worst for Tai was when a teardrop from Y/N fell down and Raven came storming into the room with her katana and a similar killer look to Summer.

Raven*Pissed*:" WHO THE HELL MADE MY NEPHEW CRY?!?!?!"

 I probably should mention that ever since Summer and Tai adopted Esdeath and Y/N Raven has been more caring and compassionate so seeing this I smirked since this just got better for me, so being the kind gentleman I am answered by pointing to Tai. Both women stomped towards Tai but before they were able to tear him to shreds a whimper and a sad voice called out and looking towards my nephew made me hate myself.

Y/N:" Please don't hurt Daddy. it won't bring me a puppy please auntie and mommy." 

He said this before running towards Tai and spreading out his arms in a protective way.Seeing Y/N use his body as shield to protect Tai brought me back to the day Esdeath awakened her own semblance when that boarbatusk was coming for her and he pushed her out of the way so he would take the hit rather than her. Now I'm not saying Raven and Summer would hurt Y/N in anyway but just saying Raven's reputation as a violent near merciless person and Summer being a demon when someone she cares for is in trouble this is nothing short of fearless. Seeing this Summer and Raven calmed down but what I would never expect to see was Raven walking over and giving Y/N a hug yes a hug and wipe away his tears. 

Raven:" Shhh it's okay sweetie no one's gonna get hurt and I'm gonna make sure your Uncle gets you that puppy."

She finished that with a kiss to his forehead before letting go only for him to get hugged by Summer this time. 

Summer:" Raven's right honey no one will be hurt, though you might have to wait a week or two for a puppy since we're a little tight on work right now." 

I then remembered that there had been sightings of two creatures or as Jimmy had put it by this point "demons" that had been destroying villages lately and we've been busy trying to find them though we haven't gotten crap.I then saw Tai get up and catching his breath before proceeding to walk over to Y/N and put a hand on his head.

 Tai:" Y/N I just want to say you haven't been a bad son to me, you're the best son a parent could ask for it's just having a pet is a lot of responsibility and your still very young, but since you did heal Qrow and also protected Quill you can have a puppy." 

Y/N's eyes went from teary to star filled once her heard that before he jumped on and gave Tai a big hug that knocked him down. 

Y/N:" Thank you so much daddy! I promise I'll take good care of him or her! You don't need to worry!" 

{Flashback over} Present time:Three weeks. Summer's POV}
Well today's the day we get Y/N a new puppy after his training with Ironwood who surprisingly lately seems a little more laid back than he was before meeting Y/N. Right now Y/N is on my shoulders with his face in my hair while Esdeath who was training with Ironwood and wanted to see what would be the new pet was holding my hand and unsurprisingly Qrow was next to me drinking out of his flask and also flipping Tai's credit card in his hands. After the bullhead landed we started heading to the Altas Military Training Center and were greeted by Ironwood. 

Ironwood:" Ah I see you have arrived, good now to put it short Y/N and Esdeath you two will be working together on this mission and if you two manage to show great cooperation and power you'll both be rewarded something that will help you progress even more than you currently are. Now you'll be allowed to use your rapier and katana and your semblances but not any firearms or weapons that are long ranged. Understood?"

 Esdeath gave a smile while Y/N gave a cute salute before saying in unison "yes sir" I smiled at their cuteness though wondered what the mission was exactly. 

Summer:" Uh James what is the mission exactly?" 

Ironwood then gained a quick look of realization before giving a fake cough and looking at both me and Qrow.

 Ironwood:" Oh I didn't say well the mission is a Search and Destroy so there is a item they need to find and once they do they simply need to find a way to destroy it, though I want to add that while it seems simple the item is located where there will be obstacles and opponents that they'll need to defeat in order to get to it. They'll be three opponents and two obstacles so it'll be the greatest challenge we've given them so far." 

I felt dread creep over my whole body hearing that and looking down to both my kids I wondered whether I should even let them attempt a mission for actual soldiers or huntsman or even ones in training rather than a preteen and a 8 year old.But my fears were set aside when Y/N gave a confident smile and while pointing to himself and Esdeath said this.

 Y/N:" Me and my big sister got this in the bag General Ironwood, you have nothing to fear."

 Ironwood chuckled a little before saying to a soldier to get what was needed.

Ironwood:" Oh! I forgot to mention two things, they'll be a camera on both of them so if there's a situation too much for them, you two will go and save them, the second thing is that they will be another child working alongside them."

Me and Qrow were both surprised to hear that there was gonna be a third person with them, though the more the merrier I guess. 

Qrow:"Who is it?"

 Ironwood:"Weiss Schnee."

{Timeskip 10 minutes} Weiss's POV (Forgot to mention Esdeath is 12 at this time)
After a while the General returned and said it was time and I had to admit I was nervous since if I failed then it would be my fault that my family's name would be shamed. I then felt a pair of hands wrapping around my waist so turned around and looked to see my mother give me a smile and say that I got this.I smiled but then I remembered how my father would react if I failed but I ultimately decided to just focus on our mission since the thought of beating a Atlas Military challenge aftermath could be good. The General dropped us in a forest where he said we will find the item we need to destroy so with only our weapons, a map he gave us and each other we decided to start walking to see what obstacles or opponents there would be and it didn't take long to see one. A river that separated us from the path we had to follow and to make this worse the rapids were fast so going through the water was suicide. Then the boy who I learned was named Y/N turned to his older sister who was named Esdeath and like me could use ice.

Y/N:" Oh sis, Weiss I have a idea." 

He walked over to a good sized tree and pointed to the bottom of it.

Y/N:" Freeze the bottom of the tree and then I'll break it so the the tree can make us a bridge to the other side."

 The plan seemed simple but also made sense enough to work so I froze the bottom of the tree and then Y/N then drop kicked the frozen part, shattering it thus causing the tree to fall over and now we can continue now that we have made ourselves a bridge.... only to have fallen into a rather deep ditch. Y/N and Esdeath fell first but landed without issue but for me I just closed my eyes reading to embrace the pain only to feel a pair of strong arms to catch me. As I opened my eyes I saw Y/N face with a caring smile that to me looked so cute. Then I realized I was in his arms. ME in HIS arms.

Y/N:"Hey Weiss you okay? That was one heck of a fall."

 I was surprised that he was already this strong already now that I think about it, he shattered that ice like nothing then he caught me. 

Weiss:" I'm fine just a little shaken up please put me down." 

He was still holding me while looking up at where we fell in before he looked back at me with a look that pretty much said "any ideas?" I started to think of a way to get out of here before I felt a gust of wind from under me then before I knew what happen we were out of the ditch.

Y/N:" Your silence meant no so I just decided to jump us out."

 He said after putting me own and continuing to walk down the path, as I followed I started to wonder who or what our opponents would be. Grimm? Soldiers? Huntsman? My thoughts were cut off when I felt Y/N tap my shoulder and look at me with cautious eyes then looked towards my left with the same look.I asked if something was wrong and his response sent chills down my spine.

Y/N*Whisper*:" Keep it down I hear a pack of Beowolves too close for us to sneak away get your weapon." 

I quickly got my rapier and then looked to the direction he pointed at to see that he was right, I would say about 4-5 Beowolves emerge from the bushes with who I'm assuming the front one to be the Alpha which was proven by it's roar.

Y/N immediately started to charge up his electricity while me and Esdeath readied our ice, then the Alpha growled at it's group behind it and they charged at us. I saw Esdeath summon a ice spear and threw it at the closest one and it fell dead with the spear in it's skull, then Y/N ran over to the second closest one infused his fist with electricity and punch it so hard that it's head flew off. That speed was impressive I couldn't even see him move from where he was. The next one was going towards Y/N who responded by decapitating it with his sword and the next one I froze it's legs before stabbing it in the chest, twisting my sword and pulling it out.The Alpha looked around to see it was the last one so in a attempt to win I guessed it ran towards Y/N with it jaws wide open and what happened next was brutal to say the least. Y/N caught it by the jaws and then started sending electricity into it's mouth but he did in a way that was causing the creature to die a slow painful way before this happened.

(You are Michael and the victim's head is the Beowolf's)
I just stood there petrified to see Y/N kill in such a brutal way though technically it was self defense and we have a mission to complete so it didn't really matter at the moment. After that fiasco me and Y/N continued to walk in the path we were suppose to be going before Y/N broke the silence. 

Y/N*Concerned*:" Hey Esdeath, your okay right?"

  Esdeath:" Oh yeah I'm fine just the way that Alpha died shook me a little but you don't have to worry about me, just think about the last 2 opponents we have."

Y/N:" Weiss are you okay?" 

It took me a minute to respond but eventually I did. 

Weiss:" Of course I'm okay! I'm a Schnee after all!"

 He looked at me with a look of concern before it turned into a look of determination then a confident smile.

Y/N:" I'm just glad you two snowflakes okay, so come on General Ironwood gave our opponents death warrants and we got a prize to earn." 

He finished the sentence by sending a wink to us and a two finger salute while all I had was my sword, a crimson face and my heart feeling different. Esdeath was wondering where her little brother learned to be like this and then she had a feeling when I remembered when Uncle Qrow got beat up real bad by supposedly a "pack of Beowolves".

 Esdeath:"Oh my Oum."

{Atlas Military Base Camera Room Summer's POV}
Me, Qrow, Willow Schnee and the General were all in this camera room observing how my kids were doing and anyone will admit they were doing amazing especially towards that Beowolf pack, what surprised me was that Esdeath could now make weapons out of her ice, how she threw it with enough force to just destroy that Beowolf's skull, how quickly Weiss went to her immobilize her target then go in for the kill, also smart idea to freeze the other one's legs so it couldn't move and then deliver the finishing blow. For Y/N, his strength and speed were incredible all I could see was a blur and then boom! No head for two Beowolves, though for the Alpha that was one heck of a way for it to die and the fact that Y/N caught it by it's jaws and didn't react was certainly impressive.

 Qrow:"Damn! Talk about overkill! Y/N and Esdeath know how to kick some serious ass don't they Jimmy?" 

Ironwood:" Yes indeed all three of their skills with their weapons and semblances have improved since last time greatly and with what you told me he did to that Deathstalker and what Esdeath did to a Boarbatusk they should have no problem with their next opponent." 

Then to both Jame's and Qrow's surprise Y/N finished what he said to Esdeath and Weiss with a wink and a salute. 

Ironwood:" Uhh where did he learn to do that?"

 I glared at Qrow who chuckled nervously and walked to the other side of Ironwood since he didn't want to be bedridden again.

Willow:" I must say that young man certainly knows how to make a girl feel like a princess."

We all looked at her with confusion wondering what she meant. Willow gave a giggle before responding.

Willow:" I mean he made my daughter of all people blush and caught her like a knight in shining armor. I also feel that this young man may be much more powerful than he realizes."

{Esdeath's POV}
After a while we were at the side of a mountain where the map said had the cave we had to find so me and Y/N looked around for a way up there before we saw a path that lead there, but before we could something long came out of the bushes fast and almost hit me before Y/N grabbed it and threw it about 10 feet away from us.

Y/N:" You know Death Stalker a good name for this grimm."

 I looked at him a bit confused on what he meant but what caught my attention was the infuriated look on his face so I asked him why and his response was rather dark.

 Y/N:"Oh cause I have it's death warrant right HERE!"

 He then ran towards it and right when he was about to stab it with his sword I saw the electricity that his semblance gave off turn from blue to a bright red which went into the blade which when it entered the Death Stalker's back immediately caused it to start shaking violently then suddenly he decapitated it. I was awestruck for two reasons. One, seeing my little brother defeat another Death Stalker with ease and two seeing his semblance seemingly upgrade his electric power since it turned red when he got angry. After about 2 minutes he walked over two me and gave me a hug asking me if I was okay, while I should be asking him that since I wondered if when his semblance starts to upgrade his powers if it has a drawback that could hurt him potentially. I hugged him back before we started going up the path to the cave so we can finally finish what we started.

{Atlas Military Base Camera Room Qrow's POV}
Okay my nephew is gonna be the king of Hunters when he gets into Beacon at this rate cause just Goddamn his electricity seem to have gotten a upgrade and the red color looks bad-ass not gonna lie and he just tossed a full grown Death Stalker like you would trash then just sliced the hell out of it.I looked over to Summer and Jimmy to see impressed but also shocked looks on their faces, so safe to say they are gonna get whatever prize Jimmy has in store for them.

{Esdeath's POV}
Finally! We're here, that took forever but at least we have finally arrived at the entrance of the cave where we were suppose to destroy whatever the item was since Ironwood didn't specify on what we were suppose to even find in the first place. When we got to the opening we both saw how dark it was and I then realized that we still have one more opponent to fight and seeing how dark it was, this gave us a disadvantage that wouldn't be easy to overcome. 

Esdeath:" Hey Y/N this is a problem how could we fight a opponent if we can't even see them?"

 Y/N:" Don't worry sis, I have a idea though I would suggest getting your semblance and weapon ready since it'll be loud."

 I was a bit confused but I guess let there be light! Y/N activated his semblance and produced red lightning that lit up a decent enough portion of the cave then I realized what he meant the lightning made a pretty loud sound that would attract anything so I had to stay on my toes.

Y/N:" There we go nice, bright and red sis and if your wondering what I made it red instead of blue it's because I learned that you don't lose your vision with the color red."

(Fun Fact that is true, got it from a Red Cross guy) I giggled a little, gave him a smile and we started to walk deeper in the cave looking around for anything abnormal but couldn't though I had to admit I felt like we were being watched by something which I took a good guess was our final opponent. Then all of a sudden I felt a kind of energetic pressure and a sound that wasn't electricity, that was when Y/N shook my arm and pointed in front of us where a red portal that looked like to have been made out of fire stood.

Y/N:"Call me crazy sis but I think that's what we're suppose to destroy."

 I nodded without taking my eyes off of the portal, wondering whether this had something to do with our opponent or if we were suppose to go into it to find the item. My question was answered when I saw a Grimm I heard was incredibly strong walked out from the portal and just looking at it made me think I was actually looking at a demon and made me shiver.

The creature was looking around before it's eyes landed on us and after just a second it roared and charged at us. Luckily Y/N pushed me out of the way while he jumped high enough where the monster missed him. As my feet hit the ground I heard something wet underneath my shoes and as I looked down, I saw it was a red liquid and then I heard a pained groan from behind me so I turned to see a Boarbatusk that was gutted and had it's throat torn out. I heard the monster roar again and starting to stomp at the floor of the cave which was shaking the entire place and that's when I heard Y/N yell out for me to get out of the cave.

Y/N:" Esdeath, Weiss the roof is about to collapse we have to get out of here!"

 I immediately bolted to the entrance with Y/N right next to me and once we got outside I put him on my back and floated down to the ground since it would give us more room to fight this thing. I then saw the creature on top of the cliff jump down to us putting a crater where it landed, I shot my ice at it's right half while Weiss shot a ice ball and when it's entire right half was frozen Y/N shot a electric ball at it and completely shattered it, effectively cutting it half. We both smiled seeing what remained of the monster, happy that we defeated it before I heard what sounded...slimy? I then saw Y/N's face which was a expression of fear and shock before he pointed a shaking finger behind where I saw a sight that made my stomach drop: The half of the monster that we destroyed was healing and by the time I realized that it was completely healed like nothing happened from it's bones to it's hide. I had to admit that I was amazed since I never knew Grimm could heal to this kind of degree, though I had to put that thought aside as I saw Y/N send a bolt of electricity only for the monster to dodge it and charge at us again so I tried to freeze the ground which didn't work as it just shattered the ice once it made contact with it, I grabbed my Rapier and once I saw it get close enough I jumped up and stabbed it in the neck before taking it out and slashing it's back several times then I tried again to freeze it's legs and this time I succeeded. Once it's legs were frozen I made a ball of ice roughly the size of a football and threw it as hard as I could at the legs which got shattered but just like the first time the creature's wounds which would have killed just about any other Grimm regenerated from the neck stab to it's legs.Y /N decided to try by running to it with his fists infused with red electricity and started sending dozens of punches that also seemed to actually burn the monster's hide which I could tell from it's shrieks that it hurt bad though it just kept on regenerating it's wounds no matter what we did.

{Atlas Military Base Camera Room Ironwood's POV}
I... couldn't even move my mouth to talk once I saw this monster walk out of that portal. The Boarbatusk that it killed was suppose to be the kid's last opponent not this regenerating abomination. I never even seen a Grimm like this it's healing was incredibly enhanced compared to any other I have ever encountered and what made this one more disturbing was that it was to a extent more human looking compared to other Grimms. I shook my head as I realized that these kids couldn't win this fight so I turned to their understandably terrified Mother and Uncle. 

Ironwood:" You two need to get to that location immediately they can't beat that thing!"

 Hearing my words the two Hunters and some volunteers rushed to the area while I hoped that whatever this monster was that the kids could hold it off long enough for reinforcements to arrive.

{Y/N's POV}
I was still sending punches to this demon till it hit me with one right hook and as I was sent flying I crashed into a tree branch that stabbed me in the side while also breaking my left arm. 


 I grabbed my bleeding side with my right hand, ready to heal it before I got punched again which this time sent to the side of the mountain which didn't help my already broken arm and to make my fantastic situation even better was when I realized that the demon's arm was capable of getting longer which gave it a strong long ranged weapon especially now that I can also see that it can spout multiple of them.

Y/N:"Are you kidding me?!?!"

 I was getting frustrated but then I had a bad thought that if I just stayed here, Esdeath and Weiss could get hurt so I had to keep fighting this freak even if it kills me.

I got some electricity ready and shot it at the demon's horse part's head causing it to fall to the ground before it got back up and charged towards me I was ready to either hit it with some more electricity or get trampled, only for a white blur and what looked like a explosion knocked it to the side. I looked up to see my Mom and Uncle!

 Y/N:" Mom your here!?"

 Summer:"Oh my baby boy! *Hugging You* Your okay!"

 Y/N*Nervous laugh*:" Uh kinda, but that's not important we have to kill this demon." 

Qrow:" We will kid but you need to head back to Atlas while we handle this thing." 

Y/N:" But Esdeath and Weiss are still fighting it, I have to help them!"

 Summer:" Don't worry sweetie we'll beat this thing but we need you to be somewhere safe so we don't have to worry about casualties. We'll save your sister and friend"

After that the two members of Team STRQQ started to attack the monster only for the same thing that happened with the young trio to happen to the two Hunters. No matter what attacks they hit it with it just regenerated like nothing happened and what made this creature seemingly more unkillable was that not only could it heal it kept letting out a roar that send such strong wind pressure that the Atlas soldier's bullets were being sent back to them. Then all of a sudden a tree was thrown out of the forest towards the group but Esdeath was able to turn it into such brittle ice that it shattered when a soldier fired a single shot at it, looking at where it was thrown from we saw this.

{Y/N's POV}
Qrow:" Are you fucking kidding me?!?! We already have this Headless Horseman ripoff now this? Oum where are they coming from anyway?!?!"

I just was there feeling what Uncle Qrow was feeling frustration, annoyance and most of all rage just pure rage I was feeling something different inside but I knew I had to continue fighting these demons before anything else. I activated my electric healing on my left arm and bleeding side so that I wouldn't pass out from blood loss. The ice demon started attacking the soldiers by sending ice shards while also being unfazed by the bullets that were hitting it, so Mom started shooting it with fire dust that did hurt it but Uncle Qrow couldn't help her since the demon with the healing factor was still alive and absolutely destroying everything while Esdeath and Weiss kept trying to hit it with ice but no matter what it just fought and dodged like it's life depended on it. Eventually Weiss did manage to hit it but that didn't do anything but anger the monster but really scared me was when the monster knocked Weiss down to the ground and hit Esdeath towards Qrow which knocked him down hard, the monster hovered over Weiss with it's jaws wide open just inches from her face. Right at the moment, that rage I was feeling started to bubble over cause I felt useless seeing how I couldn't help Weiss, my older sister, my uncle or my mother but I knew I needed to keep trying even though I felt like I was about done.....till I heard a voice talk to me.

???:" You want to save them boy?" Fine then accept the power every demon FEARS!" 

I was confused but then I felt my skin heat up before I felt and saw fire come from me! But I wanted this jerk to feel the pain he gave me and for what he's doing to my family and new friend so I started to summon my electricity but what made me even more surprised was seeing that the electricity was a midnight black color rather than red or blue, so at the same time I combined my newly improved electricity and newly attained fire and was ready to kill two demons.

{Weiss's POV}
I saw the monster's mouth just inches away from my face so I just cried since my weapon was away from me and I knew I couldn't hit it off of me, but then the monster was punched off for me and when I looked I saw it was Y/N that saved me but I saw him with a power I didn't know he had. He then looked at me with fire coming out of his right eye while lightning coming out of his left and he had a caring genuine smile that made me feel safe.

Y/N:" Go to my Uncle Weiss. I got this."

He gives me a wink before a all out one on one battle happens.

(0:44-3:00 You are All Might and the Demon is the Nomu. the 4 students are Summer, Qrow Esdeath and Weiss is Deku)

Everyone was absolutely shocked to hell to see this 8 year old pummeling this monster that two members of the greatest Hunters team that has ever existed couldn't even hurt even the ice monster was so shocked that it stopped it's attacks on the army and hunters. Then Y/N decided to finally end this and he did in terrifying fashion as his flames intensified into a blue color and his lightning became 12 foot tendrils that swayed on his back so when the monster landed he did this.

All that remained of that Grimm was a pile of smoldering ashes that blew into the wind before a bright red orb came from the pile and went inside of Y/N engulfing temporarily in a red light before dying out. Y/N then turned his attention to the ice monster before just showing up to the monster's face so fast it looked like he teleported before sending a punch that sent it over 20 feet away from everyone, quickly going around the soldiers to use his electricity to heal them and went to Esdeath and Weiss.

Y/N:" Please tell me you girls are okay?!"

 We both nodded still shocked to see this child come out victorious to that "Super Grimm" after that he turned around to the ice monster limping towards the group again but before it could unleash a attack. 

Y/N:" Okay I was just planning on hanging out with my older sister, new BFF, making my family proud and then getting a puppy but you and that Headless Horseman ripoff just had to ruin it! So for that your death warrant proclaims a painful blazing death!" 

Y/N started to engulf his body in still blue fire before firing it and once it hit his target the monster died right away since well blue fire vs ice quite a uneven match up with a clear orb being absorbed into Y/N's body.

Everything was just silent pure silence engulfed the area after the two battles that had taken place in front of them all. A mere 8 year old had taken on two demons, one with ice powers and  towered over almost everything and the other with a regeneration ability that made it seem immortal and still comes out the victor. Y/N then looked around to everyone and then without a word he grabbed his sword and once again heard that voice that apparently gave him his new power.

???:" Well done, better than I would ever expect now I know what you want to do so for that simply focus where you want to go and slice a X in thin air."

Y/N looked at his sword and decided to see what would happen, unsheathing his sword he slice a big X which created a blue portal pulsating with ethereal like energy. Y/N proceeded to walk through it and was back at the entrance of the cave he was suppose to be at.

{Y/N's POV}
Man, General Ironwood wasn't kidding when he meant that this was gonna be the biggest challenge he would give us so far but why would he need a portal? Whatever looks like I just need to destroy it and everything will be okay. I walked to where me, Weiss and Esdeath found the portal and wouldn't you know it it was still there but now that I think about if my sword could create portals could it also erase them? I thought it wouldn't hurt to try so I walked over the portal and was about to just slice it down the middle before something small popped out of the portal. I looked down and saw that it was a puppy a kinda cool looking one with pure red eyes, black fur with some glowing orange fire color spots on it's back and the tip of it's tail and a curious look on it's little face. I bent down and gently put my hand on it's head which is when the puppy started to lick my hand then jump up in my arms.I smiled seeing that this mission has given me what Uncle Qrow promised before I sliced the portal away and made one heading back to the Atlas Military Base.

{Timeskip 1 hour Summer's POV}
It's been about a hour since the kids have returned from their mission and it's been hectic in that hour. Soldiers ran around the area wonder how something like this had happened and what that Grimm was. Willow was comforting her daughter who had nearly died by that monster's hand or rather jaws. Esdeath was sitting on my lap and like me and Qrow thanking Oum for showing mercy unlike how Y/N did those two bastards. Speaking of Y/N, he was currently staring at his left hand which was emitting a small blue flame while his right was emitting black electricity looks like his semblance once again upgraded his electric powers but how did he get fire powers? Also like he was promised he got a puppy but not only was it free he said it came from the portal that the "demon" came out of so hopefully it won't go insane. After a little while longer James came back and said he was gonna talk to the parents and the child in separate time which was fine by us since whatever he had to say to Willow and Weiss wasn't any of our business. After James was done with the Schnees, me, Qrow and the kids went to speak to him and when we got to his office he had two golden vase like objects on his desk.

Ironwood:" Now I want to start by saying I am terribly sorry about what happened since that wasn't meant to happen at all you three were meant to fight a Boarbatusk not whatever that was but what's in these two containers are what will help you in the future in case you two ever come against another one of those."

Both of the kids looked at each other before nodding their heads and walking towards Jame's desk and each grabbing one of the containers. 

Ironwood:" Now all you need to do is drink the substance and if will grant a random ability and in case your wondering what it is, it's a form a blood that grants humans power though don't worry it was tested by our finest to be guaranteed safe though the taste will be horrible."

Esdeath was the first to drink the whole thing though after she was done she immediately started gagging saying it tasted like cherry medicine. Y/N just chugged the whole thing in about two seconds before he gave a little burp.

Ironwood:" Well you didn't throw up that's something now by tomorrow you'll gain your new power and I think you should take a break off of training oh and you might as well take these."

 He finished that by handing Esdeath and Y/N two scrolls. 

Y/N:"Will do General!"

He gave a salute before taking Esdeath's hand and walking out. We followed them out only to be met with Willow and Weiss who was hiding behind her leg, 

Summer*Thoughts*:" Weird thought they would have left by now knowing what Willow's job is."

 Willow:" Sorry to disturb you but my daughter has something to say to your son."

 Can this day get anymore eventful? First my son fights two demons one that seemed to be impossible to kill while the other was about 20 feet tall, he gets a dog from a portal where the same monster came out of and now the wife of the CEO of one of the largest dust companies on the  planet wants to speak to my son. Y/N walked towards Willow who held her hand out for a handshake only for Y/N to take her hand, get on one knee and kiss her hand before standing back up. I stood there with my jaw on the floor just seeing my son act like a gentleman or as Willow put it when Y/N caught Weiss, a knight before I glared at Qrow cause I knew where Y/N got this from.

Willow:" Well, well quite a gentleman and a hero." She then got on her knees and shockingly hugged him.

Willow:" Thank you so much for saving my little girl, the Schnee family is forever in your debt for your bravery."

 Y/N hugged her back and then gave her a warm smile.

Y/N:"All in a day's work for a future Huntsman Mrs.Schnee."

I couldn't help but smile seeing my little boy having at such a young grown to be a hero and a unstoppable one at that. Then Weiss stepped up to Y/N with a almost completely red face before like Willow throwing her arms around him for a big hug and her face in his chest.

Weiss:" Thank you! Thank you! Thank you for saving me Y/N! Your my knight in shining armor."

 Y/N smiled before hugging Weiss and patting her back. 

Y/N:" Of course I would save you Weiss that's what a Huntsman does besides *Smirks* I couldn't let a beautiful princess get hurt now can I?"

 Weiss's face became the definition of crimson while Willow and Qrow had big smirks on their face while I had my hand on mine.

Summer:" Well I think it's time for us to go home now but it was nice meeting you Willow and Weiss."

 As we were about to leave Weiss grabbed Y/N's hand and pecked 

his cheek before running back to her mother.
[Timeskip 2 hours Summer's POV]
Finally we have arrived back to Patch after what had to be one of the longest days in my whole life and for my children to get crushed by the hugs of their father,aunt and siblings.

Raven:" Oh, thank Oum you two are okay! We saw what happened from Ironwood!"

 I was shocked that they already knew what happened while I was still trying to process what happened, but before I could respond to what Raven said Yang and Ruby had some words to say to their brother. 

Ruby:"That was so awesome big brother! You destroyed those meanies and saved a girl like that superheroes in my comic books."

 Yang:" Yeah that was so cool, you really showed those Grimm who's boss and I heard that you got a reward from Ironwood!"

Y/N:" Actually I got a few, I got a new power when I killed that demon, me and Esdeath will get new powers tomorrow when General Ironwood gave us some drink, we both got cool scrolls and I got a kiss on the cheek by a princess." 

When Y/N finished that sentence everyone had a different reaction, Raven had a sly grin on her face, Tai had a shocked look on his face and a look to Qrow that said 'What have you done?' Ruby had stars in her eyes when she heard that but for Yang she had a angry look and red eyes instead of her normal lilac.

Yang:" What!?!? You got kissed by a girl?! Why?!"

 Y/N:" Well I saved her life so I guess that was her way of thanking me." 

Yang still looked pretty angry with a pout and refusing eye contact with anyone. Y/N walked towards her and pet her head before giving her a kiss on the forehead.

Y/N:" Don't be like that Yang, your still my big sister but when I see someone in trouble I got to help them plus you get prettier ever day I see you."

 Yang gave a smile despite being as red as a tomato, before looking down to see the reason Qrow has Tai's credit card.

Yang:*Gasp*:" Is that your new puppy?!" 

Y/N:" Yep! And Uncle Qrow told me she's a girl so I came up with a name for her." 

Raven:" Did you sweetie? What is her name?" 

Y/N:" It's Ember because her fur resembles fire embers."

Tai:" That's good buddy your already showing responsibility with a pet I'm proud of you."

 Y/N*Bright smile*:" Thank you So much daddy I promise I won't let any of you down." 

Adults*Thoughts*:"Anyone who dares harms my nephew/son will die by my hands." 

Esdeath*Thought*:" Y/N I know you will grow to be the greatest Huntsman of all time and I can't show how proud I am of you."

Ruby*Thoughts*:" I have the best big brother in the world!" 

Yang*Thoughts:" I want to marry him so bad!!!!"

[Y/N's POV]
After mom made us dinner, I decided to go to bed because today was exhausting so I brought Ember to my room and laid her on my bed. I laid down but before I went to asleep I put my new scroll on the desk next to me with a reminder that I'm not suppose to train and turned to my right side ready to sleep but before I could I felt a pair of arms hug my back who I assumed was Yang or Ruby, so I just let them be in my bed and closed my eyes to embrace the soothing world of dreaming.

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