
(Sorry it looks a little weird but Wattpadd is being weird)

A man in his 20's named Damien is seen comforting his wife Lilith as she stares with tears at yet another pregnancy test that says not pregnant.The two can't count how many times they have tried to have a child though they do know that it seems that fate will not be kind enough to grant them their single wish.                                                

Lilith:" Why? Just why can I have just one single child?! Goddammit, just why?!?!"

Damien:" I don't know honey but I promise you that we will one day have a child of our own and raise them with love and support whatever they what to do in their lives, even if I have to give my life."

Unbeknownst to the sobbing couple a man was walking by and can see that they were having troubles and decided to help them out.

RS(Random Stranger) "Hey uhh sorry I can tell this is a bad time but I think that whatever problem you folks have that it can be helped."

Lilith:*Depressed*" How? I can't for the life of me get pregnant,no matter what we try it always comes back negative!"(says with tears of sadness then throws the pregnancy test away from her) 

RS:" I see well I think I know someone that can help you though be warned he's a bit strange and just really creepy."

Damien*Shocked*:" Wait you know someone that can help our situation?! Please tell us where we can find him! Me and my wife can finally have a family with his help!"

RS(With A Cautious Tone):" Okay but before I tell you you need to know that he makes rather....disturbing "deals" in order for you to get what you want and when you do it tends to just come out of nowhere with no trace."

Damien*Confused*:" What do you mean?"

RS:"Just that, pure mystery on how he does it."

Damien*Looks over to his wife to see her in tears and with a desperate look on her face*: We'll do whatever it takes."

RS*Sighs*:" Alright *Writes A Few Words On A Piece Of Paper*"Here's the address, oh one more thing go when it's dark out that's the only time he's willing to do anything."

Lilith*Ecstatic With Tears Of Joy*: "Thank you so much! Finally we can have a family of our own, a child to love and raise."

Her voice eventually become incoherent mumbles due to her thoughts of what to do with her hope to be soon potential child.

Damien*Looks at paper*:" Hey wait a second I never heard of this place, are yo-"

He Looks up to only see no one, no stranger standing before him who gave him this rather comforting information. Thinking nothing of it he decides to get ready to find this man so him and his wife can finally find happiness. While at a different location, the random stranger is now talking to a older man. He was already balding with a steel cane that had a small silver red eyed skull on it, along with that he wore an all black outfit that matched the shadows they were hiding in. But the most prominent features he had was his face that seem almost always emotionless and unfazed though at times there was a grin that appeared though it showed someone plotting.

RS*Annoyed*" There I did your dirty work now pay me my damn money old man!"

Older man*Evil Chuckle* "Well a hard day's work requires a hard day's pay."

                                                  RS*Suddenly coughs up something and doubles over* Wha?! *Cough* what di*Blech*

                        Older man:" I hope your willing to take diamonds, they're undermined but priceless when cut, though you may have to cut the rest out of your lungs."

[Timeskip:Location Change]

Damien is currently looking for the address that the stranger had given him just 12 hours prier, though he can't shake the feeling of dread that was filling the place that he ended up in. 

Damien: "He said it would be around here*Looks around*But all these houses are all boarded up and foreclosed, no one should be living here and even if they were these buildings look to unstable to really hold anything. It's a miracle that any of them are even still standing.

Damien*In Thoughts:" Should I head back home? There's not a soul here but what do I tell my wife?"

 Then suddenly he hears a somewhat deep voice call out his name. He looks around for the voice in the darkness that surrounded him.

?????:Looking for me young man?

Damien looks behind himself and sees a older man looking at him with a creepy smile while standing in a pitch black alley.

Damien*In Thoughts*:" Is this the guy I'm suppose to meet?"

Damien:" H-Hi there was a man that told me to come here to find a guy who can help me with a problem I have, are you by any chance him?"

Older man: " Depends on what 'problem' you have and on whether we can strike a deal for it."

Damien:" Well to start off my problem is that me and my wife are trying to have a child but no matter what we try nothing works.

Older man:" I see,well I can indeed help you with your situation though what are you truly willing to trade in for your desire to be fulfilled young man? After all *Deeper Voice*Nothing comes free to those who make deals.

Damien*Nervous*:" I'm willing to do anything to get me and my wife to finally have a complete family.

(1:27-The end)

Damien:" But I didn't put my name so how does that-?"       

                                      Stranger:" Don't you worry about that, just go home and by morning you will be proud husband to a happy and pregnant wife now if you will excuse me I have other business I must attend to. Have a nice night."
                                                                                                                                                                  Damien:*Skeptical*" Wait!"  "What do you get-?"

 Stranger*Grins Creepily*:" You'll find out one day just not today."                                       

Damien then decides he had enough creepiness for one night and decides to head home but decides to make a quick stop to pick something up for his wife.

    {Timeskip Morning 9:00}

Damien awakes to a sudden cry coming from his house hallway. Shocked he runs out of his bedroom and looks for the source, it doesn't take long for the silence to be replaced by crying. 

    Lilith:" Damien come quick I'm in the bathroom!"

Damien storms into the bathroom to see his wife on the floor crying her eyes and seemingly hiding something in her hand.

Damien*Worried Tone*: "Honey, are you okay?! What happened?!"

Bending down to tend to his wife to try to understand what happened.                                                                                               

She said in a breaking voice before handing him the pregnancy test he bought her the night prior to see if the stranger with whatever he did managed to uphold his end of the bargain. To Damien's pure shock he sees the pregnancy test with a plus sign meaning only one thing.

Damien:" Your pregnant!?"

 He asks overjoyed thinking that now finally him and a family have what they always wanted. With tears of joy still in her eyes Lilith simply nods and hugs Damien with all her might.

{Timeskip-6 months}

Damien's POV

After 6 months and finally a successful impregnation me and Lilith start planning our future. I myself though just couldn't shake the train of thoughts about the man that I made a deal with and the words he said 'You'll find out one day just not today' What did he mean by that? Then suddenly my thoughts were interrupted when I heard the doorbell ring so I got up to open the door and looked around outside only to see it raining heavily with flashes of lightning that seem to be getting closer to hitting a building. I was thinking who in the hell would be out here in this weather, part of me didn't want to go outside to see due to how suspicious it seemed but curiosity got the better of me so I decided to at least go see who it was. Going out I was met with a burst of strong wind, rain and a confusing sight. Nothing there was nobody standing at the door at first so I thought this was some kind of stupid prank before I heard a light sound below me and looking down I saw a child covered by a blanket in a basket.   

                     Damien*Shocked*:" What the fuck?! Wait what why is there a child here?!" 

I took the little girl in my house to see if there was any information about her, then a letter fell out of the basket she was in. Reading it informed that her name was Esdeath, that she was 3 years old and why she was placed at my doorstep. Apparently her mother died when she was born and her father who was taking care of her was out with her then heard from one of his friends on his scroll that their village was under attack from a large pack of Beowolves, so her father then saw my house and believing he won't survive and wanting his daughter to have a family placed her care to me.      

    Damien*Shocked With Tears*:" Jesus I-I can't believe this we're just 3 months away from having our first child and now we have another one who just lost her father and never even had a mother?! "

Just then Lilith walked out hearing the commotion and when I turned around with the sleeping child in my arms she was actually a happy though obviously still shocked, I told her the situation and that we maybe having a second child. Needless to say that night gotten eventful,  when Esdeath woke up she was confuse looking at where she was and at me scared since she obviously didn't know me, but explaining to a three year old who had no mother for 3 years that her father may be dead was something I wasn't willing to do but knew had to be done so I told her that her father wasn't coming back which caused her to burst into tears and surprisingly hug me. She then asked me will her father be a angel which I responded with yes since just from the note he was a good man to his daughter and his village. 

{Timeskip 3 months and 2 weeks}

Raven's POV

While I was flying around looking for my dumb ass brother and sister having the sick feeling they were drunk, I suddenly heard something  wooden creaking where I was flying which confused the hell out of me since it wasn't normal or even rare to find someone cutting down a tree here then looking forward I saw a tree that was thrown at me like a spear. I transformed back into my human form and landed on the ground to get out of crushed only to look forward and see one ugly son of a bitch with a pissed off look.

Raven:" What the hell are you?! There's no way your a grimm but *Unsheathes Omen* guess it doesn't matter you tried to kill me, so I'll return the favor except I'll fulfill it."

I didn't expect any kind of response from this thing only for it to let out a scream that hurt my ears and lunge at me.I  first started to slash at it's hands since those claws are much longer than any grimm I ever fought at it's height but that proved ineffective cause when I succeeded it healed it's whole arm back in a matter of seconds! What the hell?! Okay whatever this goddamn thing is I got to tell my team since no grimm, anything or anyone I ever fought could heal a whole limb back like nothing. After realizing that problem and the fact that this creature wasn't letting up, I came to the conclusion in order to kill it I had two options, to either destroy it's head or simply decapitate it since I realized that it seemed protective of it. Easier said than done.I shot a ice bullet at it to slow it down only for it to take the hit and break out of it like nothing same thing for fire and lightning though the lightning seemed to have a stronger effect than the other two so after SEVERAL dozen lightning bullets and slashes from Omen I realized that the creature started to stop healing it's wounds then I came up with a idea:Use a gravity bullet and while it's suspended jump up from the side and cut it head off.I loaded the bullet and shot the bitch right in it's right eye. While it was screeching and grabbing it's now empty eye socket, I saw a figure jump up from the side and do what I was planning on doing.

Looking at the figure that stole my kill, I let out a annoyed sigh not because I didn't get the kill the thing that tried to kill me but rather who did: My little sister Quill. She looked over to the creature's corpse with a amused grin on her face before turning to me and asking where our brother was and what I was fighting. I was even more annoyed now knowing that she didn't know where that idiot was but I did tell her I had no idea what it was and that it was best to tell our team and Ozpin since this thing could heal and was one of the toughest things I had ever fought before.

Quill:" Yo Raven I think I know what it was."

Interested I asked her.

Raved:" Oh really then what is it?"

Quill:" A demon just look at it!"

 She got excited over this since she killed it but when she said "demon" I stared at the corpse and actually wondered whether it really was.

 Still Raven's POV                                                                                                         

  Me and Quill were still wandering to village after village after searching every bar for our drunkard brother since we had to tell him about the "demon" as Quill puts it that we fought early today,but now that it's getting dark and with Quill constant yapping about getting to be the 'first ever demon to get killed by a huntress' I was about to give up and just head back until Quill grabbed my shoulder and pointed to the sky about what I'd say 10 miles away from us to see a orange glow that was increasing by the minute. Christ I have fought something that might as well be a demon and now a big village fire? Well I am a huntress so I had to help those people. Quill had already transformed and went towards the scene while I had a thought where our brother might be.I got Omen and sliced a portal to Qrow and as I walked through I saw that he was already their killing the exact same thing that I was fighting earlier except it had friends.One was sneaking up on him so I shot a ice bullet to it's head and then sliced it off it's shoulders while I told him that the only sure way of killing these things were to destroy the head or cut it off it shoulders,he nodded while turning his weapon from a sword into a scythe and continued killing these demons since that was the only word to describe these ugly freaks. When Quill arrived, I told her and Qrow to fight these things while I got the villagers to safety which to half a hour since it was a rather small village to start with,I was about to head back to my siblings till I heard a scream coming from somewhere I looked around fast to find who screamed till I saw her a little girl with a basket right next to her crying against a wall while one of those freaks looked at her and raised it's claw ready to go for the kill. Immediately, I fired a lightning bullet at it's head and ran towards it then stabbed it in the chest I turned to the little girl and then at the basket to see a crying infant that looked as it it had only just been born a week or two ago! I asked the little girl where her parents were although it took time for her to calm down enough I waited only for her to point to a burned down house with two body next to it one was a woman that looked to have been stabbed in the chest by a claw and then at a man that had a deep bite wound on his left side that looked like it bled him dry considering how pale he was.I looked at the girl and child and knew goddamn well I wasn't gonna leave them here so I picked them up ran towards my siblings who have finished killing the last of these homicidal bastards and told them it was time to go.

{Timeskip 3 hours after incident once again still Raven's POV}       

                      After whatever the hell that was I explained what happened tot the poor children's parents to my siblings and told the little girl I knew someone that could take care of her and her little brother. At first she was a little hesitant since she said she was adopted only 3 months ago and that just 2 weeks ago her brother was born which shocked the holy hell out of me that this girl was already adopted at this age. I assured her though that the people that would be her new family are skilled huntsman and huntress so she'll have nothing to worry about especially with me, Qrow and Quill around after a bit she finally smiled and hugged me to thank me for saving her and her brother.When we finally arrived at Summer and Tai's house the girl hid behind me since she still was scared, Qrow then being the moron he his kicked the door down and announced our presence seconds later Tai, Summer holding my new born daughter Yang and their pet Corgi Zwei showed to ask us if we were okay after I called them to tell them everything that happened from me meeting that demon to me saving Esdeath. Then Summer looked down to see the girl who I learned also chose the name for her brother behind my leg so she got on one knee with a warm smile on her face.

Summer:" Well hello there little girl I'm assuming your the one my friend here saved?" 

Esdeath still a little shaky managed to reply.

 Esdeath:" Y-Yes ma'am me and my little brother got saved by miss Raven."

Tai then made his presence known when Esdeath said little brother and asked where he was, to which Esdeath showed the cutie in his basket sound asleep after a hour of me and Quill trying to get him to calm down. Summer eyes went like a puppies when she saw him then Tai asked Esdeath if she had any other family besides her parents to which she looked down in sadness and slowly shook her head and that's when Quill made a suggestion that would certainly go down as one of her best.

Quill:" Hey Summer how about you adopt them?"

 Everyone's eyes went wide when she said that but then Summer got on her knees and asked Esdeath if she was okay with that.

Esdeath*With Tears*:" Yes! I promised that I would be the best big sister to my baby brother but I can't do that without a mommy and daddy so please for my brother latest he's all I have left". 

With that Esdeath L/N became Esdeath Branwen and for Zander, he became Zander Branwen as well.

All right that's the prologue.Any videos and pictures I used do not belong to me and belong to their respectful owners.Also this is my very first time writing a story every so I do apologize if it's not good but I promise I'll get better in time.

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