Learning the truth

(Play this when the Ghost Rider part happens )

{Timeskip Morning Y/N's POV your still 8}
Y/N*Yawn*:" Mmm damn that was a good sleep. Wait my new power should be manifesting today! Oh I can't wait to see what it is."

 I then remembered that someone decided to cuddle with me last night so I decided to see who it was since their arms were still around my back but when I turned over to my side I expected to see either Yang, Ruby or maybe even Esdeath but it wasn't either three instead what I saw was a girl Faunus around my age. I was definitely shocked to seeher with thousands of questions racing in my mind I knew I wanted answered: Where did she come? Why is she in my house? How did she get in here without anyone noticing? And as I was looking around the one question I wanted answered the most where was Ember?! I then noticed that the girl was starting to wake up so I quietly got out of bed and was ready in case she tried anything. Finally she woke up looking around before her eyes which had red pupils like my Uncle and Aunt landed on me, she then gave a cute smile before getting out of my bed and....bowing to me? 

Y/N*Confused:" Uh hi there, why are you bowing to me and what's your name?"

???:" Oh yes good morning master, the reason I'm bowing is because you saved me from being stuck in that portal so I'm showing my gratitude and also for your other question, can you actually try and guess please?" 

When she said that I was honestly a bit intrigued so I decided what the hell. I started to analyze her and saw some of her features: Dog ears so most likely a dog or some kind of canine Faunus, her fur was black with some orange to it the biggest being the tip of her tail. Her eyes again were red that seemed to kinda glow but something I realized that I missed a important thing she mentioned a "portal" and the fact she looked like my dog made me think of a crazy answer but it was worth a shot.

Y/N:" Is your name Ember? The puppy I got yesterday?" 

She gave a big bright smile immediately after I answered before jumping around in place.

Ember:" Your are correct master! I am indeed your puppy though I'm not what humans call a "Faunus" I'm actually a completely different species."

 Now I was very intrigued, "A completely different species" Wait was she a demon!? 

Y/N:" Well why species are you?" 

Ember*Nervous*:" Well I'm a hell hound."

 Y/N:" Hellhound? You mean the demon dogs that guard the gates of Hell?"

 Ember seemed surprise that I knew what hell hounds were meant to do but I also noticed that her ears became droopy so I knew that meant she was getting afraid or was sad.

Ember:" Y-yes I understand if your afraid or hate me but I couldn't lie to the person that saved me from my dimension." 

Y/N:" Ember I would never hate you, whether you were human, Faunus or demon cause I can tell you have a good heart. That's why I brought you home with me because I knew you weren't a threat to me or my family."

 She just looked at me shocked before tears started to form in her eyes, I was afraid I said something wrong before she threw her hands around me and gave me a pretty strong hug. 

Ember*Ecstatic*:" Oh thank you thank you thank you! I promise you master that I will obey whatever command you give and do my best to be the best pet for you!" 

I was happy that she was happy but I was still a little confused why she kept calling me master and how she even turned into a puppy into resembling a Faunus.

 Y/N:" Hey Ember why do you keep calling me master and how did you transform into this?"

 Ember let go of me and gave me another smile that showed little fangs that I thought looked cute.

Ember:" Well back in my dimension we always called our bosses master and since your my pet owner then that makes you technically my new master and for your other question it's actually one of the powers that I have." 

Y/N:" Ah that makes sense anyway what are your powers if you don't mind me asking?"

 Ember:" Of course I don't mind master. I can manipulate Hell-fire and natural fire, my senses are stronger than Faunus's senses, my physical strength, speed, durability, stamina and other things are enhanced beyond what most humans and grimm are capable of, I have these really sharp claws, I have a healing factor that gets stronger for every demons I eat, I can phase through solid stuff and also my favorite one I can make people see their biggest fears just by looking into their eyes."

Y/N:" Whoa! Those are some of the coolest powers I ever heard of! I bet you would be a great huntress or demon hunter Ember! Hey, maybe me and you will be able to work together!"

 Ember seem very very happy when I said that but there was something I wanted to get out of the way, her calling me master just seemed a little weird but I could tell that making her stop that all together maybe a bit much so I just decided to leave it besides I had bigger problems to face.

Y/N:" Hey Ember can you please stay by my side at all times or around someone in my family? I don't want you to get hurt or them getting scared by meeting another demon."

 Ember:" Of course Master! You can rest assured that the order will be followed." 

I smiled before the biggest problem finally dawned on me, how was I going to explain this to my family that the puppy I got just yesterday is a demon? Then again she was a kind soul so they probably would understand, and I'm sure Yang and Ruby would like another female around but I can do that later since I just woke up and just want some breakfast.

Y/N:" Okay Ember I'm gonna go down and get some breakfast don't worry I'll bring you some but whenever I'm gone or someone else is around, I need you to stay in your puppy form till I explain to my family this okay?" 

Ember:" Okay master I will though why would you bring me breakfast isn't that my job?"

 Y/N*Chuckle*:" Don't worry I can get it also I want to test something out anyway." 

I gave her a kiss on the forehead before opening my door to check if the coast was clear then walking downstairs to see if my family was there and as I kinda expected their were in the kitchen with mom making breakfast, my dad reading the newspaper, my Uncle and both Aunts were cleaning their weapons, Zwei was well being adorable and my three sisters at the table talking to each till Ruby noticed me and ran to me to give me a big hug.

Ruby:" Good morning big brother!"

 I chuckled and hugged her back before I gave a wink to both Esdeath and Yang who both blushed a little and for Auntie Raven to laugh a little.

Summer:" Good morning honey, how was your sleep?" 

Y/N:" Refreshing and satisfying like kicking demon ass"

 Both Mom, Auntie Raven and Auntie Quill who were silent gasped before Mom ran to me with wide eyes.

Summer:" Y/N where did you learn that word?!"

 Mom seemed shocked before a look of anger went over her face before she stared at Uncle Qrow who looked terrified so I told my mom the truth.

Y/N:" I heard Daddy say that one time when he was angry." 

Mom's Auntie Raven and Auntie Quill's stares then went to my dad who looked like what I looked like when I fought that demon and then ran out of the house with the three women on pursuit.

{Timeskip 20 minutes Qrow's POV}
Oh my Oum! Finally Tai get's what he deserved for ditching me when I needed him, let's see how  he likes being bedridden. I looked at Y/N who sent me a smirk yep I taught him well on how to be a bad ass. 

Qrow:" Yo kiddo where did you actually learn that word?" 

Y/N:" I actually learned it from daddy. I heard him saying when he lost to a guy in some kind of game so I typed on my scroll to see what it meant and learned other words like it."

Huh so really Tai did actually have that coming no matter if he helped me or not.

Y/N:" Also I remember actually seeing you get beaten up so I thought you would like Daddy to pay for leaving you like that."

Okay I might actually have to get a DNA test for him cause he might be my son if he knows what I'm thinking or what I would do.

Qrow:" Dang kid you make me more proud each day, anyway how can I repay you for helping me finally have payback?" 

He looked behind at his sisters to see that they were talking to each other about whatever before he grabbed a plate of bacon and my hand and led me upstairs to his bedroom or really at his door before he decided to let me in on something.

Y/N:" Well Uncle you remember when General Ironwood said there was something we had to destroy and that was a portal where the demon came out of?"

 I shook a little since that demon was not a pushover nor was it merciful but nevertheless nodded and asked him if it had something to do with that.

Y/N: "It does though just know your the first person that I'm showing so please don't freak out or tell anyone yet."

I had to admit I was surprised but also interested in what he meant plus I said I would pay him back and I damn sure am not going back on my word. 

Qrow:" Alright bud you got my word, not a soul will be told by me."

He gave a big smile let out a breath then opened his door where his new dog Ember was on the bed before jumping off and jumping into his arms where he patted her head. I looked around a little but didn't see anything out of the ordinary till Y/N when to close the door and put Ember down. I heard him whisper in her ear something before he walked to me and said this.

Y/N:" Okay well here goes nothing."

 Then right before my very eyes I saw the little dog transform into a young girl with Faunus features. I didn't know how to react how the hell did this happen and when did Y/N learn of this!? 

Ember*Scared*:" H-h-hello mister my name's Ember, the dog Y/N got yesterday." 

What in the hell, first I help Summer fight a demon that could heal from whatever we did to it, a ice giant motherfucker that looked impossible to hurt, my 8 year old nephew kicks both of their asses while getting new powers, I watch with my own freaking eyes the wife of the CEO of the Schnee Dust Company hug him and her daughter kiss his cheek and now this?! Damn at least I can't say that my life is boring. 

Qrow:" Y/N what is going on?" 

Y/N gave a nervous chuckle while rubbing the back of his neck then started explaining that Ember was a Hellhound that escaped her home dimension through the same portal the demon came out yesterday, she has several powers like shapeshifting so that's how she turned into a dog and that now Y/N is her "master" since he din't just leave her and accepted her. Jeez I really hope people don't take that the wrong way since she still looked like a Faunus and Y/N was  human.

Y/N:" So that sums it up and so she'll be living with me and I'll tell everyone soon just not now since yesterday was pretty crazy also it be a bit too soon."

 Qrow:" Yeah that's probably for the best kiddo though when are you planning to tell them exactly cause there maybe trouble if they find out before you tell them?"

 Y/N:" When the time is right they'll be informed but right now you will be the only one to know."

 I could understand why he would want this to be kept a temporary secret and also looking at Ember I could tell that she was not a threat whatsoever and also seemed pretty loyal when it comes to Y/N so really it was his decision. 

Qrow:" Alright kid she's your... dog anyway come on I'm starving."

 Y/N smiled before handing the plate of bacon to Ember who took it while drooling.

Y/N:" There you go Ember like promised I bring you breakfast now I have to go back down to my sisters okay? I'll introduce when the time is right okay?"

Ember gave a smile, a nod and to my surprise a kiss on the cheek to Y/N before turning back to her dog form and started eating the bacon.

Y/N:" Uncle Qrow is it normal for boys to get a girl to kiss them two days in a row?"

 I looked at him with a proud smirk cause not only does it shows that not only am I a damn good teacher but also my dear nephew is starting to make his own harem since I saw that little wink he gave Yang and Esdeath. Also I remember when Quill told me how Y/N basically got it in Yang's mind the two would be together when they got older and how he got two girls to fall for him after he saved her and them on that very day.

Qrow:" Nope but for you most definitely at this rate kiddo,you make me so proud."

Y/N gave me a bright smile that almost blinded me before he went back down with me to the kitchen where the girls were still there but this time Esdeath was doing some homework while Yang and Ruby were running around outside which made me wonder when Tai and the ladies were gonna come back eh probably gonna have to go to the hospital later. Y/N went outside to see what the two were doing before then falling down on his stomach while screaming. Hearing his pained screams I ran outside to see what was wrong and was on guard since pain was a big way for grimm to show up then I heard my nephew start to say something though he could barely tell me what was wrong with him.

Y/N:" My back feels like someone's tearing something out of me uncle Qrow, it hurts so bad."

 The poor kid was crying while trying to stand though it looked like he was paralyzed so I gently picked him up to bring him inside with Yang and Ruby running back inside and Esdeath literally jumped off the table and both dogs Zwei and Ember came running downstairs to see what was happening. I honestly couldn't tell what was happening or what to do but then something disturbing happened:I heard what sounded like bone breaking and skin tearing before I saw a pair of bright white things come out of Y/N's back! Looking closer I saw that they were a ...pair of bird wings that were covered in bright white feathers and were goddamn huge but what was the coolest and creepiest thing was that at the tips of the wings had spikes that were roughly a foot long and sharp as hell. After about two minutes, Y/N stopped screaming before he passed out in my arms with his sisters and pets looking at him with worried looks while I was inspecting his body to see any differences beside the wings to see if anything else was different, though I saw nothing, no blood, his shirt wasn't ripped like I would expect and to make this even more damn weird was that the wings didn't have any feeling. Like whenever I felt them it was like my hand ran through smoke. After about ten minutes the rest of my team came back with them immediately noticing Y/N in my arms and the girl's eyes which were red from crying since he still wasn't awake. They each ran to one of the kids to see what was wrong, Summer to Ruby, Raven to Yang, Tai to Esdeath and Quill to Y/N who still had the wings just softly flapping which shocked the hell out of my sister.

Quill:" When in the hell did those show up?!" 

My team's eyes went to me where they saw Y/N's new appendages, and like I expected they were shocked and confused as hell to where and how these just showed up. Just then I heard more screaming but this time it was from Esdeath who just like Y/N was crying and holding her head which didn't show anything sprouting or something crazy like that then she passed out in Tai's arms.

Qrow:" We should let them rest cause I have a feeling I know what happened now that I remember something from yesterday." 

Tai:" What is it?"

 Qrow:" When Jimmy gave the two demon blood to gain a new power looks like the downside was that they would feel a lot of pain."

Quill then picked up Y/N from me before heading upstairs with Tai close behind with Esdeath in his arms, I looked at the girls who looks scared for their siblings and Summer who looked sad.

Summer:" Qrow, Ozpin called me in for a mission that he says I have to go alone on." 

I was shocked to hear that she had to go on a mission alone while now she knew that two of her kids had just passed out from apparently that crap they drunk yesterday, goddamn time can be a real bitch sometimes.
{Y/N's POV 3 Hours later}

Ugh what the heck happened to me? I got out of my bed and saw that Ember was on the ground sleeping and Aunt Quill was on a chair sleeping too so I quietly got out of my room and that's when I heard weird noises from behind me so I turned around to see nothing before I felt something on my head and when I felt it, it felt like a spike and the noises were once again behind me. I looked around a little before I saw a decent sized mirror so I walked over to it and to my surprise I saw two white wings on my back with spikes on the tip. Was this my new power the General was talking about? I then realized from a window that it got darker outside so that meant that it's been a while so I went back to my room and despite knowing this was rude I tried to wake up Auntie Quill to see what happened. That proved to be impossible since she wouldn't wake up so I decided to go downstairs to see if anyone knew what time it was but before I could make it even on the first step I heard my mom's Dad's and Uncle's voices coming from the living room.

Summer:" Okay I have to go now you two. Take care of the kids and tell me what happens when both Y/N and Esdeath when they wake up"

 I then heard Dad's voice and he sounded worried.

Tai:" Are you sure you have to go alone, why not bring Raven or Qrow along?"

 Summer:" Oz said I have to do this alone and I trust that he knows what he's doing, remember we're Team STRQQ I think I can handle a few grimm."

Dad sighed in defeat while now Uncle Qrow decided to say something.

Qrow:" What am I suppose to tell them when they wake up and your not here? Especially considering what happened? Hey kids your mom's not here and so sorry we made you drink that damn blood." 

Summer:" Tell them what I told you and tell ME when they wake up on my scroll."

 Qrow:" Fine this is so stupid that you got to go alone at this time of all others though." 

Summer*Sigh*:" I know but Oz said that this problem is one that can't be left alone so someone has to do something about it."

I looked and saw mom grab her weapon before heading out for her mission and by the sound of it a big one if it couldn't be left alone, but when I started to head back to my room I heard it the same voice that gave me my new fire powers yesterday talk to me again.

???:" Boy listen to me if you want your mother to come back alive, you have to follow her."

 Hearing that voice again was both comforting in a way but mostly terrifying since I still didn't know who it was but it was comforting since whoever it was gave me the power to save my family and Weiss from that demon. I didn't even bother responding to him or her as I ran to my room and out the window since I knew that Uncle Qrow and Dad would stop me if I went out the front or back door so this was the best option. I went down and started to follow my mom through the trees so she doesn't see me and through my mind I was wondering what this mission was and why it was so dangerous.

{Timeskip 3 hours Summer's POV
It's been 3 hours since I left Patch to go on this mission with my mind filled with thoughts I knew were gonna make this mission even more difficult besides the fact that I have no backup and pack after pack of grimm have been showing up making me dread continuing. My oldest daughter and only son have passed out from pain because for Y/N's wings sprouting out of his back while for Esdeath something about her brain with the way she held her head and I wasn't there to help them. I just hoped that now they are okay though I can't help but wonder what happened till my thoughts went to yesterday when James gave them blood that would apparently give them a new power, did that cause them this pain? I was still thinking about other possibilities till a pack of Ursas showed up in front of me all of a sudden, so sighing to myself I took them out with my speed and continued only after ten minutes a pack of Beowolves this time to interrupt me.

Summer*Thoughts:" Jesus, I guess my stress about my children is attracting them but this many? No way."

 I though before doing the same thing I did to the Ursas to them but I realized that I was getting slower meaning fatigue was setting in which was a big problem since I was still half a hour from my destination, so with my speed being slower and my stamina dwindling was a big problem especially since like I said I was still far from where I saw suppose to be. I decided to sit under a tree and rest a bit while wondering why there was so many grimm around and I need to regain some of my stamina in order for my semblance to still work and without it I only have my skills, so I just need to relax and rest a little so I can be ready for whatever this is suppose be with Oz saying that there is someone or something that is killing people across three different villages which is attracting grimm with all the fear and sadness from the killer's rampage so he asked me to hunt him down so he can be arrested or if I have to kill him but either way he faces justice. While I was laying down on the grass looking up at the moon and stars trying to clear my thoughts or at the very least some of them, I felt something pat my head and when I looked at the direction I felt it I was shocked as hell to see Y/N standing right in front of me! 

Summer*Shocked*:" Y/N why in the hell are you here?!?! As a matter of a fact how did you get here in the first place?!?!"

 He seemed a little taken aback from me yelling but he regained composure before he responded to my question.

 Y/N:" Well I heard what you were gonna do and someone told me to follow you cause it told me that you wouldn't have made it back if I didn't."

 I believed him cause he wouldn't lie to me but I was pissed when I heard that someone told him to follow me and I wanted that person to be broken by my hands.

Summer*Angry*:" Okay sweetie who told you to follow me in the first place?" 

He seemed hesitant to tell me and even a little scared so I softly caressed his cheek and gave him a reassuring smile cause my little boy had two long hard days in a row and I didn't want to add anymore stress to him but his response scared me.

Y/N:" W-well mommy that's the thing I heard it but I didn't see it so I couldn't tell you even if I tried." 

Hearing him say that someone told him but he couldn't see who and that he just woke up from drinking blood that was from a demon made me wonder what in God's name this meant, especially since now seeing that demons were actually real made when Y/N said 'it' rather than 'him' or 'her' made this a very big and concerning problem.

Y/N:" Also it's how I got my fire power when I saw Weiss in trouble, it told me if I wanted to save her and I did so it gave me power but hey at least I managed to control my new wings."

He said that while flapping the wings I saw earlier before he retracted back into his well back while I was shocked to hear that a possible demon had helped him but for what reason? A host? To take his powers? Or maybe a alliance? I knew I couldn't take him back to Patch at this rate nor could I get someone to due to there being no signal for my scroll so as much as I didn't want to, I had to accept that I had to bring Y/N with me since there was no other option but then again I seen what Y/N was capable of and I was whining that I had no backup so this is a good as I was gonna get.

Summer:" Okay honey*Grabs his hand* you can come since I do need backup and can't take you back but just please stay beside me at all times please." 

Y/N:" Okay mommy also where are we suppose to go cause it's been a long time?" 

I giggled while also knowing at least I wouldn't be talking to myself the rest of the time we have to walk.

Summer:" Well sweetie we still have 30 minutes till we actually get there so remember your training and you'll be fine."

 Y/N's eyes then lit up like he remembered something important before he moved in front of me with his arms spread out to stop me.

Y/N:"Wait mommy! I know how you can be at 100% and a way to get there faster!"

 I looked at him surprised before I remembered that his electric powers can also heal people though I was fine just real tired and when he said a way to get their faster, I just thought he meant just run there which would make me even more tired.

Y/N:" You trust me right mommy cause I promise this will help you a lot?" 

I looked at his heterchromic eyes that were filled with the most hope I have ever seen and with a tinge of genuine care, how could I say no? 

Summer:" Okay I don't really know what you plan to do Y/N but go ahead surprise me."

Y/N gently grabbed my hand just before he glowed a bright blue and electricity started to transfer from him to me that's when I felt the fatigue I had just completely vanish like I never had it in the first place, was this something Y/N could always do or was this a new upgrade?  Well I'll ask him later since we still had a mission to do.

Y/N:" There you go mommy now we can go to the place , do you know what the coordination is?"

 I had to fumble with my tongue in order to tell him the coordination since I couldn't believe that Y/N could do that but he then pulled out his sword which he has yet to name and slashed a big X where I saw a big blue portal appear from where he slashed it. I just stood there in shock to see that since I didn't know he could do that as well yet again I seen him do even crazier so I'm just thanking Oum that Y/N my little demon slayer wants to be a huntsman cause if he didn't we would be screwed. I then felt Y/N grab my hand and walk through the portal to where we got to where we needed to be with 30 minutes to spare, I looked down to see my boy still holding my hand and his sword in the other while he was looking around my guess seeing if there were any grimm around which I myself couldn't see, so I decided to take this time to actually fill Y/N in about what we were gonna do. He didn't seem afraid at all and just seemed determined to find the killer though I hoped he wouldn't need to kill him. While we were looking around I noticed that many of the homes and buildings were destroyed which included concrete walls to wooden and steel beams that weren't blown up or knocked down but instead seemingly corroded to the point it looked irreparable. What could have caused this kind of damage to such strong material and with what weapon that is strong enough to disintegrate solid steel? We continued looking around to see only decayed rubble, knocked down trees and worst of all two corpses of two men that seem to have been in their early 30s and not to have been killed long ago. One had two bullet holes in his head that hit both his eyes leaving a pair of gaping bloodied holes and a mouth opened with blood slowly dripping out while the other was worst his limbs were decayed but not like how the human body does when it dies, it looked like the process was sped up greatly since already his arms and legs were completely destroyed with only tiny blackened stumps and what looked like his eyes were torn out and the shot popping the eyeballs. I was shocked to see the way these poor souls had to go but when I saw Y/N walk over to me I grabbed his hand cause I obviously didn't want him to see their bodies. That's when this happens: A massive horde of grimm of all types started appearing Beowolves, Ursas, Deathstalkers, Boarbatusks, and even a herd of Goliaths which I knew were one of the strongest grimm and a even bigger problem was that my son is here with me. Then I heard a sound of.....laughter? I looked around for where or who it was coming from before I got punched in the stomach and a human figure looked down to me.

(Yes I know the movie sucked but this was the  picture I could find)

Summer*Scared*:" What the h-hell are you?" 

The person just smiled and laughed a little before responding. 

???:" It's who sweetheart. Names Blackout and I'm guessing your here to see me huh?"

 He gave me a perverted disgusting smirk that made me want to slice his face off his head but then I realized he said here for him, was he the killer? 

Summer:" Are you the bastard that's been killing and terrorizing these innocent people?"

 Blackout:" Heh heh heh you can say that and I have to say it was fun to hear them scream."

 I was pissed that he thought what he was doing was just a game and that smirk he's giving me needed to go so I punched him hard in the face only for it to just get him off me cause it didn't look like the punch really fazed him that much if at all. 

 Blackout:" You know, you don't punch very hard heheheheheheh." 

He finally stopped laughing when Y/N punched him and this time he was sent flying till he hit a part of a decayed concrete wall. He laid there for a bit before standing up with a amused look on his face.Y/N:"Damn that kid can punch hard he might come in handy for the boss man so I'll just take him off your hands sweet cheeks if you don't mind." Summer:"I actually do mind you psychotic son of a bitch!" I shot some fire dust at him that finally wiped that stupid smirk on his face before I picked some speed and punched him in the throat but to my surprise he was still standing and the fire that I shot at him did hurt him but the small wounds that it left just healed like I didn't even shoot him.Blackout:"Huh well I guess your not very good at killing demons now are you?" Demon!? This guy was a demon but he looks human though how could he be a demon? Summer:"How are you a demon?" Blackout:"I about died one time till some guy came to me and made me a demon, simple as that now care to try again to hurt me?" This guy was really starting to test me,first he's a serial killer, second he's a pervert, third he's a arrogant sadist and fourth he dares threaten to take my son away from me?! Y/N:"Mommy if he's a demon then let me take care of him, he doesn't seem nowhere as strong as the ones I killed, you go fight the grimm and I'll help you when I'm done with him." I stared at Y/N after what he said and even though I hated to admit it, he was right I had no experience killing demons while he has to date killed three powerful demons my team couldn't defeat.Y/N:"No time to argue!" He then ran towards "Blackout" and punched him in the chest before then grabbing his arm and throwing to a tree that's when I saw Blackout with a annoyed look before he ran towards Y/N and started to actually fight. I turned my attention to the grimm which were starting to close in on me,I sighed and thought to myself 'this is gonna be a long night'.
{Y/N's POV}
This Blackout dude didn't seem to be very strong since his strength,speed and durability weren't too high since I was holding my punches back by a lot so for him to get big bruises wasn't a good sign for him but I can see he had a good healing factor and whatever he touched decayed at a fast rate so that was a problem since if he touched me then my healing factor would have to work and what I've noticed is that while my healing was very fast and very strong it didn't mean I couldn't feel the pain from what hurt me or when I was healing so I knew I couldn't let him touch me, not that I was gonna give him the chance.Blackout:"You know kid if you stop fighting me and be a good boy and join me, I'll let your mommy go."This motherfucker did not just threaten my mom?! Y/N:"Sure if you can kill me!" I yelled before covering my left hand with red lightning and punching him in the crotch where Auntie Raven told me is good when your in trouble and the proof was when Blackout grabbed his crotch while on his knees letting out a high squeal that hurt my ears before looking at me pained and angered eyes.Blackout:" Gah! Damn you you little shit stain!"I'll decay you so slow, you'll beg for death!"Y/N:"You don't scare me you ugly weakling!" Blackout growled before running full speed towards me and tried to grab my throat though I managed to dodge and went to knee his gut only for him to grab my leg and start to decay, I felt the worse pain I've ever felt in my life as I saw my skin and muscle just turn into black dead cells that felt to the ground.Seeing this I gritted my teeth and lit my leg up with blue fire which caused Blackout to let go and stare at his charred hands, I saw that immediately after freeing my leg it was already healed up which surprised me since I thought it would take longer but I ain't complaining but looking at Blackout's hands I can see that his healing had a problem since his hands were healing but at a rate that it looked like it wasn't but he still was putting up a fight.I grabbed my sword since I decided I killed enough demons that killing one that talked and looked human didn't matter to me and the fact that he dared insult my mother like that.Blackout:"I would never be afraid of you boy!" He yelled before looking to his side with a smirk that confused till I looked to see my mom busy fighting a pack of Boarbatusks not noticing a Goliath behind her about to stomp her then all of a sudden I saw the area around become completely pitch black with only dim moonlight underneath me, I looked around for Blackout as I had a feeling how he got his name since I knew this was his doing then I felt my stomach start to disintegrate so I did a backwards kick only for him to catch it and this time slam me down to the ground hard enough to knock me out.So I'm just here now in the dark with a healing but painful stomach and knocked out, I had to get up I had to save my mom! But then I heard it again I heard that voice.???:"Boy Can you hear me?" Y/N:"Yes I can now I have to save my mom but I want to know something Who.Are.You?" The voice let out a little deep chuckle before it decided to show itself to me at long last.

I couldn't believe what I saw looking at, he looked awesome and terrifying but what caught my attention was the fire he gave me my fire power but why? Y/N:"Who are you? The voice or rather now figure walked towards me, summoned a chair then pointed at it signaling for me to sit down. ???:"My name is Zarathos, the Spirit of Vengeance and you young one are my host." This spirit Zarathos had a deep awesome sounding voice and talked in a way that showed authority and confidence but what confused me was when he said I'M his host, also a Spirit of Vengeance isn't Vengeance a bad thing? Y/N:"Okay what do you mean by host? You mean that you are currently living inside of me?" Zarathos:"Not only are you a strong and skilled fighter you're also smarter than you take credit for cause you are correct, me and you share the same body for a purpose that I have been doing for centuries of my existence." Y/N:"And what is that?" Zarathos:"Serving and delivering VENGEANCE" I was surprised by how quickly his already very deep voice became demonic when he said "Vengeance"  which I guess made sense since if he's a spirit of it then he would have to serve vengeance but against who though? Y/N:"Who are you looking to avenge or have vengeance against exactly?" Zarathos chuckled before looking around as if he was looking for something in the dark before turning back to me and then putting his arms out to his sides. Zarathos:"To those who spill innocent blood boy." I didn't know what else to say since this was just surreal to being a host for a demonic spirit and for him to say he wanted vengeance against criminals by the sounds of it which sounded good to me despite when people look for vengeance that usually comes with a lot of death and wrathful tendencies.But then my mind went back to why I was here, my mom was in trouble and I knew I was the only one able to save her! Y/N:"Zarathos, I have to save my mom! How can I get out of here?!" He looked at me before bending down to my height.Zarathos:"You want to save her boy? I'll make you a deal then, let me take control and she'll be safe I get what I want and you get what you want.I didn't even care to ask him what he meant cause I knew my mom didn't have much time left and I knew Blackout was gonna do something.Y/N:"One more thing, hurt Blackout badly." Zarathos was surprised to hear that but was more than happy to oblige. Zarathos:"It's play time."
{Summer's POV}
I saw Blackout knock my son out when I dodged the Goliaths's foot so I went and shot that sack of shit point blank with a explosive round that knocked him away before going to my boy but then I got kneed in the face and then shoved to the ground by the bastard who had a sadistic smile.Blackout:"You know that boy burnt my hands pretty bad*shows still healing hands* But I willing to forgive if your willing to let me have some fun with you." Disgusted as hell I kicked him in the dick and then headbutted and tried again to go to my son only for a pack of Ursas to start gathering around his still body.Activating my semblance I went and slice the monsters into pieces before cradling my son into my arms, he seemed okay since any wound that Blackout undeniably gave him were healed completely but I could tell he wouldn't be getting after a while and I barely put a dent into this horde.Then I felt someone grab me by the hair and then throw me down so hard that the wind got knocked out me and I could feel my weapon be knocked out of my hand, Blackout:"Okay bitch you and your son have pissed me off for the last goddamn time!" I saw that his hands were fully healed now and that his hand was just inches away from my face 'My dear son, I'm sorry' I closed my eyes ready to feel what would end my life only to hear and when I reopened my eyes see this.


(00:00-00:15 also you don't say anything just roar but louder)
Blackout heard the roar before turning to see what I had to say was the most terrifying demon I have ever seen yet and possibly ever.???:"What was that you said Blackout? You would never be afraid of me? Well*Chuckles creepily* You should now bitch!"It yelled out before running so fast I couldn't register what happen till I saw I was propped up against a fallen piece of debris and Blackout about 20-25 feet away from us with the demon looking down to me.???:"Stay here, you'll only interfere with this." It said with a eerie voice before turning to the herd of Goliath that was heading towards us.It grabbed Y/N's sword and started to walk over to them before going on one knee and doing something incredible.


What the hell was that?! I looked to see all of the Goliath not disintegrating into dust still in pieces, he was so fast they couldn't turn into dust fast enough.I then saw the herd starting to close in but what really scared me was that I couldn't see Y/N anywhere at all! Summer:"Where the hell is my little boy?!" What did you do to him?!" I was in tears my son could be hurt or even worse dead, I failed my only son who I swore to protect but then I was cut off by a shushing sound from the demon.???:"He is okay, he's somewhere safe and he won't get hurt."He said not even looking at me before crossing his arms across his chest and his fire starting to increase across his body before he sent a massive attack that seemed bigger than what Y/N did to that other demon.The flames towered about 20 feet in the sky and were about 10 feet wide and moved at a speed that none of the grimm couldn't have gotten away from the most surprising part to me was how the demon then made the remaining fire go away with a mere snap of his fingers.???:"Crispy." He then looked towards who I would considering the boss of this fight and the reason I'm here:Blackout.Blackout managed to get back and then pulled two revolvers then started firing at the demon that saved me who simply used Y/N's sword to catch them, line them up and then hit them back to Blackout who dodged and then ran towards where he tried to land a few hits to no success.He then grabbed the bladed part of the sword but to both of our shock the sword didn't decay even by a bit while the demon chuckled only for Blackout still touching the sword to then to use the other side to hit him in the face which didn't set well for him.???:"Oh hell no, here now it's your turn!"He then grabbed the sword from Blackout's grip with the blade slicing through his fingers then the demon proceeded to stab it through Blackout's stomach then pulled it back, while the demon started to wipe the blood off the blade Blackout was struggling to get up with his right hand bloodied and missing a finger alongside his stomach that had a gash the size of what a shotgun would leave not a bladed weapon.Blackout:"Hold up what the hell,why am I not healing?!" ???:"Simply cause this sword has a special ability where whatever cuts,stabs or slashes made can't be healed by the body or by a aura, your helpless." That's when he then put the sword in it's sheath and picked up Blackout by his neck then said these words.???:"Look into my eyes, your soul is stained by the blood of the innocent.Feel their pain." 


{00:52-1:37 thug is Blackout}
I stared at Blackout's corpse and he looked completely the same except for the charcoal eyes that bored into my soul but I then freaked out when he blinked at me.Summer:"W-w-w-what the hell!? I though he was dead!?"The demon finally turned to me with it's ember like eyes and spoke again to me.???:"He isn't dead though I guarantee you Summer Rose that he wishes he was." I was shocked that he knew my name and that despite the way Blackout looked that he wasn't dead.???:"I used a power that gives the worst punishment to the worst scum of this planet, it is called the "Penance Stare" it turns all the evil a being as done to innocent lives against them forever burning their soul a fate worst than death you can say." I walked back a few steps since that was a power I didn't want to be at the receiving end of but I realized that this demon knew where my boy was.Summer:"Hey you said you knew where my son is! So please tell me where!" He then started looking around as if surveying the scene to see if all the grimm were dead before turning back to me.???:"Of course though just know he's been with you this whole time."He finished that sentence by the fire around his body going out then what seemed to be skin covering his bones, before I knew it he also started shrinking till my little boy was all that was left of him.We both just stared at each other utterly shocked from what had happened before Y/N slowly walked to me before holding out his arms signaling for a hug, which I gladly did.Summer:"Oh my baby boy, I'm so glad your okay!"When I let go of him he still seemed shocked like he didn't know what to think or say before he finally did.Y/N:"Can we please go home now?" I then realized he seemed sad and also hurt, I didn't know why but I knew being around here wasn't gonna do us any good.Summer:"Of course sweetie, we can go home now and we don't have to tell any about your...friend." Y/N nodded slowly but then he went to Blackout's body before picking up two items from his jacket pocket: His twin revolvers that he used when the fire demon came out.Y/N put them in his jacket pocket before grabbing his sword and making a portal, we both walked in to see that we were back in Patch and also still wondering what the hell that was about.Once we got to the door it busted open with my team, daughter and niece there to greet us with worried then relieved expressions when they saw us, everyone then saw Y/N standing beside me with his still hurt expression and sword in his hand.Tai:"Y/N where did you go?!" Do you know how worried we were when we couldn't find you?!" Qrow:"Yeah kid, what were you even thinking?" Y/N didn't say anything but when he lifted his head his eyes seemed dull and empty with tears threatening to fall any second, when Esdeath,Ruby and Yang ran and gave him a big hug which seemed to help a little before Raven suggested they go inside to talk.When we did Y/N decided to finally speak despite just how broken he seemed.Y/N:"Mommy,daddy can I talk to you alone please?" We were surprised to hear him ask that but seeing his expression we decided that it was best,Raven and Quill put the girls to bed while Qrow said he was going to the bar cause he was stressed out from the hours of looking for Y/N.Me, Tai and Y/N sat down on the living room where he continued looking down and had his hands on his knees, I was afraid honestly of what he had to say since I've never seen him so sad while Tai looked very worried as well.Tai:"Hey buddy, are you okay? Did something happen?:" Summer:"You can ask or tell us anything sweetie, we won't be mad." He finally raised his head to look at us with teary eyes and a look of sorrow plastered on his face.Y/N:"Mommy, Daddy please tell me the truth, are me and Esdeath not your real kids?" Me and Tai were absolutely shocked to hear this question, how did he learn about that? Tai looked at me before looking down while I tried my best to not cry cause while me and him were planning on telling him and Esdeath that they were adopted not this early when he's not even ten years old and Esdeath isn't even a teen.Me and Tai knew we had to tell him the truth so we did.Summer:"Yes Y/N you and Esdeath aren't our real children, I'm so sorry we didn't tell you sooner but we didn't know how to." Tai:"I'm sorry too Y/N I was suppose to be your father yet I didn't tell something I knew you needed to know." Y/N looked towards us before he got up and walked to us.Y/N:"Do you all still love me and Esdeath like how you do Yang and Ruby?" Summer/Tai:"Absolutely!" Tai:"Just cause your not my real son doesn't mean I don't love you any less Y/N,never forget that."Summer:"I will always love you sweetie nothing will ever change that." That's when to our surprise Y/N jumped into our laps and gave us a big hug.Y/N:"Then that's all that matters as long as you all still love me and even if you didn't as long as you still loved Esdeath!" We were shocked, he still saw us as his parents and even if we didn't love him he would've been fine with that so long as we still loved Esdeath showing how much he loved her.Y/N:"Well guess I should get to bed I had a exhausting night and I have a few friends I want to see tomorrow." Summer/Tai:"Goodnight sweetie/son." Y/N:"Goodnight mommy and daddy."
{Y/N's POV}
I was exhausted,shocked to learn the truth but also strangely happy since I got two cool new weapons and I guess a good friend literally at all times with me.I opened a door to what I though was my room till I closed the door to see that it was Auntie Quill's room but as I was about to leave I kinda felt the want of sleeping with someone that I could trust, I then heard scratching at the door so I opened it slightly to where Ember came running before jumping onto me I chuckeld a little before I whispered to her something which she nodded her head.I climbed into bed with Auntie Quill still sleeping and layed down on her chest before finally embracing a well deserved sleep. 

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