Arriving at Beacon

(These are your battle clothes and under the jacket in the earlier chapter your shirtless underneath)

(Y/N's POV)
Right now me, my little flower Ruby and the sun dragon Yang are on a bullhead heading to Beacon with Yang hugging the both of us for getting in early.Yang:"Oh, I can't believe my baby sister and handsome baby brother are coming to Beacon with me! This is the best day ever!" I chuckled and ran my finger through her long mane but Ruby didn't seem to like it too much. Ruby:"Please stop." Yang let go then started getting more excited before starting to talk again. Yang:"But I'm so proud of you two!"Ruby:"Really sis, it was nothing." Yang:"What do you mean nothing?" Everyone's gonna think you two are the bee's knees." Ruby:"I don't want to be the bee's knees, I don't want to be any kind of knees.I just want to be a girl with normal knees." Quite a conversation.Y/N:" Ruby that's a title given to special people and you are special, ~especially to me~"Ruby became redder than her cape before looking up to me with those silver eyes she inherited from Summer.Ruby:"I-I-I-I guess I could give it a shot." I smiled before heading to a window to see if anything was worth the time to look at then a girl ran behind me holding her mouth and running to a trash can to throw up.Y/N:"Poor girl, height ain't that bad though." I heard Yang then say that Beacon is our home now and I though it was a perfect time to quote a book I read before.Y/N:"Home is where the heart lives, just like family." Both of my sisters stared at me but also did about every girl on the bullhead so I flashed a smile which got them to look away with blushes bright enough to be seen from miles but one face I saw that interested me was one that belong to a black haired girl with white shorts and a black bow on her head that looked cute and she had a fascinated look on her face.Anyway the girl that threw up earlier threw up again but this time on Yang's boots and as funny as it was seeing her try to wipe on Ruby , I stepped in to get rid of the problem so that these two don't embarrass themselves.I snapped my fingers to summon a flame on Yang's boots that wouldn't harm her but would burn away the puke and the smell without harming the boot.Yang:" Thanks so much little bro, these were a fortune." Y/N:"It's cool, anyway we're landing so get ready oh and Yang I maybe younger than you but I'm bigger in any other way." Yang was crimson again before I got off the bullhead to head towards the school which was bigger than I expected it to be.Ruby:" Big bro, sis look that kid has a collapsible staff! And she's got a fire sword!" Ruby was about to go to that person with the sword Yang managed to grab her hood in time.Ruby:" Ow, ow,ow!" Yang:"Cool it Ruby, there just weapons." Ruby:"Just weapons?! They are extensions of ourselves! Look at Ghost Rider, he uses chains and a kitana and he's become a legend known across Remnant as a awesome hero!" I smiled to hear that my sister supports me and Zaratho's actions to the assholes I've been killing.Yang:"He is pretty awesome but your not as tough as he is so you can't use simple weapons like he does to kick ass, plus why not swoon over your own weapon? Aren't you proud of it?" Ruby pulled out her scythe Crescent Rose while I was looking around for something to do but before they continued I saw that bow girl again but I noticed how her bow twitched so I came to the conclusion that she was a Faunus and was trying to hide it from others which I could understand since there are racists anywhere you look.Yang:"Well my friends are here so see ya you two later!" She ran off with those guys and Ruby was so dizzy she fell over a pile of Suitcases, I facepalmed at this since already they have made a mess that I knew I was gonna have to fix up.???:"Hey are you okay?" Ruby got up and when she looked up I saw that the girl had snow-white hair and sapphire-like eyes that really shined, she was beautiful but then after me looking a bit closer I saw that she was Weiss the girl I saved all those years ago.When Weiss looked to Ruby I could see that she looked a bit confused till gasping at the sight of her for some reason.Weiss:"Hey you look like Summer Rose!" Ruby:"Oh sorry about that and well she's my mom so that's probably the reason." Ruby nervously laughed but Weiss then forgot all about the luggage and went to Ruby.Weiss:"Wait then that means your brother is Y/N Rose right?!?!" Ruby looked shock but nodded her head.Weiss:"Oh that's so cool! He's the boy that saved me from that demon."Ruby gasped excitedly while the good memories came flooding back to me after that day because that solidified that I was destined to be a demon killer/Vigilante for Remnant.Ruby:"So your that girl he called the princess!" Weiss's pale skin became blood red when Ruby said that but then I saw the bow girl show up with a dust bottle in her hand and I looked at her a bit to see that she had a emotionless face and amber eyes that match my right one but I guess I looked a bit too long since I saw that she blush faintly at me so I looked away to make her more comfortable.???:" Weiss Schnee, heiress to the Schnee Dust Company, one of the biggest producers of energy propellant in the world." ???:"Also the same company with questionable trade partners and with corrupt labor force." Weiss looked down in sadness that from the girl's soul confused her and made her feel a little bad, but Weiss walked off with her bags before anyone could say anything.Ruby:"Bye Weiss!"Just then the bow girl walked off but I wanted to follow her since I had a feeling that something wasn't right with her and I wanted to make sure this wasn't that bastard Mephisto's plan.Y/N:"Hey Ruby I have a feeling that girl may have something Wrong with her."Ruby:"What do you mean?" Y/N:"Just that she may be facing a problem that could result in problems in the future so I just want to be sure that it won't." Ruby nodded her head and said she was gonna go find Yang to make sure she didn't mess anything up.I walked over to where she was and called out to her.
(No one's POV)
The girl turned around with the same expressionless look before seeing that it was the handsome black haired boy so now her face had a blush on it.??:"Hey sorry if I scared you there but I just noticed that you seem to be a bit said inside." The girl was surprised that he got out of his way to see if she a total stranger was alright but she didn't know if she could trust him yet since they just met.???:"I guess judging from your pretty face that you don't trust me just yet?" The girl blushed even more before nodding her head weakly.???:"Alright well then let me introduce myself, name is Y/N Rose and your's?" ???:"My name is Blake Belladonna, nice to meet you*Whispers* handsome." Y/N heard that but didn't mind and decided to ask her why she hid her ears.Y/N:"Blake, why do you hide yourself?" Blake froze when she heard that because that only meant one thing: He found out that she is a faunus! Blake was now terrified that he'd tell everyone but she didn't truly know who she was talking to.Y/N:"I'm not gonna tell anyone Blake, I have absolutely nothing against Faunus, you're as much as a living being as I am." Blake was still a little hesitant but then he said this.Y/N:"Blake, I'm that demon killer prodigy. I've saved Faunus as much as I did humans and I'd do it all again." Blake couldn't believe that a human was saying this but she trusted her instincts that he was truthful but right now she needed to head to wherever the meeting was.She saw Y/N start to leave before turning his head and using his head to signal her to follow him, but then 4 people appeared behind him and it was four people that Y/N has become close to:Leone,Akame,Mercury and Emerald and the years have certainly been kind to them.Leone grew to 5'10 with her *coughs*assets*coughs* having grown enough to rival or surpass Yang's, Akame has become a swordswoman that has fought with the likes of Raven and Esdeath, Mercury with the demon blood Ironwood gave him has grown 6'2 with 8 pack abs and has forgotten all about his bastard of a "father" and Emerald has grown beautiful with her hair that matches her name, red ruby eyes and sassy attitude. Leone was the first to see Y/N and gave him a big hug that rivaled Yang's before Akame who was wearing a baseball hat to hide her ears looked at Blake with suspicion and Blake to look at her with a look of shock to realize that this was the demon killing prodigy and this Faunus girl was one of the first people he's ever save. meaning that he was truly genuine to her.Mercury:"Sup brother, been a minute." Y/N:*Chuckles"That it has Merc." Emerald:"~Hey handsome~Seems you've been working out." Y/N:"~Well Demon killing is one hell of a workout if I do say so myself~But does pay big." Leone:"~I wonder what else is big~" Y/N:"~Beside those beautiful abs and assets of your my lioness, just come by later and I'll show you~" Akame:"I'm so happy to see my hero again!" Y/N:"Hey kitty cat, great to see you again and look that girl right there is a new friend of mine named Blake so be kind to her, will you?" They all nodded while Blake smiled a little.Once in Y/N's four friends walked off to talk about something while Blake and Y/N walked around before hearing Yang's voice call out to him.Yang:"Hey Y/N, over here!" Y/N:"Well talk to ya later Blake." Blake:"Wait!" Blake gave the six foot three boy a big hug before giving him a kiss on the cheek then running off with a massive blush on her face while Y/N just smirked.Y/N*In mind*Damn I'm good* Y/N arrived to where his sisters were to see them with angry looks on their faces.Yang:"Y/N, what was that!?!?!" Ruby:"When I said I was fine with you going to talk to her, that didn't mean get a kiss from her!" Yang:"WHAT!?!?! You two were alone?!?!" Y/N:"Heh you two are adorable when your mad or Ruby is, Yang is just smoking literally and figuratively." The two girls blushed as bad as they did on the bullhead before continuing. Yang:"Anyway how was your first day?" Ruby:"All right I made a new friend possibly but also met the girl that Y/N had saved when he got that awesome fire power." Yang:"Dang already? Huh so how about you and that girl Y/N?" Y/N:"Hey I sensed she was in a bad place so I talked to her to hopefully make her feel better and also I was talking to Mercury, Emerald,Leone and Akame. Yang:"Hold up they're going to Beacon?" Y/N:"Yep." The three girls still had a rivalry over Y/N but then they heard a voice say something behind Ruby.???:"Hello?" Ruby and Yang turned to saw that it was Weiss with a look of shock on her face.Yang:"Oh hi there!" Weiss:"Oh my god it really is you Y/N!" Weiss jumped up and gave me the fourth hug that day with her head in my chest and two annoyed girls seeing their brother getting hugged by some other girl.Y/N:"Hey Weiss, it's nice to see you again after so long." Weiss:"It's such a honor seeing one of Remnant's greatest heroes." Y/N:" Oh really?" I still can't wrap my head around how I became such a celebrity."

(Timeskip After Ozpin's speech because who cares)
It was nightime and both Ruby and Yang were laying down preparing for a good night's rest but right now Ruby wanted to finish what she was doing.Yang:"Yo sis, it's like a big slumber party!" Ruby:"I don't think Dad would approve of all the boys, though." Yang:"I would if I didn't already have my eyes on someone."As if on cue, in walked in Y/N wearing nothing but a black pair of boxers that outlined his member while his Adonis body was showing:Flawless abs, smooth but firm clear skin and his handsome face glowing in the moonlight.Every girl had nosebleeds with some going as far as to pass out from the sight of him while most of the males were jealous that he was getting all the girls, but Y/N being Y/N didn't really care since he needed a good night's rest from 2 weeks straight from having not even 5 minutes of it.He walked to Yang and Ruby and got them out of their trance with a snap of his fingers before Yang noticed Ruby writing something.Yang:"Hey, what you writing there?" Ruby:"Actually I'm drawing something or more specifically someone." Y/N:"Oh is it someone hot little sis?" Ruby*Giggles*:"Yeah actually you could say that." She then showed us the picture.

(Don't own the Picture)
Yang:"Wow! That's a awesome picture sis!" Y/N:"Who knew my little flower is such a big fan of Ghost Rider it make her a artist?" Ruby:"Thanks guys, just something I wanted to make since he has done so much good for Remnant.Hey you and him would be great partners Y/N!" Y/N*In mind* We already are, aren't we Z, especially when we kick ass?" Zarathos:"Oh HELL YES!!!" Y/N:"Hey Ruby, think this time you might be able to make some actually friends?" Ruby took a few minutes to think about it before coming to a conclusion.Ruby:"Well if I have to then maybe but I don't really think that we need friends to become huntsman/huntresses." Just then we heard a candle being lit and looking over they saw Blake reading a book that Y/N had read before.Ruby:"That girl." Yang:" You know her?" Ruby:"Not really, she said something that made Weiss a little sad but left before I cold say anything but Y/N went to talk to her." Y/N:"Well Ruby it's your turn to talk to her even if you don't want to make friends." Yang:"Seems fair to me so let's go Ruby." Yang pulled Ruby up before Y/N started walking beside them to Blake's direction.Blake heard some sound coming closer to her so she pulled her eyes from her book to see a blonde girl, the girl talking to the Schnee and her new crush Y/N... in only his boxers! Blake used her book to hide her bleeding nose and wine red face before she heard the blonde speak out.Yang:"Hel-loo! I believe you three know each other." Blake:"Your the girl that talked to the Schnee girl right?" Ruby:"Yeah that was me, my name is Ruby." Y/N:"You already know me." Yang:"And my name is Yang.Your name?" Blake:"*Sighs* Blake." Y/N then proceeded to sit down next to Blake while Ruby was thinking of something else to say to try to get a conversation going. Y/N saw the book she was reading and smirked a little since this book reminded him of his current occupation.Y/N:"So those are the books you like reading? You got good taste Blake." Blake blushed a little before Ruby asked what the book was about.Blake:"Oh, it's about a man with two souls."  Yang:"That would be a big problem wouldn't it?" Y/N*In mind and jokingly* "She has no idea." Zarathos:"*Sarcastically* "Ha ha ha, laugh it up G." Blake:"Well that is the point of the story since they don't agree on anything so they fight over control of the body." Y/N:"It has a interesting quote.'Home is where the heart lives, just like family' Blake:"Oh! Your the one who said that on the bullhead!" Y/N:"Yeah that was me.I find reading to be relaxing but right now it might be time to go to sleep since it's getting late right now." Suddenly Ruby and Yang looked at each other when I heard Yang say something rather loud.Yang:"He's right.Come on bro you can sleep with me." I then realized that I didn't have anything to sleep on since Zarathos said We can take a break from vigilante work but Ruby seemed annoyed by that.Ruby:"Hey! Why can't he sleep with me?!?!" Yang:"I'm the older sister here and plus you wouldn't know what to do with all of that man right there." Ruby:"How dare you Yang! I'll have you know that just because your the older one here doesn't mean you can boss us around.Esdeath never did that so what gives you the right?" Yang:"Uhhhh w-well Y/N is mature enough to make his own decisions your not so there it is.I'm in charge of you and not him." Yang got a smug smiloe on her face ebfore Ruby lunged at her and started a fight.Blake:" Well it was nice meeting you two and really nice to meet you Y/N." Y/N:"Oh don't worry Blake*Leans into her cat ears and whispers* ~You'll be seeing me around alot more~" Before Y/N could even get up, Weiss came over to see what was making all this noise and the group got into another fight when Ruby said that Yang had a problem with the color white just so she could get away to get to area they were gonna be sleeping in while white an yellow blurs were appearing.Y/N gave one last wink to Blake before snapping her candle out, leaving only darkness.

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