Meeting The Sons Of Justice
(Theme Song for all four up there and just to be clear I OWN NOTHING BUT THE STORY IDEA!!!!!
(Some things I want to mention and make sure is known)
1- Yes there will be LGBTQ+ in this story and you probably are aware of this since some of my stories do include this so if you don't like then either read other author's stories or just read one of my other stories just don't leave no bullshit comments about this because I DON'T TOLERATE ANY FORM OF DERAGATORY OR PREJUDICE ECOMMENTS ON MY ACCOUNT!!!
2- For Zero since I got a comment saying they thought he would be a Red Lantern which would really make a lot of sense, I chose fear because Infinite definitely terrified the entire planet and that level of fear is something a yellow ring would pretty much be forced to bond to. I will make it where this will be more interesting because I do have other plans for Zero to make him even stronger which includes the lantern ring. Also I'll be adding League of Legends since two interesting ideas came into my mind when I decided to return to this story
3- No forgiveness for anyone because it happens far too much in RWBY and MHA fanfics to the point where it just isn't human, deserved or right honestly. No matter how bad the character is treated they end up forgiving the abusers and it just isn't right to how just about every abused fanfic has this happen when its clear they don't deserve it. So it ain't happening in this one for either Zero's "family" or Dabi's "father" because justice and vengeance need to be served.
4- If you know the downside of the Red Lantern ring then you know what happens when you take it off so just to make this clear Zero with a cups worth of Alex's blood gave Dabi a regenerative immortality where Dabi's regenerate is make his organs superhuman so his body can heal far before the side effect can even really hurt him. Also Dabi and Carl will have other powers but that will be another season so they won't be too OP in the first two seasons.
5- Roles, mirror figures, vigilante names and ages of the inaugural members of the Sons of Justice.
Zero Crimson
Vigilante Name- Infinite- Due to his immeasurable power.
Age- 17 *Legal Age Of Remnant Is 17*
Mirror Figure- Ruby Rose as the darker, smarter and superior leader and warrior who not only mastered his powers but also improves them. Unlike Ruby Zero has a brain and understands that he needs team mates and at times needs to work with others as well as knowing how to improve himself physically and mentally unlike Ruby with it getting to the point that Zero can slightly use his silver eye's ability though only to create a force field big enough to cover a dump truck and this takes up his endless stamina.
Role- Zero is the first and youngest member of the group and serves as the leader but unlike Ruby knows what the hell he's doing since he isn't truly reckless or childish as he understands his duties and responsibilities of this team/family and their illegal actions for Remnant's ungrateful population. Behind his vigilante life Zero has decided to take up a rap/music career to have a alibi whenever someone suspects him of anything and as a excuse to not join Academies. Does do some mercenary work whenever he wants some free spending money or to let out any leftover rage. For his family Zero spends a lot of time with his older brother Dabi since the two have experience with horrible parents so can understand the other's rage and hatred, looks to Alex as a father especially since he was the first one to call him dad and loves his boyfriend Carl but still has some doubts about himself after his first break up and the problems that came with it.
Carl Quinnzel.
Vigilante Name- The Anarchist Soldier- Due to him showing pro-anarchy traits and claiming to fight for freedom as well as his soldier level fighting skills though the name came to light truly when he slaughtered a battalion of corrupt Atlas soldiers on his own.
Age- 18.
Mirror Figure- Blake Belladonna as the most mysterious of the group as besides his team no one else knows anything else about him from his backstory to even his hobbies and occupations. Unlike Blake who is very pessimistic, anti-social and untrusting of her team mates, Carl trusts his family and boyfriend with all his heart and soul while also willing to kill and die for them while also helping liven his family's dark lives in anyway he can think of from parties to surprises that the surprise hating males actually like that manages to cheer them up.
Role- Besides being Zero's boyfriend he is also the spy and assassin of the group for his mastery of espionage to the point that not even Atlas's best technology can even sense him or if they feel like taking out a asshole they want gone. Outside of his vigilante life Carl is a hitman for hire and is said to be one of the best in the business so he often come back to his family's home with many fat stacks of hundred dollar bills or multiple checks with many zeroes in his arms. For his lovely boyfriend or as he refers to him husband much like how Zero saved him from suicide years before Carl saved Zero from a heart-wrenching break up that brought Zero more pain.
Dabi Mercer- Adopted last name.
Vigilante Name- Hell's Inferno- Self-Explanatory.
Age- 21.
Mirror Figure- Yang Xiao Long as the one with fire abilities and using their rage as a weapon against their opponents and enemies along with having parental issues. Unlike Yang who wants to reunite with her mother Dabi wants to murder his to avenge his mother's sanity and grief as well as vengeance for what he did to his siblings. Dabi's pyrokinetic abilities are incredibly superior to Yang's as she can only light up her hair into flames while Dabi's can burn even in space with temperatures that terrify his enemies but the biggest difference is that Dabi doesn't have anger issues like Yang but rather a desire for vengeance against scum like Endeavor, those that follow his ideals and the other scum of humanity and of the Faunus.
Role- Dabi serves as the older brother figure to his two younger one Zero and Carl or as the nicknames he gave them Z and Smiles but also as the enforcer of the group towards corrupt Enforcers, police officers and Atlas officials as Dabi is the second most feared member of the group with only Zero surpassing him in that category. Dabi also serves as the bodyguard in a sense as he is the oldest of his siblings and despite being very aware that his siblings can take of themselves or really half of them can, he still watches over them and protecting them from Remnant's cruelty. His other life as the group calls it is a nightly security guard for the strip club known as the best in Vale named Pleasure and Consent where as well as a security guard he serves as a street fighter for money and has garnered a reputation as a powerful fighter. For his family Dabi is protective of his siblings and will never hesitate to kill anyone that some much as thinks of causing them harm with him seeing them as best friends as well though for the other two of his siblings he does get annoyed of their antics and shenanigans finally he cares for Alex like the father he wished he was born to but is happy to now have to replace that void in his heart.
Alex Mercer.
Vigilante Name- The Hooded One- Self-Explanatory.
Age- 29.
Mirror Figure- Weiss Schnee as the "most mature one" and the one with a power that can be passed down to others as well as being seen as nearly magical. Unlike Weiss who actually is rather immature and impulsive despite her arrogant and entitled nature, Alex is actually mature despite being young and very calm to the point that he comes off as emotionless and despite knowing how powerful he is with only his youngest able to match him in terms of power, Alex is humble and simply confident due to his rough upbringing and the loss of most of his family and of the friends he lost due to the war between Zaun, Piltover, Mantle and Atlas so harbors a deep resentment towards Atlas and Piltover due to their arrogance and entitled cruelty despite how he himself was actually born from Atlas. While Weiss and Alex both hate the White Fang and the controlling nature of Atlas's elite, Weiss's hatred is controlled by her bigotry, arrogance and immaturity while Alex's is controlled by a need for vengeance, the safety of the innocent and to end the evil and racism of the White Fang so what happened to him will not happen to others.
Role- Alex's biggest job is serving as the brains, informant and main tactician of the group for whatever big job they do to make a impact that will get Remnant and it's "heroes" off their backs for a time and also hurts their interests and makes theirs easier. Alex's other life is simply a bartender for his long time friend Vander's bar the Last Drop and also serving as the father figure for the other three due to Dabi's hatred of his own, Zero's hatred of his biological family and Carl never even knowing his own so like Vander adopted them. Despite being the eldest of the group and having adopted them separately Alex cares for them like they are his own and actually enjoys being called dad after learning that due to the Black Light virus he can't procreate, another reason he despises Atlas and the White Fang.
(No One's POV)
It was night time in Vale with a young male riding on his fifteenth birthday present towards a bar to drink the night away after finishing up a job that he knew would make the news the next day. This young male was donning red and black clothes with a similarly colored helmet with a red A painted onto it with a circle of the same color making up most of the back of the helmet but his bike was quite a sight as it brought light to a lightless night with the bright light making the intimidating night even more so as he roared through the streets to his destination.
The figure after five more minutes made it to his destination and hid his bike for reasons until making it to the door where the security who was standing confidently and silently removed his sunglasses temporarily to see the young male who removed his helmet and immediately the man moved aside and even opened the door for him where he just nodded and entered where he sat down at the counter right behind a man known as Junior and silently set down his helmet.
???:" Hello Junior."
Junior turned with a scowl that changed into a smirk when he saw the patron and grabebd a nearby glass.
Junior:" What are you in for now kiddo? Take it you got that job done?"
???:" Wouldn't be here if I didn't, I ain't one for leaving something unfinished Junior. You understand?"
Junior:" Of course neither do I kiddo but also I ain't one for letting a good job done go unrewarded. Just a sec."
Junior left the counter for a bit while the figure remained still like a statue with half the remaining patrons leaving while the other half was simply talking or minding their own business until Junior came back with a big envelope that he handed to the male who opened it to see a big check saying five hundred thousand dollars with the be satisfied by the amount.
???:" Thanks Junior, also a strawberry pina colada will be nice."
Junior:" Coming right up kiddo."
Junior started that when suddenly two pairs of arms wrapped around his slender waist with the young male sighing a little at the contact but a quiet chuckle came afterwards.
???:" Hello Melanie, hello Militia."
Militia/Melanie:" ~Hello handsome~"
The male was calm and quiet around the girls until he started to give the girls head pats and Militia rubbed a hand around his right thigh while Melanie started rubbing a finger onto his muscular chest and her head onto his shoulder when Junior placed two drinks onto the counter.
???:" Thanks Junior."
Junior nodded before suddenly the figure jumped up and caught a flying person and laid them down onto the counter then turned to see a figure standing at the now destroyed front door of the bar. The figure had long blonde hair, lilac eyes and was wearing revealing clothing that made it click in his mind that this was either a huntress or huntress-in-training so he took a sip from each of the glasses and turned to confront the figure who saw him drink.
???:" Hey handsome, I see you like strawberry drinks like me. How about you buy me one and I can show you a good time?"
???:" Hell no now what the hell were you thinking breaking a door like that and throwing a man through it where he could have been badly injured?"
???:" Hey he wouldn't let me in."
???:" Must had a damn good reason now scram because I don't think Junior wants you around unless you are planning on paying for that door and that guy's hospital bills."
???:" He'll be fine besides that door was probably cheap so he can afford it."
???*Sighs Annoyed*:" This is why I find people like you pathetic and annoying, you flaunt your "power" and think you are entitled to everything while not caring about the wellbeing of others you leave behind. Scumbags like you need to be humbled though preferably banished from ever getting anything ever again."
The female became enraged at hearing that with her eyes becoming a crimson red and her blonde hair heating up though the figure wasn't intimidated in the slightest.
???:" Best stop and leave blondie unless you want me to knock you out."
The blonde female didn't listen and charged at the male who simple and casually grabbed her by the neck before giving her a strong headbutt that true to his words knocked her clean out and on her ass from the casual force.
Annoyed by her he walked out the bar and threw her into a dumpster like the trash she was in his eyes before going back into the bar and downing the two glasses, eating the pineapple pieces and handed the strawberries to the twins who blushed slightly from the gesture when the male grabbed his helmet but when he was ready to reach for his wallet to pay for the drinks, Junior stopped him then handed him a bottle of expensive wine that it made him wonder why when he saw what brand it was.
???:" Isn't this a really expensive bottle Junior?"
Junior:" Indeed kiddo but this was something my wife told me to give you since you killed the punk that tried to snitch out on her. Said you needed a bonus for your services. Please take it."
The male was silent for a few moments before a small smile formed onto his lips and he took the bottle with a grateful look evident in his eyes at the kind gesture.
???:" Thanks Junior but got to get going."
Junior*Small Smile*:" No problem Zero, hope we can work again."
Zero:" Hell yeah."
The twins gave Zero kisses on the cheeks before he left on his bike towards the border of Vale where he entered where there was nothing but over at the very least a hundred miles worth of dense forest that no one wanted to go through so flying was the "only" way from Vale to the supposed City of Progress known as Piltover. Zero kept driving through the pitch black forest with ease until coming across a small patch opening where a beautiful sight awaited him.
Zero took a sniff with the fresh and sweet smell of the fall calming him and bringing another smile to his handsome face when suddenly he roared up his motorcycle and drove into the large water where it swallowed him but instead of drowning him like any other body of water would of, Zero went through where after a full minute he ended up in a relatively open field where a big wooden home laid in front of him and the rather big pond he came out of. This was how him and his rather hectic and crazy family hid from Remnant and it's bullshit though only two members of the family knew how this pond was created but the rest didn't care since it was a safe haven for them and no Huntsman, Huntress, Enforcer or Atlas soldier bothered going through here since Zero came up with a simple but genius idea of keeping them away. Zero was ready to continue riding off in the heavenly field when he turned to see the body of water he came out of.
Zero:" Magic is a hell of a fucking thing or I guess whatever the hell else the Phantom Ruby can do since I am stuck with it for who knows how long. Well vengeance gets served and assholes die so who the hell am I to complain about having this kind of psychotic power?"
Zero drove for about five more minutes with the glowing golden sun, luschious and flawless greenery taht surrounded him and just the pure, perfect and untouched beauty of the surrounding that he knew would be shattered if Atlas or Piltover got involved but he knew that was impossible when he arrived to a very big wooden house that was the only place in this seemingly heavenly area that anyone could tell would cost hundred of thousands of dollars.
(Imagine this about three times bigger than the picture and with more rooms)
Zero:" Home sweet home. Lets see whose here."
Zero parked his bike into their slightly crowded garage despite its rather big size and grabbed some tools since he felt his bike needed a tune up so started working on that when the garage door opened and someone came in to see him working on his bike. The figure was six foot three inches wearing a simple black jacket with a pale blue shirt underneath, black jeans, Converse shoes and a smirk on his face seeing his little brother had returned.
???:" Sup Zero, job went well?"
Zero:" Yo Dabi, it did and I got paid and got some good wine from Junior since I kicked some stupid blonde bitch's ass because she fucking nearly put a dude in the hospital for no good reason. So now I'm just tuning up my bike because I don't need it getting effed up."
Dabi:" Yeah bikes need tuning like a baby needs its milk. Anyway what's this about good wine?"
Zero handed Dabi the big bottle of expensive wine with his eyebrow raising showing he was impressed before a smile formed on his face and a light chuckle a second later.
Dabi:" Wanna head out to get some food because pops said he might be gone until ten P.M? I'm good with anything honestly."
Zero:" Awesome, want some pizza and maybe some chili fries?"
Dabi:" Hell yeah, finish up and I'll be waiting. As for Smiles he said he'd be back in about a hour but we know what he'll eat frigging anything."
Zero:" Right but anyway I should be done in a few minutes since you know I'm good with tools."
Dabi just grunted and left to put the bottle on the table while Zero continued working on his bike for three more minutes until he tested it and it hummed beautifully, putting a smirk on his face.
Zero:" Yo Dabi! Lets do this shit!"
Dabi came out with keys in his hand and sat onto his own bike before smirking and revving up.
Dabi:" Lets get going."
The two brother rode back to the pond and through it to end up back into the forest separating the cities then back to Vale for food where instead of the original idea they settled on good seafood since they haven't had it for over two years but while riding they neared a dust store where they noticed a commotion going on inside so slowed to see a group of men inside with the leader seeming to be a guy they were sorta familiar with so with a sigh, the brothers stopped and stepped out to go in where the group of men saw the two arrivals.
Roman:" Well what do we have here? Some wannabe heroes?"
Zero/Dabi:" I prefer vigilante."
Dabi sped forward to punch a guy in the then roundhouse kicked another unconscious with him taking out the third by performing a one legged enziguri.
That left three so Zero grabbed one and did another headbutt that knocked him out before kneeing one in the stomach then grabbing him by the hair and slamming him hard enough onto the concrete ground to give him brain damage. For the last he did a German Supplex but added a kind of sizzle to it that made Dabi chuckle and left Roman slightly wide eyed.
Zero went up and fist bumped his brother while Roman decided to just run out though instead of going after him the boy asked the old man if he knew any good seafood places where after a few minutes of shock he told them of a place so they were ready to leave when some sounds started to appear from outside so they groaned and went to investigate to see four of each of these.
Zero:" Two for each brother?"
Dabi:" We here so what the hell?"
Dabi went first where he punched a hole through the chest cavity of a Beringel with his hand going right through where a blue stream of flames burned two Beowolves and a Boarbatusk where nothing remained. Dabi dodged a slash from another Beringel then threw a blue fire ball onto it with it not having the time to yell out in agony then Dabi finished up his two by grabbing his second and tore a tusk off then stabbed it right through it's skull. Zero stepped up and grabbed a long red katana from his back and spun it until in it a moment sped forward to bisect a Beringel and stab a Beowolf in the throat then just using the blade to snap it's neck then continued standing when a Boarbatusk sped forward but with speed that looked like teleportation he was gone and the Boarbatusk was still spinning until gravity brought it down to the cement where it turned into over hundreds of tiny cubes that fell like dominoes where suddenly Zero appeared again spinning the katana in his hand where he put it away and brought out a crimson sniper rifle that he slammed into the last Beowolf's torso so hard it evaporated into nothing then stabbing the barrel into the forehead of the Boarbatusk despite it's skull helmet where he jumped off and landed right next to his brother then without looking and having his rifle slung over his shoulder, he fired a round into the last of the Grimm with the bullet landing into it's left eye where it just exploded into nothing with the brothers ready to leave when a purple bubble engulfed them. The two glared at the one responsible who glared right back but Zero's eyes turned colder when they landed onto the other that was bubbled up due to her physical looks and her weapon but Dabi did yell out something smart.
Dabi:" Hey man, watch our bikes for us will ya?"
The old man gave a thumbs up and started closing up shop.
*Vale Police Department*
Glynda:" I hope you three understand what you have done tonight. It wasn't heroism but rather vigilantism and something that we can not tolerate in Vale."
Ruby:" They started it!"
Zero*In Thoughts*:" Stupid runt, you didn't even do jack shit so what you fucking mean they started it when me and Dabi did all the fucking work."
Dabi*In Thoughts*:" Never wanted to see the police department that constantly works with that fucking piece of shit but now we are stuck here with a wannabe BDSM Dom when we just wanted some fucking food. Goddamn it."
Glynda:" If it was up to me, I would give you a pat on the back-
Ruby smiles but both the males knew there was a catch.
Glynda:" And a slap on the wrist."
The woman tried hitting Zero's hand to emphasize the point only for him to grab it and break it in two with the glare in his eyes hardening and shocking Glynda as no one not even the General of Atlas nor the Headmaster of Beacon ever stood up to her like this. It annoyed her and that glare of hatred angered her but someone else walked through the door holding a plate of cookies and a glass of milk: This was Ozpin Headmaster of Beacon Academy and someone who adamantly spoke out against vigilantism and of the team the public has dubbed the "Sons of Justice" He looked to the males where he noticed Dabi's strange white hair and blue eyes making him look like a Schnee but he should ask first while the other being Zero shocked him as he had a silver eye, meaning he may have hit the jackpot here but he should deal with Ruby first.
Ozpin:" Ruby Rose, you have silver eyes."
The two brothers just ignored the rest of the conversation they were having since they didn't and couldn't give a flying fuck about it until Ozpin turned and asked Dabi if he was a Schnee.
Dabi:" Hell fucking no! I ain't no dumb ass racist, greedy rich motherfucker or some gutless piece of shit with no balls and a big ass ego! That is the stupid fucking question I was ever asked."
Ozpin:" It was just a question young man."
Dabi:" And you should know that the Schnees only have one son and he is short as hell, wears "fancy" bullshit clothes and hates Vale, any of that right there sound anything like me Ozpin?"
Ozpin:"....Fair point."
A singular cookie remained when Zero took it right before Ruby could have but instead of eating it Zero dunked it into the milk for a few seconds with the cookie dissolving into the milk and becoming inedible and making Ruby tear up from the scene she just witnessed.
Ruby:" How could you do that to a delicious cookie?! Especially the last one?!"
Zero:" I fucking hate cookies that's why."
Ruby*Shocked*:" What?! How could you hate cookies?!"
Zero:" They suck little red riding hood rip off now stop talking to me and screw off."
Zero was getting more annoyed about this when Ozpin turned to him and looked at his singular silver eye.
Ozpin:" May I have your name young man?"
Zero:" Hell no weirdo because I ain't interested in anything you got to say to me."
Ozpin*Surprised*:" Excuse me?"
Zero:" I ain't interested in being some lame ass Huntsman or working for those Atlas ass crack friends of yours so the answer is no I don't want to join your little school and with that we are outta here because we got food to get so good bye Grinch knock off."
The two males stood up ready to leave when Glynda got in front of the door with anger evident on her face at this blatant display of disrespect from these two who didn't give a shit.
Glynda:" Sit down now you two! You are not leaving until we say you can!"
Zero was ready to kill this bitch when Dabi knocked her out with a simple punch and Zero picked up her limp body with one hand and dumped her into a garbage pail nearby then the two left shocking the other two in the room with the boys walking back to the store and retrieving their bikes to head to the restaurant where after ten minutes they got what they wanted with smiles on their faces at the delicious food in front of them.
Zero:" Lets get going now that we finally got what we fucking want. We are late."
Dabi:" Stupid assholes just had to waste our goddamn time for a school being run by the rich and entitled. Fuck that shit and tell it to go to the deepest pit of Hell."
Zero:" Amen."
The two drove to the forest making sure they wouldn't be followed and made it back home with them walking in to be greeted by two hug with Zero having the stronger of the two and Dabi receiving the gentle one and a face in his muscular torso. The one hugging Zero looked up to him with a devilish smirk on her face as well as a blush due to how she wasn't even five foot and had her face in Zero's crotch due to him being taller than six foot.
???:" Welcome back twin brother Senpai!"
Zero:" Evening Nagatoro. We brought food and enough for all of us but no you are not drinking any wine or beer. Got it?"
Nagatoro:" Of course twin brother Senpai! I already bought some liters of soda for myself because since school has been cancelled because of the snow storm, I'll be free for a whole week!"
Nagatoro gave her "twin" brother a kiss on the neck before walking over to get plates while Dabi was gently head patting the one hugging him who was now looking towards her third older brother with a blush on her pretty face that Zero couldn't help but gently caress.
Zero:" Hello to you too Komi."
Komi:" Hm! Hm!"
Komi gave Zero a hug that he reciprocated until she let go and went get a plate so Zero and Dabi set the food down though Zero sensed another spirit in the house so went up to a random room and opened to see a six foot one inch male with blue, pink and blonde hair wearing nothing more than a pair of boxers and socks showing off a impressive eight pack and his toned thighs on their phone then he turned to see Zero so a smile was added before he walked over and gave Zero a passionate kiss on the lips that lasted two minutes.
???:" Hey hubby, miss me?"
Zero:" We're both unkillable Carl yet I manage to still miss all of yall so yes I did."
Carl smirked with that smirk only getting bigger when he smelled food so he was ready to run down when his hand was grabbed by Zero who handed him a pair of jeans and one of his many torn up shirts.
Zero:" Might need this Carl."
Carl:" Ah you are so sweet hubby, love ya!"
Carl dressed and went down with Zero following while sighing at his antics but internally smiling at this before grabbing some food while pouring some of the wine but most importantly allowing his mind to go to that red bitch he met earlier. It was clear as a crystal not only was she a Huntress-in-training but who was her mother: The whore Summer Rose who was unfortunately his egg donor. Zero chugged the wine and refilled with anger filling some of his mind hearing he had the unfortunate luck of meeting his supposed "half-sister" who he could tell was a black and white annoying ass child with no sense of how the world actually worked. His family or in reality his brother Dabi, his father and his boyfriend were the only ones alongside his two uncle figures knew why he hated Summer but he hadn't told his two adopted sisters since they haven't told either of them except their father on what happened to their own biological families so it was out of respect. He continued eating to ease his mind from this especially knowing that the stupid bitch was one of Ozpin's best fighters so he knew Ozpin may know who he may be related to and not stop to try and recruit him but he took no orders from anybody especially egotistical arrogant assholes that abused their power because they just can. Zero turned to the door and continued eating for a good while with his family's usual antics with Nagatoro's usual jokes and shenanigans of having fun with all her older siblings and teased the baby of the family while the said baby was trying to keep her notepad clean from the food, Dabi was trying to make sure he wasn't the one cleaning after the girls, Zero was sharpening his katana while eating his food and finally Carl was doing something for a lack of better words risky by giving Zero a hand job underneath the table. Carl was someone who loved taking risks and being as chaotic as possible though he was definitely the loving one since he hated seeing his future husband as he put it being so stressed so why not help him out in the best way possible? Dabi got up after a bit to say he was gonna hit the sack and the girls went up to their rooms to do whatever they were gonna do leaving the two lovers alone with Carl having a smirk and Zero saying
Zero:" Ah, what the hell?"
The two walked up into Carl's room where Zero was pushed onto his bed and Carl locked the door having that devilish smirk on his face.
🍋Short Lemon Warning🍋
Carl took off Zero's jeans completely and automatically started sucking onto his seventeen inch monster of a member going all the way to the base like a champ while Zero moaned from the feeling and still being impressed Carl didn't gag from it or even have watering eyes but at the moment he wanted pleasure and his boyfriend was giving it to him. After half a hour of this Zero finally gave in and came in Carl's mouth and despite the size of the load that would put a horse's to shame Carl swallowed the whole load down like a champ with a seductive smile all over his face before he took off his own clothes and got onto the bed on all fours showing off his ass that Zero kept his eyes on for a minute as his already full mast member became harder somehow. Carl's ass was something beautiful to him, it was mostly toned muscle but there was a good amount of fat that somehow jiggled and pissed off Zero since he knew Carl did it to tease him but now he had a chance to get him back and vengeance was something Zero adored. He got up onto the bed and started to lube up the clean pristine asshole of his boyfriend with a bottle of coconut lotion Carl always uses before he sleeps and after slathering his hole and his balls he lined up to the hole and gently entered with a seductive groan of pleasure coming from his boyfriend who looked back and caressed his lover's cheek while putting his thumb in his mouth.
Carl:" ~Continue my love~"
Zero did just that thrusting into the tight hole that was like a hot velvet glove bringing him nothing but amazing pleasure but to make this more pleasurable for his boyfriend Zero added some lube to his hand and started to jerk off Carl's fourteen inch long member with the boys moaning from the pleasure and being thankful Zero managed to make their rooms soundproof or else the whole house would be awake now. This went on for two hours with the first having Zero cum inside of Carl twice due to his endurance then the other being them switching with Carl having his turn with them finally washing up, sharing a kiss and Zero saying he was going to go visit some friends since he had a feeling their father was there but told Carl to remember something.
Lemon Over!
Once again Zero left home but this time not on his bike to avoid the risk of it being stolen given where he was going and just walked to the pond enjoying the warmth of the area and the fresh smell when he made it but before jumping in he grabbed three apples and put them into a jacket pocket then after jumping he ran towards the border of Piltover where it bordered Zaun, Zero looked down to the city that was the opposite of Piltover due to it rampant crime, toxic gases, filthy overflowing trash and the poor population forced to call this place their home because of Piltover's scumbag Enforcers and negligence. It angered him but nevertheless he jumped down and landed on the ground without any injury whatsoever on his body before walking through the streets with the citizens finding someone as dressed as him here but Zero didn't care and after a bit walked into a bar known as the Last Drop where a tall man with a beard cleaning a glass saw him and smiled with Zero walking over and sitting down to greet the man.
Zero:" Sup Uncle V, things going well?"
Vander:" They have Z and I can tell you are doing good judging from how your father has been talking about things back home."
Zero:" Yeah, the girls are doing well in school and are semi staying out of trouble, Dabi is kicking ass at the strip club and no one dares piss anyone off there, Carl has been taking off with his mercenary side gig and is making enough money to be mistaken for a Piltie and me well*Sighs* Me though I been thinking of a song and finally wrote one for my new channel though I don't know how I feel about it especially after this shitty day."
Vander:" What happened kiddo?"
Zero:" I met that asshole Ozpin and that fucking cunt's daughter."
Vander understood right away what Zero meant and sighed deeply knowing how persistent and annoying Ozpin can get and he had the unfortunate luck of having met Summer Rose and despised her arrogance and how she abandoned a baby Zero like he was garbage. Vander didn't care the reason since no reason could be that good to just abandon a child like nothing though looked to Zero remained quiet until he turned to see a blue haired girl with braids and a red head girl who both were talking until they saw Zero and both ran up and hugged him.
???:" Hey Ghost! What's up!?!?"
???:" Been a while since another stylish red head came down here, everyone else is just so damn boring and never have anything fun to do. So how's life Z?"
Zero:" Like always has it's ups and down Vi but for your question Powder, I now have a new target possibly and also a new song possibly."
Powder:" Oh really can I hear it?!"
Zero:" Later but right now I need to find my father so I can talk to him."
???:" Won't need to look far Zero."
Zero turned around to see a tall man standing about six foot three inches donning a hood and looking rather pale but Zero did smile seeing the man as this was Alex Mercer, the man who adopted the five kids as his own and kept them from being monsters. Zero remained sitting while Alex walked over and put a hand on his youngest son's head though his eyes showed he wanted to know what the problem was when Zero pulled out his scroll that was recording the entire conversation or rather small talk he had with Ozpin and Alex felt anger and annoyance when he saw the face of the immortal headmaster that was gawking at his son's silver eye when the boys told him off and even knocked out Glynda Goodwitch the annoying tramp that Alex had to deal with several times throughout his life as a vigilante and as a human. The girls were laughing at Zero putting her in a trash pail with Vander chuckling while Alex gently grabbed Zero by the shoulder and led him into the back room to talk about this.
Alex:" To think it took this long Zero for you to meet the bastard is shocking but now that you have, what do you want to do?"
Zero:" Continue what I want to do with my family and my boyfriend and protect as well as avenge the innocent. Nothing more nothing less father, you are my family and I don't need that piece of shit Team STRQ as anything but my targets."
Alex smiled at his son's confident words before giving him a hug that Zero reciprocated when Alex remembered hearing that Zero had written a song since he said he wanted to be a rapper.
Alex:" So you wrote a song huh Zero? What's wrong with it?"
Zero:" It's about how I feel about those pieces of shits that abandoned me for no reason. It's called I Don't Care and I know people will want to know the reason I made it. Though now I have a reason to release it."
Alex:" Is it because of Ozpin?"
Zero:" No because I met my supposed half sister but I don't care about her."
Alex nodded and gave his son a another quick hug before heading back to Vander with him talking to Vi and Powder while Zero hearing those words gave him the realization that this was the last step he needed to truly and permanently sever his ties with the whore and bastard that abandoned him. He told them he'd be back in ten minutes and with speed that matched lightning returned home and into his room where he set up stuff for this and took a gentle breath ready for this.
Zero finished up the song and was satisfied with it so he grabbed his laptop and posted it online on his new channel he simply called "Justified Vengeance" when he put his laptop into his backpack Dabi got him four months ago after his old one got torn up while they were in Atlas then was ready to head back to the Last Drop when he past a room he knew didn't belong to either his sisters and entered it to check on something or rather someone. The room was dark with not much in it besides a spinning night light and a little bed that he went over to gently pick up a still awake baby boy that smiled and giggled when he saw him and Zero reciprocated the action. He figured since the child was awake he might as well take them with him and this time got called his father about this with him saying since the Last Drop was closing he and the others would meet them in a nearby park in Vale since Piltover was a no go. Zero once again with amazing speed went to Vale and made it to a park where he waited with the baby in his arms and covered in a blanket while he was feeding them a bottle of milk until hearing his father's voice behind him while hearing gasps from his two female friends who didn't expect this.
Alex:" Hello little one, you seem to be enjoying Zero's company?"
Vander:" Well I knew you already beat me in amount of kids you took in but I counted five though Lexxie, where did this one come from?"
Powder:" He's so cute!! That bottle and his cute face!!"
Vi:" A baby this time Uncle Al? That's a new one."
Alex:" He's not my child."
Vander, Vi and Powder were confused since he was in Zero's arms and so Zero stood up and said with eyes of determination and gentleness
Zero:" He's my child. Meet Asher Crimson."
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