Episode 1: The Prince and the Rose
10 years ago.
3rd POV
We see that it was raining while the thunder roared and lightning strikes. As it was raining, we see a how's in the woods on fire. Then we see a young boy in front of the house as he was next to a woman on the ground, crying as she was bleeding to death.
Boy: M-mother... I'm sorry. I (hic) I...
Woman: (weakly places her hand on his cheek) Shhh... It's okay, F/N. It wasn't your fault... You did what you had to do...
F/N: But you're like this because of me!
Woman: I don't blame you, my son... I still... Love... You... No matter..... What.......
Then the woman's hand fell from the boy's face to the ground as her body went limp.
F/N: Mother? Mother?! MOTHER!!!!!!
The boy known as F/N started to cry as he watched his mother died right in front of him. As he was crying we see Beowolves crawl towards him, getting ready to attack the child. Then we see the markings on the boy's arms started to glow then we see the boy's (E/C) eyes turn into yellow demonic eyes with an angry expression on his face as tears flow through his eyes. The Beowolves pounced towards the boy as he quickly turns around and jumps towards them as he screamed with rage until we see some (E/C) eyes open up while hearing a gasp as we see F/N older and laying in a bed at night in an abandoned hotel.
Present Day
F/N: (lays up as he runs his face) [Sigh] That damn nightmare again. (Looks towards a boarded-up window). And it's still night, God damnit! (Flops on the bed as he looks at a ceiling)... Fuck it. (Gets out of bed and puts on some clothes) I'm going for a walk.
After I put on my clothes, I open my door and head outside.
Short Time skip
I was walking down the streets of Vale, while smoking one of my cigarettes until I came across a shop called "From Dust till Dawn" then I see a sign that says "No smoking" on the window.
F/N: [Sigh] Of course... (Finishes off the cigarette, then flicks it away as he walks in)
I walk inside the shop as the owner welcomed me. I go over to the magazine area where some kid in red was at, reading one of them. I picked up one of the magazines from the shelves and started to read it. As I was minding my own business, I heard some voices as I smelled some cigar smoke.
???: Do you have any idea how hard it is to find a Dust shop this late?
Shop owner: P-please just take my Lien and leave!
???: Shh shh shh, calm down, we're not here for your money. Grab the dust.
Why the hell would they want Dust instead of money? ... Eh, none of my business.
Thug: Alright you two, put your hands where we can see them.
I look towards the guy talking without turning my head. Then I look towards my magazine and walked away. One of them followed me and got in front of me.
Thug 2: Didn't you hear what he said?
F/N: Oh no, I completely heard what he said. I just don't give a rat's ass.
Then the Thug grabbed the magazine out of my hands, rips it to shreds, then threw the pieces in my face.
F/N: (closes eyes as he inhales through his noes) [Sigh] So much for trying to get a peaceful night.
3rd POV
We see two of the thugs get tossed out of the building. As Roman was at the counter. Seeing this, two more went towards the back. Then all of a sudden two people kicked them out a window as they went along with them. The girl in the red known as Ruby Rose and F/N slowly got up as they look at the group while F/N cracked his neck as you can hear it pop and Ruby spun her scythe around and stuck it into the ground.
F/N: [Hm] (grabs a cigarette from a box) Not bad. (Sticks the cigarette in his mouth then lights it with a lighter)
Ruby: (looks at F/N) Aren't those bad for you?
F/N: (puts lighter away) Not for people like me.
Roman: Okayyy... (Looks at his men) Get them!
The thugs charge towards the two as they get ready to fight. One of them tried to stab Ruby as she hopped over her scythe then kicked him in the face meanwhile we see F/N dodging every swipe that a thug was swinging at him with his sword while his hands were in his pockets. Then F/N kneed the thug in the gut then roundhouse kicks him towards a building. Then another thug points a gun at F/N while he wasn't looking then fires at him only for F/N to move slightly, only for his cigarette to get shot out of his mouth and into a nearby puddle.
F/N: (glares at the thug as his markings started to glow and his eyes turn demonic yellow) YOU JACKASS! THAT WAS MY LAST CIGARETTE!!!
Before the thug could do anything, F/N quickly got in front of him and punched him in the gut so hard he started to spit out blood. Then uppercuts him while doing a barrage of punches. Then finished him off by grabbing the thug's head and slammed him into the ground so hard, it creates a crater. The other thugs see this and started to run as Ruby was shocked by this.
Roman: (to the knocked out/dead ones) You were worth every cent. Truly, you were. (Takes cigar out of his mouth and looks at the two) Well, Red and... Whatever the hell you are, we can all say it's been an eventful evening. (Drops cigar on the ground and puts it out with his cane) and as much as I like to stick around... (Points cane at Ruby) I'm afraid this is where we part ways.
Roman fires at Ruby. Before the blast can reach her, F/N grabs the blast with his bare hands as it pushed him back a little. Then he turns around and tossed it in the air as it explodes.
Ruby: Whoa!
F/N: Oh no, don't think you can get away with this! (Turns towards Roman) You're gonna pay for-
Then Ruby and F/N noticed that Roman disappeared.
Then the two turn around to see him climbing a ladder to the top of the building as the owner comes out of his store.
Ruby: (to the owner) You okay if we go after him?
Shop owner: Uh-huh.
Ruby: (looks at F/N) Okay let's- (noticed he was gone) Huh?! Where did he-?
???: HEY!!!
Then Ruby looks towards the direction the yelling came from to see F/N running towards him.
Ruby: H-hey! (Follows him) wait for me!
Then we see Roman hop onto the top as F/N leaps and Ruby follows by launching herself up with her weapon.
F/N: (to Ruby) Stay out of my way! (Walks towards him) He's mine.
Roman: Persistent...
Then a bullhead flies in front of them as F/N stops and sees Roman climb into it and looks at the two.
Roman: end of the line, you two.
Then roman tossed a burn Dust crystal at F/N and Ruby then fires at F/N's then Ruby's until someone stopped Ruby's from hurt. Then we see Glynda in front of Ruby.
Ruby: Wow... Wait? (Looks around for F/N) What about that one guy?
???: Don't get your panties in a twist.
Then we see the smoke clear up as we see F/N in front of the two as he flicks of some dust on his shoulder once.
F/N: I'm fine.
Then we see Glynda fire at the Bullhead With projectiles as it started to lose control.
Roman: (goes to the pilot) We got a Huntress!
The pilot walks off as Roman takes control of the Bullhead. Meanwhile, we see Glynda summon some storm clouds over the ship as thunder roars.
Roman: The hell...?
Then ice shards fell from the sky, hitting the Bullhead. Then we see a woman walk towards the entrance of the Bullhead. She shoots some fire at Glynda until F/N got in front of her and caught the flames in his hands. Everybody looked at him in a shocked manner.
F/N: (smirks) [Heh] (holds the flame with one hand as he looks at the woman) I think that this belongs to you. Here. (The flame ignites bigger and hotter than before) HAVE IT BACK!
F/N tossed the flame back at the Bullhead as the entrance closed the gets hit by the flame. Then the Bullhead started to fly away.
Ruby: (to Glynda) You're a Huntress! Can I have your autograph?
*Short time skip*
I was brought back with the Huntress along with the Hooded girl as she was griping at us for what we did as I laid my feet on the table.
Huntress: I hope you two realize that your actions tonight will not be taken lightly. You two put yourselves and others in great danger.
Girl: They started it!
F/N: And to be fair, I was gonna mind my own business until one of them decided to piss me off.
Huntress: If it were up to me, you two would be sent home... With a pat on the back...
The girl smiles.
F/N: (closes eyes and sighs) Wait for it.
Huntress: And a slap on the wrist.
She whips her riding crop on the table as the girl yelped.
F/N: There it is.
Huntress: But... There is someone here who would like to meet both of you.
Then we see some man with grey hair walk over towards us with a mug and a plate of cookies in both of his hands.
Man: Ruby Rose... (Looks at F/N) And F/N L/N. (Gets a closer look at Ruby) You... Have silver eyes.
F/N: [Tch] Creeper much?
Huntress: Watch your tone young man!
F/N: Oh I'm sorry. (Clears out throat) 🎵Creeper much?🎵 How's that?
Then the Huntress glares daggers at me as the man continued.
Man: (To Ruby) So. Where did you learn to do this? (Points at a Scroll showing her fighting)
Ruby: S-Signal Academy.
Man: They taught you to use one of the most dangerous weapons ever designed?
Ruby: Well, One teacher in particular.
Man: I see... (Places cookies in front of Ruby then looks at F/N) And you, F/N. (Scroll shows him fighting) Where did you learn how to fight like this?
F/N: Self-taught.
Man: I see... And if you don't mind me asking, you're father wouldn't be Lucifer, would it?
Everyone except me where shocked after he asked that.
F/N: What gave it away? The marks, the fact that I can catch flames or my good looks?
Man: Do you two know who I am.
F/N: A pedophile with glasses?
Ruby: No, that's Professor Ozpin. The headmaster of Beacon.
F/N: That was gonna be my second guess.
Ozpin: I have a question for both of you. How would you two like to come to my school?
F/N: What's in it for me if I say yes?
Ozpin: Well you won't be in that abandoned hotel anymore, you'll have a better place to stay and better food to eat.
F/N: [Hmm....] Alright, I'll do it. On one condition.
Ozpin: And what will that be?
F/N: I'm allowed to leave the place whenever I want. Cause there are a lot of rogue demons running around. And unless you have an angel up your ass, your gonna need another demon to kill them.
Ozpin: Alright. (Holds hand out hand) Deal.
F/N: Let's make this official. (Hold up an opposite hand as green flames surrounded it. He grabs Ozpin hand as the flame twirls around his arm as a marking is placed on his hand) There, the deal's done.
Huntress: Did you make him sell his soul?!
F/N: What? No of course not. If I wanted to do that, I would've made him sign for it. (Gets up and walks off) I'll see you tomorrow.
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