Emerald Forest: Night Time
It was a dark yet warm night. No clouds in the sky, and everyone was likely asleep at this time. Y/N L/N was your name, and you spent most of your days wandering the city or the Forest.
Y/N: *Sigh*...I'm hungry...
You didn't have a place to call home, so you couldn't cook yourself anything without having to hunt it for the most part. Either that, or you'd secretly steal from the supermarket.
It's not that you enjoyed stealing, but sometimes a guy must do whatever he needs to do in order to survive. You tried getting a job, but nobody wanted to take you in due to the fact that you were a Faunus.
Most of the time you didn't really know where you were. However that didn't stop you from searching for food. With your tail and seemingly endless stamina, navigating through the trees was a breeze, making it extremely difficult for Grimm to catch you at this hour.
Y/N: At this rate I'm probably gonna starve...I wonder what Grimm tastes like...
Regardless of knowing how dangerous Grimm can be, you never feared them. In fact, you're not afraid of anything. And you hated that. Fear can save one's life, so not feeling it can be quite dangerous in itself depending on the situation.
You had also never fought a Grimm in your life. You never fought anything for that matter. You always ran. It seemed like the easier option. Besides, while you were a bit stronger than people give you credit for, you had no fighting experience whatsoever.
You were currently walking along the edge of a river in hopes of snatching a fish, but with how dark it was, you couldn't see anything in the water.
All of a sudden you heard a series of abrupt crunching sounds, as well as a massively heavy stomp which shook the ground below you.
You quickly turned around and laid eyes upon what was probably the biggest Grimm you had ever seen, an Ursa that was confidently 3 times your size at the very least.
Y/N: Shit.
The Beast let out a horrific roar which would come to attract even more smaller Ursa and a few Beowolves in the mix. The Giant Ursa staring you down with eyes redder than the devil himself.
You now found yourself completely surrounded by monsters. Your only hope would be to swing off a tree and escape, but the closest tree was blocked off by said giant Ursa.
One of the Beowolves then lunged straight for your throat without warning. You barely managed to tumble out of the way as all of the Grimm began to attack you. One by one.
Y/N: They're not giving me any space to this rate I won't be able to escape...
You were then knocked down by the giant Ursa with a single blow. The impact was enough to knock the wind out of you. You couldn't move, you felt exhausted, and the Ursa was ready to pounce and take your life.
Y/N: I can't this the end...? Am I...going to die...? Alone...?
Y/N: I don't think so!!
In that very moment, your eyes flashed and began to glow bright blue. Your hair turning as red as your blood as a massive burst of light overtook the entire forest.
As the light consumed each and every Grimm, dozens of roars and cries could be heard for miles. The sky becoming as light as day for no more than a brief moment as you shouted.
Y/N: HAA!!
Time Skip: Several Weeks Later
???: Oh I can't believe my baby sister's coming to Beacon with me! This is the best day ever!!
Our scenery now changes towards 2 girls. One wearing a combat skirt, a red hood, had red-black hair, and silver eyes. The other girl was her older Sister. Long, Golden Locks, somewhat taller, bright purples eyes, and a brown jacket.
???: Jeez...stooop...
??? 2: But I'm so PROUD of you...!!
???: Really, Sis. It was nothing...
??? 2: What do you mean?? It was incredible! Everyone at Beacon is gonna think you're the Bee's Knees!!
???: I don't wanna be the Bee's Knees! Okay, I don't wanna be ANY kind of knees! I just wanna be a normal girl with normal knees!
??? 2: What's with you?? Aren't you excited?!
???: Of course I'm excited it's just...I got moved ahead two years...I don't want people to think I'm special or anything...
??? 2: But you are special!
Suddenly their conversation was cut short by a holographic video screen, showing several photos of the well known criminal, Roman Torchwick.
Male Voice: The robbery was led by the nefarious criminal Roman Torchwick who continues to evade authorities. If you have any information on his whereabouts, please contact the Vale Police Department. Back to you, Lisa.
The Screen then cut to a Lavender Haired woman who had a much more...explosive matter to discuss.
Lisa: Thank you, Cyril. In other news, sightings of a massive light show were reported all over Remnant. Nobody had any knowledge of who or what may have caused this colossal light, however, last night, we managed to gain footage of the Event from one of our satellites.
On the screen showed a photo of a massive beam of blue light that skyrocketed out into space. The beam was large enough to take out the moon in one shot of it had come in contact.
Lisa: The most miraculous detail about this footage is that it was taken from the other side of the Planet. Knowing that this Beacon was shot close to Vale, we can consider ourselves very lucky that it didn't destroy our beloved Kingdom. If anybody has any information about this historical event, please contact us at—
???: Woah...I remember that!
??? 2: That was like three weeks ago, I'm surprised people are still talking about it...
???: I wonder what could've made that big of an explosion...?
You were currently laying ground. Not far from where you had that Grimm encounter. You looked like you had reverted back to normal. However your body was incredibly exhausted.
Over half of the Forest was in complete ruin. Most of the trees had been vaporized, the lakes and ponds were burned out, and ashes flew through the wind everywhere you looked. It may seem bad now, but it was a lot worse a few weeks ago.
Y/N: I think I'm gonna pass out...
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