♥ They Don't Know About Us - Scorily

This story is a shipping fic which takes place nearly a decade after the Battle of Hogwarts. It features the romantic pairing of Scorpius Malfoy and Lily Luna Potter (Scorily) and contains little parts of Hinny (Harry Potter and Ginny Weasley). The story is inspired by the song, 'They Don't Know About Us' by One Direction. This is written as a part of a friendly OS challenge between Charms Twinnie (Charmed_Sunshine_22) and myself.

Dedicated To:
All the scorily shippers and to my Twinnie, of course, who gave the amazing prompt! It was so fun doing this and I hope to do this again in the future! After all, I am a scorily shipper because of you. ;)

It was a chill morning, overcast with rain-bearing clouds. A blonde haired man stepped out of his house and turned around to lock the door. "Colloportus." The door magically locked itself and he wheeled again to face his family.

"Ready, Scorp?" his wife's sweet voice asked. He smiled and nodded.

"Whenever you are, Bloom."

And they Disapparated.


When he opened his eyes, he was seeing the familiar cottage on the cobbled street. He took a deep breath and Lily grabbed his hand.

"It's okay. We'll be good. I'm sure James will take care of it," she assured and he felt guilty. It was supposed to be the other way around. I smiled at her and kissed her cheek before bravely walking forwards and ringing the bell. There was a hustle on the other side and the door opened to reveal the warm face of my mother-in-law, Ginny Potter.

"Ah, Lily! Scorpius! Aw, is that my cutie grandson?" she exclaimed, hugging Lily before ruffling my hair and taking my son, Leo from Lily's arms.

"How are you, Mrs Potter?" I asked. She was the only one besides my grandparents and my brothers-in-law who supported out marriage and I felt safe with her company.

Mrs Potter smiled. "I'm good, dear. Come in please! And Lily can you grab a little birthday candle from the nearby store? James sure as hell has kept a prank candle for everyone to get frightened. I'm not going to believe him."

"I'll buy one, mum," my wife answered. She smiled at me and her mother before walking out.

"Scorpius, come in dear." Mrs Potter ushered me in and closed the door but did not lock it. "Don't worry about Harry, okay? I'll take care of him if he does anything," she comforted. I gave her a genuine smile.

"Thank you, Mrs Potter."

"I –"

"BANG! BOOM!" A loud crash sounded behind us and Leo started crying. Mrs Potter shrieked before turning around and swishing her wand, still holding my son tightly to her chest.

"JAMES SIRIUS POTTER! YOU MAY BE THE BIRTHDAY BOY BUT THAT DOESN'T MEAN YOU SCARE EVERYONE!" she shouted, even defeating Leo's screams. "Oh, Leo dear. Grandma isn't scolding you." I was dumbstruck. How could a fierce woman suddenly turn soft? Oh, this is where Lily inherited her behavior from, I understood.

"I'm sorry mum, I was just trying to show some nice tricks to my nephew!" James, Lily's eldest brother, said sheepishly, coming out of the cupboard.

Mr Potter and Albus ran out of the hall, Alice and Charlotte on their tail. "Ginny! What's happened?" Mr Potter asked. She gave him one look and realization dawned upon his face. Alice rolled her eyes and facepalmed.

"I can't understand how immature my husband can be," she groaned. That was when Albus noticed my presence.

"Scorpius! Hey mate!" he greeted, walking forward to give me a brotherly hug. I embraced him and patted his back. 

"Hello Scorpius," Alice and Charlotte greeted in unison and I greeted them in kind before looking at Mr Potter. He seemed to be communicating wordlessly with Mrs Potter.

"G-good evening, Mr Potter," I tried. The nervousness which always shot up my veins when in his strict presence was unbeatable. He looked at me before clearing his throat.

"Right. Good evening Scorpius. Welcome home," he said although I knew that it was not a true phrase said from the heart. I smiled politely.

"Thank you," I thanked before turning to James. "Many happy returns, James." He grinned and offered me the chocolate box he was holding. Everyone else walked back to the hall and it was only us. I took one of the chocolate and popped it into my mouth.

"Thanks mate! And don't ya worry about what dad thinks. Old rivalries, y'know? I guess I can understand him and Ron but still." He shrugged. "Be lucky mum isn't on the opposite side. It wouldn't go well with her angry."

"Yeah. . ." I replied unsurely. He patted my shoulder.

"Dad doesn't know about you and my sis. Don't care about what the world thinks. They don't know about love and how blindness is a side effect of it."

I was left to ponder about that.


It was the fifth of June AKA my dad's birthday. He wasn't really the biggest of party fans so there was just a small celebration with grandpa Lucius, grandma Narcissa, myself, Lily and Leo.

It was sharply at five in the evening when we arrived at the Malfoy Manor. The dark gloom of the place was never replaced, even when the shine of hope flickered through the clouds after the Battle of Hogwarts. With Lily by my side and Leo in my arms, I walked past the opened kissing-gates. The statue of a peacock was on a rock, looking like a magnificent creature which was unfortunately turned to stone.

Upon reaching the huge doors, I rapped my knuckles on them. The door clicked open and my father's pale face came into view. I smiled and Lily even greeted him but all he did was nod before opening the door even wider for us to enter. My father wasn't definitely supportive of us.

"Happy birthday, father."

"Many happy returns of the day, Mr Malfoy!"

He nodded again to our wishes before muttering a word in a single syllable. "Thanks."

Lily was slightly disappointed by the lack in his response so I grabbed her hand with my free hand and walked further into the manor. The chandelier which was once nearly dropped on my great aunt Bellatrix was fixed and hanging from the ceiling as if it had seen better days. The dark colour scheme of the rooms never really changed.

"Oh! Scorpy!" It was Grandma Narcissa. She hustled down the staircase and Lily took Leo from me. Just in time as she embraced me tightly and I breathed in the familiar scent of family love.

"Grandma Narcissa! How have you been?" I asked her enthusiastically just as she let go of me and cupped Lily's cheek.

"It's going good. Your Grandpa surely wants to enjoy the lost years of our marriage when we are nearing the end of our lives," she said cheekily. Taking Leo from my wife's arms, she started cooing over him. Along with Grandpa Lucius, Mrs Potter, James and Albus, she supported my marriage to Lily with a whole heart. Grandpa Lucius was reluctant at first but after some much needed advice from Grandma Narcissa on love and how father suffered because of their picky nature, he finally relented and came to live Lily and of course, Leo. "Come on in now, Scorpy, Lily."

We walked further into the house and stopped at the sitting room where a table was set. Minimalistic decorations were present. Candles were lit and a Slytherin themed cake sat on the centre of the table.

"Ah, Scorpius! Lily! Come, come!" Grandpa Lucius welcomed us. He was sitting on a rocking chair, a party popper in his hand. As soon as we approached him, he let it off and Leo squealed in delight. "Hope that was a good welcome for the little one to the Malfoy Manor," he said sheepishly. We chuckled but it was Lily who was the most enthusiastic in replying.

"This comes from my heart, Mr Malfoy: this was the most warmest welcome Leo has ever received from family," she said, smiling very cutely that I had to restrain myself from kissing her. Grandpa Lucius smiled at her.

"I feel humbled. Why not take a seat and hand me my great-grandson, Narcissa?" he asked, indicating us to sit down as well.

Leo was in his great-grandfather's arms when his grandfather cut the green and silver cake. Father was almost always silent, only speaking when needed and it was disheartening, most to Lily. It seemed like he was on a cold war with her.

Although it was Father's birthday, Leo was gifted with a stuffed teddy and the most important present the elders of a family could ever give: blessings. Despite not really getting blessed by my father, he got the grace of Grandpa Lucius and Grandma Narcissa.

We were ready to depart when Grandpa Lucius called me aside. "Scorpius, son. Come what may, never abandon Lily. Even if Draco doesn't support it because there will come a time when he'll realize what he's doing is wrong. He still doesn't know about you both and how she lights up your world the way Narcissa does to mine. Stay blessed, son."

Those simple words warmed my heart and will forever be etched in my mind.


The clock ticked ten when I hit the bed. With Leo tucked cozily in his crib, we were at peace. The serene sound of the crickets filled my ears when I closed my eyes. I was about to fall into the land of dreams when an ethereal voice interrupted me.

"Scorp, are you awake?"

I turned in my position to face my beautiful wife. The lamp's glow illuminated her freckled face. Her red hair was emitting a soft glimmer of different colors as she laid beside me, curled up like a cat. "What is bothering my Bloom?"

"I was – I was just. . ."

"Feeling disheartened because of their hatred of us?" I asked bluntly. She flushed lightly for being too 'coward' to admit it before nodding against her pillow. I shifted slightly to cup her cheek with my left hand.

"I don't know why. . . People think our love is insanity but you are the reason I'm able to things clearly. . . you are my clarity, Scorp. Why is it that people have different viewpoints about our love? I'm not speaking out but your father was forbidden to marry your mother but he did, didn't he?" she asked lowly.

"If our love is insanity, then I'm sure I'm the insane person here, Bloom, because I'm madly in love with you. I don't care what others think because they simply don't know about us: our theatre nights, simple dinner dates, the shared moments of fun and love, little charmed notes, the I love you's; they know nothing about it. You are a piece of me and I'll chase for you relentlessly even if they try to part us," I reassured her. She smiled cutely at me, her lips parting just by an infinitum.

"Everyone has an opinion or complaint if it's for someone else. They are hypocrites, in a sense. You know, the same goes for your parents. Mr Potter married his best friend's sister because he was blinded by his love for Mrs Potter. He was ready to cross some guy rules for that and –"

"Wait, what do you mean by that?" she asked. Her tone suddenly turned cold and she shrugged my hand off before sitting up and looking at me with blazing brown orbs. The lamp's light gave her figure a rather intimidating touch.

"No, no. I didn't say that he was –" I tried in vain. If Lily Luna Malfoy was infuriated, no one, and by that I mean literally no one can comfort her. Besides her father of course but he was the reason why she is angry at me.

"You meant he was wrong in violating 'guy laws', don't you?" she asked, air quoting 'guy laws'. I sat up too.

"Flower –"

"Maybe he was right after all. Malfoys sure are rude. They don't know how to respect their father-in-law–"

I had had enough. She is a Malfoy too and she cannot just put my family name to the dust. "Lily! That's enough!" She looked at me sharply and there was a hint of tears in eyes but I could not be sure: she never cried.

"You have had enough of me now, don't you? I get it. . . Daddy is always right. . . Only I was dumb." She got up and in a flurry Apparated away, leaving me feeling the desperate emotions of being dumbstruck and guilty and Leo crying in his crib.

Oh, what have I done?


I woke up to the desolate empty space of my bed. After putting Leo to sleep last night, my head hit the pillow in wariness. The horrendous crime of upsetting Lily was committed by me which now lead to her staying in James's house. An owl from Alice was enough to inform me that and an howler from Albus asking what happened was just a perfect way to wake up to.

To top it all, I was invited to Hogwarts by Professor Slughorn for his retirement Slug Club party and the worst or rather the best aspect of it is that my dad will be attending along with Mr and Mrs Potter and Mr Weasley and his spouse, the Minister of Magic, Mrs Granger-Weasley. This was a week I really do not look forward to as it is a well known fact that even Lily will be invited.

She was, after all, the most kindest, brightest, cutest, gorgeous, sympathetic and beautiful soul to ever walk Hogwarts. It was the dumbest, dullest and the hopelessly pathetic guy like me who spilt muddy water on a beautiful lily. . .

Without my knowledge the week passed. It was the date of the Slug Club party. I had been too depressed what with even Leo taken to be with his mother. Alone in a big house without my sunshine felt like a broken heart. I'm still fixing the cracks of it but I lost the major piece. I wrote several apology notes but none really helped. I'm afraid of what I'd do if this goes on. All I know is that I am a goner.

Feeling the dread of attending a lavish party without my wife, I buckled my shoe and Apparated to Hogsmeade. Precisely, the Three Broomsticks. The warm atmosphere felt a bit unnerving as I had been in solitude for a week. Without wasting a moment's time I started my trek to the magnificent castle. I was, in the slightest bit, excited and hopeful. If Lily showed up, I could apologize for my stupid actions and maybe patch things up. The dreadful thoughts of her not even caring to look at the invite of the party filled my mind when the cold wind pinched my cheeks. Hopefully, she attends the party.


Green. That was the only word to describe the atmosphere at the party. Maybe even silver but it was mostly green. From hangings to furniture and decor, every single thing was the color of Slytherin. Why, quite a lot of guests were wearing green too. Including Mr and Mrs Potter.

I did not want to approach them as it is quite understandable that they would be mad at me and would never want to see my face so when they approached my poor self, I was shocked.

"Hello, Scorpius. How are you?" Mrs Potter asked. Her eyes were filled with a strange sparkle as she spoke.

"H-h-hello ma'am," I squeaked out. I felt déjà vu when my voice echoed in my mind. Oh, this was my engagement day all over again: a stuttering and sweating mess. "I'm g-good, I g-g-guess."

"Whoa, whoa! Calm down there. I ain't gonna eat you," Mr Potter joked before smiling at his chuckling wife. When did he. . . loosen up so much in front of a Malfoy like me? Was it because we were in public? As if to answer that mental question of mine, he spoke up, his emerald eyes darkening in guilt simultaneously. "I'm sorry about. . ." Mrs Potter nudged him. He looked at her before turning back to me. "Y'know, I behaved very badly when it came to you, didn't I?"


"I also happen to know that it was because of me that you both. . . fought."

"Oh! No, not at all, sir!" I exclaimed but he was not ready to listen.

"I was truly a 'noble git' as Gin calls me but I'd label myself as an hypocrite. I shouldn't come in the way of love," he said sadly. Mrs Potter patted his arm before taking things into her hands.

"So," she dragged the word. "we are gonna latch things up between you both because admit it, you are miserable without her and Leo and she, without you. Besides, I can't see my cutie pie grandson lose touch with his father because of his grandfather. Wait, it sounds a tad bit old, doesn't it Harry?"

"Well, you are a grandmother now, Gin. Get used to it."

"I'm still young you know, old man? You have got the temper of a real elderly!" Mrs Potter exclaimed with a pout and a swift crossing of arms. Mr Potter smirked at her before leaning in. Realization dawned upon me and I quickly turned away. The click of a camera sounded somewhere near.

"Er, later. . . the plan, you know?" he interrupted himself, backing away just when the press started closing in. Not wasting a second, he grabbed her hand and gestured me to follow before walking quickly away in strides. I struggled to catch up with the auror and the Quidditch maestro. When I finally did, I found two people by the shimmering Black Lake. One with silver hair and another with red hair. I immediately recognized them.

"Father? Lily?" I asked when I approached them, the Potters walking in front of me. I

"Scorpius. . ." My father uttered my name after a very long time and it was pleasing to hear. I looked at my wife but she was still looking down at the ground. "I-I am really not a good dad."

"But–!" I started to protest but he cut me short by holding up his hand.

"No, really. I have been through a forbidden marriage too but when it came to my son, I just could not help but do the same thing I faced as a newlywed. If Astoria were to be here, I don't think she would have loved me anymore after what I put you through."

"Even I was foolish," Mr Potter put in. "I know how hard it can be to be broken away from your love. I've faced it. Yet I tried to break you both. Why? Because of a foolish high school rivalry. I am really sorry, son." My eyes widened. It was the first time he addressed me affectionately and. . . it felt different. . . I felt a growing sense of euphoria and to escalate it, my father hugged me.

"I wasn't a good father or a good husband or a good father-in-law but I wish to change myself. I have been given a lot of chances but none have I put to good use. None but henceforth I want to improve myself. You have given me several chances but I want just one now, Scorpius. Can you give that to me?" he asked, his voice hoarse. I hugged him back, feeling like a child clinging to his father before nodding shakily against his shoulders. We stayed still for a few minutes before breaking apart and I looked him in the eye which spoke of a great deal of guilt and hopefulness.

"I wish too but there's someone else who you must apologize to, Father," I said, indicating Lily. He smiled before walking to her but she definitely was in no mood to hear his sobbing apologies.

"No, please Mr Malfoy. I do not wish to hear your apologies. I was never mad at you in the first place!" Lily exclaimed, looking terrified which arose a round of laughter. Mr Potter approached her too and she crossed her hands. "And don't you start on it, Dad!"

"Well, I'm really glad your mother put me in my place because I have put you both in a terrible place," the Potter said, scratching his head.

"Not anymore," I whispered and he gave me a warm smile. I smiled back before taking a few steps towards my wife. She looked at me with big brown eyes that I so loved and I felt the world disappear behind us. "Lily. . . I am – I am sorry, Bloom."

"It should have been me, Scorp." She looked down, holding her right wrist with her left and personally, I found it cute. "I shouldn't have shown my frustration at you. I was just a little bit . . ."

"Ill-tempered? That you are." We laughed lightly. "But it was my fault in blaming Mr Potter when I know that you look up to him as your hero."

"He will always be my hero but you are my prince," she whispered. Unable to restrain any longer, I hugged her tightly, soaking in the joyous warmth I had missed for what seemed to be years. She hugged me back just as tight before backing away and gazing into my eyes. My heart skipped a beat and when she closed her eyes, it just started running a marathon. It was nearing. . . A final moment of longevity which would melt into blissful everything. When our lips met and a camera clicked in the distance. . . you don't know how it felt because you might think it's just a kiss but the memory remained with us forever along with a picture perfect photo with the beautiful moon bathing us in the spirit of true love.

No, no one but my Bloom and myself know about our love. . .

This was a challenge OS and I'm not so sure how it came out. It was amazing to do this with you Twinster! I do hope we have loads of challenge OS henceforth!

Thank you for reading!

Miyoko x

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