Time Crash
Yes, Chloë Grace Moretz is the tenth Stone ;) I had this planned ever since the start. I think she honestly looks brilliant especially on the cover which I made myself just like the other two in this series. (Honestly, if anyone can make better covers because I think mine aren't that good that would be amazing) <3
Still not content with themselves even after Rita had wondered the halls of the TARDIS she found herself back in the console room facing him. The Doctor and Rita sighed closing their eyes and rested their heads together once again. "I missed you too much." The Doctor whispered as if speaking any louder would scare her away.
"I was so worried about you." Rita wrapped her arms his neck not wanting to let go. "A whole year." She swallowed thickly not wanting to cry because it wouldn't help either of them.
"I know." He mumbled into her neck as she sighed into his. "I'm here now."
"Good." She chuckled. "Because I'm not leaving you again. I mean it. You're mine now... My Doctor."
"Good." He laughed in the same tone as she used before. "Come on then." He let her go taking her hand and pulled a lever. An alarm began to blare and the TARDIS violently shook throwing them both into the jump seat. The Doctor then pulled himself up with the help of Rita and pushed the lever back.
"Whats wrong with her," Rita asked patting the console. "Did you eat something horrible again?"
"Ah, stop it!" The Doctor groaned. "What was all that about, eh? Eh? What's your problem?" He patted the rotor.
"Right, just settle down now." Rita's head snapped up hearing a familiar voice she hadn't heard in a long time. The Doctor started to move around the console until he bumped into someone and jumped.
"What?" The Doctor looked at him widened eyed.
"Oh dear..." Rita sighed pinching the bridge of her nose. Of course, this was quite humorous but also very bad. Black hole kind of bad if not sorted. With the way these two were going about it, they would all be dead.
"What?" The past Doctor wearing the celery repeated staring at Rita's Doctor.
"What!" The tenth Doctor shouted.
"Oh as soon as I heard that voice I knew." Rita laughed running around and standing just off to the side of the two Doctors watching them stare each other down.
"Who are you?" The past Doctor asked.
"Oh, brilliant." The Doctor beamed looking at Rita who didn't know what to say. She shrugged a little then gave a small smile knowing what was going to happen. The Doctor shook his head violently agreeing with her and snapped his head back to the past Doctor looking at his past confused self. "I mean, totally wrong. Bit emergency, universe goes bang in five minutes, but, brilliant."
"I'm the Doctor." The past Doctor said then frowned. "Who are you?"
"Yes, you are. You are the Doctor." The Doctor grinned.
"Yes, I am. I'm the Doctor."
"Oh, good for you, Doctor." He continued grinning enjoying this a little too much. "Good for brilliant old you." The Doctor grinned again before the 5th Doctor looked at Rita.
"And who are you?"
"Erm well..." she scratched her head. "Currently I don't really know, I have a welsh accent apart from that I don't have the foggiest of who I am." She shrugged.
"Is there something wrong with you two?" The past Doctor looked at them frowning further this time causing the Doctor and Rita to both laugh.
"There it is!" Rita pointed at him. "Look at it!"
"Oh, there it goes, the frowny face." Rita's Doctor laughed with her. "I remember that one."
"And I remember repeatedly making fun of that one." Rita chuckled resting her arm on the Doctor watching the past Doctor look completely confused.
"Mind you, bit saggier than I ought to be." The Doctor started to squish his other selfs face. "Hair's a bit greyer."
"Well, that is your fault." Rita shrugged. "I did tell you to put the shields back up." She crossed her arms shaking her head disappointingly. "The two of you together has shorted out the time differential." She explained making the past Doctor blink at her only knowing one person who cut in his explanations.
"Should all snap back in place when we get you home. Be able to close that coat again." The Doctor cut her off looking down at the past Doctor's coat then began to smile widely again. "But never mind that. Look at you!" He beamed. "The coat, the crickety-cricket stuff, the stick of celery." He poked it. "Yeah. Brave choice, celery, but fair play to you. Not a lot of men can carry off a decorative vegetable."
"Shut up!" The past Doctor shouted causing the Doctor and Rita to both jump. "There is something very wrong with my TARDIS, and I've got to do something about it very, very quickly, and it would help, it really would help if there wasn't some skinny idiot and his girlfriend ranting in my face about every single thing that happens to be in front of them!"
"Oh. Okay. Sorry. Doctor." The Doctor muttered looking at the floor as Rita groaned.
"Thank you."
"Arguing with yourself," Rita turned to her Doctor. "Is this what you're always like when I'm not around?" She raised a brow at him while he just sheepishly looked at her shrugging.
The past Doctor then took off his hat and placed it on the console before turning around. "Oh, the back of my head." The Doctor groaned standing on his tiptoes his brows coming together as he looked at the past Doctors slight bold patch with a disgusted look.
"Hairs better now though." Rita laughed running a hand through the Doctors hair causing him to shiver slightly not used to having her do that.
"What?" The past Doctor turned around.
"Sorry, sorry. He quietly apologised. "It's not something you see every day, is it, the back of your own head. Mind you, I can see why you wear a hat. I don't want to seem vain, but could you keep that on?" He pointed to it.
The past Doctor then noticed the rest of the TARDIS, his eyes widened in what Rita saw as horror. "What have you done to my TARDIS?" He looked at them both. "You've changed the desktop theme, haven't you. What's this one, coral?"
"Well," the Doctor shrugged.
"It's worse than the leopard skin."
"I quiet like it." Rita shrugged. "I can throw my coats on the beams and they will stay there."
The past Doctor then brought out his half-moon spectacles placing them on his nose. "Oh, and out they come, the brainy specs. You don't even need them. You just think they make you look a bit clever."
"Says you." Rita rolled her eyes at him as an alarm blared.
"That's an alert, level five, indicating a temporal collision. It like two TARDISes have merged, but there's definitely only one TARDIS present." He said running around. "It's like two time zones or more at the heart of the TARDIS."
"That's a paradox." Rita cut him off before he started to talk again.
"That could blow a hole in the space-time continuum the size of..." The past Doctor looked at the monitor for a moment. "Well, actually, the exact size of Belgium. That's a bit undramatic, isn't it? Belgium?"
"Always wanted to properly go to Belgium," Rita noted. "And Barcelona! We still haven't been there."
"One day I promise we will," the Doctor said to her before leaning against the console dangling his sonic in front of the past Doctor. "Need this?"
"No, I'm fine." He shook his head continuing with what he was doing.
"Oh no, of course, you liked to go hands-free, didn't you, like hey, I'm the Doctor. I can save the universe using a kettle and some string." He mocked. "And look at me, I'm wearing a vegetable."
"At least he doesn't get hungry and ask for hot dogs in the middle of a freezing ventilation corridor with Cybermen on either side." Rita raised a brow at him trying to hold back the smirk on her lips as he slightly pouted.
"Who are you?" the past Doctor frowned.
"Take a look." The Doctor stepped back bringing Rita with him as the past Doctor glanced up and down at them.
"Oh. Oh, no." He gasped.
"Oh yes." The Doctor grinned.
"You're. Oh, no."
"Here it comes. Yeah, I am."
"A fan." Rita burst out laughing having to hold onto the console to stay upright.
"Yeah." He nodded then shook his head. "What?"
"This is bad." The past Doctor muttered. "Two minutes to Belgium."
"What do you mean, a fan?" The Doctor walked up to him offended. "I'm not just a fan, I'm you." He pointed at him.
"Is this the time Doctor." Rita glared at him.
"Okay, you're my biggest fan." The past Doctor ignored her. "Look, its perfectly understandable. I go zooming around space and time, saving planets, fighting monsters and being well, let's be honest, pretty sort of marvellous," The Doctor nodded in agreement as Rita shrugged giving a 'meh' look on her face. "So naturally now and then people notice me. Start up their little groups. That LINDA lot. Are you one of them?" He groaned at them. "How did you get in here? Can't have you lot knowing where I live."
"Listen to me." The Doctor stepped forward. "I'm you, I'm you. I'm you with a new face. Check out this bone structure, Doctor, because one day you're going to be shaving it." He hit his cheeks.
"And I have to put up with it." Rita raised a hand to her forehead as she shook her own head.
"You like it really." He laughed winking causing her to blush.
A bell then suddenly ran and Rita looked up. As the past Doctor shouted: "The cloister bell!"
"Stone I think that is for you." The Doctor informed her.
"Is it now?" She asked. "Well, then I best get on with it." She started to run around the console throwing levers. "Aren't you going to help me?" She asked the Doctor who sat back on the jump seat watching.
"In a minute we're going to create a black hole strong enough to swallow the entire universe!" The past Doctor shouted.
"Yeah, that's my fault, actually. I was rebuilding the TARDIS forgot to put the shields back up." He sheepishly looked at his past self. "Your TARDIS and my TARDIS, well the same TARDIS at different points in its own timestream collided and whoo, there you go, end of the universe, butterfingers." He wiggled his fingers laughing. "But don't worry, I know exactly how this all works out. Watch." He turned to Rita who looked at him waiting for whatever he was going to do. "You trust me correct?" He looked straight into Rita's eyes.
"Well of course I do." She replied raising a brow at him. "That's the stupidest questions you have ever asked me."
"Okay good, just checking, do exactly as I say." He took a breath before quickly telling her what to do. "Vent the thermobuffer, draw the Helmic regulator, and just to finish off, fry those Zeiton crystals." She ran around the console following his orders.
"She'll blow up the TARDIS." The past Doctor ran to Rita going to pull her away from the console.
The Doctor pulled his previous self away letting her continue. "No, she won't."
"Who told you that?" The past Doctor asked.
"You told me that." The Doctor replied.
"Supernova and black hole at the exact same instant." The past Doctor breathed.
"The explosion cancels out the implosion." Rita laughed.
"Pressure remains constant." the past Doctor then added.
"It's brilliant." The Doctor beamed.
"Far too brilliant. I've never met anyone else who could fly the TARDIS like that." He asked staring at Rita. "Are you me as well?"
"Ha ha, no." Rita shook her head.
"Who are you then?" He asked. "Wait..." He paused holding a hand out then frowned at her. "You finished my sentence?" He raised a brow looking slightly shocked. "I only know one person who does that." He looked at her for a moment as she crossed her arms and leant against the console biting her lip waiting for him to realise. His eyes then widened staring at her. "Stone?" he quietly whispered.
Rita then let her smirk escape raised her hand and waved. "Hello, Doctor."
The previous Doctor widened his arms hugging her tightly. "Your welsh!" He laughed.
"Yeah I am, new regeneration, not that long ago." She chuckled hugging him back before he let go and frowned at her and her Doctor. "You didn't have time to work all that out. Even I couldn't do it."
"I didn't work it out." He shook his head. "I didn't have to."
"You remembered." The past Doctor breathed.
"Because you will remember."
"You remembered being me hearing you explain that and watching the Stone doing it." He looked between them. "You already knew what to do because I saw her do it." He laughed.
"Wibbly-wobbly" the Doctor and Rita grinned with the three of them finishing "Timey wimey!" they then laughed.
"Right, TARDIS' are separating." Rita said sadly as the Doctor added.
"Sorry, Doctor, time's up. Back to long ago. Where are you now?" He asked. "Nyssa and Tegan with the forth Stone" He paused looking at Rita before continuing. "Cybermen and Mara and Time Lords in funny hats and the Master? Oh, he just showed up again, same as ever."
"Tell me about it." Rita groaned.
"Oh no, really? Does he still have that rubbish beard?" The previous Doctor asked.
"No," He shook his head. "No beard this time. Well, a wife." He shrugged.
The previous Doctor then slowly disappeared. "Oh, I seem to be off." He looked at his hand which was fading. "What can I say? Thank you, Doctor."
"Thank you." He smiled.
"I'm very welcome." The past Doctor nodded then turned to Rita. "Look after him Stone and keep being brilliant."
"I will." She nodded watching the previous doctor vanish by her Doctor's side. Rita glanced at the console and flipped some switches as the Doctor picked up the past Doctors hat.
"You know, I love being you." He walked over to her previous self. "Back when I first started at the very beginning, I was always trying to be old and grumpy and important, like you do when you're young." He said placing the hat on the past Doctors head. "And then I was you, and it was all dashing about and playing cricket with the Stone and my voice going all squeaky when I shouted." he laughed. "I still do that, the voice thing. I got that from you. Oh, and the trainers..." He brought his foot up on the console showing his converses. "Snap..." He then spun around placing his glasses on. "Because you know what, Doctor? You were my Doctor."
"To days to come." He tipped his hat
"All my love to long ago." The Doctor nodded as he disappeared.
"Oh, Stone..." They heard the previous Doctor. "Remind me to put the shields back up." She laughed as the Doctor went to press the button. There suddenly was the sound of a ship's horn causing the two to crash to the floor.
"What?" They both gasped looking up and seeing the massive hole. "What!"
The Doctor picked up a boat ring and turned it over and read it: 'Titanic' "What?"
"Oh dear..."
There goes book two, the third book should already be up on my profile, it's called The Destiny of Three. Hope you enjoy the first chapter <3
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