Part Two



“STOP!” Hermione screamed, “STOP! NO! NO! NO! STOP!

Draco awoke with a start. Hermione’s screams echoed the tent, sending shivers down Draco’s spine. He quickly turned on the light by using his wand and he saw Hermione thrashing around in the bed. He saw that her eyes were closed as she screamed.

Getting up, Draco was wide awake as he rushed over to Hermione. Sleep was long gone, especially after he woke up to the bloody murder scream alarm that Hermione was making.

He rushed across the room and he kneeled down beside the bunk bed. Hermione was still screaming for whatever it was to stop and thrashing around as if she was in the middle of a tornado.

“Hermione? Hermione wake up honey.” Draco said gently and he began to hold down Hermione as softly as he could not to scare her, but he was actually terrified at seeing her in this state.

After a couple of seconds, Hermione stopped and she opened her eyes. She was lying on her back, panting, sweating. Her eyes were wide as she stared up at Draco. Horror slowly left Draco as he realized that Hermione was just having a nightmare. Only a nightmare. Nothing bad was happening to her. She was alright. Scared, but alright.

“It’s alright.” Draco told her gently.

Hermione nodded and Draco then let go of her arms and began stroking the hair out of her face carefully. Hermione was shaking like a small rabbit who was being chased by a large wolf. Her eyes were still wide as she looked up at him.

“You’re okay, Hermione.” Draco said in a soothing voice, “I’m here.”

“Draco?” Hermione whispered in a shaky voice as she slowly stopped panting.

“I’m here. Don’t worry.” Draco told her and he forced a welcoming smile on his face.

“I had a dream that Bellatrix was torturing me. Then she gave me to Greyback…He…He…” Hermione started to cry.

Draco gently moved Hermione so that she had her head rested on his shoulder. He held her upper body in a hug and he told her, “it was only a dream. Only a dream, Hermione. No one is going to hurt you. Not with me around at least. Not ever again.”

Hermione nodded and Draco then picked up Hermione like a child and he carefully took her out of her bed.

“You’re shivering like crazy.” Draco told her as he gently took her to his bed.

Draco carefully set Hermione down on the bed. She looked up at him and he placed the covers over her. Hermione watched him and Draco then stroked the hair out of her face as he sat down beside her. Redness was slowly coming back to her cheeks. Her eyes weren’t wide anymore, but normal and calm.

“Do you want a glass of water?” Draco asked her.

Hermione nodded and Draco got up from the bed and he walked out of the room. In the dark, Draco found a medium sized glass before filling it almost full with warm water. He then walked back into the bedroom. He came in and saw that Hermione was in the same position that she was in before he left. Her eyes watched him as he walked over to her. She sat up as he was coming to her and Draco gave the cup to her when she was ready.

Draco watched Hermione as she drank all of the water that was in the cup and she then asked him where to put it, but Draco just told her, “you can put it on the floor beside you.”

Hermione did as he said.

“Is there anything else that I can get you?” Draco asked her.

“No. No…I’m just…skittish that’s all.” Hermione said and Draco saw that her hands were still shaking.

“Don’t worry. I’m here. No one is going to get you. No one is going to hurt you.” Draco told her.

Hermione nodded and Draco gently got into the bed beside her. Hermione moved over to look at him and Draco carefully placed his arms around her. He felt her slowly relax and though she was shivering, they stopped soon and Draco knew that she had fallen back to sleep. He sighed and turned off the lights and when he tried to get back to sleep, he found that he couldn’t.

His mind was on Hermione. He remembered the night they shared together as he held her like this. It was the same way and in the same delicate care. He loved her and that night they proved it to each other, but his parents kept them apart.

As he listened to her breathe slowly, he suddenly felt protective of her. The way that she screamed brought him back to what happened at his house only hours earlier. It killed him that he couldn’t hold her when she was in pain and tell her that she was going to be okay. He felt full of rage as Bellatrix laughed at her. He hated how she was screaming for help. He hated every single tear that came out of her eyes. With every tear that came out, Draco wanted to punch Bellatrix of the same amount.

Sighing, Draco tried to relax and he rested his chin comfortably on her head and after about a half hour of listening to Hermione breathe.


Hermione sighed and fluttered her eyes as she opened them. There was a candle that was burning beside the clock that was on the desk beside the bed. She looked at it to see that it was around eleven in the morning. She sighed and then turned to face Draco. She knew that she would not have been able to recover from that dream if it wasn’t for him. He had saved her from that dream when Hermione was seeing Greyback hold her down as he also was pulling down her pants and she heard Bellatrix laughing in the background…

Hermione shivered and shook her head. She felt tears come to her eyes again and she turned to look at Draco. As much as she was trying to keep Draco out of her heart, she realized that she wanted nothing more than to be held by him. To feel protected in his arms.

When she turned around though, she realized that Draco wasn’t in the bed. She was lying in it alone. Startled, Hermione looked around to see that she was the only one in the room.

“Draco?” Hermione called.

When Hermione didn’t get an answer, she carefully got up from the bed and she went to walk forward when she felt something break. Glass.

She looked down to see that it was the cup from last night. She sighed and decided to leave it there for now because she couldn’t bend down and she didn’t need more cuts on her body then she already received from Bellatrix.

Hermione slowly walked out of the bedroom and into the kitchen to see that it was empty. She walked to the bathroom door and knocked at it. When there was no answer, she opened it and saw that it was empty as well.

“Draco?!” Hermione called in worry now.

Where was he? Hermione knew that he wouldn’t leave her. Especially not since what happened last night actually happened. She looked around again to look for some sign of Draco, but it was as if he was never here in the first place.

Hermione walked to the door of the tent and she carefully exited it and looked around. The trees around her hid most of the sunlight from the sky. She looked around and when she didn’t see Draco, she called, “Draco!”

She was worried now. What if Draco’s parents or any other deatheaters found him? What if he was hurt? She doubted that he would abandon her, but what else were the reason for him to leave? He knew not to leave her in the state she was in, yet he seemed to have disappeared off of the face of the earth.

Worried, Hermione looked around the tent calling Draco’s name into the woods. She felt her heart racing as she looked around the woods.

Panic hit her mind and Hermione sat at the entrance of the tent and she held her face in her hands as she sobbed.

Why would Draco leave her? Was he captured? Was he hurt keeping her protected? Was he safe? Did he abandon her? Why would he abandon her? She thought that he loved her? She thought that he would protect her! Why would he leave? Surly he wouldn’t sell her out to his family. No. She knew he wouldn’t.

But would he?

The questions raced Hermione’s mind for about fifteen minutes before she heard a male voice call, “Hermione! Hermione what’s wrong?!”

She looked up and in the blurriness of her eyes, she saw Draco rush to her. She smiled and got to her feet. Draco dropped the bag he was carrying and Hermione rushed into his arms. She wrapped her arms around his neck and Draco wrapped his around her waist.

“What’s wrong? What happened? Did you have another nightmare?” Draco asked her worriedly.

“I th-thought that you l-l-left me!” Hermione sobbed, “I th-thought that y-you were c-c-c-captured by Bellatrix.”

Draco sighed with relief that Hermione was only worried and that she didn’t suffer another nightmare.

“No. No honey.” Draco told her soothingly.

“You scared me!” Hermione sobbed as she then broke off the hug to look at Draco.

“I’m sorry honey.” Draco told her, ashamed that he had scared her so much, “I thought that you would still be asleep by the time that I got back. I went to the town and I got us some clothes so that we can go freely around looking for Bill and Fleur’s cottage.”

Hermione shook her head and before anyone of them knew what was happening, Hermione grabbed her face in his hands and she leaned up and kissed him. When she was done she told Draco, “don’t you ever scare me like that again.”

Draco stared down at her and Hermione then grabbed him into a hug again. Draco sighed and he then stroked her hair and rubbed her back.

“I’m here. I won’t ever leave you again unless you want me to.” Draco said and he meant every word.

For about ten minutes Draco was holding Hermione, but when she began to calm down, they looked at each other.

“You umm…you said that you bought clothes?” Hermione asked.

Draco and Hermione let go of each other and Draco answered, “yeah. I bought you a muggle dress and me a muggle shirt and shorts.”

Hermione nodded as Draco grabbed the bag. In silence, the two of them went back into the tent. Draco turned on the lights and he then set the bag on the table. He went through it and he then took out the summer dress before handing it to Hermione.

“How do you know that it will fit?” Hermione asked.

“I remember your size from that night.” Draco said after a little bit of hesitation.

Hermione stared at him. Of course she remembered that night. How in the world would she ever be able to forget it? It was probably one of the best nights of her life.

But did it really mean that much to Draco?

Hermione just nodded and she went into the bedroom to change while Draco went to the bathroom. The entire tent was silent as Hermione and Draco changed. Draco bought Hermione a baby blue summer dress that was strapless and it came to her kneecaps.

She got dressed slowly, thinking about what she had done.

She had kissed Draco Malfoy.

She didn’t want to start that spark again. She didn’t want to hurt Draco again, but she knew why they broke up in the first place and though she missed Draco, he was here for her now. Besides, she thought, after last night she would’ve kissed Voldemort himself if she was that distressed. She couldn’t think straight this morning and she already felt physically tired. She felt mentally tired too.

Hermione sighed and when she went out the bedroom, she saw the Draco was in a white t-shirt and light blue, plaid shorts. The looked at each other, Hermione leaning against the wall and Draco against the counter.

“We need to talk.” They both said at the same time.

Hermione sighed again and said weakly, “Draco, I’m…I…kissing you was wrong. I shouldn’t have done that. Draco, I am in love with Ron. I love him. Last night with everything…I’m just really confused and scared and worried right now. I don’t exactly know what came over me, but I am sorry.”

Draco nodded, “I know. I know that you are just weird right now. You don’t exactly know what to do or think. I understand, but don’t be sorry that you kissed me.”

“I am. Draco…what we had was amazing. I mean, that night…Draco it has to end. We can’t keep doing this. I’m leading you on and that’s not right of me. Not by the least.” Hermione said.

There was a silence between them. After a while, Draco sighed and looked at her.

“Are you hungry? We should probably leave soon.” Draco said.

When he mentioned the words of food, Hermione felt her stomach turn. No, that was not a good idea right now.

“I’m good.” She answered.

He nodded and agreed with her that he felt the same way. After another couple of minutes of silence Draco asked Hermione, “look, I know that it’s my fault that I can’t exactly get over you, but I admit that I still have feelings for you. Please though, for old times sake, lets end it all with just one more kiss.”

Hermione stared at him.

“Draco…I don’t know.” Hermione told him.

“Please Hermione. Just one more. The kiss to end it all. To end us.” Draco said as he walked towards her.

Hermione looked at him and he walked to her. They stared at each other and Hermione felt her heart beat fast again. Soon, they both closed their eyes and leaned forward. When their lips touched, Hermione felt her the spark that she remembered all of the other times that they had kissed each other.

After about a minute, Draco pulled them apart and he then kissed her forehead.

“Thank you. I won’t ever tell anyone of this. Ron seems to make you happy.” Draco whispered and he felt like stabbing himself with every word that he said.

Hermione sighed, “we should go.”

Draco nodded and he then asked her, “do you need help walking or do you think that you are fine. I know that you aren’t limping anymore and you can walk fine, but you still look exhausted.”

Hermione shook her head.

“I’ll be fine as long as I don’t walk too much.” Hermione answered.

Draco nodded and he then told her, “okay. You said Tinworth right”

“Yeah,” Hermione told him, “ and by the way, I thought that you would want to know that I have broken that glass cup from last night.”

“Don’t worry Hermione. It’s only a glass.” Draco grinned and he got ready to apparate.

Hermione held his hand and soon both of them were bolted into the air. When Hermione felt her feet hit the ground again, she wobbled a little and Draco wrapped his arm around her waist.

“Are you okay?” Draco asked her.

Hermione nodded and as she got steady on her feet, she looked around to see that they were on the beach of Tinworth, the sun above them shining brightly. There was a little wind, but not to much and there was cold air coming off of the rapid water.

Together, Hermione and Draco started walking the beach. They went past a couple of cottages, but Hermione and Draco saw muggles come out of them so they knew that it was not Bill and Fleur’s.

“What are you going to do after you drop me off? Are you going to stay?” Hermione asked Draco.

He hesitated before he answered, but he finally said after about a minute, “I might go back.”

“What!” Hermione asked.

“Well…I don’t want Voldemort to hurt my parents. I’ll make an excuse.” Draco said, “I kind of miss them too Hermione.”

She nodded and wiped her forehead as the sun beat down its rays at them.

“Please be careful then.” Hermione told him.

“I will. I promise. I will probably go back to Hogwarts soon anyway. They love me there since I am a Slytherin and my parents are deatheaters.” Draco said.

“Alright then.” Hermione answered.

Draco nodded. Slowly, the two of them walked in bare feet through the sand. After about a half hour of silence, Draco looked ahead and saw the top of a cottage.

“Maybe that is it.” Draco told her.

“I hope so. I think we are leaving Tinworth!” Hermione said.

Tired, a little hungry, and thirsty, Hermione wobbled her legs a little and Draco took hold of her.

“I’m sorry. I should’ve brought some water. I’m sorry.” Draco told her.

Hermione then wrapped her arms around the back of his neck and Draco then picked her up and held her like a child. As they walked to the cottage, Hermione looked closer and said, “that’s Luna! They’re here!”

Draco nodded and he then started the counter spell to what he did for the facial features and soon, he felt his face go back to normal and he saw Hermione’s go too. As they got closer, Hermione saw Luna look at them and Draco did too.

“Hermione!” Luna yelled.

Hermione let out a sigh of relief and Luna ran down to them. Hermione looked to the door to see Harry, Ron, Dean, Bill, and Fleur run out of the cottage as well. Luna got their first and Hermione smiled. Draco gently set her on the ground and everyone crowded around them. Ron hugged Hermione and she held him back.

“What happened?” Harry asked.

“Draco saved me. After we left he took me to his tent and I stayed there for the night.” Hermione told them.

Everyone stared at Draco. He nodded and Ron told Draco, “thank you.”

“Are you hurt?” Luna asked.

“Mostly exhausted. I’m not in pain anymore, just a little stiff.” Hermione answered.

“I’ll fix that pour vu.” Fleur said.

Hermione nodded and she looked at Draco, “tell them that it was my fault. Tell them that I put a spell on you or something and I escaped and that’s how you came off of it.”

Draco nodded. Bill looked at him and said, “you aren’t staying?”

“No. I better go. I don’t want my parents getting the punishment for my actions.” Draco told them.

“Thank you.” Hermione told him.

He smiled down at her and then got up. Ron held Hermione like Draco did and Draco walked five steps away with everyone watching him as they then saw him disapperate.

“Lets take you inside, Hermione.” Bill said.

Ron then stood up and he carried Hermione into the cottage and Hermione knew that the last kiss that she shared with Draco really was the end of it all. She smiled at Ron and kissed him and felt fireworks, not just a spark.

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