11. Bad feeling


"Joon wait up! You know I can't run!" I say speed walking towards the boy.

"Come on snail girl, you can't always get off the hook with " I have a condition." He walks back words facing me.

The moment he turned around was when I put the empty coke can in my hand to good use. I could still aim.

"Ouch!" He said confused as to what just stroke his head.

"Oh sorry my hand slipped, you know us disabled people aren't that agile." I say stating him down

"Okey okey, I'm sorry jeez. You didn't have to hit me with a can to prove your point tho." He says running the back of his head.

"Oh, that wasn't to prove a point. I just felt like smacking you with something ." I say giving him a sinister smile.

"You're evil." He says still rubbing his head, though now he was just acting.

"Well you must have something wrong with you too, since you're dating Satan and all."

He takes my hand and pulls me closer to him. "I guess I've been cursed, but this is more of a gift than a curse."

I fake a gag at his line. "Man that was cringy."

"Shut up, you love my cringy lines." He says holding my hand even tighter.

"Can't deny that." I lead in closer pecking his cheek.

We finally got to the ferris wheel, which was placed perfectly on the pear. The view was breathtaking. It was almost as if it was a dream.

We both got in, signaling the wheel to turn. We were seated opposite of each other and I soon realized that instead of the view outside, Namjoon had his gaze locked purely on me, causing my cheeks to heat up a bit.

"What? Is there something on my face? Hair?" I asked.

"I'm just enjoying the view." He said and a smirk grew on his face as his gaze shifted down to my skirt and bare thighs.

Instead of getting mad, which would have been my initial reaction I simply, chuckled. He was pleasantly surprised.

"I'm not even surprised, that's so topical of you." I said smiling.

He got up and took a seat on the small space next to me. "You really are special to m-

Once again my peaceful dream was interrupted by something. This time it was my alarm clock. I reached out my hand to my coffee table scanning for my phone to turn off the dreaded sound, but soon realized that the phone was on my desk opposite of my bed.

I instantly attempted to get out of bed and walk to the desk, but unfortunately my legs were still asleep. The moment I tried to stand up on my right leg it failed me, causing me to completely fall out of my bed and land on my ass.

WhAt a BeAutIfUl MoRnInG.

The alarm had already shut itself off, but I was still on the floor. The fall really hurt. I held in my tears and made my second attempt to get up, to my surprise it was a success.

I made my way to my desk and picked up my phone and soon realized...I was late.

I quickly put on a tank top and some shorts, took my sunglasses, hat and bag and jolted out the front door.

Even though I was the cheapest of the cheapest, I had no other choice, but to take a taxi because no other means of transport could get me in school partially on time.

So I caught a cab and got in. My driver was quite friendly and wanted to chat, which I did while struggling to quickly do my make up. Spilled a little bit of lash glue on the seat, but thankfully not on myself. We soon arrived at the campus with no time to spare.

I sprinted towards the lecture hall, getting stared at as if I was crazy and even got a yell of "it's flash!" But I was too late to care. Bearly breathing I dash into the hall with a minute to spare.

"I MADE IT!" I scream out causing everyone in the hall to stop what they were doing and look at my direction for a few seconds. As if my dramatic fling of the door wasn't enough I had to get everyone's attention by yelling.

YaY mE.

Theo instantly noticed my sad attempts of a normal entrance and looked at me as if I was his mistake of a child that he should have used a condom for.

"Well you sure know how to make an entrance." A familiar voice was heard.

I just made a tired face and said nothing.

"I'm just trying to be friendly and you reject my hand of friendship?" Jungkook faked a pout.

"Morning Kook." Theo greeted the boy, surprisingly with a smile.

"Morning mistake." He looked at me holding in his laughter.

"And I thought that Rina was the annoying one." I say sitting down.

"Oh she is, but you know that my mood gets a little better every time i see you do something stupid." He laughs and Jungkook laughs along with him.

"Since when are you two such good buddies?" I asked while flipping through my notebook.

"Jihyun, we have the same major and I have other people around me apart from you and Rina, though I can't say the same for your antisocial ass." He said showing no mercy and Jungkook was at his limit of holding in his laughter.

Soon our professor entered the hall and the lecture had started. But what I failed to notice were the seating arrangements. On my right was Theo like always, but on my left was Jungkook intensely listening to lecture.

I have a bad feeling about this.

An hour and a half later the lecture was over. At the exact moment our professor dismissed us a swarm of girls popped up in my view point. They were all around Jungkook, all of them trying to get his attention with the famous "oppa.~"

But somehow he seemed really annoyed and even a little sad. Not thinking much of it and also not wanting to get involved, so I signaled Theo "let's go" pointing at the door and getting a nod from him.

Before we could leave Jungkook noticed us exiting and responded.

"Where are you guys going?" All the girls went silent when he spoke.

Me and Theo looked at each other before he spoke. "Well class ended so we don't plan on staying here."

"No, I mean like do you have something planned?" He asks hoping for something.

"Well um, I'm going to meet my girlfriend at the karaoke bar." Theo said he seemed to feel a bit uncomfortable with all the girls eyeing him.

One of the girls looked at Jungkook and said "Oppa~ I wanna go to karaoke too."

The others felt left out. "I wanna go too~" All of them continued nagging Jungkook who looked fed up.

He looked at me with pleading eyes and said. "Ji, you wanna come to karaoke with us?" He seemed so desperate.

All of the girls turned to my direction and glared at me, Jungkook just mouthed the words "help me please."

I was stuck, didn't know what to do. Just from their glares alone I could feel my insides turning and my anxiety building up, but I felt bad about leaving Jungkook he looked so miserable.

I know I'll regret this.  

"I won't be able to stay for long, but sure." I said faking a smile, Jungkook's face lit up with relief, but Theo grew worried.

"Please rethink this, I know that look on your face and it's not good." He said full well knowing about my struggles with anxiety.

"I'll be fine, really. I'll give you a call if something happens." I said mustering up a fake smile.

He simply nodded, but the worry on his face stayed.

When we finally got to the karaoke bar, Theo separated from us to meet up with Rina. Right before he left he still had the same worried facial expression from before looking at me and asking me to join him, but I just smiled and waved goodbye at him.

Even during that interaction I could feel all six of the girl's glares piercing through me. I gulped and we all entered the room.

All of the girls sat around Jungkook and I chose to sit myself on the side, the further the better.

Some were still glaring at me even though I was so far away. The employee entered the room and served us all our drinks, snacks and left.

While everyone was laughing and singing I was just sitting on the side sipping on my cherry soda and anxiously biting onto the straw.

Jungkook still seemed disinterested as before, he noticed me sitting far away, so he got up and took a seat next to me. The glares were becoming stronger and my insides were shifting.

Please, go to them.

"Ji! What do you wanna sing? I really like this song, it's called " Don't wanna cry" you know it?" He pointed at the tablet showing the song. "Wanna sing together?"

Oh no, no nonono. Please just stop talking to me.

The glares felt like they could kill me, I started to feel sick to my stomach even. One girl jumped on Jungkook "Opaa I wanna sing with you!"

They all shifted to where they were sitting to where we were sitting now. They were so close, too close. The feeling of sickness became stronger as they got closer.

As one of them was passing with her juice in her hands, it spilled directly on my shorts, more specifically my pocket where my phone was.

"Oh my god! Unni I'm so sorry!" She said trying to sound as sympathetic as she could.

Jungkook did not look pleased at all, he actually looked quite furious.

"It's um fine." I say struggling to speak.

"Unni let me help you wash up in the bathroom!" She said taking my head as a signal to get up.

"O-okey." I said having no other choice.

As we walked to the bathroom she was still apologizing, but I knew that the snake was still there.

We entered the bathroom and I took a towel and some soap to try and remove the stain from my white shorts.

"Unni I really am sorry about this." She said in an attempt to help me clean up.

"As I said it's fine." I rub the towel against the stain.

"Unni, are you by chance interested in oppa?" She asked trying to sound innocent.

There it is...

There it was. The question she was dying to ask, she would even kill to get the answer she wanted. Her fake smile hid an entire mess of anger and jealousy that I could easily sense, it was so real that I even got goosebumps.

"No, of course not. We're just friends." I say trying to sound clear.

"Of course you're just friends. Our oppa would never choose a girl like you." Three more girls entered the bathroom.

This is it.

The four of them looked at me with a disgusted, yet suspenseful grin. As if I was trash, like I was waist that they wanted to get rid of. They saw me as an obstacles between them and their so called "oppa" that despised them.

I felt even more sick to my stomach as one of them came closer to me.

I backed up, but was quickly stopped by the closed stall door behind me.

The girl suddenly opened the door causing me to fall into the stall.

"We sadly can't hurt you, since oppa will be suspicious of where you got the bruises from, but a few hours in here I feel as if will be enough punishment." The girl said as she quickly closed the stall door and stuck something between the lock.

"This will teach you to meddle in our business, you bitch." Another girl said as they all left the bathroom laughing.

"No! Please let me out! I have nothing to do with Jungkook!" I plead knocking on the closed door.

Just when I thought that they had left, I felt a cold liquid fall on my body, leaving me completely drenched.

"You should learn to shut your mouth! But I guess a little time in there will teach you a lot of things." Were the last words I heard after they left the bathroom.

No, this can't be happening! I'm stuck, I'm stuck in here for who knows how long! I can't stay here I can't stay for even a minute longer!

I had reached my limit, my anxiety attack was in motion. I started to hyperventilate, lose my balance and strength, causing me to slowly lose consciousness and collapse on the cold floor.


My body left light and when I came to the first person that I saw, was my angel. Namjoon.


Woot~ woot~
Gona here ma dudes and girls.
Hope you enjoyed this chapter.
It is legit 4 am right now and I have school in 3 hours but I couldn't stop writing so fuck me ur welcome.

This chapter got super dark I know but it'll only get darker from here LOL.

Well I should head to bed.

Hope you have a good day, vote to feed my small ego, comment and ily 💚

Till next time my children
Gona out 😘

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