Puzzle. | Chapter 9
For this chapter I'll be refering to the rejuvenated gems with a - (even Taaf), since I thought it would be cool to refer to them as negative, also cos it means under, less, or low. Also I thought it would be better than RJ, which meant rubjob.
Steven picks up the weapon from the sand and looks up at the Injector in distress.
Steven: What do I do? I've got no friends to help me except...
He then turned and glanced at Little Homeworld.
Steven: Bismuth, Lapis, and Peridot! Come on, guys! Let's go figure out how to fix this!
He started running, and he only got so far until -Taaf screamed:
Steven turned and saw that... well... he was right. Nobody was following after him.
Steven: G-Guys?
-Pearl walked up to Greg and said:
-Pearl: My Um Greg, allow me.
She pulled an umbrella out of her gem, opened it, and held it above a very wary and confused Greg, blocking him from the sun. -Amethyst, still being... well... -Amethyst, shape shifted into a version of Greg, confusing -Pearl. She switched the umbrella between the two every few seconds, wondering if she should hold it up for one or the other.
Steven: -Ruby? -Sapphire?
-Ruby: She's not going ANYWHERE with you!
-Sapphire: I do see us following him to the countryside.
No hesitation between, -Ruby says:
-Ruby: Nevermind, we're going!
Steven: -Spinel? -Taaf? What about you guys?
-Spinel: Well, I just wanna play with this interesting individual!
-Taaf: And why do I have to move? I was made for construction and destruction, I'd break that little town to shreds.
Steven: Because you attacked us!
-Taaf: ...Fair point.
-Spinel: Waaaaiitt... I wanna stay here!
-Taaf: No, we gotta go.
-Spinel: Okay.
Steven, -Ruby, -Sapphire, -Taaf and -Spinel started toward Little Homeworld, leaving -Pearl, Greg, and -Amethyst alone, the latter shape shifted into another version of -Pearl.
Greg: Wait, don't leave me alone with these two!
Steven: Just keep an eye on them for now, I'll be back!
•~Woah, cute little transition to cute Little Homeworld!~•
Atop the tower, Peridot is inspecting the injector with a pair of binoculars while the others look on.
Peridot: They rode in on that!?
Steven: Yeah... she said that my 'human-half' wouldn't stand a chance against her injector.
Lapis: What does that mean?
Peridot: Why don't we just ask her?
Bismuth walked off from the group to think for herself. -Taaf walked around, having nothing else to do. Coming a bit too close to -Sapphire, getting a growl from -Ruby. -Taaf, being unaffected, growled back, making a challenge between -Ruby and -Taaf, growling and snarling at each other. -Taaf let out a loud growl, attending Steven and the group, even scaring off -Ruby.
Steven: Well, here's the thing--
-Spinel crept up to him and poked at his shoulder.
Steven: Hmm? What? Where'd she-
Spinel then pops up to Steven, startling him.
-Spinel: Surprise! Hehehe...
Taaf is introduced to them when he suddenly appears in the middle of Bismuth and Peridot, scaring them away a bit. Taaf then walks over to -Spinel and Steven.
Steven sighs.
Steven: Here they are. -Taaf and -Spinel.
-Spinel takes a bow and speaks in a faux-posh accent:
-Spinel: A pleasure to meet you all.
-Taaf simply raised his hand a bit to say 'Hi,'
The gang looked confused.
Bismuth: I thought you said they JUST trying to kill you.
Lapis: Wow. Quick turnaround.
Peridot: No kidding. It took me months to stop trying to kill Steven.
Bismuth: I say it took a day- day and a half?
Lapis: I'm still on the fence.
The gems share a laugh.
-Taaf, in the distance, can be seen throwing -Ruby up into the air, repeatedly. Why? Who knows. Who cares?
Peridot: Alright, lets see this thing she hit you with.
Steven: Uh, right.
Steven pulls out the scythe and hands it to Peridot, who examines it in ways that would not in any circumstance be safe.
Peridot: Woah. Was there, like, uh, a laser, or-
Bismuth: Be careful with that!
Bismuth snatches the scythe from Peridot before she could activate it, like the pushy little idiot she is.
Bismuth: It's a...
Bismuth hesitantly activates the weapon.
Bismuth: Homeworld used to use these things on gems that started steppin' out of line. One hit with this...
She deactivates the weapon.
Bismuth: You're back to how they made you.
Bismuth gets a sad look on her face and looks at -Ruby and -Sapphire, as the former assumes a defensive stance to protect the latter.
-Ruby: What are you lookin' at?
Peridot: Oh my stars, I touched it! I could have lost all my character development!
-Taaf leans over to Steven and says:
-Taaf: Does she talk like that? Like, all the time?
Peridot: Wait, how did you survive being hit by that thing, Steven?
Steven: I- I think I didn't. My human half kept me from poofing, but- but my Gem half, it took the hit! She sent me back; it's like... I can barely control my powers! How do we reverse this!? Oh no... do I need to get the Diamonds?
Bismuth gives the Rejuvenator back to Steven.
Lapis: You're the one with healing powers. If anyone can fix this, it's you.
Steven: I can't believe this. For the first time in years, everyone's in danger. Everybody needs me, and I'm useless!
Steven gazes at Spinel's injector in fear.
Steven: Bismuth, what do we do!?
Bismuth: I'm sorry Steven... *sigh*... I don't know.
Steven turns to -Ruby and -Sapphire before starting to cry.
Steven: Garnet would know what to do... Garnet always knows what to do..
-Spinel pops in out of nowhere and hooks her arm around Steven's shoulder.
-Spinel: Hey, don't be sad!
-Spinel coils around Steven, slowly taking on more maniacally happy expressions:
-Spinel: Your new best friend, your new best friend, your new best friend, YOUR NEW BEST FRIEND SPINEL IS HERE!!
She finishes off by doing one of her little handstands.
-Taaf walks over to him and attempts to cheer him up by saying:
-Taaf: Hey, well, at least you're not gonna die right now, so I guess... go, do something? What do humans do for fun around here?
Steven ignores him and slouches.
•~Yet another cute little transition, followed by a cute little timeskip.~•
-Ruby, running around, 'Hup hup hup'ing around Sapphire, keeping on guard.
Steven and the gang can be seen pacing around, thinking of things.
Steven: So, when -Ruby and -Sapphire first became Garnet, -Ruby rushed in to save -Sapphire from danger, and Bam! They fused. So maybe, we've just gotta-
-Taaf: Somehow create an even more dangerous situation than the one we're in by trying to attack -Sapphire with something dangerous?
Steven: No! Wait- yes.
Lapis: Well, what do we have that's deadly and dangerous laying around?
Peridot: I think we could dig something up!
She runs over to a dumpster, going through the various pieces of trash that she can find.
Peridot: Danger, danger, danger, what have we got? Hmm.... no. *gasp* Aha!
Steven looks and sees that Peridot has pulled out a large buzzsaw shaped like a-
Steven: A giant pizza cutter?
Peridot: That is one of its functions, yes.
Shut up Peridot.
Steven: I can't threaten them with this.
Peridot: Hmm... Here!
Peridot pressed a button that turns on the buzzsaw.
Peridot: Now it's much more threatening! Now off you go!
She pushes Steven away.
-Spinel, waving to Steven: Good luck!
-Taaf, also waving: Try not to cut yourself!
-Taaf, to himself: He's probably gonna cut himself. Heh.
Steven walks over to -Ruby and -Sapphire, the former still marching around the latter.
-Ruby: Hup, hup, hup, hup, hup, hup, hup, hup, hup, hup, hup...
-Ruby turns to see Steven approaching.
-Ruby: Hmm? Halt! I cannot allow you to approach my -Sapphire with such a threatening device.
Steven: That's too bad, cause I'm gonna... get you!
Steven holds up the buzzsaw.
Bismuth: ...Will this work?
-Taaf: Definetly not.
-Ruby: Permission to dispatch the curly-haired one, my -Sapphire?
-Sapphire: No need. I predict he won't be able to follow through.
Steven reluctantly holds down the buzzsaw.
Steven: She's right. Ugh, I can't. Even if we are just pretending.
Steven turns off the buzzsaw and drops it.
-Ruby, surprised: My -Sapphire, you were right! What do you predict will happen next?
-Sapphire: Well, -Spinel will pick up the device out of curiosity.
-Spinel walks over to the buzzsaw, looking at it curiously before picking it up.
-Spinel: Hmm...
-Sapphire: Hijinks will ensue.
Bismuth: Maybe we should try...
Steven notices -Spinel before she's able to turn the device on.
Steven: Wait! -Spinel, no no no no! Don't touch that thing-
Too late.
-Spinel presses the button on the handle and turn the saw on, making her shake violently. She begins yelling and stumbling, attempting to hold the buzzsaw down, as she crashes towards one of Bismuth's structures.
Bismuth: Hey, we just built that!
-Spinel loses control of the saw, as it begins cutting the ground, her still holding on to it. -Spinel screams as she rolls to and fro, crashes being heard frequently.
Peridot: Woah, here she comes!
Bismuth grabs Peridot while Lapis and Steven dive the other way, as -Spinel crashes into a dumpster.
-Taaf just realizes what was going on, and decides to help for once.
-Taaf sees -Spinel and uses his telekinesis to lift her off of the saw, and everybody watches in horror as the saw slices into the scaffolding and wooden planks in the center tower.
Bismuth: My scaffolding! MY PRECIOUS SCAFFOLDING!
-Ruby: Wow! What happens next!?
-Sapphire: In just a moment, the scaffolding will start falling all around you.
-Ruby: What?
As -Sapphire had predicted, the scaffolding begins to fall around -Ruby, and she dodges.
-Ruby: Wow! You're amazing!
-Sapphire blushes.
Sapphire: Mhm. Next, the Peridot will hold back some of the falling debris. Three large barrels will fall. The Bismuth will catch two of them
As predicted, we see a bunch of wood and metal falling, and Peridot being able to catch it. Three large barrels falling, and Bismuth catching two of them. The third barrel runs toward the Heaven and Earth beetles.
Bismuth: Oh noo-ho! The Heaven and Earth beetles are out for their afternoon constitutional!
The Heaven and Earth beetles are shown walking around having... their constitutional, when the third barrel rolls in.
-Sapphire: The Lapis will rush in and save them at the last second.
Lapis hurrily flies down and scoops the beetles up at the last second, saving the two.
Lapis: Whew, you guys okay?
The beetles give Lapis a thumbs up.
The debris stops falling.
-Spinel: ...is it over?
-Taaf: Whew, that was awesome!
-Sapphire, panicked: The saw! The saw will continue to cut!
The two look over to the main tower, and see that the saw is shown cutting it up, coming close to a crane holding on to a giant anvil.
-Sapphire: The anvil will fall,
The saw cuts into the handle of the crane, lodging into it.
-Sapphire: And you will be shattered!
The handle of the crane snaps apart and the anvil falls. Ruby looks up and panicks, eventually being relieved when she didn't perish. She looks over to see Steven using his shield to hold up the anvil, his power, however, starts to fade.
-Sapphire: The curly haired one's power is fading. Ruby, I'm sorry! I told you wouldn't last the day!
-Ruby: Well, I'm glad fate allowed me to meet... you.
Steven's shiels starts to shatter and breaks, -Ruby accepting her fate.
Steven: NOOOOO!!
The mother fucking end. (obviously not the... the END end... just... end of the chap- the to be continued of the chapter.)
(I'm sorry for taking so damn long for the chapter, but as I mentioned I have a lot of things to do, especially now, due to concerns about the virus, stocking up on food and goods, but especially because we need to care for ourselves and make sure we live this stupid plague. Hopefully I don't take a year to update, and hopefully I work more on it so I can finish the movie part and focus on doing my own thing. love yall, point out any grammatical errors and shit, i'm way too lazy.)
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