Corrupt. | Chapter 14

Everyone runs away as the Injector reactivates and plunges itself into the Earth's crust, scattering the ground around it. Steven is knocked onto the ground, coughing from the dust cloud caused, as Spinel stands menacingly before him.

Spinel: I'm not letting you get one over on me, Steven Universe!

Steven: I wasn't going to wipe your memories, guys!

Taaf: You expect us to believe that you want us like this?!

-Garnet peeks over.

Garnet: Steven? Why are you fighting? Aren't we all friends?

Taaf: Aww, an audience! Why don't we put on a good show?

Spinel pulls Garnet towards her, coiling her arms around her body while Taaf holds an arrow up to her neck, holding -Garnet hostage.

Steven: -Garnet!

Taaf: It is... pretty baffling that you out up with the older us. We were so childish! So... carefree! Not a care in the world to stop us from doing what we wanted and having fun! How weird that you didn't lock us away after we came so close to dicing you!

Steven: Get away from her.

He holds up the Rejuvenator.

Spinel: Oh, you're so protective of your real friends, and you're so careless with your fake ones!

Steven: Stop it!!

Taaf: Then STOP US!

Spinel: We all know you want to rejuvenate us again, so why don't you fucking try it, Universe!?

Steven: NO!!

Spinel + Taaf: WHY NOT?!?!


Steven breaks Rejuvenator in two over his knee.

-Garnet: The truth...

Garnet suddenly breaks free from a surprised Spinel's grasp with an unprecedented break free.

Garnet: I've known hardships and confusion, but love can live through it all, if you face the truth together.

As her memories begin to flood back, Garnet begins to finally reform, engulfed in a glowing white light.

Steven: Her final piece!

Taaf: Uhh... so are we just gonna let this happen?

Spinel tries to hurl a boulder to crush Garnet, to no avail, as the fusion simply breaks it apart in one punch. Taaf attempts to slash at Garnet with his telekinesis and his arrow, but Garnet catches it, and crushes it in her hands. Taaf stands, staring in disbelief as he realizes that his arrow is now broken. Garnet stands proudly with her fist in the air, as she begins to sing "True Kinda Love".

Spinel lands on one of the Injector's legs and propels towards Steven like a spring to hurt him. Garnet catches her legs in time, and Amethyst and Pearl grab onto her arms. The Gems stretch Spinel and flings her towards the Injector, hitting her head on it. Taaf speeds in on his trash lid and attempts to swipe at the Gems with the katana, to little success. Amethyst wraps her whip around him, pulls him down, spins, and tosses Taaf right next to Spinel on the injector. Undefeated, the grinning couple bounces to the top of the Injector. They look at each other and nod. Spinel enlarges her fingers to make a bigger yet horn, and Taaf enlarges his foot. He jumps up high and stomps down to the surface as Spinel blows into her horn. The Injector instantly drains all the poison inside, causing fissures all around and flooding Beach City in the poison. All the Beach City citizens begin to flee, as the poison splashes everywhere. The Gems start to grow more and more concerned.

Garnet: We have to stop them.

Steven: Wait! You guys have your powers, you've gotta go save everybody. I need to find a way to deal with them.

Amethyst: They're gonna kill you, dude!

Pearl: You can't fight them alone.

Steven: But I can still talk to them. Please, hurry.

Garnet: Right!

Garnet places a reassuring hand on Amethyst's and Pearl's shoulders.

Garnet: Move out!

All the Gems begin to hustle into Beach City to save the citizens, leaving Steven behind. Using what is left of his Gem power, Steven leaps up towards the top of the Injector. His power falters mid-flight, however, and he falls, clinging desperately to the glass wall of the Injector. At that moment, Steven sees the three Crystal Gems fusing into Alexandrite, as they begin saving the citizens. Greg is seen escorting citizens into his van, when the poison splashes onto his left arm, turning it almost necrotic. Despite, he quickly drives his van and the citizens to safety. Connie, Lion and Mayor Nanefua are also seen rescuing citizens, when a geyser of poison flings a car in their direction, which Connie skillfully cleaves in half with her sword. All the citizens are brought to Little Homeworld, where they are out of harm's way. Inspired by his friends' effort, Steven begins to climb the Injector, as he continues Garnet's song.

With much preservation, Steven finally reaches the top of the Injector and he collapses in exhaustion. As the song concludes, he spots Taaf, slow dancing with Spinel with a terrible grin on his face. He dips Spinel and goes in for a kiss, as does Spinel. They hold it for a while, before they hear Steven quickly picks himself up and approaches them. They pull away and stand each other up.

Steven, weakly: Guys, please. We can work this out.

Spinel: We're not playing your game anymore.

Steven sighs.

Steven: Spinel... this ISN'T A GAME!

Steven suddenly receives a punch in the face by Taaf. Steven gets sent backwards.

Steven: Huh?!

Spinel delivers a second stronger, wound-up punch into Steven's face, sending him flying towards the edge of the Injector and giving him a nosebleed. She then extends her arm to grab Steven's arm and dangle him over the edge. She looks at Steven, an expression of pure hatred on her face. Taaf brings his trash lid and hovers over and rotates around Steven.

Spinel: You know, I came here to take my anger out on a bunch of strangers, but now that I know you, I wanna kill you even MORE.

Spinel begins letting go of Steven one finger at a time. The latter panics, looking down at the city and at Spinel, before crying out in anguish.

Steven: I DON'T GET IT!!!

Spinel: Huh?

Steven:Why aren't my powers back? Aren't I reliving every horrible thing that's ever happened to me? A Gem I barely know is trying to kill me. I'm paying for stuff my Mom did that had nothing to do with me. I'm struggling with my powers! The world's about to end!! What piece could I be missing?! This is the story of my life!!!

In reaction, Spinel and Taaf start to cackle, as if they were mocking Steven.

Spinel: Wow! I knew that I was gonna set you back, but this is how you started? The legend, Steven Universe? *laughs* You gotta be kidding me. How did a powerless loser like you become the savior of the GALAXY!?

Taaf: Goodbye, Universe.

Steven's eyes widen.

Steven: I changed. That's the final piece. All those struggles, I learned from them, and I grew. Oh my gosh. It's not just my Gem powers I've forgotten. All of this "happily ever after" stuff has made me forget the first power I ever had: the power to CHANGE!

Steven's gem begins to glow as his powers slowly return. Unimpressed, Spinel drops Steven to fall to his demise. However, Steven's powers finally reactivate and he stops in midair. A triumphant Steven, now with his regained powers, begins cycling through his different shield abilities, causing in a shockwave that sends Spinel back, and Taaf off of his trash lid. Floating back onto atop the Injector, Steven wipes the blood from his nose and begins to sing "Change".

But... Spinel seems moved by his song. She falls in despair and defeat, saddened by their actions and feelings toward Steven. As Steven lowers himself to her level, they start to come to a silent truce.

Taaf: SHUT UP!!

A giant purple hand punches the two to the Injector.


Spinel and Steven were sent careening down onto the Injector's top, with the impact strong enough to shake the earth and damage the machine. As Taaf descends from the sky, he sees Steven unharmed from the blow, bearing his shield inside a crater from the impact. Spinel looks up at the shield, impressed.

Taaf: I don't care that you've changed! I can't remember a damn time that I've changed for the better.

Taaf punches at Steven, who easily parries it.

Taaf: I spent 3,000 fucking years in a fucking enclosed space that a bunch of Jaspers locked up! I left soon AFTER, to spend 6,000 years SOMEWHERE ELSE!!

Taaf uses Telekinesis to lift the shield out of Steven's hands, then tossing it into the ocean. Steven starts to sweat more frantically and backs away from the menacing gem.

Taaf: After finding out that Pink stopped being HERSELF, just so she could be some LOSER who doesn't CONSIDER the VALUE of OTHERS, USING them to make his life easier.

Taaf is seething. Spinel starts saying 'Taaf' under her breath. Taaf looks over at her.

Taaf: And you. What happened? Have you gone soft on the reincarnate of Pink? Need I REMIND YOU what she has DONE!?

Spinel starts crying a river, whimpering and stumbling to find words to say.

Steven: H-Hey, man! Back off!

Taaf: Or what?

Taaf steps closer.

Steven steps back.

Spinel scoots back.

Taaf: or, WHAT?

Taaf drags Steven to the center of the Injector and forces him down without moving a finger. Spinel gets on her feet and slowly approaches him.

Spinel: Stop! Please! Taaf-

She is quickly kicked back. She starts to tear up as Taaf steps on Steven's chest, starting to kneel as he prepares for a big jump. Both Spinel and Steven both have fear in their eyes as Taaf says:

Taaf: I hope Pink will feel as much pain as you're going to. Goodbye, Universe.

Taaf jumps up high into the air, winding the air from Steven's lungs. Taaf fuses his hands together and makes a weight at his peak height. He drops quickly, bringing fear into the hybrid.

But just before Taaf could put an end to Steven Universe, Spinel springs to Taaf and tackles him off of the Injector. As they fall, Taaf looks around in confusion before he sees that a crying Spinel with her arms surrounding him. As they clash on the ground, Taaf tries his best to use telekinesis to pull Spinel off of him, but she creates more weight to bring herself down onto him.

Taaf: Wh... why isn't my telekinesis working!?

Taaf's power may have been telekinesis, but he could only carry things about double the amount he can carry regularly, which is about 500 lbs.

Spinel: You need to stop this! Please just calm down!

Taaf: Why!? Why would I forgive the reincarnate of the worst gem I've ever known!?

Spinel: Because he is not like her! He never abandoned us, he never hated us, he never did anything that we wouldn't want him to do! He is much nicer than her! He doesn't deserve the burdens that Pink gave him!

Spinel continues to scream and cry onto Taaf, as he starts to tear up as well. He starts to unclench and go near limp.

Taaf: I was trapped... I spent six thousand years with you... how did you forgive her?

Spinel hears this and reduces the weight on Taaf. She stands on her knees and pulls him up to sit. She softly and gently pulls him in for a hug.

Spinel: I didn't. I learned to let go.

Taaf returns the hug after a while, now ashamed for what he'd done. Steven, now seeing the two calm together, starts to float down to them.

Steven: I'm glad you two are okay.

Steven smiled. Taaf and Spinel pulled away for a moment.

Before the two could get up, the Injector started rumbling. Acting nearly entirely on instinct, Taaf cowered. But a few seconds, he grabbed Spinel and tossed her to Steven, saying "stay back" as he does. Taaf runs and jumps at the injector, grabbing on to the side. As hard as he could, he attempted to use telekinesis to keep the Injector together. When the rumbling stopped, Taaf started to relax.

Taaf: Guys, it's okay! I think I stopped it fro-

It blew up.

The explosion was as blinding as it was big. The town was no longer in horrible peril, but it cost the life of the man who doomed the world and saved it later, only to doom it once more. Spinel's eyes widen as she sees Taaf get flown back out of sight, seeing scraps and glass fall onto him.

Greg: Steven?!?!

Garnet, Amethyst & Pearl: STEVEN!!!

Debris falls everywhere from the skies, befor the smoke clouds clear. Steven and Spinel come up from the beach, surviving the explosion inside Steven's bubble. Steven runs up to the gems after popping his bubble. Spinel quickly runs up to the pile of metal scraps, shattered glass, and debris.

She digs around, not remembering where the pile was that Taaf was buried in. She starts tossing scraps into a pile on the side. It takes a while, but she ended up finding Taaf's gem, completely unharmed. She let out a huge sigh of relief before collapsing on the floor on her back.

Steven: Whoa.

Spinel: We... wrecked everything...

Steven: Well, that's one way to get rid of your Injector.

Spinel: But what about the poison? What about the planet? What about your "happily ever after"?

Steven: There's no such thing as happily ever after. I'll always have more work to do.

Feeling guilty, Spinel looks down at the ground. Steven smiles as Spinel stands up, keeping Taaf in her hands.

Spinel: I'm sorry...

Connie: Steven?

Steven: Connie?

Connie approaches, riding on Lion from the distance, searching for Steven.

Connie: Steven! Where are you?

Steven: Connie!

Steven turns to Spinel briefly.

Steven: I'll be right back. Really.

Steven runs off to greet Connie, as she slides into the crater.

Connie: We saw that huge explosion and-

She stops to hug Steven.

Steven: I-I'm okay. I'm okay. What about you?

Connie, sighing: I'm fine.

The pair exchange a brief blush, before Lion arrives to greet Steven, who gives him a happy nuzzle. Meanwhile, a dejected, teary-eyed Spinel watches from afar, longing for another friendship and carrying immense guilt.

Steven: Lion! Were you worried about me?

Connie: Sure seems that way.

Spinel hears a horn sounding off nearby, and turns her attention towards the source of the sound, as Greg arrives in his van with the Crystal Gems. They drive down into the crater, before popping out almost theatrically.

Garnet, Amethyst, Pearl & Greg: Steven!

Steven: Guys! Dad!

The group rejoice with a group hug.

Steven: Is everyone from Beach City okay?

Garnet: Everyone is safe, and accounted for.

Pearl gives Steven a thumbs-up, while Amethyst and Connie show him peace signs. Steven returns a relieved look... before looking at Greg's blackened arm with concern.

Steven: Dad, your arm...

Greg: Hey, I just got a little careless and-

Steven: Don't worry. You'll be good as new in no time.

He grabs Greg's hand.

Greg: But, Steven, you don't have your-

With a single kiss to the back of his hand, Steven successfully heals Greg's hand, restoring it to its healthy flesh color.

Greg: Steven! You got your powers back!

Amethyst: It'd be cool if you could do that to the whole planet, heh.

Steven: Amethyst...! That's not a bad idea!

Amethyst: Dude! I was joking!

Steven walks over to a nearby patch of land and kisses the soil, causing grass and flowers to grow on the barren dirt.

Connie: Oh my gosh, that actually worked?

Steven: Hmmm.

He looks at the destruction all around.

Steven: Looks like I got a lotta kissin' to do.

What an idiot. Rolling up his sleeves, Steven begins to kiss random patches of dirt, restoring the plant life back onto it.

Pearl: Should we lend him a hand?

Garnet: We should probably get him some water.

She looks at Connie.

Garnet: Staying hydrated is very important when it comes to smooching.

You're all losers.

Steven: Huh?

Steven notices Spinel walking away and runs over to her.

Steven: Spinel, wait! I really was going to come back.

Spinel: I know...

Steven: Then, w-where are you going?

Spinel: I've got work to do. I need to find a way to help Taaf, and it's probably not going to be easy for me. I'm gonna have to work at it hard. You make me wanna try, but... I've already messed up bad. I'm sorry for being a bad friend. I-it's supposed to be my entire... y'know... thing, but I messed up. I'm sorry.

Steven: Spinel, I- Huh?

A howling wind suddenly rushes in, as a familiar ship hovers over, casting a large shadow over the crater.

Spinel, shocked: WHAAAAA?!

Blue Diamond: Knock knock, Steven!

Yellow Diamond: It's us!

White Diamond: The Diamonds? Are we interrupting something?

Steven: Uh... Yeah!

Spinel retreats behind a large chunk of debris, as the three Diamonds descend from the ship.

Steven: Yellow, Blue, White? What are y'all doing here?

Yellow Diamond: Well, Steven, we were all talking and- *sniffs* Ugh... I'm sorry, but what is that smell?

Steven: I don't smell anything.

Yellow Diamond: Ugh, that's 'cause you live here.

Blue Diamond: Anyway, we were talking, and we decided-

White Diamond: This is taking too long!

White shoves aside Yellow and Blue.

White Diamond: Steven! We've come to Earth to live with youuu!

She points her massive finger at Steven.

Steven: What?! My house isn't big enough for all of us!

White Diamond: Oh well, I'm sure we could make do with um...

White looks out at Beach City's ruined state: land split open, pink poison streaming, houses ruined, and Injector debris scattered, while a car alarm rings in the distance.

White Diamond: Has your planet always been this... *waves her arm* Destroyed?

Blue Diamond: Not that we're judging.

White Diamond: Goodness, no! Because judging anything based on appearance is wrong!

Steven pauses and glares at White, unfazed and less than amused at her patronizing attempt to resonate with him.

Steven: Yeah, I don't know about this.

White Diamond: But, Steven, it's been soooooo boring since you've left! I guess we'll just waaaait for you to viiisit us wheneeeever youuuuu'rre reeeaaaaaaaaadyyyyyy......

White slowly stomps back to the ship, feigning sadness in order to guilt Steven into giving her attention. The ground shakes with each colossal footstep.

Steven: Aww, come on. Don't be like that. I-It's just, I'm right in the middle of saying goodbye to-

He suddenly has an idea.

Steven: Do you guys remember Spinel or Taaffeite?

White Diamond, walking back: I'm sorry, who and who?

Steven turns to Spinel, still hiding behind a piece of rubble.

Steven: Spinel, you've met the Diamonds before, right?

Spinel: Y-Yeah, but-

She covers her face.

Spinel, whispering: They've never seen me like this!

Spinel steps out, hands Taaf's gem to Steven, and joins him before the Diamonds. Steven pockets the poofed gem.

Steven: Blue, Yellow, White! This is Spinel!

Spinel: My Diamon...nnnnnnnnnnnnds...

Spinel zig-zags her arms to make three Diamond salutes, which the three Diamonds react with stunned surprise. White gasps audibly and holds her hands to her face.

Yellow Diamond: Pink's little playmate?

Blue Diamond: One of Pink's lost treasures.

Steven: Mom left her on a floating garden in space.

Blue Diamond: You poor thing.

Spinel: Hah, it was only 6,000 years. I could do that standing on my head!Fittingly enough, Spinel does her handstand and claps her squeaky shoes together. In response, Yellow bursts out in laughter.

Yellow Diamond: Only 6,000 years! Hahahaha! It's true! That's no-o-thing! Ahahahahahahaha, and that goofy handstand...

Yellow wipes off a tear of joy.

Yellow Diamond: Ahahahahaha... I like this Gem.

Blue Diamond: She's adorable, and so much like Pink.

White Diamond: So... where is the other one?

Spinel gets back on her feet again, feeling like she's about to cry again. She holds her hands out to Steven. He hands her the gem, and she turns around and hesitantly presents it to the Diamonds.

Yellow Diamond: Oh... well it seems we came at the wrong time. Do we know this Taaffeite?

Spinel: Maybe... he was just created when he was picked up by Pink. He was left in a confined space with Jaspers for 3,000 years, and he was with me for the 6,000 years that I was left by Pink. So... most of his life was wasted on waiting to be saved.

Yellow's eyes widened.

Yellow Diamond: I do seem to remember the Jaspers who confessed to putting one gem in a confined space, and almost leaving another with him.

Blue Diamond: ... I do feel bad for the poor unfortunate thing.

Spinel: Ahh no, he's fine. He's fine! Give him some time to feel better and he'll be up and at 'em!

White Diamond: Spinel... I-

She clears her throat.

White Diamond: Steven, since the Earth is so disgusting, we'll just take Spinel and Taaffeite back to Homeworld with us, and you can stay here.

Steven: Really?!

Spinel: Huuuh!?

The Diamonds begin to sing a a reprise of "Let Us Adore You".

Spinel holds Taaf's gem close to her chest with a smile on her face.

•~Timeskip brought to you by... uhh... SU Future?~•

After a few days, Taaf had finally reformed. He would land on his feet, and open his eyes to find a strange room around him. He sees a rather pink, cloudy room. After peering around the room for what felt like hours, a door appeared and opened.

???: You'd better be back, I'm sick of forgetting how to get out.

Taaf turns, almost scared, to see Spinel, leaving the door open slightly with a piece of wood. He starts to calm down and gets up when he's calm. When Spinel looked back to him, she had seen him now standing.

Spinel let out a loud squeal and tackled Taaf to the ground with an audible "-oof!" from Taaf. He hugged her and rubbed her back with one hand.

Spinel: I'm so happy you're okay!

Taaf: I'm glad to be okay. I'm glad to be here with you.

After light thinking, He'd started to sit up, still holding Spinel.

Taaf: Uhh... where is 'here' though exactly?

Spinel, chuckling: The diamonds came to earth after the explosion. They wanted to live on earth with Steven but... they're too big, y'know? But after learning about me and you they decided to take us and give us Pink's room, which included this one, I call it "The Anything Room." Hold on... Before you say something, ask for something. Anything.

Taaf was a bit blown away. He couldn't see anything in the room except for the door.

Taaf: Uhh... I want a tiny train?

With a poof, a train toy appeared next to them. Spinel slightly and silently bounced up and down. After some confusion, Taaf picked it up to see if it was real. He examined the train, and crushed it. It poofed again in his hands, and it disappeared.

Spinel: How weird is that!?

Taaf: It's... definitely strange.

After some chuckling, Spinel hugged him tightly, burying her head into Taaf's neck. Taaf hugged back, leaning his head to rest on hers. After enjoying the moment for a while, Spinel looked up and gave Taaf a smile. She put one hand on his cheek as she leaned in for a kiss, as did Taaf. After a bit of time, Spinel stood up and offered a hand.

Spinel: So... The Diamonds wanted to check on you when you got back on your feet. They said it was alright if I came with you, but they wanted to talk to you for the first time.

Taaf looked up, understanding. He grabbed Spinel's hand and lifted himself up.

Taaf: Are they... as intimidating as I think they are?

Spinel: They are a bit intimidating, but definitely not as much as you'd think. They're a bunch of sweethearts, believe me. Plus, I'll be there with ya', so why worry?

Taaf took a deep breath. He was still worried, but he grabbed Spinel's hand and held on tight.

Taaf: Okay... let's get it over with I guess.

Spinel put one hand over his.

Spinel: You're gonna be fine. They just wanna take note of you because Pink kept you a secret from them.

Taaf takes breaths of anxiety, hoping to calm himself. It mostly worked, but they started on their way to The Diamonds.


The Pearls opened the door and alerted the Diamonds with a simple:

Yellow + Blue Pearl: My Diamonds, you have two visitors.

White Diamond: Let them in.

The Pearls bowed, stepped aside, and took leave back to watching the doors.

Slowly, Spinel (almost literally) dragged Taaf in. Spinel held up the Diamond salute, which she whispered Taaf to do as well. He almost recreated it nicely.. but he doesn't know what he's doing.

White Diamond: At ease, you two.

Yellow Diamond: Please state your names.

Spinel: Spinel!

Taaf: Uhh... Taaffeite.

The Diamonds took a closer look at the male.

Blue Diamond: A defect... this one is somehow more masculine than the Jaspers...

Yellow Diamond: He's a gem that we haven't seen any other before...

White Diamond: How did Pink keep this a secret from us?

The Diamonds looked at him intensely. Taaf got scared and almost started running, but Spinel was there to hug him.

White Diamond: This is the gem that you were speaking of, yes Spinel?

Spinel: Yeah. He was made 9,000 years ago nearly to the day. A few days extra spent with me in the garden, and a day spent on getting to earth and then... almost destroying it.

She said with a bit of guilt.

Yellow Diamond: So... what happened when you were first created?

Taaf: Uhh... well, um... I felt almost sentient. But in a while, I fell out of a hole in a wall. I was scared of it, but Pink Diamond found me and brung me to a Jaspers room where I was locked in a cramped room for the first 3,000 years. I was kept there until they were about to throw another gem in there-

Painite, opening the door: Oh... wrong room, sorry. Hey Taaffeite.

He closed the door.

Taaf: ... that guy, when Pink caught them in the act and brought me out.

Yellow Diamond: She didn't send any search parties?

Spinel: No ma'am, I think she wanted him to be kept as a secret. She believed that if you and Blue Diamond knew you had a defect in your areas, you would've gotten rid of him.

Yellow Diamond: Perhaps...

Blue Diamond: Why didn't she attemot to look herself?

Spinel: I believe she would've looked on her own. Have you remembered any disappearances for an extended time that Pink might've covered up?

Blue Diamond: I suppose, she was a good liar.

Yellow Diamond: Yes, she was great at keeping her relationship with a human secret for YEARS.

Spinel: She might've been absent to look for Taaffeite.

White Diamond: And why wasn't the first place she'd look in the Jasper's room?

Spinel: That is something that I cannot figure out, My Diamond. I'm sorry.

Taaf: After she dragged me out, she brought me to the garden with Spinel, brought me an arrow and left us there.

The Diamonds felt bad for the poor gem. They felt like what he had gotten wasn't worth what he could've been. A noble Knight, a powerful weapon, possibly a lone ranking, near higher than an Emerald. After some silence, White spoke.

White Diamond: Well, Taaffeite... we apologize for any troubles that Pink may have caused for you. Thank you for coming in to talk to us, and thank you for cooperating. We may have further questions, but we will call you in whenever we do. Thank you.

Taaf: No problem, My Diamonds. Thank you for worrying. And thank you for letting us stay here.

Spinel: Yes, thank you.

Taaf and Spinel held up the Diamond salute, and started to take their leave.

Blue Diamond: Oh, Taaffeite, before I forget...

Taaf and Spinel turn around. Blue Diamond presses a button which lifts a platform up to his level.

Blue Diamond: Spinel told us about the trash lid that you so appreciated, so... we had one of our gems create one.

Taaf, in confusion, sees a box on the lifted platform. He runs up to it when he heard about the trash can lid. He resists the urge momentarily to ask:

Taaf: I'm sorry My Diamonds, but may I open this?

Blue Diamond: You may. A sharpened plate of polished metal, using pink and purple dye to decorate. Spinel also told us that you two kinda have a thing for each other...

Blue Diamond says the last part quieter. Taaf hurries to open the box, taking out exactly what he's imagined. A metal plate that was polished and dyed with pink and purple, sharpened smoothly around the edges to create a weapon, while keeping the trash can kind of lid on the top, for keeping his foot in to not fall off.

Taaf is excited about this, but he doesn't know how to get it out. He sort of... almost too loudly squeals but tries to conceal it. He stands, composes himself, and bows.

Taaf: Thank you, My Diamonds.. I don't know how I can thank you or repay you for your kindness.

The Diamonds smile.

White Diamond: A simple bow and salute will be enough for now.

Taaf nods, and goes back to Spinel, who is just as happy as he is. They salute to the Diamonds and take their leave.

White Diamond: What are we going to do with that kid?

Yellow Diamond: Well, I have some ideas.


Taaf and Spinel had went out for a ride. Taaf sits with his legs crossed while Spinel sits on his lap, holding him as they fly through space to sightsee. They fly through the solar system, seeing all the planets that they wanted. They fly through earth first, see all the sights that there are to see. Big cities, forests, rainforests, and tourist traps everywhere. They look through the other planets, but don't see as much biological diversity. Some rocks, puddles, not to interesting. They travel beyond the asteroid belt to explore. They see a planet before them, made of what seems like dirt and water, like the earth, but with less living organisms. It may not've had everything on the earth, but it was nice to see how it potentially started.

After a while of sight seeing, they went back to the Diamonds' ship. They went back to Pink's room, which they renamed to be "The Garden," and started to relax on a bed that they made in "The Anything Room." They enjoy a long, passionate kiss together, happy to be able to live their lives to how they feel like living it.

But, they were pretty rudely interrupted by a knock.

It was Blue Pearl with a message that the Diamonds delivered to them.

"Dear: Taaf.

Hello, and thank you for your time. After some deliberation, we've pondered the idea of giving you the life that you should've had. We are giving you the opportunity to become a Knight. We shall give you opportunity to prove tests of strength, honor, and durability. We will send you on missions that we will give you if you should decide to take the offer, eventually to earning the title. You will receive rewards for completing these tasks. Spinel will be given the same offer and offered similar rewards. Should you accept, report to us as soon as possible.

- White Diamond."

I'll spare y'all the long apology, I feel like it's getting old. But if you think it's done here you got another damn thing coming. There's gonna be some god damn more stuff, but I can't know what it's gonna be either. It's gonna be like SU:F but less bad, y'know? So this isn't over, but I'm gonna start working on Euphoria. Thank you to the three people that had any hope in this book finishing, because I sure as hell did (i mean seriously, the read count is slowly but surely decreasing, lol). See you all later.
Word Count: 5336 (pb hehe)

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