Visit to Vulcan (P1)
Hey folks, I am so sorry I didn't update sooner! My boards start on the 29th of February, AND I HAVEN'T STUDIED A SINGLE THING. So yeah, all in all, it's stressful... anyhow, hope you like this chapter!
Kathy sat in the library, furiously scribbling notes for the upcoming Kobayashi Maru test, which was to be held on the coming Wednesday, after the four day long Halloween break. It was actually optional, but for all students who had opted for Battle Strategies it was compulsory. It was programmed by Spock himself, and was said to be unwinnable, and it had apparently left the smartest cadets in tears.
A large mug and a thermos full of coffee which she had snuck into the library, along with herself, sat next to her haywire notes.
It was 3:30hrs, and the only light available was from the moon, whose silvery rays snuck into the quite library through the window. It was hot and stuffy, but Kathy could not afford to open the window, lest the papers flew away. No one really used paper anymore, but Kathy found that writing on paper helped her in retaining facts.
She let out an exhausted sigh, staring out of the window, blinking slightly to stay awake. Before she knew, she had fallen asleep on her notes, pen marks covering her hands and cheek.
*** *** *** ***
Spock never really needed much sleep, which is why he often found himself patrolling the Star Fleet halls on nights when he didn't have much work to do. Spock was about a annoyed as he could get without showing emotion; he had caught two cadets copulating in an empty classroom, had broken apart a drunken party, and caught a student going through the next day's test papers.
And to top that, his students would be taking the Kobayashi Maru test the next week. Their failure would reflect his teaching capabilities, and Spock was sure that none of them would fare well. These cadets had an illogical thought process, and the test he had designed had a no win scenario.
Spock entered the library, hoping to find some peace and quiet for a few minutes, moving towards one of his favorite corners of the library, only to find Cadet Whitlock asleep on top of what he assumed were her notes, with a thermos and mug of the terran drink coffee.
Spock resisted the urge to sigh. It seemed as though everything he did led him directly to her.
"Cadet", He said, his voice echoing through the silent library.
Kathy groaned and mumbled something, making Spock's lips twitch with amusement.
"Cadet Whitlock", Spock said, raising his voice slightly.
Kathy let out a squeak before sitting straight in her seat, pushing her glasses up as she tried to fix her hair.
"I- I can explain, sir!"
Spock merely raised an eyebrow.
"I would suggest that you returned to your dorm, Cadet."
"Wait... you're just letting me go?" Kathy asked, confused.
"I believe it would be illogical to punish a sincere student", Spock said.
Kathy blinked once. Then twice.
Was he actually teasing her?! Shaking her head as she quickly gathered her stuff, Kathy slung her bag over her shoulder.
"Good day... umm I mean, night... er morning, Sir...", Kathy said, flinching with embarrassment as she prepared to leave.
"Cadet", Spock said, making her freeze in her place.
"Your mother, Lady T'Lan has invited you to Vulcan. She wishes to get to know her daughter."
"With all due respect sir, I said it before, and I'll say it again, neither is she my mother, nor I her daughter", Kathy said, her eyes flashing with anger.
There was silence for a moment, before Spock broke it.
"Your brother, Aloran and my mother are eager to see you again, Cadet."
Kathy paused for a moment, before begrudgingly agreeing.
"I'll be missing Halloween because of this, so it better be worth my time."
Spock's lips twitched with amusement.
"If it is any consolation, Cadet Uhura be there as well."
"What?!" Kathy whisper yelled.
"She has revived her relationship with my half brother, Sybock", Spock said, sounding smug.
"What?!" Kathy said again. "And she didn't tell me?! Oh she's so gonna get it from me! I will be there, Sir. I ask you to not inform Nyota of this."
Spock raised an eyebrow.
"I shall meet you at the beaming station tomorrow at 5:45hrs, Cadet. Be punctual."
Kathy shot him a disbelieving look.
"Of course I will be on time, Sir!"
*** *** *** ***
"So sorry I'm late", Kathy mumbled, panting a bit as she tried to carry her massive suitcase.
Spock raised a brow, already expecting this while Nyota let out a sound of surprise.
"Kathy?! You're coming with us?!"
"Yup. Oh, and thanks for not telling me about Sybock and you, by the way. I mean, it's not like I'd want to know anyways!" Kathy exclaimed sarcastically.
Nyota blushed, mumbling an apology. Spock tilted his head, his soulful eyes piercing Kathy as she joked with her friend. Kathy turned towards him, feeling his gaze, blushing slightly before picking up her suitcase and moving towards the beaming pad.
She fidgeted on her spot on the pad, unable to contain her excitement. It was her first trip to a different planet, and to say that she was excited would be a massive understatement.
Nyota merely chuckled at her friend, while Spock's eyes twinkled with amusement. Kathy let out a tiny squeal as she felt the familiar feeling in her gut, and within the blink of an eye, she was on Vulcan.
Kathy looked around in wonder, shielding her eyes from the bright sun. Tall rocks of symmetrical shape were scattered across the sandy terrain, barely wavering under the blistering heat. A hot, dry wind ruffled Kathy's clothes the moment she stepped out of the beaming station, making Kathy shudder.
She closed her eyes, tilting her face towards the sun, welcoming the warmth of its rays. Nyota, who was fanning herself the moment she stepped out, gave Kathy a disbelieving look.
"Aren't you feeling warm? And don't do that, you'll get a sunburn!"
Kathy merely smiled at her.
"I'm part Vulcan, remember? Besides, look around you, it's so beautiful!"
Kathy turned when she heard a familiar voice, only to find Amanda squeezing Spock with a tight hug. Spock stood straighter, and merely touched his mother's back, before she let go. Kathy frowned slightly. The sparkle in his eye was gone, it was now replaced by a void. Kathy's frown deepened. This wasn't the Spock she knew and lo... never mind.
"Ms. Whitlock!" Amanda exclaimed, hugging Kathy tightly.
Kathy laughed and hugged her back, momentarily losing track of her train of thoughts.
"It's nice to see you, Mrs. Sarek! And please, call me Kathy!"
"Well then, dear, I insist that you call me Amanda!" Amanda said, pulling back and patting Kathy's shoulders, making her grin.
Amanda then hugged Nyota and greeted her son's girlfriend, her happy expression never fading, before all but skipping towards Sarek, and standing by his side. Sarek immediately angle his body such that part of it was shielding her from behind, his eyes taking her in for a moment before looking forward, his unfeeling mask intact.
Kathy smiled softly, watching Spock's parents. The action would not seem like much, but Kathy found it sweet. Their love was so pure and beautiful, Kathy couldn't help but let out a wistful sigh. Sarek raised an eyebrow, noticing Kathy's actions, making the hybrid blush slightly and grin nervously as she raised her hand in a Vulcan Salute.
"Er... Nashaut, Kevetsu Sarek." (Er... Greetings, Ambassador Sarek.)
Sarek tilted his head in acknowledgement, before turning towards Nyota. Kathy shrugged.
Well, I suppose that's as good as it's gonna get...
She remained silent, not sure what to say as the group made their way towards a shuttle. It was much like the 21st century helicopter, Kathy observed as it began to take off. The hot wind blew across her face, making her grin with childish delight.
Kathy smiled brightly, taking in the hot yet picturesque surroundings. Buildings made of rock bore intricate designs, some rising from the ground while others hung from gigantic rocks. Statues of various revered Vulcans stood proud, their emotionless faces filled with ancient wisdom. Vulcans the size of ants roamed the below in an orderly fashion. Kathy could see the Katric Ark, a place of historical significance to the Vulcans.
Kathy peered down, observing the intricate designs and magnificent architecture of the structure, her mind reeling with information she had acquired in a short time period in order to appear at least average in front of the Vulcans. Kathy turned towards Nyota, tugging at her sleeves.
"Nee nee, look! It's the Katric Ark!"
Nyota looked at her friend with surprise. She hadn't called her 'Nee nee' since their fallout. Nyota had missed it, to be honest. She smiled softly in a sisterly manner at Kathy, containing her excitement much better than the young half Vulcan.
"I can't wait to see it up close..." Kathy muttered, her eyes glazing over.
Spock looked at Kathy as a dreamy expression took over her face. His lips twitched slightly, before he turned away abruptly. He could not afford to be feeling this way, especially now that he was on Vulcan.
He could not afford to feel this way under any circumstances.
So, I was almost done with this chapter when I got this idea, so I re- wrote this chapter. However, what I was going to put in this chapter will come later, so patience my friends! Like I said before, my boards are coming, so I won't update much.
Also, I have to write an admission test tomorrow, so wish me luck! As always, please vote and comment!
All the love,
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