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Amanda's POV
I groaned getting out of bed I hate school. No let me rephrase that I hate everything. Oh yea and it's my birthday yes what fun. Note sarcasm I hate birthdays it's the worst day ever the day when you'll probably find your mate. I don't need a mate Danger and Rouge made that clear they don't want mates. And the worst part there's a chance they could reject you which causes a hell lot of pain.
Walking to the bathroom maybe I should look good today yes I'll look like a bad ass. I wonder if they would still recognize me. I let my hair down why should I dress up for those bitches (outfit is image above).
Grabbing my bag I sniffed the air when the coast was clear I raced through the door running to school hoping the day would go by fast I'm really early like two hours early. Maybe I can get a quick snack I'm starving. I looked around and made sure no one was looking they can't know about my powers.
Shifting into my reaper my skin dissolved leaving my skeleton a dark blue robe covered my bones I had a huge scythe in my hands and there was smoke at my feet in couldn't walk in this format only float.
Since I'm one of the strongest reapers out there I can talk to dead people like Nova she's my best friend and girl that died at the school I found her crying in the bathroom. She died because they pushed her head down the toilet, slammed it into the sink then locked her in the bathroom to bleed to death. There so evil I would normally praise them but I have my pride to keep and a promise: Never kill unless necessary.
"Hey bestie" Nova greeted floating over to me. I smiled but she probably couldn't see it since it's my skull alone showing.
"Hi Nora" I said I sounded weird like two people talking at the same time.
"Go get something to eat then we can talk you sound weird now" she laughed I joined in which again sounded awful like someone screaming for help.
I spotted a deer drinking water by the creek so I went up to it. Knowing it wouldn't run away. Why? Since it can sense my power if you see a reaper in there true form trust me you would not want to run it would just anger them more. A powerful reaper can take up to six souls at the same time and not be weak while a normal reaper can take up to two to three and it takes a huge amount of energy.
I chopped it's head up with my scythe then sucked it's soul I know it's not humans or supernaturals soul but it will keep me until about next week or until this Friday. Making sure no one was watching it changed back my hair was still there but my skull was all painted and pampered. I hate it I think it makes me look weaker when I'm not.
Turning to face Nova who was talking to Jake her boyfriend I'm so happy for them.
"Uh guys I'm right here" I made my presence known the looked at me and smiled.
Jake had black hair and green eyes while Nova had pink hair and blue eyes.
"Amanda how nice to see you again" Jake greeted did I forget to mention he was a prince he died in a car crash sad because his brother did it to take the throne.
"The pleasure is mine now could we move closer to the school I don't want to be late" I whined walking through the forest.
"Can we come I've never been to high school before" Jake beamed I could see Nova tense.
"Maybe not today" I told him looking in Nova's direction.
"No its okay I want to show them what they did to me haunt them in a way" she smirked evilly oh shit I am in so much trouble.
"But I need to look presentable" she whined looking at her over sized sweater and jeans with converse sneakers.
"Take of the sweater and tie it around your waist then but your hair in a ponytail" I ordered she did as told wow such little things made a big difference.
"Let's go I'm late" I complained hearing the warning bell tring knowing Nova could find her way I raced to school using my werewolf speed.
When I got there is saw Ashley and he minions walking towards the front gate they all had mini skirts on and everyone except Ashley wore yellow while she wore a purple crop top with five inch heels.
Taking a deep breath inhaling I walked into the school swaying my hips from side to side my hair bounced in every step I took. All and I mean all the unmated male werewolves looked at me some smirking others staring at my ass I changed my scent to a humans so they could see what they were missing out.
"Same old bastards I'll give them that" Nova mumbled.
I laughed silently "The sluts are the same as well" I told her smiling light heartedly.
"This is high school it's more like a bar to me" Jake stated looking around.
"This is high school Jace with all the drama and romance you read in the books" I said walking to my locker.
I sniffed the air silently my brothers are here crap.
"Guys don't talk now pretend like your tring to haunt me there two more reapers heading here now" I told the couple they nodded at began walking around every once in a while looking at me.
I let my scent into the air not wanting anything weird happening. I took my sweater from around my waist and put it on it was getting good a little chilly for some reason.
"Oh look the bitch is back" Marcus spat holding me against me locker.
"What do you think your wearing?" He asked I mentally rolled my eyes.
'Whats does it look like ass hole' Danger my reaper sassed me and Rouge laughed she's finally back.
'Let me at him' Rouge grolwed I had my glasses on so they couldn't see my eyes fog over.
"Clothes" I replied smirking.
"Don't play dumb with me bitch" Nicholas spat your my so called twin and your treating me like this okay then.
'Did he just call me a bitch?' Danger asked her name is Danger for a reason.
"I am not a bitch man whore wait your all man whores" I laughed there where ever gasps from everyone I could see Nova smirking like an idiot really Jake just stood there tring to understand what just happened.
I felt a sharp sting in my cheek I unconsciously turned my face in the opposite direction. Did he just slap me?
'Oh hell no, nope I'm gonna have his ass on silver plater' Danger and Rouge said at the same time. I looked at him shocked you may be a reaper but I'm gonna own your ass.
"And here I thought this mutt had some decency" I laughed taking off my shades.
I looked at him with a blank expression."Are you guys done cause the bell wrung three minutes ago?" I asked them taking my books out my locker.
I got no response so I walked to class I couldn't care less about those.....idiots.
As I stepped into the house I was greeted by my three angry brothers well I had to face them at some point. I turned to Nova who was stepping into the house as well. Marcus and Nicholas visibly tensed crap I forgot they could see them. I signaled them move we have this sort of code thing for situations like this.
"Who do you think you are?" Marcus asked glaring at me.
"Amanda Renee Black" I replied smirking.
"Do not speak to me that way" he growled.
"Or what you'll call Joshua like I give a fuck" I responded laughing.
"Learn your place you filty bitch" Nicholas spat.I rolled my eyes when will they learn.
"What is the meaning of this?" someone's voice boomed it sounded heavenly. I was hit with the most intoxicating sent vanilla and strawberries.
I locked eyes with Joshua Richards the soon to be Alpha of Red Moon pack. One word kept repeating in my head which I refused to believe Mate.
"Oh hell no. Why does the moon goddess hate me" he complained which snapped me out of my thoughts.
"I soon to be Alpha Joshua Richards reject you Amanda Black as my mate" he spat with no emotions. Oh so this is how you want to do it fine see if I care.
"I Amanda Black accept your rejection " I spat back keeping a poker face my wolf was whimpering but the reaper was dying to take his soul and eat it for lunch I went to my room and packed my bag I'm sick and tired of playing softie I'm stronger than these mutts. I jumped out he window leaving the message on the wall:Your souls are mine. The reaper warning get my brothers will understand and the best part it was written in my blood only a reaper can wite that now the know I'm not weak. But there too late.
Marcus POV
"I soon to be Alpha Joshua Richards reject you Amanda Black as my mate" Joshua spat in Amanda's face. There mates the player is my mates sister. She's not fit to be Luna.
"I Amanda Black accept your rejection" she spat back keeping a poker face.
I glanced at the two ghosts in he room they were watching Amanda like a hawk for some reason. They looked at each other then followed Amanda to her room are they following her. Why should I care.
'Because she's you sister you Dickhead" Blaze my wolf said. 'Whatever'.
I'm hungry when was the last time I ate. "Amanda get your sorry as down here" I yelled.
No response. "I said get you ass down here" I barked no response.
"I swear I'll rip your head off" I mumbled walking upstairs I was hit with the sent of blood Amanda's blood. What the hell?
I raced to her room I may look like I hate her but I don't I love her it's just that she's a nerd I can't ruin my reputation. And the worst part she's weak there have been no signs of her shifting. As I entered the room I was greeted by the most distributing sight. The reapers warning how can she do that only the most powerful can do that. Wait let me rephrase that only the grim reapers can do that.
Your souls are mine. Crap this is bad really bad as in crazy bad what do I do she's cursed us god dammit. Taking a deep breath I realized she's not there but where is she then? God look what you did your the oldest and you drove your sister away asshole.
Maybe the ghosts can help. I raced down stairs where in so much trouble let the devil take pitty on my soul. I can't as let the Lord take pity on my soul I'm a servant of hell like the werewolves are servants of the moon. What have I done we've doomed us all.
"She's gone" I shouted.
"And why do we care?" Nicholas asked.
"She left the reapers curse" I breathed out.
"Only the grim reapers can do that crap this is bad real bad" he kept saying.
"What are you talking about?" Ashley asked her arms wrapped around Joshua's chest.
"The reapers curse. It's like a vacuum for your soul anyone who lived her is cursed from now on were not sure but it has something to do with weird death. Uh...Oh of course everyone in the house will die horrible deaths until every last one of us are dead each time a death occurs your soul is instantly sent to the pits of hell to burn forever. It can only be broken by the reaper who did it. We don't have much time it's either we leave now or die it normally takes about a week for it to take infect in about three years all of us would be dead our bodies decaying" Nicholas told them I nodded in conformation.
"So your saying because of her were all going to die in three years unless we find away to remove the curse?" Joshua asked. I nodded.
"Wait maybe she didn't put the curse there she just put it there like a warning saying when we die she's the one taking our souls if she did put the curse on us then it would of been carved onto the wall" I stated thinking.
"I hope your right or its living with the devil's pets for us" Nicholas hoped.
I prayed that it was just a warning I am not going to die anytime soon and I haven't even had children better yet found my mate.
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