Chapter 22: And I feel fine pt.2


(Y/n): Fuck was that?

The sudden noise from above catches your attention and that of your momentary companions. Roman's initial surprise is immediately replaced with annoyance as he lets out a tired growl.

Roman: Go see what that is.

He waves his arm towards Neo, which she answers with a nod as she takes her leave to see what the hell crashed on the ship. You, meanwhile, lose interest already and turn back to the control panel in front of you. You push a random button and are rewarded with lasers shooting from below the ship and fly within the now chaotic streets of the city. A large fiery explosion resonates from whatever they hit as you let out a dumbass giggle.

Roman: Alright, alright. My turn.

Gazing down at the menagerie (notthatone) of buttons before him, Roman spots a row of buttons to the side. He places a finger on one end and drags it across, changing the colored buttons from blue to yellow. The result of this action is several muffled explosions resonating from somewhere in the ship. Not long after, a row of missiles fly past your view from the bridge and disappear below into the city. Equal amounts of explosions are soon heard afterward.

Roman: Ahh, it's the simple things in life.

The two of you take turns fucking around with buttons, dealing all sorts of mild property damage to the city below, one of you not fully aware of the beastly beasts helping with the destruction. Speaking of that last word, you both had a fun time having a panic attack when you accidentally found the self-destruct button. Thankfully, you managed to deactivate it right as it went down to three. You agreed with Roman to NEVER touch that button again, probably.

Anyway, as you continue molesting the controls, you could have sworn you heard what sounded like rumbling from outside. You just ignore it, thinking it doesn't concern the two of you. Unaware that if the airship was turned just 90° to the left, you would've seen a mountain explode with a gaint fuck-off dragon flying out of it.

You get a second chance at that, however, as said dragon flies dangerously close to the ship. Letting out an ear piercing screech as it zooms right past the bridge and towards the city.


You and Roman stare bug-eyed out the window where the large black mass flew by. Not three seconds later, hundreds of smaller black forms begin flying past your ship and follow the dragon. Safe to say, for the first time since you got to the bridge, you're curious as to what in the hell is going on outside. This curiosity grows as you hear what sounds like a scuffle going on on the roof.

Just then, the scroll on the port lets out a jingle as an image of a girl in red stares at the camera, the captions "Guess who?" At the bottom. The two of you stare at the picture with different reactions. You raise an eyebrow at the silver eyed girl.

(Y/n): Cute kid, looks familiar.

Roman, on the other hand, sports a look of absolute rage.

Roman: Oooh, you canNOT be serious!

He grabs the scroll and quickly marches out of the bridge to God knows where, leaving you all by your lonesome. On the plus side, more buttons for you! You gaze upon your bountiful button bounty, ignoring the one no-no button, and look at what looks like rows of buttons at the top left. You're gonna get sick of that B word real quick.

Pressing one of them, a screen pops up in front of you. This shows what looks like a weird angle of a hallway. Pressing another shows the familiar evidence room. One shows the roof of the airship, Neo fighting that red girl with Roman charging behind. Another press of a button, and you're shown what looks like an overview of the city. This one catches your attention.

Admittedly, you knew you and Roman were doing some damage from the lasers and missiles, and the city would take a beating. What you didn't know was the Grimm infesting the streets, robots shooting anything that moves, and black n' white wearing terrorists running around. All while buildings are on fire and blowing up. All that and more are happening all over the city.

(Y/n):..... Huh.

You reach into your pocket and pull out your scroll. You waste no time and call Pen.





Pen: Hello?

You miss the panic in his voice and just continue the conversation.

(Y/n): Hey, Pen! Is everything--

Pen: (Y/N)! (Y/n), where are you?

NOW you hear the panic in his voice.

(Y/n): Wha--uh, I'm on an airship. What's happening down there?

Pen: What's happening? Gods, (y/n), it's the apocalypse out here! The Grimm came out of nowhere, White Fang suddenly attacked, and those fucking Atlas robots went haywire!

???: Move those tables to the door! Rip them out of the ground if you have to!

A feminine voice, probably one of the Malachite twins, screams in the background.

(Y/n): Alright, alright!  I'll make my way back to the club.

Pen: (y/n), it's literal hell in the city! You won't make it--

(Y/n): I'll make it!

You hang up and shove the scroll back in your pocket. Now with a purpose, you look at the control panel in front of you... The technology suddenly looking more complicated than before. Shit, this is going to take forever to figure out. But with your semblance, it might help save on time. Maybe you can use this airship to help your gang fight off the Grimm? No, you and Roman burned through a lot of ordnance that would cause too much danger close damage. Use it to help them escape? Ship's to big to land in the streets and anything useful has been ejected from the random button pressing.

FUCK! The one time you actually need to use this flying piece of shit, and you're stumped... Maybe if you went back a little further, you can escape earlier, or 'deal' with your new friends to take the ship for yourself and help the Xiongs. Damn it, all this rethinking is starting to piss you off--

A distant screech from outside catches your attention. The same one that dragon made from earlier that scared the crap out of you. Looking over shows that the flying black giant lizard is slowly making its way to that tower by the cliff. I think you remember it being a school or something...

You suddenly get an idea.

Meanwhile, on top of the airship, the little girl in the little red hood is getting her little red shit rocked. After Ruby barely defeated the mute Neo (ie activating her parasol and getting Marry Poppins'd), the young Huntress went from two highly skilled criminals beating her up to ONE highly skilled criminal beating her up. Speaking of, Roman blows another hot load into Ruby's stomach, launching her across the top of the airship. That walking cane of his is no joke.

As Ruby tries to think happy thoughts to ignore the possible internal bleeding, Roman ominously walks towards her. All the while, dozens of Griffons fly around the ship. One of whom spots the red headed ruffian.

Roman: You got spirit, Red, but is the REAL WORLD!

He swings his cane her again, knocking her back down as she tried to stand up.

Roman: The real world is COLD!

Another swing at her leg, Ruby flinches in pain.

Roman: The real world doesn't care about spirit!

The bowl hatted criminal goes for another swing, but is stopped as Ruby manages to kick at his leg, knocking him back and away from her. They both get back on their feet with some effort.

Roman: You wanna be the hero? Then play the part and die like every other Huntsman in history!

With a swift motion, he shrinks the gap between the two and bashes her to the floor again with his cane. Ruby simply gets knocked back down and tries to crawl away from Roman.

Roman: As for me? I'll do what I do best. Lie. Steal. Cheat! And SURVI--Woah!

Before Roman could finish that last word, the ground beneath his feet violently shifts to the side. Causing him to fall over and just barely avoid getting eaten by a Griffon from behind. Unbeknownst to any of them, you have finally found out how to fly the ship and have just made a sharp turn. With the airship now tilted to the side, both Ruby and Roman begin sliding and tumbling across the top of the aircraft until both fall off the edge. The younger of the two uses her physics defying scythe-gun to blast herself to safety. The older of the two, however...


Now free falling, Roman screams bloody murder from the midnight sky as the hard ground below approaches to catch him. As he does his best to ignore the wet warmth growing in his pants, a Griffon flies below him just in time for the ginger to crash into its back. The Grimm lets out a demonic yelp as it loses altitude from the impact. Roman, meanwhile, is now spinning midair as he falls to his death.

As his life flashes before his eyes, it stops to where he left the Spiders, his one-time sky diving suddenly comes to a halt as his cane somehow catches on something. Something black and loud. Ignoring the feeling of his arm almost popping out of the socket, Roman finds himself dangling from a Griffon's wing as he desperately holds on to his cane. The Grimm in question lets out an ear piercing screech as it desperately tries to fly with one wing.

The Griffon turns its head towards the person obscuring its flapping. Roman looks at his possible impending doom with wide fearful eyes, now doing his best to ignore the strange lump in the back of his pants. However, as the Grimm inches closer to eat Roman's face, it unknowingly rams into another of its air bound kin. The head on collision stuns the first in question as it now goes from falling with style to just falling. While spinning. As a screaming ginger is attached to its wing.

While Roman desperately tries to hold back his vomit, he is unaware of his cane slowly slipping off of the Grimm's wing. He's finally made aware of this as he is dislodged from the aerial appendage and is now falling solo once again. This time, sideways. Luckily, his fall comes to a sudden end as he finds himself crash landing on a high rise. Due to being flung from the Griffon, Roman comes in from an angle and skips across the roof. His little pebble-across-a-lake reenactment comes to an end as he smashes into the roof access door.

Thankfully the door he violently crashed into slows him down just enough to stop him from sliding over and down the flight of stairs that awaited him. With just enough space for his bowl hat to finally fall off his head and land on the first step down. Sadly, that is the only good thing to have come from his unwilling sky dive. His heart is beating so fast it almost feels like it stopped, his entire respiratory system is on fire from all the screaming, several parts of his body are in pain from crashing into Griffons and a roof, and lastly his pants are filled with all sorts of bodily waste.

Aside from all that, he's fine.

His heart is still beating, he's still breathing, the feeling of pain means he's still awake, and we're going to ignore what's going on below the belt. With all of these facts put together, Roman is assured that he is very much still alive. With that realization slowly sinking in, he lets out a celebratory groan as he tries not to move. Only having enough energy to mumble out one thing.

Roman: Wut... defuq hapn?


The Wyvern. A Grimm that is as terrifying as it is rare. And considering this one very well might be the last of its kind, that makes it pretty fucking scary. Especially when you factor in its ability to literally sweat other Grimm. After being dormant in a mountain for who knows how long, it has risen again after feeling so much despair from the Vytal Festival. A couple more droplets fall away from its form and into the streets as it continues to fly towards Beacon.

It bellows out another soul shattering shriek, it's eyes piercing across the scenery before it. Grimm with wings fly through the air, swooping down to attack any unfortunate pray to be spotted by them. Fires consuming the city as anyone still trapped within fight for their lives. Grimm, machine, and disgruntled furry tear through any that get in their way, until someone more skilled manages to defeat a few of them. All this pain, all this suffering, such overwhelming destruction and feeling of hopelessness. To the Wyvern, this unfortunate display of catastrophe is simply...


After arriving within the boundaries of the school property, the Wyvern starts circling around the main building, every flap of its wings a thunderous explosion to mute out all other noise. Even the roar of an airship's engines going full blast. To the Wyvern, all other things are insolent specks compared to it. Even the airship hurtling at it from the side. Besides its Master, no foe is equal to--

Completely out of nowhere, an airship that nobody could have seen coming bashes into the Wyvern's side, interrupting its flight and pushing it where the giant metal bird wants it to go. Multiple ribs are definitely broken as the unrelenting metal hull buckles but not gives against its pitch black body. The Wyvern lets out a screech of both pain and fury as it latches onto the airship with its claw tipped wings.

Before it could try to rip the metal sky shlong to ribbons, the airship slams the Wyvern against the Beacon Tower with full force. The combined mass of both Grimm and airship effortlessly smash through the tower, the structure crumbling with ease like a clay pot being smashed by a jet propelled sledgehammer. This knocks out what counts as wind in the Grimm's possibly non-existent lungs as the pain keeps on trucking. The weight of the Wyvern finally starts dragging down the improvised battering ram, driving both masses down and over the cliff behind the school and directly into the large body of water at the bottom. Resulting in a ginormous splash sending waves across the water.

Speaking of waves. Unbeknownst to certain amnesiac arsonists, this one spectacular action would set in motion a chain reaction of events that will make things more... interesting.

Starting in 3. 2. 1.

[Location: One mile below Beacon]

The destruction of the tower rains debris on the school grounds, causing shockwaves to travel deep underground and resonate through the secret passage below the academy. Immediately catching the attention of the Headmaster and two of his students.

Ozpin: No...

The wizened old bastard looks up at the ceiling in mild fear as dust falls from above. If what he thinks happen just happened, then things are going to get a lot more complicated.

Jaune: What was that?

The Headmaster snaps out of his stupor and turns to his students. Pyrrha, the reason they're all here, looking understandably worried for multiple reasons. One of those being just down the corridor they're traveling that has an entire subplot not worth mentioning anymore. Next to her is her team leader, Jaune, who came here out of concern for his literal red headed teammate. Another rumble resonates from the roof as more dust rains down. Ozpin regrets not hiring that maid now.

Ozpin: We have to hurry!

With a new sense of panic, the three rush towards the two pods just a hundred feet away. One of which is already occupied.

[Location: Back up top]

Anyone with eyes, ears, and seismophobia could never have missed the absolute display of the Beacon Tower getting demolished via ramming. The display has sent any brave Huntsman, Huntress, White Fang, and Atlas soldier fleeing from Beacon Academy in a desperation to save themselves. Apparently the destruction of a symbol of hope is very demoralizing. Who knew.

This soul crushing endeavor does not seem to phase one certain femdividual, however. In fact, she seems a little bit livid. The raven haired girl's amber eyes glare at the open air that was once the tower. The last few seconds happened so quickly that she didn't have time to react properly. Basically, Cinder is fucking pissed. Years of planning and waiting just to bring down Vale, and it's not happening in the way she or Salem want. The Wyvern got plucked out of the sky, and because of all the debris from the tower, she is unable to chase down Ozpin to find the maiden! How the hell could this have happened?

Everything was going perfectly, hell, she was even getting hot and bothered from the well planned devastation. Then all of a sudden, that airship came out of nowhere and ruined everything! Who the hell was piloting that ship? Roman? No, he wouldn't be that ballsy to sabotage his only chance of possible survival. For his sake, it better have been another airship.

Suddenly, while staring lasers at what should be a building, Cinder spots something slowly descending from the night sky. Focusing her gaze on it, she sees that it's someone parachuting down to safety... She plans on making it not safe very soon.

Now a hundred feet in the sky, you hold the chainaxe tightly to your chest as you slowly float towards the ground as you stare longingly towards the cliff where you rammed that dragon over.

(Y/n): *sigh* That was a waste of a perfectly good ship.

An explosion of light and water suddenly erupts from the cliff as the self-destruct sequence finally goes off. You watch the water rain back down as you try to ignore the rattling of your bones from the shockwave.

(Y/n): Worth it.


You hear a strange noise above your head, like the sound of an arrow piercing fabric. Looking up, you spot a smoking hole in the center of your parachute. It quickly turns into a small fire as it spreads further across the large cloth.

(Y/n): Huh, look at that.

The burning hole immediately turns into a tear across the entire length, taking away your wind resistant descent as you are now plummeting. Letting out a very much manly high pitched scream, you travel the rest of the few dozen feet down and ass flop on the soft concrete below. Thank God for auras, or that tailbone of yours would have taken forever to heal. You rip the parachute vest from your form and retrieve your newly acquired weapon as violent thoughts start filling your mind.

(Y/n): Welp! Someone's gonna die!

You start patting off dust from your ass as you grumble curses. As you do, you hear the faint disturbance of shifting wind. You barely have a split second to lift your axe up to the side of your head to block a black arrow, shattering it on the embedded skull as you now remain still. Standing thirty feet from you is Cinder, bow in hand as if she had fired a kill shot. Judging by her annoyed pissed off expression, it failed. You slowly move the chainaxe away to give your would-be killer a nasty side-eye.



You raise an arm slightly, flexing some muscle in your hand to extend a blade from the gauntlet.

[Location: Mile low club]

After stepping into the surprisingly cold pod, Pyrrha takes a look at her small surroundings as hundreds of thoughts rush through her mind. She keeps track of her breathing to distract herself, afraid that she'll stop if she doesn't focus on it. Outside of the pod, Jaune is facing away from the machinery to guard them from whatever may come. Another rumble from above catches Ozpin's attention for one second before returning to the blue control panel between the two pods.

One housing the continuously anxious Pyrrha. The other holding the currently comatosed Fall Maiden, Amber.

Pushing a few more buttons, Ozpin looks towards Pyrrha.

Ozpin: Are you ready?

Pyrrha, although hesitant, turns to her Headmaster and gives him a nod. The old man gives her a pained look that he has been holding back for so long.

Ozpin: I... I need to hear you say it.

Pyrrha: Yes...

The young prodigy simply looks forward, her nerves finally harden as she braces herself for what comes next.

Ozpin: Thank you, miss Nikos.

Turning back to the panel, he presses a few buttons to initiate the transfer. As he is just about to press the final button, their blond guardian suddenly yells.

Jaune: Look out!

Turning quickly, Ozpin grabs his cane and prepares for combat. Only to see a golden ball of light rush from the far end of the corridor and slam into the pod holding Amber, smashing the glass and enveloping the unconscious woman in light. This display shocks all three conscious people in the room as they watch the light slowly fade out, leaving behind the still comatosed maiden as she is. Only this time with broken glass spread everywhere.

Then suddenly, she sturs.

A pained yet tired look graces her discolored face as she lets out a struggled groan. Not long after, her eyes flutter open as she slowly gains more consciousness. This shocking development stuns Ozpin for just a short while before he turns back to the control panel. With a press of a few buttons, he pulls up some charts that monitored her conditions. He couldn't believe what he was seeing. Amber's conditions were... improving.

He lets out a short breathy chuckle in disbelief of what is happening. The two students with him try talking, but it just comes in as white noise while so many thoughts rush through his head. Until finally one catches his attention.

If the Fall Maiden's powers have returned, then that means...

Back at ground level, Cinder's arms finally go limp as she simply dangles above you by the blades of your gauntlets. Blood drains from her back, down your blades, and over your arms as you twist the blades around and shake her body to make sure she is dead. This just causes more blood to drip out and sprinkle on your clothes.

Frankly, you don't care.

Arms getting tired, you toss the red dressed bitch to the ground with a mighty huff. The corpse makes an unimpressive thud sound as you walk around the dead girl. To the now deceased Cinder, it almost seemed like you killed her in mere seconds. To you, however...

(Y/n): Thirty two fucking retries. Burn. In. Hell.

You bring a foot back and give Cinder's head a good kick. Instead of a meaty thwack or sending the head flying from the shoulders, her entire body suddenly flashes yellow before having the consistency of a pile of dust. So the head simply disintegrates. Leaving you confused as you watch the dust fly in the air.

(Y/n):....... Fuck it. I got better things to do.

Giving up on understanding anything, you walk over towards where you lost your chainaxe early in the fight. You quickly learned that it's very hard to use both gauntlets and the axe... You think about investing in a holster to hold the chainaxe for the future. Until then, you're content with holding it for the time being as you turn to face the direction of the city. A strange sense of déjà vu washes over you as you begin marching off the school property. Only this time, you don't have a yellow motorcycle to make off with.

But that's neither here nor there. Right now, you have a club to save.


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