If you are paying attention, you can spot a running theme. These individuals' personalities become polar opposites after death. Saints become sinners, crooks become charitable, pacifists become blood thirsty, and so on and so forth. I would not have discovered this phenomenon if it wasn't for my interactions with the Oasis Omen. An assassin with unparalleled skills in stealth and infiltration. It might have had to do with his semblance, allowing him to shift into the very air we breathe. Regardless, I once knew him before this transition. He was a simple trickster, a boy who enjoyed the act of startling others. Never went out of his way to harm a soul.
I watched him bleed to death before my very eyes.
Afterwards, once he had had a substantial body count after many years in the practice, I had him captured after he killed an associate of mine. I was surprised to have seen him alive. Even more so when he did not recognized me, or even remember anything before his death. I would have simply assumed it was amnesia and be done with it.
But.... something about him, besides the lack of memory, felt off. So I ran several experiments, and discovered something that would explain the reasoning behind other's like him to have such similar extreme changes.
[Location: Beacon Academy dorms]
Another day, another chance for Cinder to get wet over the idea of tricking everyone into thinking she's 17. Within the academy dorms, just a hop and skip away from the main characters, members of team CEMN go about their business of absolute nothing in the room. Minus the last member of their unfortunately named group.
Sitting on a bed with scroll in hand, Cinder diddles around with the personal information of her fellow students for nefarious reasons. Meanwhile, both Emerald and Mercury are just hanging out on the floor. Former watching a random cat video on scrollcial media, while the latter is just doing push-ups. Not like he has to worry about leg day. Anyway, Cinder reads through Pyrrha's files. Apparently Mercury was right about her semblance being polarity after that one sparring match against the prodigal red-head.
As she reads over the girl's boring track record of success, an email sent from "W" suddenly pops up. The subject of the message simply reading P.E.N.N.Y. Intrigued, Cinder opens the email, wondering why the familiar name is read like an acronym. Soon after, she is looking over several photos and research documents of a certain chipper ginger girl.
Cinder: Ohh...
Her vocalized surprise catches her teammates' attention as they look over to her.
Emerald: What?
Cinder: Oh, nothing. We're just going to be making a slight... mmm, alteration to the plan.
This ominous response causes both underlings to look at each other in confusion.
Mercury: What does that mean?
Cinder: It means, that this'll be easier than we thought.
Without another word, she continues sifting through her scroll with a maniacally creepy smile as the duo in front of her shrug and return to doing what they were doing. Which is surprisingly not much at the moment.
Now done with her "alterations" to the plan, Cinder continues to look through Beacon files for anything incriminating/entertaining to find. Then, she comes across a name she's been hearing a lot lately.
*(y/n) Goodwitch*
Somewhat curious, she starts looking through the teen's files, wondering why she's only heard of his name and nothing else. After about three minutes of skimming through his school records, Cinder is... understandably disappointed.
Mediocre grades, laughable combat capabilities, several counts of targeted bullying, something about crying in training. Hell, a photo of him made Cinder wonder why such a pathetic excuse of a being was aloud in a COMBAT school?
Just as the fiery domestic terrorist was about to angrily close her scroll, she came across a subject that caught her eye.
[Criminal record]
Curiosity once again making her it's bitch, Cinder taps on the highlighted subject, which lead to more documents that now have her full attention.
Aggravated assault? Grand theft auto? Resisting arrest? Public disturbance? Public indecency? Public vandalism? Assault on police officers? Multiple counts of 1st degree murder? And many, many more.
What the holy hell happened?! Cinder was just reading about some sad kissless virgin who couldn't hurt a fly even if he tried. Now, all of a sudden, it feels like some psychopath is wearing his face and doing whatever they want. It almost reminds her of Roman Torchwich, now that she thinks about it.
Recovering from the mental whiplash, Cinder returns to the school records to see where this might have started..... The only thing she could find was a report from a few months ago. Something about a suicide attempt and mental breakdown. It seems the school life finally got to (y/n), and it all went down hill from there.
Now moving back to the police records, skimming over the parts about a gas station and somebody named Tuscany, she comes across the latest crime of this semi impressive list. 1st degree murder of.... a Huntsman?
Cinder: What?
The sharp yet hushed outburst catches Emerald and Mercury off guard as they glance her way. Cinder, not really caring about their concerns, looks deeper into this latest murder. Almost not believing that some Beacon dropout is capable of accomplishing such a feat.
All she could find is a video.
She clicks on it without hesitation. It soon shows what looks like an overview of what appears to be the inside of a weapons vault. Nothing happens for several seconds. Cinder prepares to fast forward before the distorted sound of an explosion suddenly goes off in the video. Somewhat louder than she was expecting.
Now more curious on what's happening, the duo get up from the floor and walk over see what the hell their leader is so fixated on.
Back to the video, dust and debris can be seen scattering across the vault floor from the explosion. Soon after, several figures come into frame. All of whom appear to be wearing White Fang uniforms. It was then that Cinder remembered something. A few days ago, there had been rumors that the White Fang had robbed the city's weapons vault. Which was very strange, considering that Adam Taurus denied attacking the building and accused someone else of the act.
Anyway, one of the disguised members says something while pointing off in the distance. Just as everyone starts moving, with one running off to somewhere off screen, another person appears literally out of thin air behind them. Cinder guesses that this is the Huntsman in question. His sudden appearance must have made some sound, because all the "White Fang" immediately turn around with weapons drawn.
He says something, but the audio is proven to be corrupted, so it just comes out a jumbled crackling mess beyond recognition.
Then, the sudden explosion of ear-raping sound emanating from the scroll scares the shit out of the three viewers, as the Huntsman suddenly goes flying off screen. This seemed to have also spooked the fakers as well, as they snap their attention to a different corner of the room. Soon after, the one that ran off earlier reappears with what looks like an anti-material rifle in hand. He aims the rifle and fires another sound shattering shot at where the Huntsman went.
The shooter then waves an arm towards a specific direction as he screams something to his fellow robbers. The rest stand around for a second before running off to the same direction. All except one that appears female. She just looks at the shooter walk towards where he shot and back to the others that are heading off. She chooses to follow him.
With everyone out of frame, nothing appears to happen. However, several distorted sounds seem to come from sources not seen to the camera. Two more explosions that might be from the sniper rifle, and a prolonged whirring sound. Several seconds of nothing go by before the Huntsman soon teleports in the middle of the vault. Noticeably worse for wear as he suddenly starts shooting with what looks like a built in gun in a gauntlet towards the vault entrance.
This outburst gets cut short as someone shoots him in the arm from somewhere. Soon after, the two that went after him reappear and charge at the Huntsman. Thus, beginning a two-on-one fight that lasts a minute. In the process, the girl gets her head smashed into the floor, and it appears the boy is actually giving the trained Huntsman the works. Even when the highly trained warrior starts teleporting around his foe. In the blur of punches between the two, the only note worthy instance being the White Fake getting his mask knocked off with an arm blade.
Only to be immediately followed up with him jabbing his arm in the Huntsman's chest mid teleport.
Mercury: Oh shit!
As the three process what just happened, the winner pulls a fatality finisher and pulls his arm free, ripping something out as the Huntsman's back folds in on itself as he falls over dead.
Mercury: OH SHIT!
With the gray haired boy voicing what everyone is thinking, several things happen after THAT. More people disguised as WF show up, one rushes to the downed girl, another chats with the victor, and everyone else start grabbing everything not nailed down. Several seconds later, the one killer walks towards the corpse and loots a pair of gauntlets.
Cinder realizes that this is the only clear shot of his face, so she pauses the video and zooms in on his head. Scrolling back to the school files, she pulls up a picture of (y/n) and drags it back the video. And wouldn't you know it, it's a match.
Only... something is different. In the school picture, although smiling, (y/n) appeared to be forcing it for the sake of the photo. Soft dull eyes, and a boring looking face. In the paused video, although slightly blurred, he is smiling like a kid opening a present during the holidays. Whilst robbing a corpse... His eyes are what disturb Cinder the most. She has seen that kind of look before, and it always belonged to those she never wants to associate with for more than five minutes.
It always reminded her of a certain scorpion faunus...
(Meanwhile, in the streets of Vale)
Well this sucks chode. After that vault heist over a week ago, you had the unfortunate luck of getting caught... Well, quote unquote, really. A video of you killing that Cuntsman somehow came to light, so now you're in deep(er) shit. But worst of all, Junior had ordered you to lay low until he can figure something out. The fact he said in a shitty tone did not fill you with confidence.
Either way, your more wanted than ever, and your face is comically plastered everywhere on wanted posters. Luckily for you, you don't care. If someone wants to fuck around and find out, cop or not, you're more than happy to oblige. In the meantime, you're just going for a walk through the city streets as the evening slowly creeps towards night.
You pull out your scroll and see what you can do. Boss told you to go no contact with the gang for the time being, which you almost feel like forgoing out of boredom..... Wow, this is kind of sad. Ever since joining the gang, you've only ever done things for the Xiongs or because you were told to... Well, this won't fucking do. You're a man of action, not a man of permission! You didn't make it this far being a badass because someone told you to.
If you want to rob a gas station, you will. If you want to steal someone's bike, you will and did. If you want to MURDER a bitch for stepping, you will! If you want--You want to--VIOLENCE--
The sound of loud engines overhead cuts off your train of thought. Looking up, the sight of a white and gray airship casually flies across the dark sky, what looks like some circles with a spear through them stamped on the side. Totally not causing noise complaints from flying lower than it should......
Ferb, I know what we're gonna do today.
Somewhere else in a nearby street, two Atlesian Knights rhythmically patrol on the sidewalk, their faceless robo faces ever vigilant to witness any crimes happening. And probably shoot it. After a minute or two of fuck all happening, you appear a ways behind the bots with a bottle of cider in hand.
Man, you really love that stuff, don't you?
Getting a little closer to the robots, you take a huge swig from the bottle. Letting out a satisfied sigh, you take the half empty glass and chuck that shit right at one of their heads. The bottle shatters on impact against the metallic dome, glass and fermented apple juice drench the humanoid machine as both Knights stop walking and turn around. They see you simply standing there with both arms raised, red gauntlets keeping your forearms nice and warm.
(Y/n): Hey, robocops! I'm a violent teenager who has committed multiple crimes! Come arrest me!
The Knights train their rifles on you as they march towards your direction. As they get closer, you get down on your knees.
Knight1: [Do not make any sudden moves.]
Knight2: [You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and--
(Y/n): Yeah yeah, cut the Miranda Right, fagbot. Just cuff me.
As the bot covered in cider keeps aiming its rifle, the cleaner one holsters its own and reaches down to its side. A compartment opens up as a pair of handcuffs juts out. As the gentle metal man forcefully moves your arms to your back, you look up and spot the same airship from before. A smile creeps on your face as you prepare to go for a little ride.
A chunk of his soul was missing.
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