Chapter 15: And to all a goodnight Finale

There was a preacher, long ago. Gave more than he had to help others, spoke of love and acceptance to all that would listen, and never raised his hand against anyone that wished harm on others. Instead would try to fine the good in those lost souls so that they may be brought back to whatever light he believed in... He was mauled by a bear when going to collect berries. The preacher survived the encounter, but the wounds inflicted on him were obvious that he would not live long after. Those that were close to him tried to make his final moments comfortable as he made peace with his mortality.

By all rights, he should have died.


Brandishing his gun-chuck staff thing, Sun leaps from the truck and prepares to throw in a few licks himself. The mech, however, makes a sudden rotation fast enough to fling Neptune off its back. Resulting in him flying right at his faunus friend with a meaty thud and knocks both of them off the bridge.... I'm sure they'll be fine.

Back to Blake, she simply glares at the oncoming mech, preparing to have a solo fight with who she believes to be Roman Torchwick. When a voice soon calls out from her scroll.

Weiss: Blake, I'm in possession!

From on top of another highway up ahead, the white haired heiress quickly leaps from there and lands effortlessly onto the one everyone else is on, cars whizzing past her as she pulls out her dust infused rapier. Right in front of her, the Paladin seems to pick up speed as it spots Weiss. Possibly to smear her across the pavement.

(Y/n): Not this time!

Just as Weiss embeds her rapier into the ground, causing ice to form over the road, you raise the arms of the mech and swing them down hard onto the pavement. The force of the strike causes the road between you and the ice queen to shatter like broken glass, leaving the ground extremely uneven, but also destroying the frozen section the white haired girl is on. Giving you plenty of traction to simply ignore the ice trap.

Caught off guard, Weiss barely manages to summon a glyph and launch herself to the side as you barrel through, crushing the broken debris into smaller pieces. Not far behind, Yang rides her scooter at high speeds and ramps off a piece of road jutting upward. She lands hard, resulting in the other side mirror to snap off, but still manages to tail you. Spotting her riding your ass from a side camera, you bolt towards a car up ahead.

With one of your mechanical hands, you grab a hold of the car, the sound of metal and glass crunching in your grip as you swiftly swing it around to toss it. Given how strong the mech is, you easily throw the automobile towards your pursuer, its metal from bouncing across the pavement as it tumbles towards Yang at deathly speeds. Thinking fast, with a hint of financial pain, the blonde girl launches her gauntlets downward, firing two powerful shotgun blasts that send her flying in the air. Resulting in her ride of regrettable choice being left behind.

As the rolling car smashes into the scooter, reducing it into the scrap metal that it is, Yang swings her arms back and fires another dual blast to launch herself forward to you. As she pulls back a fist to probably punch your shit in, you quickly spin the Paladin's torso around and effortlessly catch her in the air. Keeping the momentum, you swing her around and slam her into the road, leaving a constant line of broken concrete as you drag her across. While you're devastating the highway, you don't see any blood spurting from your grasp. You do see a yellow gauntlet try to punch your metallic arm to break free.

Back up ahead, still on top of the moving truck, Blake looks on with concern as she prepares to jump in and help. Just then, a plume of rose petals suddenly launch towards the truck and next to the cat faunus. Once they dispell, ruby quickly appears in its place. Without hesitation, she blurts out a battle call.

Ruby: Ladybug!

The two teens then jump from car to car as they make a beeline for you with weapons drawn. Waiting another second or two, you wait for them to get closer before quickly lifting Yang up and toss her at the duo like a fast ball.

Yang: Gomingthrough!

With barely enough time, the two dodge the on coming blonde as she whizzes past them and crashes right into the back of the truck ahead. The vehicle jolts forward violently, the back end crumbling in from Yang's body as it starts skidding to a halt. Back to Blake and Ruby, they're little attack plan goes to ruin as you hurtle yourself at the two and clothesline both of them. Both go flipping in the air before landing hard on the highway. As they cosplay as roadkill, you slam both robo feet down hard, slowing down your momentum as you leave two streaks of destroyed asphalt.

You finally come to a stop and turn around to see the two slowly get back up in a daze. A groan of annoyance leaves your lips as you figure you're gonna have to get creative to keep any of them down. So as you prep your arm cannons, a stream of white suddenly zooms past you with the speed of a thousand white girls to a boy band. A thin slash from a rapier stretched across your hull.

Whipping one arm around, you take aim on Weiss as you keep the other trained on the first two. The white girl gracefully lands on the pavement as she creates a glyph in front of her, almost ready to charge. Meanwhile, Ruby and Blake finally get back up and have their weapons at the ready.

Over all, the four of you have a little stand off, two on one side, one on the other, with little ol' you in the middle just waiting for someone to twitch.






Out of nowhere, several law enforcement bullheads spontaneously arrive from the night sky as they circle around the highway. Half a dozen spot lights flash to life along with a few red dots, all shining on you as you simply continue to stare down your three adver--


The truck that you yeeted Yang into suddenly shifts as a yellow gauntlet bursts out of a side. In short, make that four adversaries as she escapes her metallic prison and takes a stance.


Admiring how loud their megaphone is, you decide to match it with your own noice. From your Paladin's back, the missile ports open up as you utter three little words to yourself.

(Y/n): Let's get crazy.

Without wasting another moment, you unleash everything. As you start blasting at team RWBY, making them scatter like roaches, several dozen missiles go flying into the air and towards the bullheads. They go flying all over the place to dodge the on coming ordinance. This proves hilariously fruitless, as the missiles prove far faster as they hit their marks in seconds. Several explosions light up the sky as the uninvited guests are met with a sudden end.

Back down to you, the girls do their best to avoid getting shot while simultaneously firing a few pot shots back at you. All while the explosions above bring temporary light upon your little battlefield. On the note of trying not to get shot, while RWBY tries to avoid your energy blasts, the sudden plummet of a bullhead's burning turbine crashing into the road adds a new flavor of difficulty to this hellish game of frogger.

Blake avoids being crushed by the hull of a destroyed bullhead. Yang back flips from some out of control missiles that couldn't find anything to blow up in the sky while blasting two shots from her gauntlets at you. Ruby does her best to rose-petal-shift herself between a bullhead tail and what she hopes wasn't a burning body. Weiss decides to get  ̶b̶a̶l̶l̶s̶-̶-ovariesy and glyph herself at you for another slash attack.

With your back turned to her, she confidently flies at you from a glyph with rapier in front of her. As yards turn to feet between you both, you suddenly swivel 180 degrees to the hip and smash the barrel of your arm cannon into Weiss' gut. Before the air could be knocked out of her lungs, you fire an energy blast point blank into her stomach, launching her away from you and across the highway. As breath and spit fly from her mouth, bits of aura flickering across her form, her body slams into the field barrier. The glowing blue forcefield flickers from the harsh impact, but holds strong. Not so much for the little white girl, though.

As Weiss comes to a violent stop on the barrier, the last of her aura fades out trying to keep her alive. She falls from the blue wall and collapses on the road, Myrtenaster slipping from her grip and clattering across the ground.

Ruby: WEISS!

The little red riding hood cosplayer looks on in shock and horror at the still form of her teammate, unaware if Weiss is alive or not. So focused on the thought, she didn't notice the gaint mechanical hand launching towards her. Blake, on the other hand, noticed this, and quickly shoved her team leader out of the way, taking the red one's place as the large digits wrap around her form like the strike of an anaconda. As you lift the faunus in the air with one hand, you swing the other around to fire several shots at the remaining two girls, keeping them at bay as you prepare to use Blake as a stress ball.

As she feels your grip begin to tighten, she tries to free her arm holding the useful part of Gambol Shroud. Failing that, she swings back her other arm holding the hatchet and tries to hack at your metallic arm. She leaves a few scratches and dents in the forearm, but this does nothing to alleviate the feeling of her ribs being crushed. Meanwhile, Ruby and Yang continue to dodge your blasts to try and save Blake. With you running and gunning, however, this proves easier imagined on the fly than done.

As you proceed to see how far Blake's chest will collapse before something snaps, Ruby manages to snipe a shot at your shoulder joint. This causes a red light to start flashing on your HUD about structural integrity or whatever. You didn't read that far in the manual... Deciding to free up another hand, you throw the cat girl up and quickly grab her by the legs.

(Y/n): (y/n) smash!

Releasing the inner five year old you never knew, you start swinging Blake around like a sock monkey onto anything solid looking. The pavement, a crushed car, a burning bullhead, the blue barrier, anything that would hurt like hell to be swung into. This causes Yang and Ruby to try even harder to save their friend.

With all the strength you can muster with the Paladin, you swing Blake with all your might onto a crashed car. The force of the feline female's form folds the frame of the automobile around her, entrapping the comatose girl in a cocoon of metal. Whipping your full attention around, and both arm cannons, you face down two very pissed off sisters ready to just wreck your shit with vengeance.

Not really in the mood for another dramatic standoff, you start blasting again as you charge at the duo. They scatter like roaches once more as they return the ballistic favor. As you launch a small volley of missiles to keep them on their toes, you rush to an abandoned car and kick it towards Yang. She sees this coming and effortlessly leaps over it. Only to get blast midair by two blue shots from your cannons. This sends her flying back before skidding across the highway a ways away. If it weren't for her aura, she would have gotten a gnarly road rash.

Now alone, Ruby looks at your metal form with fear, completely lost on what to do by herself. Quickly snapping her gaze back to Yang, she sees her older sister slowly getting back up. If she can just hold you off for just a minute, she can come up with a strategy with her sister to--

You don't give the little girl a minute.

Flying like a nevermore out of hell, you rush Ruby once again as you keep shooting her with one arm cannon. The other reaches for a burning bullhead and snatches it by the wing. With wreckage at hand, you toss the aircraft towards your opponent as she quickly dodges your blasts. Now with the bullhead barreling towards her, she uses her semblance to shift into a plume of rose petals to fly over the deadly ball of metal. Only to be met with another ball of metal slamming into her small form just as she fades back to normal.

After punching her out of the air, sending her slamming into the ground, you simply walk up to her form as she tries to get up in a daze. Her aura flutters around her small frame as it tries to heal any wounds sustained from such a hit. You simply take a foot back and kick her a few feet away. The kick wasn't meant to be too hard, but a mech punting a teen would definitely hurt. Now on her back, Ruby spots you towering over her and tries to crawl away. She concentrates on her semblance to try and make an escape.

You simply raise a foot and stomp on one of her legs.

Now on both her legs, Yang shakes her head as the stars she sees begin to fade.


The sharp scream of her young sister catches Yang's full attention as she snaps her head up, a look of horrified worry plastering her face immediately turns to that of sheer rage. Up ahead is you in the Paladin, one leg crushing Ruby's leg as the young girl cries out in pain. Her aura finally failing her from that single stomp. From unparalleled anger, the blonde's hair suddenly comes alight with fire as her eyes shine brightly red. A guttural war cry was enough to get your attention, multiple red lights from several cameras across your Paladin shift to the last standing member of team RWBY.

Ready to put an end to this fight, you lift your metallic foot from Ruby and walk towards Yang. The former weepily cradles her mangled leg as the latter walks towards you, a thousand yard glare capable of sniping a man as she stares you down. Over the sounds of you stomping along the highway, concrete and asphalt cracking under your stride, she hears the faint cries of her injured sister. This is enough to make her succomb to her emotions and make a beeline for you.

You charge at her as well, creating craters in the road with every step now. As the both of you are a few yards away, you launch yet another volley from your back as you double time it to the bimbo. With a mighty leap, you launch yourself in the air as you raise your arms for a slam. Yang, realizing too late, tries to move out of the way as you come hurtling down. With perfect timing, you slam down on her as missiles simultaneously explode all around them.

The combined force of your slam and explosives prove too much for the highway as it finally collapse. As the pavement fractures like broken glass around you both, the two of you quickly fall away with the fresh debris of the destroyed road. Now free falling, you quickly grab Yang and give her no time to recover as you begin sucker punching her. Each hit causing you to spiral in the air as you continue to fall. Before long, you soon notice the ground coming at you fast. Swiveling around, you place your yellow foe under you before crashing into the hard concrete floor below the highway. Immediately after, debris from above begin falling around you. Quickly stepping away, you watch as bits of road begin burying Yang alive as some debris simply bounces off the hull of your mech.

Looking up, you spot the broken highway you fell from as more road continues to fall away, along with the occasional car unfortunate to be close to the edge. As you slowly start to hear the sound of sirens in the distance, you take a hand and place it on the inside of the cockpit, dragging it across as you sport a big smile.

(Y/n): I shall name you Papa Bear!

Content with all that has happened tonight, you soon take your leave as you try to figure out how to sneak through the city with a Paladin.

[Location: Junior's Club]

(Pen's p.o.v.)

Well this could've gone worse. The sudden arrival of that blonde chick has put everyone on edge, and the boss in a bad mood, so we had to close early. I'm just chilling at the bar with bear head on the table as I drink with a few fellow goons and Melanie, the white one. The other one off sleeping. As we all drink in moderate silence, the music finally turned off, another goon suddenly bursts in from the front door.

Goon1: You guys aren't going to believe this!

With a loud groan, I just pinch the bridge of my nose as Mel looks at him in annoyance.

Melanie: If it's that blonde slut again, we're shooting her on sight!

Goon1: What? No. It's (y/n)! He's got a new ride, and you definitely wanna see this!

Annoyance turn to collective curiosity, Melanie, me, and some other members get up and walk towards the entrance.

Goon2: The heck you think he has now?

Pen: I don't know. A new bike, a truck, a mechanical war machine capable of leveling a bridge. Whatever it is, I guarantee you he stole it.

Once we approach the doors, we step outside to see what all the hubbub is.


As they left the body to mourn, they returned to find the preacher gone. Days later, reports of a cannibal terrorizing anyone who entered the forest began to rise. What troubled people the most was that he was always spotted wearing these dirtied robes. The exact same as the preacher who passed.

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