"I'll kill you..."
Those are the words I mindlessly uttered as I unsheathed Boukyaku...
Immediately, I felt a surge of energy in my body as bolts of energy began jolting through my body...
Immense pressure was generated from my body, as the ground under my feet began fissuring from my sheer anger and power elevated to this level...
I had not even given self-control a consideration this time. Just seeing the ugly face of this stupid, worthless, shameless angel, was enough to send me into spirals of anger, while my senses became sharp and my body, ready to act at any second...
I was ready to kill off this piece of filth.
And just as my grasp on Boukyaku tightened, a malicious grin appeared across my face...
But contrary to all expectations, the angel rather than readying herself for battle or becoming overconfident in her skills (like every other person we've gone up against, to this point) wiped off that smug and confident expression she had been wearing... and became... flustered...?
I was probably taken aback as much as her, but I didn't show it. Since, in contrast to me, the second she saw my sword being gripped tightly, and me getting ready to attack, she immediately yelled in an idiotic voice:
"Uwah?! What are you doing!?"
The stupid angel's reaction was truly unexpected... I hadn't expected a servant of God, who had dared to defy his orders, to become nervous to this extent... and even flail her arms in desperation just from seeing me ready up...
It seemed a little strange to me...
I mean, that angel had been quite daring at first, despite blushing by Seiichi's hand (though that was pretty common anyways) but seeing her, this nervous? It seemed a little too strange for me...
Besides, weren't her wings white? Why are they black now?
My thoughts were racing as I couldn't find an accurate answer to all of the incognitos that currently laid in my mind...
'Just who is this woman...?'
I could tell from physiology, wings, and even voice that she was clearly the angel I had seen once before... but... her mannerisms, attitude, and wing-color were different...
It was as if it was the same body but a different person...?
It was honestly, all very weird...
But, it didn't matter anyway, did it?
This woman was still the angel who had dared to send my life into a spiral of chaos and madness... Sure, some things weren't so bad. But the truth was that without my friends I would likely not be here...
In fact, without the undesired but necessary help of Boukyaku and God...
I know I would be dead...
And as such, as we were all standing under the grey, dark, stormy sky...
I could not wait any longer as I pushed apart both, Myria and Scarlet, to make way for myself as I readied myself to attack...
And as I did, I sent a very clear message filled with my killing intent and quite a dreadful intention...
"This is all payback... Hope you know that..."
The angel clearly flinched as a face of horror was what appeared in her expression...
"W-what's g-going o-on?!"
Once again, there it was, that strange surprise... It was a little too unexpected for my taste. Even forced if you will...
But, despite my instincts telling me something was wrong, and telling me to stop...
My head was already too far gone into rage, as I began charging at the nervous angel...
I guess, sometimes instincts are to be followed, huh?
I truly should've listened to my instincts this time around, because as I had been readying myself to plunge into the attack...
Someone grabbed the collar of my jacket from behind with tremendous strength, forcing my speed to an absolute 0 in an instant...
I almost choked from the grabbing of my jacket, as well as the sudden change in my momentum. To the point of stunning me for a second or two. But, as the initial shock faded away just moments after, I turned around angered searching for the one who had possibly stopped my attack...
I had kinda expected it, and at the same time, I had wished for my expectations to be untrue...
As I turned around angered by the person who had grabbed my collar...
I found Scarlet holding my collar with an iron grasp while wearing an unfitting angry expression...
And it wasn't just her either...
Standing to her side, Myria held a disappointed expression as she tried to cover her face...
"Uh, did I do something wrong...?"
I was honestly confused, ok? I did not know why Myria and Scarlet seemed so angry and disappointed with me. I had done nothing wrong to them, and this angel was just a random stupid person they had never met before, right...? RIGHT?!
"Reika... We literally just discussed this..."
Said Myria disappointed as she buried her face in her hands in embarrassment...
"Why do you even stop me!? Do you not know who this is?!"
I replied with anger and confusion as I tried to liberate myself from the silent Scarlet's grasp, whose aura was beginning to leak slowly, only making me want to escape even more...
But, more importantly than Scarlet's strange aura and unnatural intentions, I just wanted to end the coward of an angel who I had before me...
"Scarlet let me go, right now! You don't know who that is!? THAT'S THE ANGEL WHO GAVE MY STATS AWAY!!! LET ME KILL HER!!! SHE DESERVES IT!!!"
She had not even revealed her eyes to me, as she kept her face lowered. I could barely see her mouth, but I wish I hadn't seen it... Because in place of her usual, cheerful smile, was Scarlet's teeth being gritted from anger and frustration...
'Why... is she like this...?'
This wasn't natural... Scarlet's nor Myria's reactions tend to be like this. Yet, right now, this was what I was receiving...
"Uh, Scarlet... Are you oka-?"
"-Reika. Shut Up."
'Ok, I'm in deep s**t...'
As I had been uncertain, uneasy, and confused regarding Scarlet's expression and strange behavior, I had asked her what was wrong... But before I had a chance to, she shushed me, while interrupting me...
But most importantly of all...
Her voice, her tone, and even word-choice all indicated I had really messed up now... Her voice was deep and sorrowful. Her tone was no longer teasing or easy-going, it was filled with severity and importance. And the thing I caught on the easiest... and took me aback the most... the fact she didn't add 'Chan' to my name...
A thing, she had never done, since I met her back in the 'Torching Caverns'...
She had spoken with utmost seriousness as she turned to look at me with disappointment...
I felt anxious...
I had never seen this side of Scarlet before...
Not even when she was being controlled by her father, or when I was messing up in the trial...
Yet right now...
This was Scarlet...
"Reika... Stop being immature for once in your life and control yourself. We have seen you lose control time and time again with that stupid sword of yours. Yes, it's strong and all, but if you lose your cool or consciousness over it, then there's no point. Besides, please control your strange hallucinations for once. I understand that you have a tragic past and all that, but please restrain yourself. Not everyone you meet is someone you've met before when you were male, or before we knew you, ok? Get that into your darn head."
I was left speechless...
And so was Myria...
And so was the stupid angel...
I had never seen Scarlet act like this in my entire life...
First of all, Scarlet is usually the person to provide the comedic spice into the matter when Myria becomes too serious...
But this time, it was TOTALLY DIFFERENT!
Who would've thought Myria would be the one that almost made me crack up with her agape mouth? Seriously! I had never seen Myria so taken aback before. I would've seriously burst out laughing if I didn't have the exact opposite of a stimulus directing all of its focus on me...
That glare, and the intention that I could feel irradiating from Scarlet left my stomach feeling uneasy as my head began spinning with guilt...
I felt sick almost immediately by the sheer pressure Scarlet was currently placing on me...
I felt as I wanted to escape this physical plane and simply run away...
But I was unable to do that either, as Scarlet's pressure did not allow a single one of my muscles to move intendedly...
But, despite all of this... I still felt confused...
Speaking frankly, I was still unsure as to why Scarlet had said that second part of her scolding. I mean, it was quite obvious that this angel, despite having different colored wings and a completely different attitude, was that same angel who had destroyed any chance of living a normal life here in Estrea. But... if that was true... then why was Scarlet telling me I was wrong...?
"Uh, Scarlet... What do you mean...? This angel... is the same one as back then. I'm sur-"
"-Reika, again, you're not the protagonist of some random fantastic story. That person is not who you think she is. And, as I was saying, Reika, show some self-control. You can't simply go attack a person because you want to. We literally just pardoned your last infraction a mere hour ago AT MOST!!!"
"NO BUTS! You killed Pietro because you didn't show self-control. Something you haven't shown much in the past in general. Period. But despite that, we decided to pardon you and let you go untouched..."
"Scarlet... I..."
"But, I guess we've been too forgiving. And as such, you've become too careless... Reika, we'll be confiscating Boukyaku from you."
Confiscate Boukyaku...?
They can't do that right...?
As I was left unfathomably shocked, alongside Myria, Scarlet let go of my collar, and took a few steps back...
I did not even dare to move as I remained utterly awed by Scarlet's determination on such an impossible feat...
After all, I had told them that if they were to wield Boukyaku... They would die...
That is one of the things that makes me fear the darn thing so much...
Seriously! What weapon kills a non-specified user without fail!?
Like, to be honest, I had been considering sending Boukyaku as a gift to the Everidian kingdom to the king or the heroes....
And I would've done it if Boukyaku didn't suddenly teleport back to me every 30 minutes...
Yeah... It must've been weird for the king to receive an empty package if he received it at all... But who cares about that guy, am I right?
Anyways, back to the main terrifying topic...
As Scarlet had taken some steps back, I was still left in anxiety as she began amassing great amounts of magic power in her hands...
But, this amassing of magic power was not something I was familiar with...
Every single one of Scarlet's casts begins with her being embraced in a fiery and demonic aura due to her affinity...
But this time, she was being embraced by a simply hellish aura...
It wasn't exactly too different from what usually embraces her, but the true thing that had changed about it was the intensity...
I swear, I could feel the power growing exponentially by the second...
"Uh, Scarlet... What are you doing...?"
I felt quite nervous, to be honest. For one part, I didn't want to know what was about to happen after her chant, but for another, I felt curious regarding what this strange aura and ominous power was...
And, as Scarlet kept amassing magical power, at some point, it all began flowing into the palm of her hands, creating a sort of black void...
It was ominous and felt powerful...
I did not really know what it was...
Scarlet finished her chant:
"[Ultimate Instant Vanishing]"
All of a sudden, a black hole manifested from Scarlet's palms as the entire atmosphere around us, changed to that of dread, and pressure... It was seriously scary...
But most importantly, the pressure was so great despite being small, probably with a diameter of only a meter... But the sheer power that, that amalgamation emitted was far too strong to ignore...
And as it slowly approached me, I did not know how to react, other than to block its path using my arms as I squinted my eyes preparing for the worst...
As I used my arms to block the trajectory of the giant object...
The power that had been radiating from it...
The atmosphere the black hole had created...
And the presence the amassed magical power had generated...
Were all gone in an instant...
I wasn't really aware... of what had happened...
Everything was intact, and everyone remained here... there was absolutely no change...
'I thought... Scarlet only had [Instant Vanishing] and [Greater Instant Vanishing]... but apparently... that wasn't the case...'
I cursed myself for not checking their statuses after our clash with the demon king...
But, before I was able to chant [Master Appraisal] to avoid any other possible unwanted surprises...
Something about my belt... didn't feel right...
It felt... lighter...?
I had not checked, and after seeing the unchanged scenery around me I had simply assumed Scarlet's spell was a bust or faint...
As I lowered my sights, I finally got a clear view of my belt...
Boukyaku wasn't there...
I was somewhat unsure of what to do as I simply couldn't wrap my head around how could've Boukyaku simply dissapeared from my belt...
But, as I was wondering and stuck in though, Scarlet cleared her throat, catching my focus again...
There she stood confidently alongside a stupefied Myria who looked as surprised as I was... Her face right now was enough to send me burst out laughing any other day, but the circumstances didn't allow me to... As Scarlet kept glaring down at me...
She then seemed to be satisfied with my reaction, before continuing with something that only made my uncertainty and confusion greater... (AN: Reika right now: *Internal Confused Screaming*)
"Just so you know, the sword won't be magically returning to you. I've been practicing this chant for this specific purpose, you know? Truthfully, the sword is not 500m away from you, in fact, it's right there in hanging from your belt. But at the same time, it isn't. Besides that, losing your sword is not all of your punishment. You've committed too amny stupidities and thoughtless acts to let you go so easily. Also, Reika, regarding what you mentioned earlier about this angel being that same angel who took your stats simply can't be. Because that supposed angel you see over here is actually one of my father's demon generals, who probably was unknowingly summoned by you, the new demon lord."
I had no words...
I just turned around slowly to face the awkwardly smiling angel in who now looked at me intently...
And in the most adorable and uncertain of voices said:
"H-hello my honored d-demon Empress"
(AN: Hey there! Chapter streak! I'll try to keep it up the best I can, but don't be dissappointed if I don't upload please. These last couple of weeks have been rough on me >.<
Anyways, going to today's question!
Should we kick the angel's ass? or should we make her feel endless pain and terror?
It's something suggested by JUMPSTARTRESET which I found to be quite accurate regarding the future of the character who we just saw! Yay?
Anyways, thanks to those who read, voted and shared my story this far!
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