Please take note: This book will be in 3d person until I say otherwise, its easier to write battle scenes in 3d person!
"Kabuto-sama, the allied forces are gaining ground on Zetsu's location and Pain is already engaged in battle with very strong chakras." His sensor relayed information he had already known, well except for Zetsu's location. The plant was too secretive about such matters. Kabuto smiled none the less, it was creepy and not filled with an ounce of kindness.
"How disappointing, I was hoping it would take them longer and there would be more casualties as they found a counter for my lesser toys but alas, they were prepared. It has to be her doing. Of course, I'd expect nothing less." Kabuto's glasses gleamed as his tongue snaked out, shivering in pleasure at the thought of the girl who was soon to be his again, she was so close to his reach already. He could taste her chakra the closer it got.
"Hmm, I guess I will have to be the one to do all of the work, Pain being occupied has made him useless in capturing the rest of those feral Jinchuriki." With an eerily kind laugh, Kabuto dropped the white go pieces on the board, placing 6 at specific locations. He couldn't wait to watch the army fall.
With an exaggerated flourish of his cloak, Kabuto slithered out of his cave to finally capture the chakra bag he had been waiting for. All while relishing in the chaos he had just created.
Zabuza finally had the pinkette pinned in the curve of his blade, grinning darkly at the dead girl as she screamed curses at him. Hinata slid the paper seal from her pouch feeling equal parts elated and horrible as she -for good- put an end to someone whose life she kinda sorta ruined. Luckily, Hinata had finally figured out how to separate that Sakura from thisone. She was putting Sakura out fo her misery, nobody needed to be defiled and brought back to life under someone else's control. At least seeing this Sakura again, and not mentally unstable from torture, allowed Hinata closure and she felt a lot less bad about the girl being dead.
"How does it feel to know you're going to die a second time little girl?" Zabuza's grin was nothing short of demonic, pointed teeth looking ready to rip out her throat. After some convincing from Anko that he looked more terrifying without them, he stopped wearing the coverings.
"Let go of me you overgrown jerk, I'll kill you both!" Sakura thrashed in his grip, blackened eyes equal parts raging and fearful, Sakura didn't want to die again. She had so much rage from dying so young, she didn't want to go again, she wasn't going down without taking Hinata with her. Sakura locked her eyes onto Hinata's as the girl quickly made it to her side.
The Hyuga's Byakugan was blazing, veins pulsing around her eyes in a borderline disgusting way as she stared down Sakura in remorse, anger, and a fierce resolution. Sakura goaded Hinata to speak, she taunted hoping to get Hinata mad enough to slip up and want to fight her to the death. She had seen Hinata's way of fighting, she knew how Hinata was mouthy and borderline rash in even the most intense of situations and Sakura wanted to use that. The girl always ran her mouth so for her enemy to not say a word was creepy.
Right as Hinata was going in for the kill, seal in her outstretched hand, a new chakra flashed to life beneath her and faster than she could react, she was yanked through an icy barrier. Zabuza reached out to grab his ward but went completely white at the familiar jutsu. He released the genjutsu Sakura cast once more, but as the images faded, Haku was there to stay.
"No." Zabuza growled out lowly in disbelief, paternal anger swelling from the deepest parts of his core. How dare they bring him back, how dare they control his body and manipulate sweet Haku against his will. To fight against the people he died for, it wasn't right. Haku was resting in what Zabuza hoped to be heaven and nobody should bring him back from that.
Chakra dark and evil burst forth in waves, surrounding Zabuza and taking shape of what could only be described as a demon and he pressed down on the pink haired girl in anger, cleaving her head from her body leaving her to reform as he leapt towards his surrogate children.
"Ah fuck that's so cold!" Hinata was dropped from the corresponding ice mirror that was oh so nicely placed 40 feet in the air. Hinata glanced up seeing her captor's soft features and hurt eyes. "Haku?" He smiled sadly at her, wishing they could have had a better greeting than this. He didn't want to fight her nor did he want to fight his master and yet he had no control.
"Please protect yourself from my needles." Following orders, Hinata righted herself midair and expelled a massive burst of chakra to protect herself from the following barrage of icy needles that came swirling after her. "You've gotten better." He praised softly, happy she had improved even more than when he'd fought with her the first time.
"And you're as badass as you were." Haku was relentless, ice coming at her from all angles as he created mirrors to attack each direction, only to change direction and meet head on with a pained Zabuza. This was definitely not good, she could feel Zabuza's suffocating chakra like it was clawing its way down her throat.
"Zabuza you don't-" Hinata was silenced by a look. With one quick goodbye to the icy boy trying to take her out, she left them to say their goodbyes. Nobody should have to re-kill their own family. Hinata's simmering rage made her will to fight that much more clear, she was going to separate Kabuto's shitty head from the rest of his shitty body and enjoy it.
"I do not wan't to hurt you Master." Zabuza's rage subsided a bit at the familiar voice, he was still going to hang Kabuto up by his small dick but that was a very near future Zabuza problem. He scoffed.
"I have a fiancé now, crazy as shit but she'd like you." Zabuza knew he could just seal Haku away and end it but he wanted the boy to know his death wasn't in vain. He wanted to talk with him just for a second more before finally saying goodbye. Damn, I spend too much time with fucking bleeding hearts, fuck you Hinata.
"Watch your left." Haku called each attack as he was forced to make them, listening intently as his master spoke of his life. Zabuza grunted at the calls, annoyed the kid didn't think he could dodge but it definitely made the whole fighting part easier.
"Her name is Anko, she's pregnant, twins. A boy and a girl. We're naming the boy Yuki, haven't decided on a girl name yet. I can't go with you, I would but I promised to go home to meet my little shits, they'd be fat and useless if Anko raised them alone." Haku was crying now, the tears of happiness freezing on his cold cheeks. "You were always too soft." If anyone asked, Zabuza didn't cry and his eyes definitely didn't look all gloomy and mushy as he trapped Haku in his unyielding grip.
"Please Master Zabuza, I'm ready now." Haku smiled softly, ready to be put to rest once again now that he's seen his master is still alive and well. "Goodbye Master Zabuza, I'm happy you're happy." Haku smiled the brightest one Zabuza had ever seen as his body was condensed back into nothing but ashes. As soon as the boy was gone, his rage came back full force and it took everything inside of him to not go to Kabuto's hideout and cleave the fucker where he stood. He couldn't ruin the plan even if all of his instincts, all of his demonic rage was compelling him to do so.
(Meanwhile during Zabuza's fight)
Sakura had taken to putting genjutsu on their surroundings instead of directly influencing Hinata. With Hinata's control over her own chakra systems and her alertness for any invading signatures it was now so much easier for her to break free, so if Sakura manipulated the surroundings, it would take a second longer to break, even with the Byakugan, from Sakura's knowledge all Hyuga focused on sensing peoples chakra and seeing through everything else, it would hopefully stall Hinata enough to give Sakura an opening.
Sakura was good -not Uchiha good but better than any other illusionist out there- she'd give her that much. It was one thing to be forced into genjutsu torture and another to actually fight while breaking layer after layer of the shit, it was becoming more annoying than Naruto spamming his shadow clones trying to overwhelm her Byakugan.
"All right, fuck this." Hinata was so sick of running after Sakura, she was done with stupid reunions, all she wanted was to end Kabuto's meaninglessly creepy life and end this fucking Zombie war. Hinata opened her mouth and released a breath of misty air, the visibility going from high to none in an instant. The environment couldn't shift if neither of them could see anything through the chakra heavy mist. Hinata's felt for the chakra around her, using her eyes to feel not see.
Now that the environment wasn't always shifting and making her have to work a bit slower so she didn't run into a tree, Hinata caught Sakura by the throat.
"I hate you! I hate you all." Sakura cried, she yelled but Hinata didn't even flinch; not for Sakura, not anymore. It wasn't (completely) her fault and she knew that now.
"I'm sorry Sakura, for being the one who drove you to this, for you dying so young, for everything you have become. I hope one day you can accept everything and put your soul to rest." She slapped the seal on the girls forehead for good measure, it was a perfect fit and Sakura disappeared into nothingness. Hinata let the mist disperse and was ready to keep pushing forward, knowing Zabuza would catch up. He did, right as Hinata stiffened and gave him the slightest nod. Kabuto's presence was no longer hidden by weaving himself with the Nature energy around him. The snake sage sank his teeth into Hinata, groaning in ecstasy as his venom temporarily paralyzed her. Zabuza couldn't wait to watch him die, though he hung back for a second, fuming darkly as he sent out the signal to move forward with their plans.
"Ah, she was annoying but her stalling you long enough to bring you back into my awaiting arms was well worth the trouble of bringing her and that little ice boy back to life." His voice was as cunning as ever, mixed with a purely delighted insanity that came from getting his favorite chakra back and him being...well..insane. Hinata fluttered her eyes in an attempt to stay awake as the relatively harmless venom worked its way into her system. He thought it was utterly adorable. He carried her to his base in record speed, itching to put her on her throne. Absolutely Perfect.
Hinata came to a little bit after her 'kidnapping'. She was already on high alert at the feeling of a cold finger caressing her cheek. She groaned as she forced her eyes open. The normally large and kind look she held was replaced with an angry, narrowed eyes. Kabuto just laughed that airy-creepy laugh of his as he watched her reaction. She let out a hiss of air as pain flooded her body.
"Mhm Wha-." White snakes had their teeth burrowed into her hands and feet painfully piercing through her flesh with a vice grip as they forced her chakra into some kind of unusable static. They coiled around her tightly like shackles, holding her in place as she was bound on some kind of shitty...throne? There was a time for bondage and now wasn't it.
"Finally, it's been so hard to hold myself back, your chakra has been..." he trailed a finger over her skin, loving how she couldn't move from his touch "...thrumming beneath your skin just waiting for me." His glasses enhanced the piercing glow of his soulless eyes and his smile was somehow even creepier than before. The snake-like features that were now even more prominent on him than his master were sick as fuck and not in a good way.
Hinata hated him, she hated how scared she felt seeing him again even though she knew it was part of the plan, she hated how his presence brought back that feeling of suffocating terror, she hated everything he was doing to those dead or alive, she hated Kabuto so much.
She did manage a rueful smirk when she noticed his legs had been transformed into that of a snake, he was definitely insecure about his missing leg. Thank god for Gaara.
"Once, just once I'd like to be kidnapped by someone who isn't bat-shit crazy." With great effort Hinata shoved down her fear, a mask settling in as she played her part. No matter what, she was going to do this right and end this thing as easy as possible. Hopefully her squad had finished their own business and were on their way; no doubt they had their own share of shitty reanimations to face.
"It's not kidnapping if you are mine to begin with." So many things made sense if that was how all kidnappers, or yandere's -or whatever the fuck Kabuto was- thought.
"Thats some kind of logic you got there, I belong to myself...and maybe Hanabi but mainly myself. I thought you were supposed to be the rational one?" Hinata cocked her head slightly at the smile Kabuto wore. It was not the smile of a sane person, it was even worse than Sai's. "Ah wait, scratch that. You're fucking crazy and not in a fun way."
"You say that now but soon enough you will accept your place with me." He crooned.
Well, fuck it. Might as well get this show on the road. Hinata inhaled, ready to either stall or convince Kabuto to quit everything. Granted he was very interested in kidnapping her so she was going to use that. Hinata wasn't arrogant enough to think that she could stop him by offering herself but it couldn't hurt to least it would stall him and hold his attention long enough for their plan to work well. Sometimes Hinata questioned her sanity, even though she was the best option she couldn't believe she willingly let herself become his hostage.
"Wouldn't it be so much easier if I just submitted now?" His eyes had a spark of intrigue. Hinata caught his attention and he was willing to listen to her little bargain knowing exactly what it was for. At least it would be amusing to see what she'd offer him. "You and I both know how much of a stubborn asshole I can be and that sounds like not a fun time for you. Stop the reanimations and I'll willingly trade my chakra, even myself for you to just back out now."
Hinata had hoped he would ponder the thought even a little and he even looked as though he was considering the deal until he began laughing. It was low, creepy, and completely mocking; Kabuto laughed down at her like she was some kind of amusingly stupid child.
His hand gripped her jaw, holding her so he could stare directly in her eyes and let her see just what her place really was. The snakes tightened both body and jaw making a fresh spurt of blood spurt from her wounds. Hinata barely flinched, her lavender eyes just blazing with more detestation than before. There was a flash of fear but the confidence in her allies overruled that fear, they'd be there and kick Kabuto's ass before he could do anything too wild.
"You're so cute thinking that you have any power in this situation. Even if you didn't let yourself get caught you don't have the power to deny me and soon you wouldn't even think of it." Kabuto practically coiled around the trapped Hinata. The girl shivered as his forced their chakra to...merge. The curse or further bargaining she had for him became indistinguishable as a soft pant, borderline a moan escaped her lips instead. The instantaneous shame she felt flickered onto her features in the form of angry defiance and her mouth clenched shut with an audible click of her teeth.
"Feel that? Its so wonderful isn't it. Think about it, this feeling will be ours forever. No matter how hard you resist, you'll crave it soon." He drew out in a tone that should be illegal to hear, Hinata felt her skin crawl. He was drawing out her chakra into him like an addict with heroin, all while pushing his chakra into her. His chakra was almost completely different than the last time she had felt it, it washed over her like an icy wave. It should have felt bad but there was something about the ability to manipulate medical chakra especially the way he did it, something unnaturally good feeling of the way it invaded hers.
"Fuck...o-o-ff." Well, being a distraction of a hostage was all too easy for Hinata at this point, and she wasn't even doing anything. With a few soft —much easier to 'fake' then in training— moans she had him working harder to convince her to fully submit herself. Hinata hoped she had his full attention and wanted to keep it until they were here and had his head on a platter. She really just hoped everyone would come soon before Kabuto had his 'fix', but she also wanted to die of mortification to be caught in such a situation.
"You know, as much as I'm enjoying this I'm going to love it that much more when your little friends arrive. I can't wait to slaughter them all." His words were hissed right into her ear in absolute amusement. How she wished a sneak attack would work, Karin was the optimal person to screw that plan. Well, fuck.
"You arrogant b-bastard~, you're not invincible. Why don't you just quit now before you~ die?" Hinata let herself look a little panicked, sure things were a bit more rocky but she didn't for a second believe they'd lose. She sure as hell wasn't going to let him figure that out though. She could feel their chakras coming, even over the waves of Kabuto's...which meant he and whatever thing he had sensing them could as well.
"Your confidence in them defeating me is admirable but I'm going to enjoy your reaction as they all die in front of you. They can't hope to match the power I have, not them, not you, not even Orochimaru can ascend to my level. How wonderful will it be to watch the life fade from their eyes as they fail to bring you from my grasp once again, when they have to hopelessly accept that you-your chakra is mine as I am yours." His nose glided up her neck, tongue flicking at her skin creepily. Hinata once again wondered how the fuck she got herself into a situation like this. there were so many other women out there and Kabuto just had to decide he liked her 'otherworldly chakra'.
"You're i-insane, you're aiding Zetsu in some fucked up grand plan that is going to fuck the earth, us in~ah~cluded." Kabuto sank his teeth into the skin of her neck, the venomous fangs just barely breaking skin and he sucked, leaving his marking on her. If this wasn't something they had trained for in Kunoichi classes Hinata might have lost her composure a lot faster than she was right now. At least it kept his attention on her and not on the feeling of Jiraiya building up his nature chakra. "Them gaining success kinda puts a damper~ on your stupidly creepy infatuation with my chakra being yours for all eternity." Baiting him into letting his guard down was useless, he wasn't easy to rile up either, perhaps rationale would work...until he got his ass kicked.
She was still a distraction and damn did Hinata plan to be a distraction and maybe convince him with some logic. However, she wasn't Naruto and people tended to ignore her rationale, herself included, for stupidness or whatever. There was something about arrogant guys who were OP, they liked to talk.
"Let Zetsu have his fun, he is doing me a favor by burning this place to ash, your pitiful friends with it. Their world doesn't affect ours, I made sure of that. The only thing I need is to feel you, whatever happens out there is none of your business." Hinata wasn't sure if it was a snake or Kabuto but something was slithering up her leg, curling dangerously high on her thigh. She shuddered, things might go haywire sooner than she wanted them too. "Just know, the only one left for you will be me. I will reign supreme of our little world, Zetsu can have the rest for whatever he desires." To say that Hinata was stunned would be an understatement, Kabuto was really going to war for this?
To watch the world burn and to ensure the death of everyone she cared about so she would depend on him or something? She wasn't sure but Hinata was peeved, he had no reason to suck and yet here he was, sucking like a fucking vacuum. She wanted him dead so badly and when Karin —who apparently wasn't dead and got extremely annoyed when Hinata commented on it— appeared in the room to announce they were under attack, Hinata grinned for the exact opposite reason Kabuto did.
"Last chance to do the right thing~!" Hinata sang teasingly, aggravating Kabuto with her lack of faith. It didn't matter, he planned on crushing her misplaced confidence soon enough. His chakra pulled from hers quickly but the flushness of her cheeks and breathless panting stayed nicely.
"Soon you'll understand just how wrong you are." With a vile grin, Kabuto wrapped another milky white snake around her neck, it making her splutter and gasp as it became increasingly difficult to breathe, no words could escape now. The large snake loosened it jaw only to snap it shut, sinking hooked fangs into the flesh of her shoulder. If she could have, she would have let out a pained cry. Kabuto was banking on the sight of her to rile her allies up and make them fight more reckless against him.
"You cock sucking snake fucker get your disgusting shit hands off of her and fight me so I can sacrifice your hedonistic ass to Jashin-Sama." Hidan was the first to charge, he was already itching for a fight and seeing Kabuto get to be the one to make her bleed with those binding snakes was annoying. "You defiled the sanctity of the dead, you'll die by m righteous punishment as your should forever rots in the pits of Jashin-Sama's greatest hell." Hidan's eyes were wide and bloodshot in a crazed anger, waves of KI were flowing off of him as his scythe was blocked by a hissing, metal plated snake.
Kakuzu joined the fight as soon as it was obvious Hidan was being overpowered. Even together it was obvious Kabuto was on a different level than last time Hinata had seen him fight. It was mildly terrifying how difficult it was t get a hit on the serpent-like Sage.
Zabuza was the third in the trio to join in. His demonic black chakra was still surrounding him, even the whites of his eyes had faded to a deep terrifying black. Instead of going straight for Kabuto like he was itching to, he moved to Hinata's direction both to free her and force Kabuto to spread his attention that much more. Focusing on keeping his —chakra bag kidnapped love person—locked down as well as not dying would make it that much easier to kill him.
"Karin keep them away from my prize. I need not dirty my hands on the likes of him." Karin huffed, an arrogant front to hide her terror. It was either Kabuto or them and by the feels of their Chakra she'd rather take her chances with defeating the demonic one. Even the chakras that hadn't made it here, though being overwhelmingly powerful, scared her less than Kabuto's did. There was just something so much more menacing about his.
Zabuza's blade came swinging down, ready to hack apart the snakes holding Hinata hostage. There was no clean slice, a loud clang echoed in the air as loud as Hidan's angry screams and taunts. Zabuza could feel the impact of his blade meeting with glowing yellow chains, the ricochet tingling up his arms.
"I won't hesitate to kill a wanna be like you, back off or die." His blackened eyes bore menacingly at the redhead, she could feel her own death emanating from the swordsman. She really wished she was on a different team, one that didn't put her right into the line of fire.
"Humph, this sucks! I don't want to fight someone with chakra as disgusting as yours!" Karin pouted, accepting her need to fight or die.
Her thick chains lit the room in a low, yellow haze as they fought to the order of their creator. The chains wrapped around his blade, dragging Zabuza into the air as he refused to let go. He growled, using brute force and to loosen up the chains grip around Kubikiribōchō and freed himself from the seemingly unbreakable chains.
Drawing the moisture from the air, Zabuza merged it with his chakra and forced it to convert into useable water. Three large dragons were created from the water, faces menacing even when not real. Each dove down towards the redhead forcing her to use her chains to defend from the three way attack. It left her open and Zabuza charged. She sensed his attack and forced more chakra to solidify, her body trembled feeling lightheaded from the large loss of chakra.
The demon of the mist grabbed tightly to her chains not letting go even as they burned through the calloused skin of his hands. He yanked the chains making Karin lose her balance as she was pulled to his side. Water encased her, chains and all and she fought, struggled as she fought to not drown and die in the prison. Hinata slammed the head of a snake into the chair. Her hand spurt out more and more blood but the cries of her and the creature grabbed Zabuza's attention.
He new that look, he was her sensei and protector and although it wasn't a long time Hinata was easy to read when she wanted to be. Zabuza cursed the day he joined such a forgiving village but he complied and instead of decapitating the obnoxious redhead like he wanted, Zabuza simply suffocated her until he was positive she was completely knocked out.
With a well timed attack Kabuto used a kunai enhanced with his Chakra to cleave Hidan in half at his midsection. The Jashinist spewed out every curse imaginable, screaming at Kakuzu to 'stop fighting the asshole and sew him the fuck back together.' Kakuzu and Hidan were strong, impressively so but the new Kabuto was stronger, lucky for them they were practically impossible to kill. He'd taken out two of Kakuzu's hearts as well, both laying on the ground in shattered heaps of ceramic.
Fighting the unkillable Zombie Combo was getting old and Kabuto was sure their third waves of attacks were coming soon, he wanted to end it and be ready for the stronger opponents. While Hidan was being stitched back together, Kabuto used it as the perfect time to begin to enter sage mode and show them just how terrifying he could be.
The stone cave walls began to crack at the pressure Kabuto was exuding. Hidan grinned maniacally and Kakuzu was more than eager to take the heart for his own use. Everything became much more clear for Kabuto, he could sense the life around him him perfectly as his senses and skills were dialed up to 10.
It was just on time and he had the sense to dodge as the walls of the cave came crashing down. Jiraiya, looking as much like a toad as Kabuto looked like a snake, came in on the offensive his strength equal to that of the snake sage. They threw jutsu around like it was nothing, Jiraiya forcing Kabuto's attention as he fought to defeat the sage and the Zombie combo who had re-joined the fray.
With them keeping his attention it was harder to keep track of Hinata and if he wasn't as astute in his sage mode as he was, Kabuto would have missed the speedy flicker of Chakra, going from outside the cage to Hinata's side in an instant, freeing Hinata from her painful bindings. That wouldn't do. Kabuto was not going to let Hinata be freed, she was going to watch him kill everyone she cared about, he didn't care who came in the battle.
Shisui appeared by Hinata's side in a hazy blur, his image only steading after he had sliced through all of the serpents holding her and her chakra hostage. "Your knight has arrived!" He gave her a comforting smile as always but Hinata could see the strain it took to turn his angry frown into a smile.
"Took you long enough." She smiled back, pulling the now dead creatures mouthes from her skin, only slightly wincing at the sight of the shredded puncture wounds. When Hinata stood, her vision doubled and the darkened, stars flickering in her peripheral. Free or not, that toxin Kabuto injected when he bit her was still lingering just enough to make her a bit woozy. She sent her chakra spiraling through her coils to give her a burst of energy and stabilize herself, it wasn't perfect but it worked enough.
"You ok Imouto?" She nodded in affirmation. "Good, ready to get this show on the road?" He pulled on her hair, giving her a kiss on her temple.
"Hell yeah, you go be the damsel in distress and I'll protect you." Shisui huffed and protested at Hinata's laugh but smiled nonetheless. At least her being kidnapped by Kabuto (again) didn't ruin her (again) like he was worried it would. Shisui grinned and plopped himself on his ass, eyes closed and his chakra pulsating intensely behind his lids.
Shisui was scratched up a bit already. Whoever he was fighting was strong if they held him up and left those wounds. Shisui was protecting Jiraiya as he entered sage mode and Shisui was supposed to get his kotoamatsukami ready before coming to the cave as well but with the hold up, he was forced to do the back-up plan and ready himself here.
As soon as Shisui had gone into stasis, a plethora of snakes began to surround him and Hinata. She groaned exasperated, Hinata was sick of goddamn snakes. Though she was still a bit lead-footed, taking down the creatures striking at her was more or less a piece of cake. Hinata would have felt bad if the snakes weren't trying to kill her too.
She had her hands full with blocking two aiming for Shisui so when one came flying out of nowhere, fangs digging deeply into her shoulder once again, Hinata got even, doing the only thing she could think of in the split second. She chomped down onto the serpent, hard. Her teeth broke through the scaly skin and coppery, slightly expired tasting blood pooled into her mouth and down her chin. Hinata froze in shock then spit it out, gagging and squealing as she failed at wiping the inside of her mouth clean with her bloodied hands.
"Gross, gross, gross! Thats disgusting. Oh man, I haven't regret a decision this hard since like...ever. Someone get this nasty ass taste from my mouthhhh." Once again Hinata looked sexy with minor bloodied wounds and the dark red fluid dripping from her lips.
"Oi, hot bitch I got something you can fill your mouth with instead." He smirked, keeping eye contact with her even when he was slammed through a spike in the ceiling.
"NOT LIKE THAT!" Hidan lost it, laughing loudly in her expense.
Kabuto didn't like her attention on them that way, she should be focusing on him. He'd have to restrain her and force that sweet panic to encase her expression once more. Kabuto slammed his hands to the ground. Snakes burst forth from the ground, no place wasn't filled with the body of a hissing creature as they wrapped around and restrained everyone in the room.
"Do you see now? Even this imperfect sage is nothing compared to me. Now watch, cry my name, plead as I kill them." His voice seemed to echo, his body glowing eerily with the power of his sage abilities. He knew he still had a few minutes of Sage mode, plenty to rid his cave of the idiots that tried to stop his power.
"You wouldn't." Her voice trembled but she wasn't worried. Kabuto attempted to do a finishing jutsu, his eyes never leaving Hinata waiting for her to be afraid. She wasn't, there was a smirk playing on her lips. Like a faucet being switched off, Kabuto's sage abilities had cut off completely. The binding snakes he manifested had dispersed, dropping his victims to the ground.
"No, I have more time!" He looked ready to throttle his little chakra lover. "What did you do?"
"I kinda figured you'd try to embrace my chakra like before so...have fun with getting the full brunt of a Hyuga." She unwound the bandages covering part of her upper arm, an intricate seal was woven in with her chakra. Whoever was to feel her chakra in its raw form would get the affects of the gentle fist as it spreads through their body, plugging every node until their chakra was useless and unable to do anything outside the body. Shikamaru had thought of it, Hinata had forced her chakra control to the max, and Naruto had perfected it.
"NO, you're mine, you can't, dammit, I'll kill everyone!" The 'minor' distraction that Hinata had so perfectly provided gave Jiraiya a clean shot, slamming him with oil and managing to catch his burgundy cloak and the skin of his right side on fire. Kakuzu's threads tightened around Kabuto, throwing him to a snarling yet ecstatic Hidan.
"Feel the wrath of Jashin-Sama!" Hidan cut Kabuto's tail, tongue running along the blood happily. His pupils dilated, eyes bloodshot as his own blood created his diagram. "Run you snake shit, make it more fun. The harder you try to escape your death the more euphoric this will feel." Hidan cackled as Kabuto attempted to fight, running from him and towards Hinata.
"You! You're mine. You're going to die with me." He hissed at the girl; his newfound wild panic was fantastic. His unflappable demeanor was crushed.
"Fuck off Kabuto!" Hinata punched him relishing in the feeling of his jaw cracking from her force, Hidan wailed in absolute pleasure. She'd been waiting for that. Hidan took a pike and dragged it deeply down his thigh, blood spurting everywhere. Kabuto stumbled when his own scaled tail split open. Zabuza sliced through Hidan's calf, severing it from his body, both of them feeling immense joy as Kabuto's tail followed suit.
Kakuzu impaled Kabuto in every major joint, pinning him to the floor. "You can't kill me! If I die my reanimations will only thrive, only I can undo the jutsu! I'll destroy everything you love and when you die too, your last thoughts will be of me. Either way... I win!" The silver haired snake began to laugh, it was the laugh of a psychotic dead man. It made Hinata flinch to even listen to it. He had descended to the madness of facing his death.
"We know." Kabuto saw red, Shisui's Mangekyo Sharingan glowed as it captivated Kabuto, trapping him in the kotoamatsukami. Shisui was pushing Kabuto's will, Orochimaru's will, out and instead manipulating his desires into what Shisui wanted. The Jutsu that made him see himself as a possible monster, the visual prowess that made Shisui feared even more than his fabled speed; he'd used it on Kabuto and even though the man was a monster, he felt bad for his manipulation.
Shisui felt his eyes go dark, burning with pain, the specialized ability closing itself off for the next 6 years. He deactivated Sharing completely, breathing heavy from the exertion of such a jutsu. His connection with Kabuto broke but the deed was done
Robotically Kabuto struggled against his grievous wounds and forced his hands to go through his seals, releasing the jutsu.
"Be grateful to be my lords sacrifice. Embrace the pain, enjoy it. Die fucker." Hinata, Shisui, and Jiraiya turned away. None of them wanted to watch it.. Hidan slumped to the ground in a fit of moans as their throats were severed and Kabuto choked on his blood. Kakuzu ripped out Kabuto's heart and used it as his own. Hidan shuddered, grinning. He clasped his totem in prayer and began to chant. It was a success but Hinata was sure it wasn't over yet.
A/n: Long time no write! I'm so sorry, I've barely even read fanfic recently cuz of business. Oh well, school is hard so yeah. No excuses tho but thanks for being patient. I put off 2 essays due in the next day to publish this for you guys!
Next chapter is already in the works and is going to focus a bit on everyone else part in the war like what the other platoons are up to...then it will converge with Hinata and stuff and the final battle will ensue..then ENDINGS!
Question: Where do you think Konan is/what do you think she is doing right now since she hasn't been mentioned much as of late...hmm?
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