
The light of the morning sunshine caressed the woman in her bed. Her dark russet skin being gingerly kissed by the sun's heat caused her to moan as she turned away from the window just as she was about to go back to sleep, back to her dream of a past treasured moment when a particular jingle reverberated throughout her bedroom.

‘Lady, don’t you know we love you? Dear mama.
Sweet lady,  place no one-’

“Hey, mom.” The groggy tone of the 25-year-old Connie Maheswaran breathed out as she laid flat on her bed after putting her phone on speaker.”Good morning.”

“Good morning to you too.” The cheerful voice of Priyanka rang in her ear, “Just checking in on you, Kahanni. Are you getting ready for work?”

“Nope!” Connie grinned, ”Got the day off and working remotely for the next few days.”

“Hmm, you sure that’s a good thing to do, working remotely so soon after you began. You’ve only been at your new job for a year, after all.”

"Don’t worry, mom; it's alright. What I'm doing now is just data entry anyway. All physical quality assurance is done." Connie assured, " Though...There is this new project at work that caught my eye." She muttered, her mind already coming up with plans to charm her way to a chance on the team.

 "Still can't believe you went from political studies to STEM. Especially due to your adventures in childhood."

"It's because of my childhood I jumped to STEM," Connie responded with a grin hearing the pride in her mother's voice. " The world's changing, Gems are slowly becoming more commonplace and as such, so is gem and hard-light based technology. If I'm going to lead in the world, best I help shape it with my hands first before doing so from a seat."

"Sounds like everything is going well, professionally."

Connie kissed her teeth at the tone. The slightly judging, subtly worried tone. "Mentally and emotionally too. My mind is intact, my smile isn't broken," She sighed, "I'm happy."

"Not saying you aren't."

"No...but you are assuming, by tone."

"No, I'm not." 

Connie gave a knowing smirk at the slightly guilty tone.

"Just...Just hope you aren't cutting yourself off from other options waiting for him." Priyanka conceded, "You are at the prime of your life; you should enjoy it."

"Wow, mom." Connie started, "It's almost like you're encouraging me to be promiscuous." A mockingly shocked tone on her tongue.

"If anyone could be and do it carefully, it's you." Priyanka started truthfully, "might as well put those pills and protection to good use."

'How the hell did my life get to this point?' Connie pondered, looking at the phone for a few moments.

"You are not planning to set me up, right?" 
She was answered by laughter—a boisterous, motherly, knowing laugh.

"Not exactly."


"I got this friend whose son is interested in meeting you...Charming man, a little rugged in his appearance, but your dad instantly approved."


"He knows about the gems as well."

"Ah...Really?" That was unusual, ' No, that sounds pessimistic…A human in the know about gems...It's rare...What is unusual is my mother trying to set me up for a date.'

"Big fan of the gems actually, stayed and helped around Little Homeworld for a few months. A relative of his was close to them, Rose Quartz especially."

"And you thought we would click."

"Maybe. At least you two would have a starting point."

Connie sighed at her mother's bluntness. She knew there was something more to this. 

"What's the worst that could happen?"

"He could be a perverse creep."

"You think I would let someone like that near you." 

Connie can already see the deadpanned look on her face.

 "Not to mention, you wouldn't tolerate anybody disrespecting you in any way."

"This is true." Despite how her life became slightly more humanity-centric...More conventional, she still is close with the gems, Greg, and even Lars. They were family to her.  As such, she kept some things they taught her instilled into her heart...Like martial arts and weapon training. More than once, she had to knock a guy, girl, or NB on their ass for being more than touchy and less than respectful of her (or her friends) personal space.

"I'm a fan of equality, including equal rights and lefts."

"As you should be." Priyanka praised, "Though, I doubt you would have to get that far with him. Highly respectable young man. Well-versed in the world and space."

"You are certainly talking him up."

"I think you two would bond very, very quickly." Priyanka offered, "At least enough for him to warm your bed for a few nights."

"Oh! My Shiva!" Connie sighed, blushing red with a bashful scowl. "My bed is kept warm every night, thank you." 

"By Lion," Priyanka stated matter of factly. "Was talking more intimately, Kahanni."

"You know..." Connie began, stunned by her mother's words."I expected another answer, along the lines of shock and maybe a slight repulse... Didn't expect you to shut me down and anti my joke before it even began."

"I am your mother." Priyanka chuckled smugly. "I know how you think, cunning as you are."

"Obviously," Connie groaned, "you didn't tell the guy where I live or anything, right?"

"Of course not," Priyanka responded, slightly insulted, " But he is in Empire city, for the time being, thinking this would be as good a chance as any."


"You know I wouldn't set this up if they weren't in the range of Steven, Connie."

Connie froze at the name. just momentarily," Not many are…."

She was answered with a hesitant silence, "I concur…He's one of a kind." Priyanka empathized before sighing," I'm not telling you to fall in love or even give him a romantic chance; just meet with him as a favor for your mother."

"That's low...Gut blow low." Connie breathed through flared nostrils,  

"I could have mentioned your promise to Steven."

"And that...That's below the belt." Connie sighed." I'll meet him, but I'm going to be on my worst behavior ..."

"Whatever floats your boat, My child."

"Bringing Lion as well-"

"I would be remiss if you didn't."

"To maul them." Connie finished.

"I'm sure he will be missed." Priyanka answered, that even tone that reeked of smugness, "Wear something nice."

"Yes, mam… " Connie sighed. "What is this guy's name?"

"Stefan… Anything else you wanna know, ask him when he texts you."

"You gave him my number!" Connie exclaimed, "This is way out of character for you, so please tell me what is it about this guy that got you so gung-ho!"

"I want your happiness firing on all cylinders; I believe he can help ease your loneliness." Priyanka declared, "At least for a little while."


"I'm sorry, Connie, I have to go; someone just came in from a car crash."

"You're at work!? And playing matchmaker!" 

" Yes, because my child being satisfied in all facets of her life is important to me. Now make sure you have your phone close by when he texts you. Love you, Kahanni."

She was off before Connie could answer back. "Well, it seems like I gotta blind date, love," Connie said to her housemate at the end of her bed, getting a yawn before he padded his way up her king-size bed and lay beside her, nuzzling his pink snout at the crook of her neck.

"Good morning to you too, Lion." She kissed the beast's head, turning her head to the phone, "Nine thirty-six in the morning on a Saturday...Well, way too stirred to sleep now. Time to greet the day. "

Connie sat up fully, letting her light blue bed sheet fall to her waist, allowing the sun to bath her nude top as she stretched. Climbing out the bed in only her royal blue boy shorts as she stood at her full five-eight length, and what a stature it was.

Gone was the tiny twig of her mid-teens (though she hasn't been petite since 16). She became curvaceous as she filled out and grew since then and now, significantly below the waistband. Her genetics set her up to be bottom-heavy, but her diet and exercise(martial, workout, and otherwise) upped that and made her robust rump more than striking. That isn't to say above the waist was diminutive; it definitely was not, but she was a seductive pear in terms of body type.

Loosely putting on a specific pink jacket, Connie stepped onto the balcony of her loft-like home, overlooking the city while learning over the wailing just a bit.

-Phhuuwwweeeeet-Phheeew !-

The sound of a wolfish whistle hit her eardrums, causing her to look down; she shook her head at the culprit.

"Morning, Miss Connie."

"You too, Ryan." She gave the freckled face, green-eyed, cornrow redhead a smirk. "heading to class?" She observed the backpack that held onto his shoulders.

"Ah, naw well not yet; Ty got me an audition at a club as a DJ, trying to head there now." The twenty-year-old expressed with pride, "but saw you and had to stop to give appreciation."

"Appreciation," she played, "for what?" 

"That…" the albino boy declared, waving his hand to her, "Just all that. Put me in a good mood beholding such a sight. Feel like I got this, you know, greeted by the goddess of victory or something." 

"I'm your goddess of victory?" Connie chuckled at his flirtatious tone with a nod," Ryan, you are so charming, but you should save that for one of your ladies."

"Those..those are just my friends."

Connie laughed at the cute boy, "No, some are your friends," she arched an eyebrow, "others are beneficial friends."


"Both Ty and Renee were mine at a time. So, I know." 

' Didn't know they were siblings at the time, however. Still have Danny and Tricia, though.' She added mentally.

"Well, might as well go for the whole set." Ryan announced, "I'm shooting my shot right now! Can we try something? Can I be put on your team? Be added to the roster?"

Connie had to bite her tongue to keep from laughing, though she couldn't help the flattered flush from crossing her cheeks. She took a deep breath, "Ry, You made my morning."

"See!? Give your boy a-"

"Ryan!" The two looked over to where the deep voice came from to see Connie's age, jogging up to Ryan. His polar opposite in skin and hair. Dark, sensual hickory with a black fade compared to Ryans's soft, snow-white skin and natural orange hair.
Their facial details were the same, from their almond eyes, Nubian noses, and large lips.

 "You left ten minutes ago. How aren't you on the train yet."

"Hey, Typhon." Connie chirped, getting the older man's attention. " Sorry, I just wished him luck, about to send him off.."

"Oh really, Nee." Ty gave her the once-over, with a playful, flirtatious tone from his voice matching hers. 

"Yup." She kissed towards the younger man before nodding her head to the right, towards the subway, "get moving." 

Ryan didn't push his luck, excusing himself as he bid them adieu.

"Your brother's bold as hell." Connie chuckled, " Tried to shoot his shot with me."

"Ooooh, Oh! No-Nono. I'm so sorry." Ty laughed as he facepalmed, "then again, can't blame him."

"I am the goddess of victory, apparently." Connie stretched upward. 

"So cringe."

"Pssh! I'm with it, made my morning; less you forgot that I am a nerdy, geeky, gamer otaku myself."

"Hell no! That is why we connect as we do and how I got you into bed more than a dozen times."

Connie shook her head as she kissed her teeth, "Sure, keep believing you were in control, pal." They both laughed; it was nice that they could laugh at that part of their friendship. It is better than how Renee took it. 

Before a ring was heard from below, getting Ty's attention.
"Oops, work. Gotta take this." He glanced at Connie, "Lucky, you don't have to go in today, later, Ni."

She watched him walk back and let her mind reflect a bit before going back in, ready to go into the shower when...

"Pick up the phone! Pick up the phone! Pick-up the-”

“How did you ever convince me to give you such an annoying ring-” 

"Why the fuck haven't you been answering your text!?"

'What the fuck? ' Connie took a moment to look at the phone, caught off guard by Patricia's reprimand. "Did I miss something?"

"Did she...This girl." 

Connie gulped, hearing Patricia mumble.
"Check your TEEEEEEXT!"

"OK, OK. Meanie." Connie sighed before she opened her text app. "Oh, wow, you uh... You sent a lot...of vulgarism and expletives."

"I was mad at your lack of response."

"Evidently…" Connie laughed before coming to the picture Patricia sent her. " Patricia...I…"

"It's him, right?" 

"I don't know…." Connie wiped her eyes, " It's been nearly four years, and he was a pescetarian last time we met, but…." She shook his head.

"Danny sent it to me last night, a scene from his guy's night."

Connie continued to stare at the picture of the man eating a hotdog sitting among a group of their long-time friends, smiling. That smile… No one can imitate that smile.

 No one.

"It's him." She whispered.

"Steven Universe is in Empire City." Patricia answered, "What now?"

Connie remained silent, staring at the image, when a text notification popped up from an unknown number. "I'll call you back, Tricia."

 "Wait, Con-"

"She's gonna be mad at me." Connie laughed before answering the 'Hello' text with one of her own.
Oh wow, answered.
Didn't expect it.
You... Ok...Did your
 mother contact you?
Ah! You are the one 
who my mother was 
talking about Stefan?
Uh!, yes... I'm..hi? Look
I am not used to this...
Blind texting, though, from
what Dr. Maheswaran and
the crystal gems stated.
We do share some 
similar hobbies 
Mom didn't share much
about you just you're 
I am also a space
cadet and comfortable around
gems. Something we have
in common.
Something, yes.
So how did this became
to be? This setup.
Well, the gems and particular residents
spoke highly of you.
So I got curious about the
crystal human. 
Honest, boldly so.
Thank you. I try.
hoping that's a good thing
Somewhat, it's not bad though
It sparks interest.
Enough to meet me at
Pier 42, this afternoon?
No. But I already said I would. 
You have a chance to change that.
A chance is all I need
3 pm?
That's fine.
3 pm, Pier 42.
See you then.

Connie sighed, "well, I'm in it now." Turning back to the picture of the man she was sure to be Steven, a blush made its way on her face as images of four years ago flashed in her mind. She placed the phone down on her end table on its charging pad and removed the coat, laying it on her bed carefully before stripping her bottoms off and heading towards her shower.
Her mind drifted to her (still) best friend and first everything as the steam rose within the ivory marble room, the heated streams of water soaking her alluring form as she lathered herself with song chai and bluebell soap and shampoo( a favorite of his and one she always wore when Steven was coming to visit her).

'He looks so different, rougher. Less baby-faced...Not that he was precisely 'baby,' our last meeting.' She laughed to herself as she recalled the last time they were together...Four years ago.

In her dorm room where she had a more hourglass figure as opposed to her more bottom-heavy body of the present. The feel of his fingers roaming her curves and crevices. His mouth, peppering her neck, breast, torso, hips, and ass; through kisses, sucklings, and bites.

' Hmm~mm.' Connie cooed as her hand trailed and caressed her watery physique. Biting her lip as she squeezed her breast, imagining it was Steven, touching her as he did in the past.

" Biscuit."

She breathed again, her mind taking her back to those nights as her finger graced her button, rubbing it in a circular motion nice and slow… Just like he did it to her with his fingers and his tongue. 

" Steven." She inhaled as she rocked her well-endowed hips, grinding on the wall and her crotch against her fingers and palm, moving faster, back and front, and around her labia. Pressing and kneading her increasingly sensitive clit. 

" Da~mn." Her mewl came out airy as the Steven in her mind attended to her core. His mouth ( her hand) getting her nice and ready, causing her body to lubricate her inner sanctuary in preparation for the main event.

" Hhaa~haa !!" Connie gasped as her undercarriage was filled by his member (her left three fingers held in a cone shape) and shivered as she lost herself to his bucking and thrusting.  Feeling him rub against her sweetest spot, making Connie constrict when he enters and contract when he pulls away. The pleasurable pumps, causing her to groan as Steven picked up speed, bringing forth the automatic thrusting and rolling of her waist and ass as she chased after her orgasm. 

" Yes. Please, love me ." She could have sworn she heard him. The teasingly laughing mixed with lovingly gasping in her ear as his motions into her set off fireworks in her soul, making her nerves pop like firecrackers.

" FFFFU~HHUCK!" Connie bucked forward after, thighs shaking as her 'brain biscuit' caused an intense climax; making her lean on the wall as she rode the release without shame; moaning a giggle as she rubbed herself. 

"Hmmm~hm~hm." The water beating on her did nothing to ease the heat as she kissed him for so long. 

It was the ringing of her phone that brought her from her imagination session. Washing up quickly and stepping out to get the phone, only to find a text from Patricia that read: 

Get dress; coming to pick you up in a half-hour, going to meet Danny and his new 'friend' at Pier 42 around 2-3.

Connie looked at the message again and smiled, "New Friend...I bet." she chuckled, feeling her cheeks fill with heat, as did her lower torso before her eyes took a look at the time of the message. 

"12:50?!" Connie shrieked, "I was in there for an hour and fifteen." Embarrassment filled her as she facepalmed, smirking at herself, "Damn it, how the hell am I still so sprung. Guess breakfast is out of the question." With a sigh, she stepped into her room to get dressed for the day, already knowing her outfit.

"You worried?" 

Steven sighed, rubbing his nape as he turned to Daniel, who smirked at him. "A bit, I haven't seen her in four years. Have no idea how she's going to take my new look."

"Come on; it's Connie. You think she's gonna care about the physical?"


"Besides." Daniel grinned, "Tricia likes the rugged look."

Steven nodded his now black and pink curly locked head to the left. "Though," he pursed his lips in consideration, "I mean…."

"Tut-tut." Danny kissed his teeth, " not into sharing Tricia with another guy,"

"BUT YOU BOTH SHARED CONNIE." Steven accused with a grin. Yes, he knew of the trio...Times together- not in gruesome detail, but of their arrangement. He respected that Daniel was upfront with him about it, not that he could complain. He did tell her to live her life.

"Yeah. We are or..maybe after today was her couple with benefits.' Daniel sighed dramatically, "to never lay my lips on those breasts again, depression ." 

"I'm gonna smack you." Steven took a playful swing at Daniel, who ducked and got into a southpaw posture.

"Just like I do to Connie and Tricia asses." Danny swung his left palm to Steven's fuzzy face as he taunted, just nicking the hybrid with his middle tip.

"Oh! Ok!" Steven called, getting into a boxer stance of his own. Both young men shifted their bodies slightly, sizing each other up, waiting for the other to swing.

"What are you doing, Danny?"

Steven knew that voice, probably not as well as Daniel did, but pretty damn well. He cleared his throat before turning around, 
"Hey, Trici-" 

Steven did not expect to see two gorgeous and desirable women walking towards them. 

"Drink it in Gem boy. Drink it in." Tricia smirked flirtatiously, hand on the hip of her light sand summer dress. 

"Can I pull it in?"

That got Steven a slap to the back of the head from Danny, causing him to groan and chuckle. "You can't blame me...You see her right, with that stunner summer dress cascading her."

"Ok, that gets you a hug." Tricia smiled as she hugged their old friend tightly. Laughing a bit when he lifted her. "Damn Steven, four years have been good to you." She playfully flirted, being held easily by her hips," or are you using your magic powers?'

"I assure you, it's all one hundred percent Steven force...No gem required, Lightweight."

"Impressive." She teased," getting a girl a bit curious." She chuckled a bit more as he put her down onto her sandaled feet before rubbing his rugged chin.

"Heard you're a fan of the scruffy look," Steven smirked at the bespectacled beauty.

"I'm weak against the scruff; why do you think Danny stays bearded? Though the pink and black is quite a statement."

"A natural one at that." He pursed his lips, nodding his head.

"Oh damn, it feels soft." With a breath, she stopped and stepped back," ok, I got my fill." Raising her hands, "Besides, it's not my ass you came to see."

"Alluring as it is." That got him a tap on his chest.

"Hey now, Slick tongue. I'm happily involved with the territorial and pouty man standing on your left." She turned to Danny kissing at him.

"Also very braggy. Wouldn't stop talking about you." Steven grinned, giving her another hug, "I had to see for myself..and get under his skin a bit."

"Oh...We had the same idea-!" 

Tricia was interrupted by Danny snatching her from Steven's grasp, arms securely around her shapely hips and under her breast.

"Mines." Danny stuck out his tongue in jest
" D-Bear." Patricia both swooned and chuckled in his hold. Nuzzling and nipping his windpipe while rubbing his cheek in pure adoration. Not caring how much thigh was being revealed due to her dress riding up.

Steven smirked, 'These two are still completely into each other, I see.'
That's when his eyes turned to the other woman, Tricia's companion, and his jaw dropped. 

She was outfitted in a dark blue hoodie with the hood up, mint green sweatpants, and some orange and white sneakers, leaning over the rail, looking out at the ocean with her left foot behind her right ankle. The slightly bent posture gave a peek of her brown-toned stomach and exhibited her figure, especially her broad, shapely, and gracious backside.

"You like?"

"What?" Steven's eyes widened at the sound of her voice.

"I'm asking…." She stretched like a cat. 

' More like a lioness ,' The hybrid thought mesmerized at her bodily movements.

"Do you like what you see?" She pulled her hood down, revealing her face, "Biscuit?"

Steven knew it was Connie Maheswaran, his Berry, underneath that hoodie by her voice alone. Her contralto still haunted his head and stirred his heart even all these years. 

Still...Seeing those round-almond-shaped, panther black eyes and naturally black thick brows.

Those slightly thin, bow-shaped lips.

That narrow-aquiline nose.

That long raven hair in a hip-length ponytail.

That unmistakable cool and confident demeanor. 

"Oh, I love what I see, wonder if it feels just as good, Berry." 

 "Haven't had any complaints." She shrugged, "but if you're so curious.." She opened her arms, "How long are you going to keep waiting?"

Steven chuckled before walking up to her, wrapping his arms around her waist and pressing her body against his, sighing as he felt her arms lock behind his nape. 

"Chai and Bluebells?" He sniffed her skin.

"My old friend said they loved how it smelled on me." She hugged him tighter.

"Oh, they have good taste." He teased, nuzzling into the crook of her neck, getting giggles from her.
"Too bad they have bad timing though, would you believe they kept me waiting for four years to see me?"  She scoffed with a grin.

"The cad." He gasped, dramatically 
"I know, right? They better be ready to make up for it." She leaned into the crook of his neck, sighing. 

"I'm sure they're willing to go through any and every punishment to apologize." He grinned as she pulled her head to look at him, cupping his face in her palms.

"Tricia's right. Four years and you came back so…."

So..?" Seven grinned, seeing her cheeks darkened.

"So.. .Rawr."

"And what's that supposed to mean?" He licked his lips.

"Who knows? Stay awhile, and maybe you'll find out."


"Maybe." Connie rubbed his beard, "I'm not a fast girl...Despite what you think."

"OH!" Steven twirled her around slowly before pulling her back against him, back to chest arms across Connie's middle, "and what exactly do I think?" He purred in her ear.

"Well, for one, you miss me." She nuzzled against his cheek, gently brushing her lips against him.

"So sure of yourself." He nodded with a simper.

"You also like how nice and big my ass got." She whispered, biting her tongue to keep from laughing at his deep blush. 

" saw me looking?"

"Looking, no?" She shook her head, "Undressing me with your eyes, and who knows what else? Completely."

"I...You see..that."

"It's ok, Steven...I get ogled quite a lot. Plus, it's you.."

"What is that supposed to mean?"

"He~he. It means you can look all you want, Biscuit." Connie breathed in his ear, "after all...I did the same to you."

Steven trembled, feeling her nipping his lobe playfully. "Someone missed me, Huh."

"Thirty-eight months, ten days, thirteen hours. Since last time I saw you." Connie looked at him; all play gone. In its place was genuine love and affection, "Of course, I fucking missed you." She felt exposed, turning her head away from him, 
"Did you miss me too?" 

Steven eyes widen at the question before turning her head back towards him by her chin and taking her lips with his in a deep yet gentle, quiver evoking kiss. 

Feeling both his heart warm and gem glow, the same way it did four years ago...five years ago...and every time before. Always and only for the woman in his arms. Breaking the kiss with a grin. 

"Thirteen hours, ten minutes." He whispered, his nose pressed gently against hers.


"Thirty-eight months, ten days, thirteen hours...And ten minutes...that's how long I've been missing..longing for you." He kissed her again.

Connie, for her part, eyes widened again before she melted. Her eyes closed as she palmed his cheek, massaged his tongue with her own as they exhibited just a bit of how much they yearned for each other over their absence. 


The clip of their broken kiss was loud in their ears, the (re)starting gunshot to their relationship. 

"So." Connie breathed out, interlocking their hands, "We have a lot of time to make up for."

"That we do…."Steven sighed, holding her,
"Gonna take some visits to Empire?" She asked.

"What, still think I'm a vagabond." Steven teased, "A nomad, a  rolling stone."

"A rolling star." Connie joked, tracing a star on his stomach with her index finger.

"At times, I was." He admitted, "Sometimes I'm still gonna check on homeworld, but I do have my home base." He said proudly.

"You made yourself a nest, huh?.. Where?"

Steven kissed her temple, hearing the amazement and pride in her tone. "Got me a nice place near a beach."

"Of course you did." Connie giggled, "I'll come to visit soon; taking a few days away from Empire seems like a good idea for my next vacation."

"We can plan a trip together." Steven agreed, "but you don't have to do that to visit me." He smiled, looking at her confused face, "I'm right across from Hattan Beach. Brookside."

" in Empire!?"

Steven smiled wildly at the woman's jaw-dropped expression. "Yup."

"You live in Brookside!?"

"That I do...For two months now." He was about to laugh when she hid her face in his chest.

"We were in the same state, city... BOROUGH! FOR TWO MONTHS!"

Steven felt her tears as she clawed his shirt. 

"You…were so close, and I didn't even know."

"I just found out a few weeks ago...Still thought you were at your old place." He held her, "Besides, I needed to get settled in and set up before having you come over."

 "You had Danny over."

"Only to help me set up, and I'm not trying to lay with Danny."

Connie felt her words get tangled in her throat for a moment. "That..was bold."

"I've gotten a lot bolder over my four years. I heard you had too.."

Connie looked up at him, seeing his knowing, amorous grin, and felt her face darkened with a blush. "What exactly have you heard?"

"A good amount...Just have one real question… " He whispered, "do you really give out goodie bags after one-night stands?
"I don't see the problem with that." She huffed and folded her arms.

"Nooo~hohoho," Steven laughed, "That's kind of insulting...So what, you have them near your bed or something?"

"They're in the kitchen pantry.." She stated, slightly offended, "...I don't have sex in my bed…." She blushed, "usually pull out the air bed, if it turns out to be more than a one-night stand...If not...My couch is a pullout."

Steven bit his lip to keep from laughing, shaking his head.

"Look, my bedroom is special...That's my chambers… Made for Lion and me.." She laid her head on his chest.

"For us."

Steven eyes widen at that looking down at the woman gazing up at him. 

"For us?" He couldn't stop the grin and heat enveloped his face.

"Of course...I mean." She blushed, "I'm not saying to move in right now, but, living with you…." She shook her head. "What am I saying?!"

"She had you in mind when she moved in two years ago!"

"T-Thank you, PEANUT GALLERY!" Connie roared at her CWB, who grinned back. She turned to the snickering Steven and felt her face glow. "Come on stop-"

"My girlfriend is so adorable."

Connie bit her tongue before pulling her hood up and hiding in his stomach, "Jerky Biscuit Boyfriend." She snuggled while giggling, enjoying the feel of his stomach moving under his laughter. 

"Glad it wasn't just a one-way thought."

"WHAT?!" Connie looked surprised.

"You thought I wasn't thinking about living with you...Starting from where we left off…." He nipped her nose," I still snuggle up with your bomber jacket." He admitted.

"I sleep in yours most nights…." She grinned, seeing the interest in his eyes, " You got a lot of my one-night stands jealous."


Connie arched her brow at the nonchalant answer, "Oh?"

"You're not jealous, are you?" Steven half teased,  and she was a bit shocked.

Connie blinked and thought, was she jealous? She had no right to be, and she knew that but.."Are we going to be in an open relationship?"

Her tone wasn't that of envy, worry, jealousy, or doubt, just curiosity. ' Happy she knows where my heart and loyally lies.'

"Maybe after a couple of years, we can explore that." 

Connie smiled before kissing him deeply," by that time, I should be Mrs.Maheswaran-Universe."


"I could be just Mrs.Universe."

"Oh, No-nonono!" Steven nuzzled against her nose. "I'm getting that last name." He snarled, making his point by taking her lips with his and her seat in his palm with a squeeze.

" Hmm~ so empathic." Connie purred, breaking the kiss "You gain a bit of force in the last quarter score."

"I…"  He blushed, " I'm sor-"

"I like it." She smiled, rubbing his cheek, " My man gotta territorial edge."

"I'm still the soft biscuit you fell for." He offered.

"Oh, I know...You just got more fire in your eyes...Soft fire."  She mocked flirtatiously 
"I can still burn you." He challenged. 

"Naw, I'm too cool for that. I'll leave you trembling."

"I'll melt you through and through."

" Promise?" She bit her lip before nipping at his.

"Ahem!" Patricia called from behind the two, still in Danny's arms, "Nini, don't you have to meet someone?"

Connie looked quizzically at the question, tilting her head to the left.

"Oh, shit, I do!" Connie exclaimed, "Fuck."

"Hmm?" Both men smirked. 

"My mother...Set me up on a blind date." She sighed, getting teasing looks. "I was supposed to meet him at three." She turned to her phone.

"3:20. He's late." She sighed.

"You sound disappointed." Steven teased.
"I didn't want to come, but here I am…." She paused, "with my boyfriend and now ex-friends with benefits." She breathed, a slight embarrassment in her voice, " No wonder, probably saw everything we just did and went the other way."

"Yeah." Danny and Tricia nodded.

"Or maybe he did come and was waiting to reveal himself," Steven stated as he took a couple of steps back, revealing his phone...and the texts from earlier.

"Hello, Ms.Maheswaran, My name is Stefan, big fan." Steven joked with a bow.

Connie growled for a bit, "I threaten to have Lion mauled you." 

"Priyanka warned me about that." He laughed as Connie chuckled, balling up his shirt in her fist before kissing him.

"Tempting trickster." 

"Yeah." He swooned as she kissed him again.

"You're gonna have to make It up to me." 

Danny gave the two a smirk before kissing Tricia's cheek, causing her eyebrow to rise at the nod of his head and the not so innocent look on his face.

"Guys, Me and Danny gonna catch you...Tomorrow aftern~oo -" She was interrupted by Danny nipping her neck," Evening?"


She gripped his shoulders, swallowing a moan as she leaned into his manipulations,  "late evening...Dinner time?" That got her some lovely sucklings." We'll call you two." She moaned out.

"Have a good time reconnecting, guys," Danny said as he carried Tricia piggyback, having her wave back for the both of them
"Sure," Steven called back with a wave, getting a giggle from Connie.

"I'm officially off the market." She said, waving at the retreating couple. "You wanna catch up at my house? Watch the new dogcopter?" Connie looked up and nearly gushed at his beaming smile.

"Yes, but...You wouldn't have the last three, would you?" He blushed, "I'm a little behind."

Connie nodded, bouncing on her feet. " We're gonna have a marathon of movies..and then…" a mischievously perverse smile made its way on her features, "we'll have another marathon."

" I just came to watch dogcopter…not fornicate," He said in dramatized disgust," But if you happened to find yourself in doggy-style..well." He smirked a similar grin.

"We can blame the movie." She kissed him lovingly. 

"Exactly."He chuckled as he allowed her to lead them toward the parking Lot.

"Wait, They took Tricia's ride...How did you get here?" She turned back and almost laughed; his eyes were glued to her ass. "It's gotten bigger, huh?"

"You don't miss leg or gluten day." He praised, "And you had a butt back then as well."

"That I did." She stepped back, pressing her bottom on his pelvis, giving the slightest bit of a snarl feeling his growth. "I see."

"Perverted woman." He kissed her temple.

"You love me."

" I do...I love you." He kissed her lips a bit tearfully. "And I missed much."

"I love you too.." Connie smiled, wiping her teary eyes. "I missed you like hell…." She kissed him, "But we're together again. Biscuit and Berry." She sniffed.

"Jambuds." Steven grinned, wiping her left tear.

"Jambuds.." Connie sniffed, doing the same to him. " Come on, Biscuit...We can love each other a lot more once we're home." She promised, walking forward again, leading him towards the lot, hand interlaced with his." Also, how did you get here, Dondai?" 


He grinned, looking at her shocked face.

A few minutes later, Connie was laughing in delight, holding onto Steven pecs as they zoomed through the streets of Brookside on his dark rumbling pink street bike with a sidecar. A blue 'Lioness. C' helmet on her head compliments Steven's pink 'Lion, S' helmet. He planned to have her ride with him today,

' No matter how much he tried to play it off.' Connie mused as they stopped at a streetlight. 

"Pheeeeeew~weeew !" 

A wolfish whistle from the east caught her ear, turning to see a few boys looking at her. 

'More like ogling.' She turned her head forward, pressing her breast, stomach, and inner thighs against his back and hips.


It was low, or it was supposed to be. Soft enough to hide under the bike's growl, at least. 

Connie heard it through his chest and from his throat.

She felt it as it rolled down his spine and throughout his athletic body. 

Saw it as a pink light behind the tinted visor of his helmet as he slightly turned his head toward the catcallers.

'Territorial indeed.' Connie grinned under her helmet, snuggling closer as they pulled off.

The rest of the journey was quick and pleasurable for them both, arriving at Connie's place just fifteen minutes later and in her living room five minutes after that.

Steven sat on the ice blue pull-out of her living room, currently pulled in, making himself at home while she got comfy as she stated after turning on the movie for him; Dogcopter 7: revenge of plane-meow.

Steven chuckled as the movie began on hilariously bad CGI battle scenes, relaxing as he waited. Fifteen minutes into the film, he found himself losing interest; the plot was all over the place, and the love triangle subplot was too badly acted for him to be interested… at least, not without Connie to ragg on the movie with.

"What the hell's taking her so long?" He muttered as he stopped the movie, Turning around to look at her room or the door to her room as it was close. 

Steven whistled slowly as her bamboo screen for a door allowed someone to see the silhouette of Connie's voluptuous bottom-heavy hourglass figure.

"This is a much better show," Steven muttered in admiration as he watched the shadow of his Berry. He was amazed at how simple things like shaking her hair out, removing and changing clothing, bending and stretching over, even standing and taking steps added to the flame of arousal now blazing within. 

He swallowed greedily, his throat going dry as her contour grabbed a pair of what looked like shorts, stepping in and pulling them up before jumping in place a few times. 


Steven lip trembled at the sound of glutes smacking together as she slipped in the cloth before entirely dropping at the sight of her.

"See, you approve." Connie joined as she sauntered toward the stereo dressed in black lace boy shorts, matching strapless bra, and the pièce de résistance…

His pink jacket; that held her like a hug and gave an air of lovable to the libidinous intimates.

"Oh, what are you up to, Minx?" He asked with a grin and got a giggle in response.
The speaker's horns resonated, followed by upbeat hip-hop that reverberated throughout the apartment. A very well known song was being played.

"Wait a minute, is this-"  Before he could finish his question, the first line of the song began, and Connie was already pushing him back with a smirk.
Whatcha gonna do with all that junk
All that junk inside your trunk
Steven's eyes widened as she sat down on his lap back to him and sang.
I'ma get get get get you drunk
Get you love drunk off my hump
She switched her hips to the left.
My hump, my hump  
She switched her bottom twice back and forth. 
My hump, my hump, my hump
She swished there more times, back, forth, and back again.
My hump, my hump, my hump
Three more switches before grinding into his pelvis.
My lovely little lumps, check it out
' There's not a goddamn thing little about the lumps on my dick.'  Steven mused as Connie held his hands.  
I drive these brothers crazy
I do it on the daily
Steven sighed as Connie danced on his lap.
They treat me really nicely
They buy me all these items
Her panty-covered hips, which covered the upper half of her ass, caressed his thighs and cock as she moved.
Dolce & Gabbana
Fendi and then Donna
Steven licked in pleasure relaxation as Connie's hips grinded deeper, rotating in a rhythmic circle. 
Karan, they be sharing
All their money, got me wearin .'
Connie breathed gently, feeling Steven excitement in his pants begin to surge even more so than it was earlier.  
Fly gear, but I ain't asking
They say they love my ass in
Glancing over her shoulder at Steven's red, closed eyes and bit-lipped face made Connie feel loved and lust-filled. Inciting her to open his legs and go lower, allowing his pants-covered member to press again at her warm, damp lace draped slit. 
Seven Jeans, True Religion
I say no, but they keep giving
So I keep on taking
And no, I ain't taken
' That's a lie.' Connie mused with a blush as she continued her saucy performance, leaning back fully on him as she tried to stroke as much of his sword with her sheath as possible despite the obstacle of their clothes. Placing his palms on her breast. Humming and leaning into his flexing and kneading fingers.
We can beep on dating
I keep on demonstrate
My love (Love )
"Ooh, Biscuit." Connie moaned in surprise  then pleasure as Steven all but yanked the bra off and started to lift and stroke her mounds. Clamping firmly from their underside. 
My love, my love, my love (Love)
You love my lady lumps (Love)
My hump, my hump, my hump (Love)
My humps they got you

"I don't produce milk, you know." Connie laughed before giving him a deep kiss. The song background noise to them both, their concentration entirely in each other as she melted more into his hands.

She breathed hotly at the sensation of Steven fingers brushing over and around her chocolate color nipples and areola. Moaned when he twisted and pulled at them, squirming upon his pants covered hard-on. Her hand reached down to his belt buckle behind her when she paused.

"Connie?" Steven asked at her hesitation.

"Before we go further…." Connie turned to him, pressing her lip to his gently, " Anything I should know in terms of physical status."

Steven hummed before nuzzling her nose, "I have no Stds, checked last week."

"Same, I am also on the pill." Connie blushed before nuzzling his cheek," So, are you ok with this..?" She looked at him straight in his brown eyes, "lovemaking...Sex."

Steven arched his brow with a broad smile, "Yes?.. Wait, are you asking for consent?!"

"It's not that strange. I mean.." She pointed to the hands that were still on her bare breast. "I gave you consent." 

"Was that what the lap dance was?" He pecked her, diving in her another squeeze receiving a love-filled sigh.

"Yes..." Connie pecked him, " It was." She pecked him again.

"Well, how can I possibly say no…."

"By saying no." She looked so severe, her brows furrowed and her black eyes steeled with love and care.

"It means a lot to you."

"You mean a lot to me, so of course your consent does."

'Why is this hotter than the dance?' He felt his cheeks burned and heart-skipped at the steeled tone of her voice. " Y-yeah...I give you consent." He looked down, blushing.

"What?" She grinned, lifting his head and kissing the west corner of his mouth.

"I never had a partner ask for consent, usually just jump onto it." He admitted. "It's hot.

"Consent and care are sexy as fuck." Connie flashed her teeth in a luscious smile as she undid his jeans buckle and lifted to a crouch, her panty-covered core ghostly crossing against his lips. 

"Puts me in the mood, definitely." She chortled, pulling the pants to his knees. 

* pamp!*

Steven chuckled at the feel of his hard-on plopping against her lips, playfully flexing the nine inches tapping her gently. Feeling the heat of her core increase, Steven slid her panty to the side.

' This feel, smell, heat...Oh, how I missed it.' They thought simultaneously, gazing at each other's sex.

'Girthy, lengthy, veiny, and a sandy musk.' Connie's mind analyzed his member, her heart beating hard as her lust rose. Her thoughts were interrupted by an involuntary gasp, causing her to look back at Steven.

'She's so wet, pink, and so tight looking, delectable.' Steven mused, his finger brushing against her clit in a circle, "What a nice clit you have, Ni~ni. So reactive."  He glided his index and middle over her labia, feeling the slightest of twitches of her sex before pilling away looking at the sheen on his digits.

 She looked as he licked her slick and felt that inner flame rose again. Her left hand grabbed hold of his member, and she began to stroke, teasing. The warm foreskin slid up and down under her palm and power, making sure he felt every centimeter.

After a few intervals, she hummed gently, hearing his aching moan and the breath along with it grazing her core.

"You're good at that." Steven sighed as he rubbed and pressed on her clit with more vigor.

" Hmm~mm...I have my experience..Oh." Connie mewled as she leaned into his manipulations, "You aren't bad yourself."

"Good enough for a party bag." His thumb and index twisted and rolled her button, making her stomach flex slightly at the pleasurable pressure.

"Oh, you are not eligible for that.."  She met his manual treatment with her own, putting more force and twisting clockwise in her jerking. "you're not a one-night stand."

The excitement in his dick shot Steven's retort down before it left his mouth.' Fuck..the way she strokes me... Her grip, both solid and sensual..making my mind meeelll-!' 

'Oh, it seems like he likes that.' Connie's pride shined, feeling Steven's body tremble, his hot broken breath on her flower, and palms clenching her hips as Connie flicked against and tongue down his urethral opening while still jerking. 

She moaned at the sensation of his Cowper’s fluid sliding on her tongue, urging her to lick the underside length of Steven's nine-inch tool while massaging the head with her cupped palm and twisting her wrist, removing the hand only for her to snake in and suck on his opening again before repeating the process. All while she jerked him off.

Steven's heart was on fire, as was his nerves, but his body was almost catatonic to Connie's oral and manual attention. Being able to do a little more than brokenly breathe and reflexively twitch his fingers and toes… He involuntarily hiked his hips into her mouth.

" Connie…"
" No, no love." Connie gently reprimanded through her trembling gasp as his heated breeze grazed her inner walls. "Let me take care of you." 

She smirked before getting down in front of him and taking him in her mouth, licking his long shaft before bringing her breast to enclose his dick between them before stroking him up and down, sucking his head all around.

Steven groaned, feeling her mouth and chest around him. "I missed your cool touch...your cool!." Steven growled out at the sensory attack. He never felt so much physical rapture before. Her cool, wet tongue and lips were teasingly pleasing the top of his shaft, the naturally cold feel of her breast stroking him. Already submerged in joy due to her orally and mammary fucking of his dick.

' He's twitching and leaking so much.' She mused, feeling her core flex and dripped in pleasure, aching to be touched, tasted, and taken by him. 'But first…' 

"HHHM~MM! FUCK!" Steven howled as she took him in completely, letting go of her breast as she gently milked his scrotum and rubbed his gem as she bobbed and slurped upon his member. 

Connie looked at Steven's eyes as they mixed between brown and hot pink, swirling under his lids, "You're so close." She ribbed playfully, putting him in her jaw to speak for a moment, "Don't hold back now."

Steven gripped the back of her head before thrusting with reckless abandon down her throat, watching as it protruded with each hum-evoking sat and hum Connie did.
Hum as she worked her throat to vibrate and clamp-on his dick. Jerking him off with her vibrating vocal cords as she rubbed her clit and his gem.  Enjoying the feel of his dick submitting, his warm gem glowing, and her own pussy soaking.

" became such a power bottom." Steven groaned as his nerves burned, his muscles began to throb, and his heartbeat echoed in his ear; the beat was an upcoming orgasm.


"Fuck, Berry." He chased after the climax.  

'ThumpThump-ThumpThump! '

Connie could only mewl, feeling him begin to bubble inside her throat. Her eyes were staring at Steven as she rubbed his glowing gem more while his balls slapped her chin with every thrust.

'Yes! Yes!' Connie thought in ecstasy as she attended to her clit through spanks and rubs.

'ThumpThump-ThumpThump! '

"Uuuggghhh!" Steven groaned, giving it his all. "It's cumming fuck.."


"Fuuuck! Fuck..fuck!." Steven's body quaked, holding Connie's skull to his pelvis as he came.

 Heavy, lumpy, thick sperm threatened to overflow Connie's mouth and throat as she tried to gulp down as fast as he spilled out. 

" Mm~hmm~hm...Hmm."  Connie giggled hushedly as she slowly disengaged from Steven's sexual flesh, licking his length and sucking and sliding her tongue in his head before entirely pulling him with a clipping peck at the opening. Snacking her mouth and licking her lips, showing that she swallowed him all.

"You are amazing." Steven acclaimed, caressing her cheek as she gazed up at him, licking and nipping his length, "and so salacious." He breathed in pleasure.

"Am I?' Connie laughed, "Well, four years of wet dreams, teary nights, and calling my Biscuit's name would do that to me." She stood up, holding her hand to him," let's take this to the bedroom."

"I thought the bedroom was off-limits," Steven noted, taking her hand and following her lead and ass.

"I believe I said that about one-night stands.." She turned, kissing him, "and that the bedroom was for us." Connie giggled, looking at his blushing grin, "So once you wa~haha!"

Connie was interrupted by Steven lifting her in a bridal carry before moving at the speed of a diamond in a pink blur.

"Wow," the Indian beauty laughed, finding herself on her mattress before she knew what was happening, "Guess you're eager to show me what you got as well."

Steven answered her tease by kissing her deeply, sucking on her tongue, and evoking moans from his lovers as he gripped her shoulder blades, pulling him in. He broke the kiss to litter her body with little love bites.


The clipping pecks resounded in the room as he trailed down her collar, her shoulders, and resting at her breast and kissing them in a heart pattern before gently suckling on her hardened breast.

Connie licked her lips as she ran her hand through his hair. Her eyes closed as she breathed softly but sensually. Her breast, hiking as if asking for more compassion."If I didn't know better, I'd Nice~ Think you missed me," she purred softly,  

Steven gave her A deep kiss and nip for that, turning the pur to a growl. " since day one. Let me show you." He laughed lovingly, his lips trailing downward. Upon her toned stomach, waist, and hips, he placed bites and kisses before pulling her boy-shorts down, kissing her thighs as he did.

He pulled the clothing off, tossing it behind his back and taking a moment to drink her in. His Berry, in his pink jacket and nothing else. He couldn't help but lick his lips, "damn..."

"Speechless, or is that hunger." Connie leaned on her elbows, feeling a bit of pride as he looked her over, "I love the way you look at me..."

" I love I get to look at you, especially with how prideful you look." Steven moved his lips to her crotch, "you're so gorgeous..inside and out." He stated, staring into her core before kissing it deeply.

"Hmmm!" Connie purred, biting her lip "taste as good as I look?" She chuckled before gasping and her toes curling as she hiked her hips towards his mouth.
Steven hummed in admiration and affirmation as his hands massaged her ample perky breast; his tongue explored every piece of her love slit.

'Ohhh, now this...This I missed... My bisky, loving me….' She mused, running a hand through his hair.

Steven was thinking the same thing, 'and I'm going to make up for all the time we missed.' 

His tongue ran over her labia and clit before dipping in, licking her hot spot, and pumping his thick tongue in and out.

Connie trembled just a bit with her moans. 'This fervor... Stars and diamonds... I loved it... Missed it… I yearned for it while separated….'

His hand massaged her mounds. His gem glowed a bit before his palms warmed up a tiny bit. He knew she liked the heat, her having a body that ran a bit colder than his.

 "Four years is too long without you, biscuit and your loving warmth.~" She ground her hips up a bit, letting out sound breathy moans. "The best you...Amazing~"

He hummed, loving the sound of her passion, urging him to eat her out more as his lips rubbed her clit with his thumb. 

She all but wrapped her legs around him, moaning more, "I'm getting close, Biscuit!~Do~Hhhmm~do~don't sto~oop."

Steven wasn't going to stop; he increased his forces, his passion..his love as he licked her walls more, slurped harder on her clit, massaged her breast, squeezed her nipples…
Treasuring her as if it was the first or last time as her pussy tightened, thighs shivered, and hips buck.

"Oh. Fuck…" clenching his hair while her legs tightened and pulled him closer, her gaze never left the sight of his tongue making a mess of her. Oh, and what a sight it was. 

"Steven!!" Connie's leg muscles nearly crushed his skull as her love burst and splashed out into his mouth in a quaking orgasm. 

"Delicious, better than cookie cats." Steven moaned in pleasure, feeling her nectar run into his mouth, gulping it with enthusiasm as he continued to mouth fuck her through her orgasm.

Connie blew once her orgasm passed, pulling Steven into a deep kiss "Four years, and You still work your mouth amazingly, Biscuit." She breathed out, "the way you love me… outdo all others."

"Even the Dantricia couple?" Steven teased before kissing her, returning the same amount of passion and love. His tongue, exploring her mouth as he hiked her hips up a bit before entering a third of a way in. Slowly, trembling at her unique warmth.

"UUUMM~HMM!". Connie affirmed as she breathed deep, gasping moans into the kiss. Her body involuntary trembling with his own as they held each other, breathed in each other, basked in each other.

"You make It feels like it's my first time." 

Panther black eyes met a pink and brown gaze before bubbly teary giggles evolved the space as the reunited jambuds nuzzled their nasal bridges in joint affection.

"I missed you." Steven said with a sniffle," I'm sorry here we are and ~Hmmm." 


"Don't you dare apologize for happy tears, Steven Universe." Connie rebuked after breaking the kiss, wiping her own eyes. She linked her fingers with his, kissing him again and giving him a heated face nod. 
He kissed his heart deeply, rocking his hips back and forth at a slow pace—every millimeter, a heavenly warmth that made him gasp in her mouth.

"Mmmm, Steven!" Connie moaned his name, trembling just at the slow movements, moaning into the kiss, melting as he loved her so thoroughly, squeezing her breast all the while, "I feel so warm, bisky. I love how you make me feel."

Steven didn't say anything as he sucked on the spot between her neck and head. 

"Ohh! STARS!!" Connie mewled as she bucked her hips in tandem with his. " Oooh! Steven .."

Steven suckling got more profound, as did his strokes. Each thrust is digging deeper and deeper, massaging her walls.

"Fffuck.Berry," he sighed into her neck as he started to swirl inside after each thrust, making her whine even more, "You feel like heaven Strawberry." he shivered at the sudden squeeze on his dick. 

"One thing good about being a part for so long ..." Connie mumbled, her lips brushing against each word. "Makes reuniting so much more special…."

Her eyes rolled back just a bit, feeling him slip in more "Ohh~ Feel like you're trying to show off what you...Fuck.. picked up over the..Hmm...Years..~" she teased, swaying and bucking her hips with his.

That got her a hard, loving, and deep thrust into her womb, "how about you...I heard you have both males and females fawning over you." He kissed her deeply as he rocked her more, shaking the bed despite moving smoothly and lovingly. "thought you might have moved on from me." He groaned, thrusting more, slipping into her abdominals,  

"Never…." She pressed a deeper kiss to him. "Four years and my heart. Oh fuck ...remained yours, never tried to get ~Hmm~ in a serious... Haaa~aah! You feel remarkable," Connie wept, before biting her lips, pulling him close to her breast, before licking her teeth as he started to suck on her breast.

"Yesss.." She ran her hands through his locs . "It's yours; I'm yours..take what yours. TAKE ME," she called.

Steven didn't need any more coaxing...Though he did enjoy it along with the feeling of her warm soaking sex as he thrust with more purpose. 

"UUUOWW Fuck" Connie mewled as she shifted and gyrated her hips in rhythmical tandem with his.

"You're so wet." Steven teased, thrusting harder into her, making her gasp silently as she threw her head back before biting her lips with a dazed look. "You're squeezing me so tightly." He groaned, pumping more.

'I feel you in my chest..and it's Amazing!' She mused, groaning wordlessly as he fucked her into a trance of pleasure.  Feeling herself get hotter, wetter, tighter at the situation, her nerve endings popping like fireworks.

" Oooh. Stars .." she purred as she moved more rapidly. "Wait..too good..gonna, Hasuh.."

"OOOHHGGW!" Steven growled at the hurried pace. 
"Wait, Cross..cross legs.."

Steven nodded as he kissed her before lifting himself and sitting crossed-legged.
Connie followed suit, trembling as she sat up and turned around before slowly, playfully, and lusciously grinding downward towards his dick.

"Oh fuck, so thick and fat." She praised as she moved her hips up and down slowly. gasping at the feeling of being stretched again by the only man allowed to have her.
"I don't know if that's a compliment or an insult," Steven responded with a tease and a smack to her glorious ass.

"My beautiful liege, I can only praise." she swayed her hips, allowing her to feel all of him in her now cream dripped pussy. "Oh, Naraka and Nirvana!"

Steven huffed as Connie pranced and rode in a passionate and slow vigor-building fashion. making sure he felt every crevice of her pussy as she slid, twisted, swayed up and down his dick, wailing like a starlet as she leaned back on him and guided his left hand to tease her clit. "Fuck..I don't know how much I can take."

"Oh, Steven..steven." She mumbled, "Tell me. I'm making you feel good.. How good my pussy feels squeezing yoooo~oouu" she kissed him deeply.

Steven shivered under her as she moved. Rubbing Connie's clit and stroking her breast as he bit her collarbone. " Oh fuck , you feel good on me, Berry." The feeling of her ass bouncing on his thigh as her sex slick, compressed and caressed his member was tremendous. "You feel like ecstasy epitomized !" He howled as he rubbed her clit.

"Yes! Your thrust, your touch! I love it, Biscuit." She swooned, bouncing with more might on his dick, grabbing her breast as she worked.

" Ooh~hoo...It's coming..It's coming, "  Connie yelled as she felt the telling build-up of a climax rise in her gut. "Ohh, I'm gonna cum..gonna cum..can I cum for you bisky, please let me cum for you." 

Steven instantly flexed his dick against her walls, hitting her sweet spot. The sensation of her tightening around his dick, jerking It with her warm, wet pussy made him moan in pure pleasure.

  "Ohh stars!" He yelled, looking love drunk as he turned her chin to face him, stealing her lips as she stabbed herself even more with his dick, holding on to his knees as she moved her big curvy ass.

" Ooh, Steven i.I ..I.FFF"

Connie lost her voice as she became undone. Her body shuddered as she released a spray of juices from her sex. Her pussy walls clamping and releasing his member as her orgasm rocked her, sending her to a momentary consciousness of euphoric bliss and toes curling hypersensitivity.

Steven, too, found himself in a state of bliss as the feel of her orgasmic muscle spasms tried to suck and pump his very essence, causing him to clench her and roam her body more.  His palms soon found her hips and pulled her creamy soaking pussy up to his tip...Before he crashed it back to the base of his dick...

' Uugghwokah .'
Connie couldn't come up with words or thought as he penetrated her so totally and intensely, and pleasure surged her synapses. Her fingers curled up on his knees as she sat up.  Looking at him...pleading. 


She yelped in reverence for him as he guided her hips up and down his dick at his own pace. Hearing him grunt and groan with her, all the while, their bodies were smacking with sweat and love liquids. 

"Oh fuck! Berry, you're the best. the way you squeeze me and knead my dick." He stopped as he felt her tightened again, and her muscles twitched again.."Are you going to cum for me again? Hmm?" He kissed her cheek, trailing to her opened mouth as his tongue met her own, kissing her as he up the pace, feeling her hiked and short breaths fall in line with his fucking of her.

"ooh! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes!...FFFFUUCKK"! Connie announced as she was rocked again... Holding on to him as she continued to ride through the fantastic erotic delight.

"Biscuit! fuck me..fill me, fill me." She implored as she brought both of them down to a mating press," I know -SMACK- Uggwoi!!! Fuck. -SMACK- you been holding it. -SMACK-...hmmm~uumm" She slipped, laying lower and arching her back more, her eyes rolling around. 

Connie's mind was clouded by pleasure and Steven, as she jabbed her G-spot again, jerking him off with her undercarriage, "but please don't, -SMACK- ..OOSOWOO!... let it go. Fill me..fill me. " She begged as she fucked harder and faster, yelping each time hearing him howl and bark as he struggled not to cum.
" Ni...Four years." He said through pained and pleasured grunts. " like you... Do me. Fuckf~uck~fuck .."

"Oh God, I feel you twitching in me'! "  she clawed the bed as they both began moving their hips in tandem. "Oh yes. Cum! cum..make up for the four years, and cum for the ass you love so much," she challenged, making his right hand smack her ass, "yes. Hmmm!"

Steven answered her challenge as he held her hands, leaned over, and kissed her through her panting moans, breathing brokenly himself.

"Do I..fukck..make..ohhhh..make you feel.... goo~ood?"

" Ohh..fuck..yeah...Ohh fuckin." 

"Yes, cum in my pussy... Show me, you look~oOHVFUCK...HEH-HA. St-st-st...Hmm!"



Moaning out, her voice broke, and her sounds turned to whimpers; she became weak and breathy, holding onto him as her body trembled.

The wound-up cord in her snapping and releasing all of that tension, all that wanton, all that loneliness as the pleasure washed over her.  She panted; the overstimulation started when he kept thrusting; she could take it, she wanted to. He would cum that way, and stars, it was too much fun for her, getting ravaged like this...

He heard her, felt her reach her pinnacle, and placed even more work into loving her; he could feel it coming to a climax. He growled as her muscles took hold of his dick.

Her pussy; wet, hot glorious pussy, seemingly begged for his cum.

"Fuck I'm about to pump my Berry full of my cream...Oh yes, yes!" He kissed her deeply as he drilled deep into Connie, thrusting like a mad demon holding her hip as he did.

' Oh fuck fuck fuck Connie, I love you. OHHTHRUST ROARSFFF--FGGUUUCK.'
Steven kisses her deeply, still thrusting as he crammed her with hot cum, kissing her, claiming his love for her. Still thrusting into her.

Crying out as he fills her up...Connie heaves, still moaning every time he thrusts; the sounds of his roars and groans and growls caused her face to become hot, flushing a deep crimson as she groans into the kiss, tilting her head to kiss him properly...

The feeling of her lips, of her touch, of Her.. warmed him so thoroughly. He couldn't help the almost childlike laughter. 
" did I luck out with you?
Feel like I've been blessed." He chuckled softly...basking in his jambud skin as he laid upon her. Still inside of her. His breathing slowed and relaxed.

"You definitely treat me like one..really, what a way to reunite." She moaned lustfully, still feeling him fill her, holding his cheek and kissing the other, "Dear stars and gods, I taunt...I'm gonna love you throughout this and all my other lifetimes."

"Never letting you go, again."

"I'll hold you to that." Sweaty, tired, and full of love, Connie turned on her back before holding her Steven between her arms and legs, stroking his locks as he snuggled into her breast and squeezed her ass.

"So...You sure I can't have a goodie bag?"
Connie chuckled, kissing his head," you can have all the goodie bags.." Breathing in their sex-scented atmosphere, the two closed their eyes, holding each other closer, feeling reignited.

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