
He had always liked her.

Her adorable laugh, her cute smile, the big bow that was always on her head, her beautiful golden locks, her beautiful blue eyes that were almost the same color as his, her voice that sounds so angelic he cant believe it was coming from a human being, her angelic face, her kind attitude. Everything about her, he loved them all.

She liked him back, secretly.

The way he treats her, how he cares for her so much, his voice that always seems to calm her down, his handome yet cute face, his beautiful hair that shone like the sun, his eyes that were almost the same hue as hers, his cute little ponytail. She loved everything about him.

If only one of them had gotten the courage before they graduated in middle school....

"Hey Len! Why are you in there all alone? Come on! The graduation ceremony is about to start!" Rin said as she dragged her 'friend' outside the classroom.

"But, Rin, I dont want to graduate, I dont want to be separated from you." He said, and the girl became shocked.

He was also shocked by his own words. If he had continued talking, he could have confess all of a sudden. And he wouldnt want that.

"I dont want to leave you too, Len but life is really like this. We say hellos and goodbyes. Its sad, but we have to be strong." She said and smiled at him.

"But Rin, I--" He stopped talking when he was about to say the words he had always wanted to tell her.

"What's wrong?" She asked, tilting her head.

"Nothing, lets go, were gonna be late." He said and grabbed her hand and they headed to the gymnasium.

Why cant he tell her that he likes- no, loves her? Why was it so hard for him? Just three simple words, why cant he say it? He keeps asking himself, but he knows the anwer-

-he was afraid to be rejected. He was afraid to lose her, like how he is going to right now. Leaving her side was painful to him.

He looked at her face. It looks beautiful as ever. Her porcelain skin, her cute little nose, her pink lips that he dreamt of kissing, her rosy cheeks, her bright blue eyes. Oh, how he's gonna miss them.

"Uhh, Len, you're staring..." She said uncomfortably as her rosy cheeks went red.

"Oh, sorry. I cant help it, you're so beautiful." He said with a smile as her face went redder. "And it might be the last time I can stare at it." And with that, all the embarassment had left Rin's face, all that was left was sadness.

"Why did my family have to go to Tokyo? I don't like it there..." She said and cried in his arms.

Both of them wants this moment to last forever, but both of them also knows that it cant. They still have to go to the graduation ceremony. They were destined to be parted, thats what they think.

"Lets go now, I dont like the idea of Miku smacking us with leeks because of being late." Len said and they both laughed, but the laugh was forced, they both know that.

During the whole graduation ceremony, they were both crying their eyes out. The dont want to be away from eachother. After this, Rin's family will be moving to Tokyo. It was far from Sapporo, and they had never been so far from eachother ever since they met--

The day they met... He can still remember how lovely she looked like when she was standing alone in the streets with a smile as the cherry blossom petals slowly fall on the ground and some in her hair. She looked so beautiful, just merely standing in there. The moment she talked, her sweet voice sounded like the most beautiful thing he ever heard.

He knew that was love, even if they dont know eachother that time. He knew it was love at first sight. He never imagined he's gonna lose her. He has to confess to her but just simply cant.

"Len....this is goodbye." Rin smiled with tears visible at the edge of her eyes.

"Yeah..." He said as hot tears streamed down his face. He dont want to be away from her, neither did she.

"Text me..okay?" She said and sniffed.

"I will." He said even though he knew texting her wont do. He has to see her everyday and hear her voice, it was like oxygen to him.

How he regretted for not confessing at that time. That was his last chance. He should have told her, maybe that would changed many things that happened after that,

After Rin had left, she never texted him. It was not like she had forgotten about him. It was just simply because she wanted him to text her first, but he never did. He didnt because he was waiting for her to text him.

These two was always waiting for eachother but both are to shy to make a move. This was the main reason neither of the comfessed at the graduation.

After a year, she started texting him. He was so overwhelmed at that time. It was like being revived after his death. He knew that was overacting but that simple hello meant everything to him.

After weeks of texting, they planned to meet eachother again. This time, he told himself that he's gonna tell her. He is going to confess, and this time, he is confident. But things always dont go the way you wanted to.

The moment he saw her, his heart stopped beating. It was like when they first met, she was standing alone with a smile on her face as the cherry blossom petals fell.

It was just like before, except her hair had become longer and her bow tied her hair in a half ponytail. It was not the same anymore but he liked it, she became more beautiful. She looked so stunning even if she's just wearing a simple dress.

"Uh, hey, Rin." Was all he managed to say.

"Oh, hey Len." She said with a smile. Oh, how he missed that smile.

He know he became a lovesick idiot this past months but he didnt care. Seeing her right before his eyes meant like everything right now.

"So, how was Tokyo?" He asked.

"There was so many people and tall buildings! I even got lost on my first day of school, bht luckily a guy on the same school helped me." She said and she looked extremely happy.

"That was good, did you have friends there?" He asked and she nodded.

"Yep! There was Gumi, and Mayu, and IA! They were so nice to me! And then Oliver and Kaito and...Piko..." She said and her face went red.

"What's wrong? Who is this Piko guy?" He asked. He knew the answer but he hoped he was wrong. Oh, how he hoped he was wrong.

"He was the guy that helped me on my first day. He was very nice and sweet to me! I kinda like him....hehehe..." She said and nervously laughed.

Her smile was cute but thinking that a guy makes her smile like that felt like someone had stabbed him, right in the heart.

"Oh, I see..." He said as his eyes was filled with sadness.

"Len, there something wrong?" She asked with eyes full of concern.

"Nothing...nothing is wrong. Im fine." He said and forced a smile.

"It was so obvious that was a fake smile. Something is wrong, tell me." She said.

He have to tell her, it was what he planned to do after all. He felt like have to confess.

"Rin, I actually like you..." He said and she looked shocked.

Of course she would, she liked him too-- before.

"I-is that....true?" She asked as tears began to well up in her eyes.

"No, that was a lie." He said and she smacked his arm.

"Don't make silly jokes like that, Len! Just tell me the problem." She said and he sighed.

"The truth is I love you, for a very long time now." He said and she started crying.

"Len I..... I'm so sorry...I also loved you....but that was before, I told you, I like someone else now.." She said between sobs.

She cant believed he loved him back. But the timing is not was too late...

"I should have told you before....the day of the graduation ceremony...I should have told you....but I was afraid you will reject me..." He said and cried too.

How he wished he could turn back time. How he wished he told her back then. How he wished she never moved. Thoughts flooded his mind about what could have possibly happened, but there was only one thing he was sure about.....

Regrets always come at the end.

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