XI | "Sounds like an invitation."
AS SOON AS THEY REACHED THE LAKE, A GENTLE AIR HAD surrounded them. Jasper was gazing at Margeaux, and Margeaux was trying and failing at avoiding it. She felt the corners of her lips curling an idea coming to mind. A notion she saved for later after finding Jasper's refined persona behind his bedroom door.
She took one step closer to the lake, heading into muddy territory until Jasper grasped her elbow in concern. "Woah, where are you going?"
"Swimming," She simply muttered, shrugging like she just mentioned the sky was blue. Jasper blinked at her, scowling at the obvious comment.
"I meant, why are you doing this?"
"Why not, vieil homme bouché?" Margeaux teased, glancing at him over her shoulder. "That means, stuffy old man, in case you didn't know. C'mon, one swim won't hurt you, Jaspe." Her accent curled around his new nickname, causing him to stand straighter, more alert.
"What about swim clothes," He smirked, knowing where she was going with this.
Margeaux mirrored his expression before pulling down the hem of her skirt. Her frilly, lace underwear was suddenly exposed to the natural light of the day, decorating her olive skin with a femininity that persuaded flowers to bloom. It was daring in broad daylight, but she didn't seem to mind.
"You're joining me, no?" She coerced sensually and Jasper hesitated for a spilt second.
The conditioned solider within him fought against his willingness to participate. He was tempted watching her delicate fingertips slid against the dip of her waist to her thighs. His Adam's apple bobbed as he swallowed, golden eyes darkening and his restaint waned.
She could see the struggle behind his eyes, the battle between control and liberty. Marge wanted to unlock his chains, even for a few minutes of bliss. She wanted him to feel just as free as she was with him around.
Padding closer to him, she stepped out of her flats along the way. The squish of her bare feet in the mud was cringe-worthy but it was chaos of it all that would make it worthwhile.
A little more than a breath away, she glanced up at him. Blazing golden sun meeting serene sea blue. "May I?" Her hands were poised at his waist, not touching bit ghostly there, waiting.
Jasper nodded once but she arched a brow, assuredly. "Yes?"
"Do it, Margeaux." Because I can't, He wanted to finish but he withheld. She seemed to get the hint. Marge pinch the button on his trousers and easily undid them. They both exhaled visibly before she grabbed ahold of his jeans and slid down to the grass below, tugging them along with her.
Standing there, looking down at her as she eyed him beneath her lashes, he was teetering on the precipice of his self-control. His fist clenched, the veins in his arms bulging, jaw clenched. Margeaux thought he looked heavenly and hellish at the same time.
"C'mere." He instantly helped her up with a little more power than he intended for fear of losing himself completely. She stumbled slightly into him, her human tendacies coming into play.
Jasper laid his large hands underneath her blouse, nearly touching her navel and spine at the same time. Her skin was unbelievably soft and sensitive, quivering at his assertive grip. Marge bit her bottom lip at the sensation, loving every moment of this more than she'd care to admit. She wasn't planning for this to be so intangibly hot but they were a chemical reaction waiting to erupt.
He tugged her blouse over her head, showcasing her matching bralete. Her raven hair fell around her shoulders in straight caresses, framing her face beautifully. Jasper was lost for words, savoring every image in his mind, as they were worth a thousand.
Soon, his Henly was tossed aside with the rest of their clothes, only leaving them in undergarments. Margeaux stepped away from him, perusing his lean and muscled frame with much appreciation. She wasn't shy with her body nor was she with anyone elses'. Jasper was a work of art, she'd contest to the grave.
"Come, American man." She continued the adventure, beckoning him to take the plunge. With one last convincing glance, she waded in the lake before diving in. Her mischievious smile disappearing within the flowing deep.
Margeaux swam below the surface for a few moments, taking in the algae and the living organisms in the dirt and sand mixture. Tadpoles scurried around, causing a smile to curl her lips. She didn't need to breathe often or for long, it made exploring less restricting.
When she finally resurfaced, dark tresses molding to the shape of her face. her face pinched in confusion. "Jasper?" She called, not finding him where she had left him. In the split second she figured out he was in the water with her, she was dragged down below by the ankle. Marge barely let out a squeak before she was sumerged once more.
Grasping for air up above, she immediately splashed at Jasper's smug grin. "Vous cul!" Marge choked on her laughter, her face borderline cramping from how wide her smile was. (You ass)
"I couldn't resist." He stated shamelessly, loving how effortless her smile looked right now. How her face flowed with joy when she did. How her aura lifted and erupted like a volcano of pure elation. He loved how deeply she felt and how often she allowed herself to feel every emotion.
They swam in a relative circle. From a birds eye view, they assembled the ying-yang symbol, caught in each others orbit.
Jasper's unnatural body adapted to the temperature of the lake as soon as he got in. He knew his skin would be more bareable to touch now, although Marge never showed signs of discomfort while pressed against him or while she was on his arm. Sometimes, he wished he kept certain aspects of being human. Such as the constant beat of his heart or the consistent warmth, like Margeaux. In fact, he was curious still, how she maintained such a feat.
"So tell me, about your vegetarian diet. How does that work, exactly?"
The Golden haired immortal smirked at her choice of words and the weird way she mouthed them, like she was smelling something foul. "Instead of feeding on humans, we hunt animals," He spoke matter-a-fact.
Margeaux rolled her eyes. "No, I know that. I meant, how does that work in the real world. Er – how do you cope, around people – society?" She struggled for how to phrase it. A jumble of French and English terms clashing in her mind.
"You want to know how we can live among the humans," He summed up helpfully, causing her head to bob in agreement. Clicking his tongue, he thought for a moment. Debating with himself if he showed be transparent. They both had been up to now. And if Marge can share her relationship with Edward, he could confess his struggles as well.
"I... have trouble the most out of everyone. The bloodlust of the coven is an emotion in itself, so when say Edward feels drawn to his natural urges..."
"You feel them too," Marge hummed with intrigued, feeling the droplets of water falling down the slope of her nose. "Do you struggle here?"
"Well," He knocked his head side to side.
This made her eyebrows furrow, tenatively. "I'm sorry. I didn't think what coming here, living with the Danvers could do your self-control." She frowned further, rethinking their housing situation.
However, Jasper shook his damp head, curls springing from around the tops of his shoulders. "No, don't worry. It actually hasn't been too bad, especially because you don't thirst after them. I really only feel my own urges."
"That's because I don't need blood to sustain myself... I can survive on either; food or blood." Margeaux surveyed his reactions sceptically, weighing in the water as his expressions shifted from one to another. Sighing, she relinquished another facet of her life. "I was born as a vampire – a hybrid, really. Half human and half immortal."
She swam closer to him, taking his hand into her own and placing it on her chest. "It's why my eyes are blue instead of red, and why you can feel and hear my heart beating." Jasper took the time to listen, although he did it every time he was around her. He never got tired of it. The fast paced, strong thumps of her heart, was something he'd long to hear forever.
Jasper slid his hand from her chest up and around to her shoulder, caressing the length of her arm, delicately. "You have blood flowing through your veins. It's why you blush," His lips quirked into a small smile. "I love it when you blush."
As if he triggered it himself, her cheeks warmed beautifully. Her eyes rolling in false annoyance."You're not replused by me?"
"I have no reason in the world to be," He professed it so strongly, so honestly, her poised expression of indifference fell. Her walls were rebuilding in case he said something of agreement to her question. Something rude and hurtful. But she was forced to pause at his sincere confession, purse her lips with astonishment.
"Most vampires hate what I am, but love what I can give them." She was reminded of Felix and Caius and even more of the Volturi guard, who despise her existence yet used and violated her every asset to their advantage.
Whether it be her gifts, looks or lineage, everyone wanted something from her and simultaneously hated her because of how much they wanted from a half-ling. It was a cycle she was familiar with, but Jasper seemed to just want her love.
"They're jealous. It's a powerful emotion that can make you do the darn'est things. But you are worth far more than one fleeting emotion, Margeaux."
Meeting his gaze, she felt her heart calm its anxious tempo. Memories of mistreatment blurring away to the sight of his handsome face. His hand came up to caress the line of her jaw, adding droplets of water and taking some away. A give and take that stole her breath. Briefly, her eyes glimmered with overemotion, a tremble in her chin. "Than, what am I worth?"
"Every single one of them. The in betweens, the unnamed and unspoken ones, the painful and relief filled ones. The speechless ones and loud ones, forgotten emotions, savored emotions, praised and cursed emotions. You are worth all of them and then some... and I'd feel them all just to be with you."
No one would believe you if you told them that Margeaux Bellerose shed a tear at Jasper's words this day. Her lips formed the most sad and elated smile on history. She glanced between his golden irises and fell homeward bound for his heart.
She somehow had swam closer to him in his confession, causing the inches between to disappear. Her hand slid up the side of his strong neck and twirled the wet curls hanging there in tangled clumps. Jasper held her by the waist, a ghost of his hand, tentative and hesitant.
"Jasper Whitlock, are you courting me?" For some reason, Marge felt the need to whisper. Like the moment was too fragile for boisterous voices, it needed a feather touch.
"If you'll have me," He flickered his gaze towards her plush lips and back to her opal eyes. She was so close, he could feel her heart beating on his own chest and it was a feeling he never wanted to end.
Margeaux leant forward and nodded her head. Their noses brushing with the slow movement, causing her breath to hitch. "I've really wanted to kiss you." She was asking, instead of commanding or feeling where the moment took her. Jasper noticed this with everything she did. Consent was important to her, more so than the usual situation.
"My apologies, ma'am, for keeping you waiting." Without another second going by, Jasper sealed his lips over her own. Her hand tightened on his curls as she was taken on euphoric ride of a lifetime. Their kiss fell right into place, savoring every facet of each other. Committing one another to memory.
The taste of his lips. The roughness in which he kissed, covering his large hand over the pulse point of her throat. A languid stroke to tongue, which gave way to a cacophonous of endorphins that made her thighs tighten around his waist from over stimulation. She was flying and crashing at the same time. Rising to the heavenly clouds and falling into the pits of Jasper's soul. A harmony she couldn't put into cognizant words but only a breathy moan.
Music to his ears.
They were wet and passionate. Biting with their teeth and soothing with their tongues. Air was unnecessary and they didn't care that they had run out of it a long time ago. This moment had been mounting. A chaotic mix of sexual tension, pure attraction and tangible adoration.
This was probably the first kiss Margeaux truly didn't regret and it meant the world to her. She wanted it to last for however long he was willing. Jasper was courting her. She was worth being courted like a lady.
It was enough to brand in her mind. And as she finally parted from him, still a sensual kiss away, eyes droopy and filled with haze – she was pleased to know she had the same effect on him as well. Lips slightly swollen, she nuzzled her nose right up against his, affectionately. Causing Jasper to grin the pearliest, most prettiest smile she'd ever seen.
"It was worth the wait," She murmured and she meant it.
All those years surviving, she was starting to realize what it might mean to have something to live for. Not just her Mother's vendetta. Not just her Father's agenda. But her own desires as well, and right now, she desired more of Jasper Whitlock.
Unedited Jan 07 2021
We finally have a kiss!! This is a little later than I usually plan first kisses and I was going to have them wait longer, but as I was writing this – this felt right. They were just too hot to write!
I hope you guys liked it. Let me know what you thought, Comment, Vote! Xx
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