[Y/n's POV]
After eating the yummy food sarah prepared for us, Me and Raynare got dressed and started walking to Kuoh Academy. Luckly, i don't have to go to school, simce i graduated days ago. And he gave us directions to a old clubhouse
Raynare: Hey, y/n.
Y/n: *looks at Raynare* Yeah?
Raynare: I'm a little scared..
Y/n: About what?
Raynare: Of how more devil's will feel being around me.
Y/n: Raynare, trust me when i say..that i wont let anyone hurt you. Ok?
Raynare: *smiles, then pecks his lips* Thanks, my black Dragon.
Y/n: Anytime.
We saw the school and entered the courtyard, until someone stopped us..
??: Stop right there, you two!
We halted to see who stopped us..a girl with pink eyes and glasses
[???'s POV]
I sensed a huge Dragon power within the guy who entered Kuoh. I should question him and see his motives..
???: Stop right there you two!
They stopped and saw me with a questionable look, then i walked close to them..
???: Why are you two in school property? You're not students.
Y/n: We were personally asked by a red haired "human" to come here.
???: Red..haired human? Surely you must've been hit on your head.
Raynare: He name was Sirzech. He personally asked us to come to an old building here
I felt a bit shocked that a human knows the demon lord. I shook it off and continued speaking..
Sona: Ok. I believe you. I am Sona Sitri, Student Council President of Kuoh Academy.
Y/n: Y/n L/n.
Raynare: Call me Raynare.
Sona: Ok. Well, I'll be going now. Take care you two.
Y/n: Same to you.
Raynare: Later!
I walked away from the two, thinking of something..
Sona: *thoughts* What could the demon lord be thinking with him?
[No One's POV]
After the girl named sona left, y/n and Raynare were left to themselves..
Raynare: Hey, Y/n.
Y/n: *turns to raynare* Hmm?
Raynare: Do you think she was getting suspicious about us?
Y/n: Yeah. I felt demonic energy coursing through her. Lets be cautious.
Raynare: Mmhmm.
Y/n: By his directions, Sirzech said that the old building is behind the school
They walked around the school building for a few minutes, until they reached a tattered building with trees..
Y/n: Looks like the place.
Raynare: Sure looks like it. Shall we go?
Y/n: Lets.
[Y/n's POV]
We walked to the building and found an opened door and i pushed it opened some more, so we can get in. In another room, we peeked through a door to hear and see a conversation..
Rias: Everyone's here. Good..
Raynare: Must be her peerage.
???: My lady, if you don't mind, may I have your permission to speak openly?
Rias: No, no. That's ok, Grayfia.
Y/n: So that's the silver woman's name..
Isami: What's this about, Rias-Sama?
Rias: Well, you see-
Grayfia: Actually, miss gremory. It's best if everyone was here..
Before i can comprehend what she just said, the door we were near to got blasted off. I shielded Raynare from the explosion to protect her. From the smoke, i looked back to see grayfia staring at me..
Y/n: So.. what's up?
Grayfia: How did you find this place?
Y/n: You can thank Sirzechs for that.
Grayfia: *feels the Chaos Dragon in him and thinks* So he's the Black Dragon Emperor.. *to reality* My apologies for the damage i caused..
Raynare: *stays behind me and looks at Grayfia* We're ok. My man here*pointed to me* Shielded me..
Akeno: ara, ara~ isn't that the same handsome stud we heard of before?
Grayfia: I almost forgot. Please enter.
Nice lady. I gently grabbed Raynare's hand and pulled her into a room with the Gremory princess and her peerage. Isami kept eyeing me like i was a piece of candy..
Rias: *smiles at me* Hello, y/n. *narrows eyes at Raynare* Raynare..
Raynare: *whispers to me* I still dont like her..
Y/n: can't blame you thou-Oof!!*gets tackled by Asia in a hug*
Asia: Y/n! You're here!
Y/n: *chuckles nervously, and hugs back* Nice to see you too, Asia..
Isami: So, why are you here, Y/n?
Y/n: I believe your king wanted to explain the situation.
Rias: Thank you. You see everyone.. the truth is-
Rias was cut off by a bright orange glyph shining on left side on the room.
As it was shining in the room, a blond haired man in his mid 20's appeared where the magic circle was.He wore a red suit with no tie, and the undershirt was buttoned open to expose his chest.
???: Ahh..and Riser has arrived in the humn realm. I've come all this way to see you, my beloved Rias.
Y/n: Umm..who in God's name is this douche?
Grayfia: This gentleman is Riser
Phenex-sama. He is a pure-blooded Devil and 3rd heir in line to the House of Phenex. He is also fiance to the current heir of the House of Gremory.
Isami: Say what?!
Y/n: Rias-san has been engaged to him for sometime, no?
Grayfia: *nods* indeed.
Raynare and i decided to sit on the couch across from Riser and Rias. Riser was sipping a cup of tea with one hand, while holding a lock of Rias's hair with the other.
Riser: Excellent. The tea prepare by my Rias' Queen is quite lovely. *sneaks a peek peek at Akeno*
Akeno: *bows with a fake smile* Thanks for the complement.
Rias: *gets up, not looking at the Phenex* Enough, Riser. Why do you not understand that I have no intention of ever marrying you.
Riser: But my darling, Riser believes that your family's circumstances are so dire that you can't afford to be so selfish.
Rias: I will NOT bring my family to ruin! Get that, I have no intention of denying your right to our family's name. But my husband will be my choice!
Riser: Remember Rias, it's imperative that devils remain pure blood. We're still recovering our numbers from the last war. Believe me, your father and Sirczechs decided on this arrangement with the future of devils in mind.
Y/n: And i believe that bird-brain here doesn't deserve Rias. Not to mention that the constant speaking in third person makes Riser sound pretty dumb.
Rias and Raynare had a small smile on her face, the others were looking at me with wide eyes, and Raiser glared at me with intense anger.
Riser: I care little for a what low-class filth like you think. As a Pure-Blooded Devil, Rias has a responsibility to restore our population. To do so, she must marry me.
Raynare: *crosses her arms* Please, there are many more Pure-Bloods out there that can help her procreate. And the whole 'Pure-Blood' thing is complete bull.
Riser: *glares* What nonsense do you speak?
Raynare: The only difference between Pure-Bloods and reincarnated Devils is that the former were born as they are. There is no difference between the genetic makeup of the two. I've done my research. The 'Pure-Blood' thing is a complete sham. *glares back*
Riser: *scoffs* You know nothing.
I rolled my eyes at his arrogance, but didn't press it. I'll have more opportunities to drive him nuts later.
Rias: I will not crush my house! And I am willing to take a husband!
Riser: Ah, as I have expected from Rias! Then let's go-
Rias didn't let him finish what he was about to say and told him.
Rias: But I will never marry you, Riser! I will marry someone I acknowledge. Even Devils from the old noble house have the right to choose!"
Rias: *raises voice* Regardless, for the final time Riser, I will NOT marry you!
Riser: *grips Rias's chin to make her look at him* And for the final time Rias, Riser bears the reputation of the House of Phenex. Besmirching of our good name is unacceptable. I too am a Devil who carries the name of the House of Phoenix behind me. I can't have that name get tarnished. I don't even want to come to this tiny old building in the human world! I am the proud Phenex who resembles and rules fire and wind! However fire and wind in this world is filthy! For me, someone in a High-class to visit this disgusting place… I CAN'T STAND IT!"
Fires started to appear on Riser's body. There killing intent and hostility from Riser causes everyone in the room to get into fighting stance. Except for Me, Raynare and Grayfia.
Riser: Rias, I will take you back to the Underworld, even if I have to BURN ALL OF YOUR SERVANTS! AND GUESTS!
Rias: *unleashes demonic red aura around her* DON'T YOU DARE THREATEN MY SERVANTS!.l
Riser ignored Rias and increase his demonic power. The fire started to cover his body, going around his back and form a wings of fire. He then raises his right hand up while the fire started to accumulate and coat on his hand. He then brought his hand aiming at Rias's servants. He shot out the fireball big enough to engulf the group of servants. Grayfia was about to interfere, but something stopped her..Chaos. he must've stored time for a few moments to talk to me.
Y/n: Chaos. *smirks* Wanna show this chicken your power?
Chaos: Yes. I had enough of his bickering. Also, i made you are immune to any fire, and absorb any flame related attack.
Raynare: This should be good..
I grinned and step forward. Opening my hands and bringing them to my side as if I'm going to give a welcome hug to the fireball.
Everyone was shock when they saw me stepping towards the fire. But they dont knew my power yet. Hell, Even Riser widened his eyes seeing what im doing. They felt misunderstood of my action, as they all thought that i was shielding Akeno, Kiba and Koneko.
Riser: *cackles*At least this pathetic human is willing to die!
Within a second, the fireball collided with Issei. However, instead of exploding when it touches Issei, the fireball started to shrink.
Riser: N-nani!?
Everyone turned to me with my sacred gear on me, as my gear absorbed the Phenex fire like it was nothing..(bascially like this. Imagine the energy color orange)
Y/n: Well..*finishes taking the fire* The power of the Phenex. Highly Disapponting coming from you.
Riser: You! How dare you disrespect me! ou human Sun! Do you even know
who you're talking to?!
Y/n: Hmm.. Lets see: A blonde ugly bitch who couldn't take no for an final answer?
Raynare: *giggles*
Riser: Why, you-*gets stopped by Grayfia*
Grayfia: Now, as it is known, I'm here by order of Sir Czechs. Which means there will be NO disruption of peace."
When told such an ominous thing, by one who is known as the Ultimate Queen, even Riser can become somewhat fearful. My master anticipated there would be a conflict of some sort. As such, he has assigned me a last resort, should My Lady insist on putting her own preferences above those of her family.
Kiba: And what may that be?
Grayfia: A rating game.
Isami: What's a rating game?
Akeno: The Rating Game, is a game noble devils play. To make a long story short, they and their servants compete in a battle to determine who wins.
Y/n: When you put it that way, it's like playing a large game of chess?
Akeno: That's right. Exactly, that's why each of us have powers inspired by what we call Evil Pieces. Which are required to play the Rating Game.
Riser: Good luck with that. Riser has played numerous Rating Games and scored several victories for himself. Unfortunately, my inexperienced bride has never even qualified for an official game. She cannot beat me."
Rias scowls at Riser as he smugly grins.
Y/n: We'll see about that.
Riser: So, my Rias..*looks at her peerage* is this adorable group the extent of your Peerage?
Rias: *crosses arms* Aside from Y/n and Raynare, yes. What of it?
Riser: Then this battle will be easy *laughs as he snapped his fingers*
Another orange magic circle appeared, revealing 15 girls in different outfits. A woman dressed like an arabian harem girl, a couple of loli twins in High School gym clothes, a woman in skimpy armour, so on and so forth. The most interesting one was a girl in a long pink dress. She seemed to carry herself like a lady, and had blond hair tied into twin drills.
Riser: Riser has a complete set. In other words, i have 15.
Y/n: Wow..this guy can actually count.
Everyone in the room giggled, even some of Riser's girls.
Y/n: Despite this, im unimpressed with this.
The girls who were giggling stopped and glared at me, along with Riser and the remaining girls.
Y/n: I mean yes, you have a lot of stunning women, but that doesn't make them powerful or strong. A harem does nothing to prove your worth Riser.
Some of the girls blushed when they heard me call the stunning. Mostly the blonde one..
Riser: You should learn you place, boy.
Y/n: I do know my place, and it's not at your knees. All I see when I look at you is a worthless fried chicken who has to have his Peerage full of beautiful women just to feel good about himself. I bet most of your Peerage were chosen for their looks, not their power. Or even forced to join you.
Riser: hmph. *calls his queen* Yubelluna!
Yubelluna: Yes, my lord.
A tall woman with purple hair and dressed in a skimpy harem girl's outfit stepped away from the group of girls and approached Riser. The aforementioned jackass held the woman's chin and proceeded to give her a deep sensual kiss. I actually gagged when I saw their tongues wriggling in each other's mouths.
The others had mixed reactions. Akeno kept her lady like smile, though I could see in her eyes she did NOT like like what she saw, Kiba remained impassive, Koneko gagged, Asia's face burnt red as she took a glance at Issei, and said pervert was glaring with hatred, mixed in with a bit of perversion, and Rias was the same, without the perversion. After a few moments, Riser and Yubelluna separated, a disgusting string of saliva between them. Riser moved his Queen to a position in which he was holding her from behind, one hand on her cheek, and the other on her breast, groping her.
Riser: No matter how long you live, you can never get what i have.
Y/n: I fail to see how kissing a girl makes you better than us.
Riser: What do you know? I bet you never touched a woman.
Y/n: Actually, i have. Both physically and sexually.
Most of the women im the room blushed deep red.
Y/n: But tell me this..is the Devil Society alright with you screwing your own sister?
I gestured to the drill-haired girl who turned red like a tomato..
Riser: *gets red with anger* I do not touch my sister! I merely added her to my Peerage to complete my harem. Nothing more.
Y/n: Oh. *smirks* Oh? I would've figured a High-Class Devil like yourself wouldn't care about thing that the humans say is disgusting. "Incest" for example.
Riser: *trembles with anger* You little..
Y/n: And on what grounds do you think you should be allowed to fight a Rating Game with Rias? You versus a Peerage with no training or experience? Yeah..you're someone to respect.
Riser: Riser should kill you. Here and now!
Y/n: You'll die trying.
Riser: is that a threat? *shoves me*
Grayfia: Lord Phenex! Enough!
Raynare: You'll regret that.
Riser: Im shaking in my boots.
He tried touching me again, but i grabbed his wrist..
Y/n: I warned you.
I kneed his gut and punched his face, causing him to fly to a wall and making a crater behind. Everyone, expect raynare was beyond shocked of a human, hurting a devil. I started walking to him..
Riser: Bastard. *spits blood* Myra, get him!
A girl with blue hair and white gi with a red robe intercepts me..
Isami: She's tiny. What the hell can she do?
Myra attempts to attack me with her staff, but i dodged, grabbed her arm, elbows her gut, and then threw her over my shoulder. Everyone in the room gasped once again. Riser went wide eyed for a split second, before glaring again.
Y/n: A real shame you're with him. If i was your king, i treat you like the beautiful girl that you are..
Myra blushed from what i said, as i got up and went back to raynare..
Grayfia: And it is for that reason that Rias-sama will be given a handicap of 10 days to prepare.
Rias: We agree to the terms.
Riser: As do i. *to me* And as for you.
Y/n: Yes, shitface?
Riser: When the rating game begin, you will be the first to go down.
Y/n: That will be the day. Plus with two powers on my side. Nothing can stop me. Now leave.
Grayfia bowed and teleported away. Riser, who was fuming, gave me one final death glare before teleporting himself and his Peerage away as well.
Raynare: Wow..
Y/n: Something on your mind, ray-
I was then cut off by isami tackling me to the ground, with her on top..
Isami: Damn, y/n. You have got to be one brave son of a bitch.
Y/n: Umm..*scratches head* Thanks?
Isami: *leans close* Maybe that deserve an prize~
Raynare: No you don't. *grabs isami and throws her back to koneko*
Koneko: Perv. *Hits isami's head*
Isami: Ahh! So mean!
Akeno: Seems isami got the first charge.
Asia: *thoughts* Aww..i wanted to hug
Rias: Y/n.. that power. Where did it come from?
Y/n: A dragon named Chaos.
???: C-Chaos??
Isami: What are you talking about, Ddraig?
Ddraig: You all may not know this, but Chaos is the Thrid heavenly dragon. He's also known as the Rebellious Dragon.
Everyone had widened eyes, before turning to me..
Akeno: S-s-so, that would mean..
Y/n: Yes..since i am Chaos's host, i am the Black Dragon Emperor.
The whole peerage was taken back, knowing Chaos chose me. I can't really blame them.
Isami: Yay! Now i have a Dragon mate.
Y/n: M-m-mate?
Raynare: *gets angry* Back off, you brown-haired bimbo! He's my man!
Isami: When i get to him, he wont be!
Raynare: *jumps on isami* wwrraahh!!
Isami: Ack!
Both women stared scratching and pulling hairs, while rias walks up to me..
Rias: Dont worry. Im sure they'll calm down.
Y/n: I hope so.
Chaos: hehe, looks like you'll have much to do with them, my friend.
Y/n: *sighs* Couldn't said so myself, Chaos.
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