CHAPTER 6 - International Wanted
It was morning in London, and the group had spent the night in Mason's box, where the air was spoiled. Everyone was still shaken from the Dragon's threat the day before. Max had left early to buy breakfast for everyone, but when he returned he found everyone very worried. Lucas had turned on the TV and found that the news was talking about a group of fugitives who had stolen a chemical weapon. The news was everywhere, on the BBC, on CNN, on every local news station, on every social network from Instagram to Tik Tok, but the most important thing was that the photos of these individuals, now wanted by every government agency, were theirs. Apparently, El D had set them up.
They were all visibly nervous, even Kenny, who was usually calm and relaxed, was pacing nervously up and down the room. Lucas stood up and put both hands on the shelter table, then, after a few moments of silence, said: "I know some of us aren't even supposed to be here. I don't know how we got into this mess, but we can't look back, we can't let him win. He was going to unleash a chemical weapon and it's up to us, and only us, to stop him" everyone looked at him confidently, "if anyone has a plan, now's the time to share it" he added
"Wow, I have chills" Kenny said, referring to Lucas' motivational speech
"Actually, I have a plan" McClaine admitted
"And what were you waiting to tell us?" asked Max incredulously
"I haven't said anything because it's very risky, but there may be no other way" Alex said.
Everyone gathered around McClaine, they wanted to know what the plan was, it might be risky but everyone wanted to go through with it, now it was just a matter of time. Alex's plan was long and complex, it started from a disease research center on the east coast of Denmark where an old acquaintance of the FBI agent worked, but to get there they could not take a commercial flight, they had to find another way. Kenny had connections at the port of Liverpool and found a cargo ship that could take them to Denmark, illegally of course, and in exchange for reasonable compensation. The group armed themselves in the part of the crate that was full of weapons and embarked for the great north.
The sea was flat, so flat that in the darkness of the night it perfectly reflected the image of the full moon illuminating the ocean. The cargo ship crossed the frigid North Sea to the east coast of the Nordic state. It was about 2 degrees that evening, and without heaters the group was quite cold, but they were warmed by the fact that on the horizon they had just glimpsed Kᴓge, an iconic city of scientific research.
Now they had to find McClaine's old European contact, one Elena Mayer, a German by birth with American citizenship. She worked at Europe's largest disease control center and was probably the only one who could help them find out what Vial-X actually was. Kenny stole a car near the harbor and together with Alex and Isako they would head to the research center while Lucas, Mason and Max completed the other part of the plan.
The European Research Center was located near the northern shore of the city; it was a brand new building with lots of greenery outside, where several miles of gardens stretched out. The building was well guarded because all kinds of diseases, even unknown ones, were being studied inside, so it would be unwise for anyone to enter and steal them. The new plan was for Isako to go in alone and create a diversion so that Alex could approach Elena without arousing suspicion, while Kenny would wait for them outside and avoid doing any damage.
Isako took a lab coat from the trash outside and entered the research center with an improvised badge. The easy part was done, once inside she had to find a way for Alex to get in undisturbed. He went to the upper floor where he noticed the electrical panel, so he decided to turn off the lights and activate the emergency alarm. Everyone headed for the exit, and Alex was able to get in quietly as security monitored the evacuation. He made his way to basement level minus one, where he was convinced Elena Mayer was working.
The sound of the alarm echoed along the Danish coast, and the center's security began to get suspicious, since there was no danger and the alarm had no reason to be on. So it was Kenny's turn to save the potentially disastrous situation. He tried to distract the guards by starting a small fire in the gardens of the compound, knowing that it would only buy McClaine a few minutes. Alex and Isako made their way down to Lab 105, in the basement, and it was there that they encountered a woman. She had long blonde hair tied back, deep blue eyes, and that typical Scandinavian charm; she was wearing a white lab coat, latex gloves, and a security badge: it was Elena.
"Alex?" the astonished woman asked
"It's good to see you again, Elena" McClaine said
"What are you doing here?" he asked
"Actually, we need your help" Alex admitted
""You" need it?" said Elena.
"It's a long story" McClaine said hastily
"It has to do with the chemical weapons story" the woman insinuated, McClaine became visibly worried as Elena was also an Interpol agent in the area of fraud and biohazards.
"If you allow us to explain, you will understand that it is not as it seems" Isako suggested, she nodded in favor of old times.
They had little time before the Danish authorities became aware of the false alarm, and Elena rushed to analyze the Vial. Under the microscope and through various chemical analyses, she found that the toxin had an incredible self-healing ability, so it could resist any existing antibiotic or drug. Elena was amazed at the lethality of the toxin.
"This is incredible" the woman said as she looked at the serum through the microscope
"What?" asked McClaine
"Where did you find this?" she asked incredulously
"You know, it's a long story" Isako admitted
"It has the ability to resist any drug, from the mildest to the most powerful" Elena revealed
"How do you know?" asked McClaine doubtfully, "You analyzed him in ten minutes," he added
"Did I tell you how to do your job?" said Elena, "I tested his drug resistance with a special machine, we do it every day" she added, annoyed
"All right, I will never doubt you again" Alex said, "so what do we do?" he asked
"The only thing you can do is take her to the police so they can secure her" the woman revealed
"The CIA is also behind this" Alex said, "we can trust no one," he added
"I understand, but I can't help you" Elena concluded. Alex and Isako nodded, took the Vail back and hurried out of the compound
"Alex, wait" Elena suddenly stopped him, he turned around, "I know I'm going to regret this, but for old times' sake..." she said, handing his old friend a piece of paper with a satellite phone number on it, "if you get into trouble, and you will, call" he concluded.
The next day Lucas, Mason and Max were to complete the second part of the plan: find out how the Dragon had infiltrated Mason's encrypted systems, and unfortunately the only server that could find the source of the signal was that of the Cyber Police, then they would travel to Copenhagen. They were traveling to the Danish capital in a tour bus, listening to the radio to follow the events at the research lab, and Max, chewing on the language a bit, translated for his companions.
"What are they saying?" asked Lucas
"Nothing good" Max exclaimed, "they say the police are looking for those responsible for the alarm at the lab. They suspect they created a diversion to steal something from the lab, something dangerous" he added
"They're right, actually" Mason said, looking out the window at the vast Danish countryside, unsure how the plan would work. The trip took several hours, and they got off at the terminus on the outskirts of Copenhagen. They immediately went to a motel, which would be the main base of operations, and here they would wait for the other three to return from Kᴓge.
They did not have to wait long for their friends to arrive, as a few hours later, on the same day, Isako knocked on the door of the shabby motel. Max opened the door to see only two of the three friends; Kenny checked to make sure no one had followed them, and they all found themselves in the cramped living room of the room.
"What's on your mind, cavron?" said Kenny to the group
"Calm down, man," Mason said
"You want to raid a police station and you want me to calm down" continued the Mexican
"I know it sounds crazy" exclaimed Lucas, "but it's the only way to stay one step ahead of the Dragon" he added, Kenny smiled nervously and said: "You still don't get it, do you?"
"You don't know that" Max said
"Kenny's right" Alex defended him
"The poison he tried to steal can resist any drug in existence" he added. The room was silent for a few seconds
"Is it that bad?" asked Lucas
"I'm afraid so" Alex said, but as soon as he said those words, a strange gas began to escape from the vents that were smothering the six, then an assault team with rifles, gas masks and balaclavas broke down the chamber door and stunned the group with tranquilizer darts.
They did not know who they were, it could have been Danish police, Interpol or even the CIA, but they would never know for sure, at least for now. They were loaded into a van and taken to a secret location, away from everyone and everything. They felt every bump in the van, every pothole during the sleep induced by the sedative gas. At one point they heard the metallic sizzle of an electric gate opening, then nothing. Lucas was the first to wake; he found himself tied to an iron chair with plastic ties and duct tape in a dark place, the only illumination coming from two horizontal neon lights that illuminated Lucas and the entire group tied up beside him. Six chairs and six people tied up in a dark and unfamiliar place did not bode well.
"At last we meet" said a distant voice, hidden in the shadows
"Who are you?" asked Lucas, still groggy. The man stepped out of the dim light and showed himself to the LAPD detective: he was a not very tall man with shaved hair and a short mustache surrounded by a slight goatee. He was wearing a brown leather jacket, a gold necklace, and a large tattoo of a dragon on his neck. The man leaned close to Lucas' ear and whispered: "You don't recognize me, Detective."
"It's you" Lucas said incredulously, as everyone else slowly came to
"What happened?" asked Mason groggily
"I have no idea" said Kenny, who became completely petrified as he looked at the man in front of them. It was the Dragon.
"Now that you are all awake, we can begin" the Dragon announced, "My name is Ricardo Diaz, and as you have guessed, I am also known as the Dragon, and you have reached the last day of your lives" he continued
"Do you think you can scare us?" asked Max, not at all intimidated
"But I don't want to scare you, I just want to reassure you," he exclaimed, "and besides, he's scared" he said, pointing at Kenny, who still hadn't said anything
"How did you find us?" asked Lucas
"The same way as the first time, with the tracker" Diaz revealed
"What tracker?" asked Max
"The one I put in the serum in Rome" the dragon said, smiling
"Amazing you managed to get people to follow you" said Mason, referring to his teammates, "but one thing I can't explain is how you called my number in the London box?" he added
"With something called a satellite, sound familiar?" said Diaz
"Of course you terrorists are well equipped, how do you have a satellite?" said Mason ironically
"Wait, you think I'm a terrorist" he said with a chuckle
"Then why do you need a chemical weapon?" asked Isako
"For the oldest reason in the world: money" he replied briefly but comprehensively
"Sure, you'll sell it to the highest bidder" McClaine said resignedly
"No, that would be too obvious" said Diaz, "It's really nice to be here talking to you, but I have to catch a plane to New York," added Diaz.
"You won't get away with it" Lucas said boldly
"What a predictable statement and then ... I've already gotten away with it" said the Dragon, "but don't worry, I'm leaving you in good hands" he concluded, introducing his second of the six, a mercenary equipped with a Glock and military body armor.
The Dragon left the room to go to the roof where his helicopter was waiting to take him to a small private airport and from there to New York.When the mercenary heard the sound of the helicopter leaving the compound, he drew his Glock and pointed it at Isako
"Don't try to touch her" Alex suddenly said as he sat down next to her
"Or gringo?" the mercenary said ironically, pointing the gun at Alex's forehead. The mercenary was about to fire when a silenced bullet went through his temple. He collapsed to the ground and Alex breathed a sigh of relief.
"It's not the first time I've saved your ass," a voice said from behind them, everyone turned: it was Elena.
"What are you doing here?" asked Alex
"What a question, I followed you after Kᴓge and in Copenhagen I saw that a group of mercenaries kidnapped you" Elena answered comprehensively. The woman stowed her Beretta and released them from the clamps that held them to the chairs, but Kenny did not look well.
"Are you all right?" Lucas asked the Mexican
"Not at all" he replied in a weak voice
"You got it in your pants" Max teased him
"No kidding, that was the Dragon. Do you realize what we got ourselves into?" Kenny clarified
"He's got a point" McClaine backed him up
"I thought you were for running" Max challenged him
"I don't think arguing is going to solve this mess" Elena told the group
"I think you'll agree that this situation has gotten out of hand" Alex admitted.
"Maybe" Elena exclaimed, "but now you have my help" she added.
"Now do you believe it?" Isako asked the woman
"Seeing the Dragon in person, who also confesses to wanting to use a chemical weapon, is more than enough" Mayer clarified
"So what is the next step?" asked Mason
"I think it's time to go to New York" Lucas concluded.
The group, now with an ally, would have to figure out how to get out of there, knowing that the compound, wherever it was, was crawling with armed and well-trained mercenaries. They would also have to get to the Dragon in the Big Apple to find out his plan. As the seven tried to sneak out of the compound and make their way to Elena's SUV, they suddenly heard an alarm that reverberated throughout the area: they had been discovered, and in no time they were being hunted down by the mercenaries and their guard Dobermans. They took cover in the corridors of the ground floor, hoping to find an exit to escape, but the mercenaries were well trained and very vicious.
They managed to get out of the basement, but instead of finding the exit, they found another clearing and another abandoned building in front of it. Suddenly, one of the Dobermans reached out and grabbed Max's arm with its mechanical bite. Elena drew her APX Beretta and immediately shot the dog, but Max's arm was affected
"I can't feel my arm" Max said in pain, Lucas grabbed Alex's sweatshirt and used it as a bandage so they could run to the car. Several shots rang out from the windows of the upper floors, aimed at the seven, but they managed to take cover inside the building before they could be hit. Inside the completely bare building, it was dark, but there was a light, in the distance: it was the exit. They ran as fast as they could, while behind them, the mercenaries tried to kill them with their M4s. Max was losing a lot of blood, but kept running with all his strength. Suddenly, a stray bullet hit Kenny, who fell to the ground.
They were almost to the car and Lucas picked Kenny up and shouldered him for the last part of the journey. With the adrenaline in their bodies giving them strength, the seven of them managed to get into the SUV and drive away from this godforsaken place. Kenny was losing so much blood because the bullet had hit his femoral artery, and Lucas was tamponing the wound as best he could.
"He's losing too much blood, we have to go to the hospital" Lucas yelled as he sat in the back of the car with the Mexican and Max, who was also bleeding out.
"The hospital is not safe now" McClaine said
"There is no alternative, they are dying" Lucas insisted
"Alex is right," Elena supported him, "I know where to go".
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