Chapter Twenty Seven
Abbie fidgeted in an attempt to find a comfortable position in the lumpy chair. She already knew it would be impossible; it seemed hospitals thrived on creating discomfort for visitors. Wouldn't it be just as easy, she reasoned, for them to build a chair in which a person could actually sit comfortably as opposed to these torture devices that surely had their origins in the Spanish Inquisition?
At least Grandma seemed comfortable.
Tethered to a host of machines and gadgets, Grandma looked ready to be launched into orbit in one of those Gemini rockets. Abbie smiled knowing Grandma would be tickled by that one and they'd share a laugh--if she had been awake. But she hadn't moved nor said a word since they had wheeled her back from her tests. It was cause for concern and the doctors and nurses could say nothing helpful or encouraging. In fact, it was tough to get them to say much of anything.
Now with evening approaching, Abbie began to wish there was more room on the bed. She could easily curl up next to Grandma and nap, even if only for a bit. And she wasn't exhausted just because it was getting late. No, the stress of the last few days had worn her down to a nub. The arguing and fighting were bad enough but the overt hatred and ugliness she saw in people she cared for made her feel ragged and all used up. Her very own father had been acting like some backwoods hillbilly redneck and he had progressed way beyond the level of embarrassment he typically caused.
She cringed, remembering her last conversation with Markus, realizing she had trampled all over his pride with all the grace of a stampeding herd of elephants. He had been hurting and worried and she had been nothing but thoughtless. And the more she thought about it, she couldn't blame him for his response. There had to be a way to make things right, to put everything back together again. But it all seemed so convoluted and ready to burst into flames like a spark igniting a forest fire after a long dry spell. She buried her head in her hands wishing the exhaustion and despair threatening to overwhelm her would just go away. Why can't life be simple and we learn to get along?
"Abbie, darlin', what you doin' here?"
She looked up and had to smile. There stood Sadie in the door, able to draw a smile out of even the sourest of people if given half a chance.
"Oh, Miss Sadie, I'd hoped Grandma would be awake and I could keep her company. But all I'm getting is depressed."
"Things is tough. No doubt about it." Sadie sat in the other chair--one equal in discomfort to its partner--so that Abbie had to look across Grandma's prone form to see her. "Sometimes I feel like giving up but that just ain't no way to live. Gotta keep puttin' one foot in front of the other else you find yourself stayin' in one place and goin' nowhere."
Abbie noticed Sadie was struggling to maintain composure as though all the burdens of the world were weighing on her. "Something wrong Miss Sadie?" Her suspicions were confirmed when tears welled up in Sadie's eyes.
"Oh my, I am so sorry. I can't believe I'm sittin' here blubberin' like a baby when you already got more grief than one girl oughta ever have to handle."
Abbie walked around the bed and knelt, taking Sadie's hands in her own, surprised at how rough and calloused they were. "Sometimes I feel like a fool, a selfish fool and I get to feeling sorry for myself, forgetting I'm not the only one hurting."
Sadie smiled. "They's lots of heartache and pain, that's for sure. Plenty to go around. And yes, you're right, something's wrong." She told the whole story of the plot on Sammy's life. "And right now you need to get on back home and warn your daddy. Looks like he's in danger and it breaks my heart to see a boy I've known his whole life go bad."
Fear crept into Abbie realizing her father, already hampered by his injury, could be caught unawares by Jay C and Derrick. Sadie was right--he had to be warned. "I gotta go Miss Sadie."
She bent over the bed and kissed Grandma on her forehead, then added, "Miss Sadie, you need to come with me."
"Child, I promised your daddy I would stay here and keep an eye on her."
"But don't you see? If Jay C shows up, you may be the only one that can talk some sense into him. Markus says you're the only one he will ever listen to, even more than his own mother."
Abbie could sense Sadie was wavering between the choices before her. She threw up her hands in resignation. "You're right. I known Jay C his whole life, maybe he would listen to me."
Relief washed over Abbie and together, they walked to the elevator.
She pushed the button and in spite of concern for her father had to grin when she heard Sadie mutter, "And if he think he's not gonna be listenin' to me, I'm gonna introduce him to a world of hurt."
Things had spiraled out of control since her arrival in Gary but she took some satisfaction in believing her presence would help stabilize the situation and mend some fences in sore need of repair. Her father, despite his occasional Neanderthal tendencies, would come around and start using his head--eventually. She knew his heart. And while he had a self-acknowledged stubborn streak and could fly into a rage with the slightest of provocation, deep inside he was a good man who would always do the right thing in the end.
On the other hand, she really didn't know Jay C. But having shared only one aborted conversation with him, he seemed hot headed and volatile. Surely he must realize how much trouble he would bring down on himself if he carried through with this ridiculous plan. She had talked with him long enough to realize Jay C wasn't an idiot. He just needed to understand this idea of his was not only frightening; it was stupid.
"What is it about men that makes them so bullheaded and contrary?" she wondered aloud as they walked together through the parking garage.
"Ha! Let me know when you figure that one out, will you."
They reached Sadie's car and Abbie waited while Sadie climbed in and inserted the key. The starter ground and the engine turned over but it refused to start. Abbie's concern and fear for her father continued to grow while watching in frustration as the old sedan balked at Sadie's efforts.
"Miss Sadie, come on and ride with me. I'm really getting worried about my Dad."
Sadie nodded in agreement. "I'm worried too. 'Bout him and Markus, both. "
They walked to Abbie's car and drove out from the protective confines of the parking garage into the full force of the wind. Thunder rumbled low and ominous behind the cloud cover interspersed with muted flashes causing Abbie to grip the steering wheel with a vise-like intensity. The wind whipped debris through the beam of the headlights and carried with it smaller tree branches that had broken free, trash cans, and even a lawn chair, sending everything clanking and tumbling across the road. Abbie scanned the sky, hoping she did not see a tornado drop out of the darkness to sweep them away.
Five blocks from the parking garage, Sadie threw up her hands in dismay. "I forgot!"
Without taking her eyes from the road, Abbie jumped at the sudden exclamation. "What? Forgot what?"
"Didn't ask Jesus for help," she said, shaking her head in disgust. "That's why the car wouldn't start."
Abbie swerved to avoid another trash can caught in the wind and rolling across her path. "Don't worry Miss Sadie. I expect Jesus will still be ready to help when you try again."
As they turned onto her father's street rain began to fall, smacking the windshield in big fat drops. It was sporadic at first then continued with more intensity, blown nearly horizontal in the wind. Visibility became difficult within seconds. Lightning flashed, unrelenting in its assault and punctuated by heart-stopping booms that seemed to happen right next to the car. It was terrifying.
Abbie pulled into the driveway just as another bolt shot through the sky. It lit the whole area with a harsh blinding light and for a split second also illuminated a small group of people gathered across the street at the base of the big old elm tree. She wondered if the rain had caught them by surprise and they had huddled under the tree for shelter. If so, the strong wind driven rain quickly squelched that idea. And isn't there some kind of rule about standing by a tree in a lightning storm? It wasn't the safest place--or maybe that was during a tornado--she couldn't exactly say. Either way, they ought to have more sense and get inside out of the rain.
"What are they doing over there?" she asked.
"I surely don't know child, I surely don't know."
Abbie reached down to shut off the headlights when she noticed the tree on Sadie's house. "On no! Your house. Look at your house!"
Sadie turned then cried in dismay at the sight. A huge tree had snapped at the base of the trunk, its rotten core exposed in the glare of the headlights.
"Lord what a mess! What could possibly be next?"
She jumped from the car and over the hedge disappearing through the back door into the dark interior. Abbie followed, worried for her but quite certain she could do little to help. Once inside, she could hear Sadie rooting through the debris and calling out. "Markus? You in here? Markus?" There was no response and they heard nothing other than the howl of the wind and the drum roll of rain on what remained of the roof.
"You be careful Abbie, this ain't safe," Sadie said, then added to herself, "I know I got me a flashlight in here somewhere. Oh Lord, I do hope that boy is safe."
Abbie stumbled through the dark house, feeling her way but the tree branches and the collapsed ceiling hindered her from venturing too far. Then, a beam of light flicked on and darted around the room illuminating the devastation. The house was a wreck, at least the back half of it. Plaster and wood lathe combined with leaves and twigs and smashed cabinets made passage through the kitchen a treacherous affair. All the contents of her cupboards were scattered across the floor; plates and cups joined knives and canned goods in a heap. Rainwater poured through the gaping hole in the roof in miniature waterfalls and puddled on the floor, adding additional damage to the wreckage.
"Miss Sadie, I am so sorry. I promise to help clean this up. Somehow we'll make it all better." Abbie really didn't know what to say but she felt as though she should offer something in the way of help. In reality, she suspected this work would be way beyond her ability to help repair.
"Oh my, oh my." Sadie stood in what was once her kitchen pointing the light at the damage trying to make sense of it all and unable to say more.
"Where was Markus?" Abbie asked. "Do you think he's here?"
Together they picked their way through to the front room which was more open and safe than the kitchen. Sadie aimed the light down the hallway toward the bedrooms but a huge branch and chunks of the roof blocked access. "Markus? Are you back there?"
Still no response. "Well, that's good. I guess," said Abbie with a measure of relief.
Movement out the front window caught her eye. It was the knot of people under the tree across the road. It almost looked like—no! That couldn't be. She watched for a moment, waiting for another flash of lightning to expose the scene more fully than did the distant streetlight. "Miss Sadie? Is that... what are they doing?"
Sadie joined her at the window and peered through with concern growing on her face. "No. That ain't right. They stringin' somebody up from that tree!"
Abbie looked on with a sick feeling taking root in the pit of her stomach as the bound figure was hoisted into the air. He writhed to and fro like a worm on a hook but could do nothing to help himself. Then another bolt filled the sky with light and the man swung around into view.
"Dear sweet Jesus," said Sadie. "They done got your daddy!"
Abbie screamed in an agonized mix of terror and dismay. Fear paralyzed her, disabling her ability to comprehend the horrific view outside. Then she was alone, plunged into darkness when Sadie spun and raced to the kitchen with their only source of light. Abbie tried to follow but she was blinded by a combination of tears and an overwhelming sense of panic. Somehow making it into the kitchen, she watched in bewilderment as Sadie scrabbled through the debris on the floor. Had she dropped the flashlight?
No. Sadie stood up wielding a long kitchen knife, gleaming in the beam of light before bolting from the kitchen and out into the night. Again alone and in darkness, Abbie stumbled forward with her hands outstretched to feel her way. Unable to see, she crashed into the kitchen table and pitched forward to the floor landing palm down on broken glass.
Desperate to help her father, she scrabbled through the debris toward the back door illuminated only in intermittent flashes of lightning. The door crashed open under the fierce attack of the wind, cracking against her head and sending her reeling back into the kitchen. She sat for a moment, dazed and unable to recall where she was until another explosive thunderclap startled her into awareness.
Driving rain swept through the door, motivating Abbie to her feet. Wary of the door, she staggered out to the porch, dizzy and shaken. She had to save him. She just needed to get to him and everything would be alright. Everything would be normal and safe.
Another bolt of lightning ripped through the sky and in that brief moment she could see her Father still dangling from a rope while the crowd cheered on.
She really did want to save him. But she was too late.
Thank you very much for reading this far. Just two more chapters in Red, White, and Black... So how about helping me out and voting for this here thing! You can do it, I have a good feeling about this!
Oh yeah, if you like this story maybe you can check out my other one on wattpad. It's nothing like this one. It's got aliens and futuristic, dystopian stuff. Did I mention aliens? Yeah, it's got those! The title is "Derelict."
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