Chapter 19: The Day After Part 3

In team RWBY's Dorm:

After the pillow war and getting their pizza, the girls decided to watch a couple of movies. Weiss wanted to watch a Drama, Yang wanted to watch action, and Ruby wanted to watch a comedy. The movie they all agreed to watch was one where police officers who were high school enemies become partners and have to find a drug that is killing kids in a high school. One was an athletic human and the other was a smart faunus. Despite having many clichés, it was still a good movie with the way they did everything. As they did watch they were munching on their food.

However, halfway through the movie where the faunus was trying to flirt with another faunus over a scroll with his partner messing with him all of them heard a scream. Or two screams. Repeating over and over again.






"What is that?" Weiss asked.

"I don't know," Yang said. "But I think I want to find out."

"And I think we aren't going to like the answer," Ruby said.

"Shall we go look?" Yang asked.

"Eh, why not?" Weiss responded. They paused the movie and exit their dorm. They slowly follow the sounds of screaming until they reach the blue's dorm. The door was slightly ajar and they heard the screams.





Ruby slowly opens the door to see Tucker and Simmons playing ping pong on a make shift ping pong table. They then see that every time Tucker or Simmons hit a ball, said person would yell. The girls, amused by this, just continued to watch as Tucker and Simmons were oblivious to them.

Eventually Simmons misses the ball and it bounces off the table. Tucker moves the paddle he had around as if it was a sword. "You've yet to master the pong to my ping! Tucker five, Simmons three!" he said.

Simmons grabs the ball and points his paddle at Tucker and says "Your ping is powerful, however I've yet to show you my true pong. HYAHHH!" Simmons serves and they continue to scream and play ping pong.

"I can watch this for hours," Yang said with a giggle.

"I want to watch this for hours," Ruby added.

Their heads continue to follow the rubber ball as it keeps bouncing to each of the soldiers' side. They are actually amazed how well they were playing as they don't seem that coordinated in battle. Eventually Tucker misses and the ball bounces towards the girl.

"How was that?" Simmons said smugly.

"Bah!" Tucker said. "You still have much to learn."

"We will see." As They both let out a chuckle they both turn to the door with Tucker heading towards it to get the ball. However they both freeze in place when they see the three girls smiling at the entrance.

After about thirty second of silence Tucker breaks it. "How long have you girls been standing there?"

"About five minutes," Weiss answered. Again there was silence. And then Simmons opened up the window and jumped out of it due to embarrassment. Tucker runs over to it and yells out the window.

"You bastard don't leave me here!"

"Suck it Blue!" Simmons yelled. Tucker groans and pouts his hand out of the window. All of a sudden Simmons falls into a portal. Tucker then turns towards the room and places his hand next to a bed. Another portal opens and Simmons falls through landing on the bed with a grunt.

"Haha!" Tucker laughed. "Can't believe I actually did that."

"No fair you used your teleporter semblance!" Simmons said.

"Hey I'll be honest, I had no idea that would happen."

"Guys," Yang said getting their attention. "It was actually kind of fun watching you guys play."

"Oh," Simmons said. "T-Thank you."

"Just keep it down," Weiss said. "We're watching a movie."

"What movie?" Tucker asked.

"42 Hop Boulevard," Ruby said. As she explains the premise, Tucker leans over to Simmons.

"It's like a rip off of 21 Jump Street," He whispered.

"I think it is 21 Jump Street but their version with faunus and dust in it," Simmons whispered back.

"Anyway," Weiss said after Ruby explained. "We'd appreciate it if you guys were a little bit quieter."

"Sure," Tucker said. "But I think after embarrassing ourselves we're done playing table tennis."

"Yeah, mind if we join you?" Simmons said finishing Tucker's sentence. The girls look at each other. Yang shrugs and Ruby just smiles.

"I guess so," Weiss said.

"All right," Simmons said getting off the bed. They walk down the hall to RWBY's room. As they do Yang asks about how they got the make shift table tennis board in the room.

"The same way you bring a couch to an upstairs room," Tucker said. "We both carried, both crashed into a few things, but we got both tables in there."

"Why didn't you guys just use Tucker's teleporters?" Ruby asked. The two soldiers are silent to this.

"Fuck!" they both said at once and Ruby Yang and Weiss giggle at their stupidity. They all enter the dorm. Weiss goes to her bed and lays down looking at the screen while Ruby sits close to it with her legs crossed. She goes over to her cookie packet the Weiss got her and grabs one of the many variety of cookies she got. Yang lies next to Ruby resting her head on her hands.

Tucker grabs a chair and leans back on it with his legs on a desk and the back of the chair leaning against the wall to keep his balance. Simmons grabs a pillow from Ruby's bed, with her permission of course, and grabs a piece of peperoni pizza with permission from Weiss and sits next to a wall. He places the pillow to his back and gets comfortable.

Once everyone was set they began playing the movie again.

With team JNPR and Donut:

Despite them also hearing Tucker and Simmons, they were often used to noises distracting, due to Nora's personality. So they continued to study with Donut reading one of Ren's books. Despite being a quiet boy he had very bloody and action filled books. A couple of horror ones as well. Very uncharacteristic of him.

They have been studying for about an hour, all of them noticing that Tucker and Simmons stopped whatever all their yelling was about around ten minutes ago. With as much quiet as they could get, they were able to get a lot of homework done.

However due to the longtime of Nora not doing anything destructive or loud she was getting a little antsy. She pulled open a drawer from her desk which held one of her homemade bombs. At first they were going to be used for her weapon but the grenades would get jammed. So now she uses them as harmless pranks. Well, harmless for Nora.

She looks at Donut, and gets an evil grin. Ren notices this and shakes his head no, however Nora being Nora, ignores and lights the bomb. She then tosses it at Donut. It wasn't anything too deadly just a stink bomb.

Donut feels something hit the side of his leg. He peaks over the book and notices the bomb. He picks it up and notices it is a bomb, which was lit. He panics and chucks it as hard as he could in any direction. The bomb ricochets around the room and then lands on Nora's desk. It then goes off.

Nora is frozen. Everyone is silent. And then everyone, even Nora, laugh at what happened. "Okay," Jaune said closing his book. "I think we've been cramped up in here for too long. How about we all hit the gym?"

"That sounds wonderful," Pyrrha said.

"But first," Ren said throwing a towel over Nora's head. "Nora takes a shower."

"I smell fine!" Nora said. She then took a deep breath and then plugged her nose. "Okay I'll be out in fifteen minutes." As Nora headed to the bathroom there was a knock on JNPR's door. Pyrrha goes over and opens it to reveal the purple armored medic, Doc.

"Hello there Doc," Pyrrha said.

"Hello Miss Nikos," Doc greeted. "Have you seen Donut around? I need to ask something of him."

"Actually he's in here right now. Please come in."

Doc enters the dorm and then cringes under his helmet. "AH!" O'Malley yelled. "Why does it smell like ten thousand covenant corpses?!"

"Nora made a stink bomb go off," Ren said. They decided to not ask what the covenant were. "After she's done in the shower we're all going to head to the gym."

"Yeah!" Donut said. "Three sweaty guys, two sweaty girls in a room with only each other to pump each other up." Everyone just got used to Donut's innuendos and ignored him.

"Anyway," Doc said. "Donut, I am starting a medical class and I want you to be my partner in it. Is that okay with you?"

"Of course Doc! Anything I can do to help."

"That's great!" Doc motioned Donut to follow him with a nod. "I want to try to see if we can start tomorrow and I need Ozpin and Glynda's permission, let's go."

"Why can't you just ask them yourself?"

"Because the last time I saw either of them I was thrown out a glass window…"

Donut is silent for a second and remembers what happened to Doc not that long ago. "Fair point. Lead the way!" Donut turns to team JNPR. "Sorry guys, guess I can't join you."

"That's fine Donut," Jaune said waving him off. "But Doc what's this about a medical class?

"It's rather quiet simple," O'Malley said. "When you stop cheating by using your 'Aura,'" He said with air quotes. "There will be a time when you can be gutted like a fish."

"And when that happens I want all of you to be able to fix yourselves up, even temporarily," Doc said. Jaune puts his hand to his chin. Pyrrha notices this and turns to Jaune.

"Is everything okay Jaune?" Jaune flashes her a quick smile.

"Yeah everything's fine. But I'm just thinking I might take the class." Pyrrha leans closer to Jaune and whispers in his ear.

"Jaune, you're making great progress with your aura. Do you honestly think you need this?" Jaune just laughs it off. He was glad for her concern.

"It isn't about me Pyrrha," Jaune said. "What if, in the off chance that it happens, you, or Nora, or Ren, or any of our friends get hurt and need medical attention right away? We need someone who can help them."

"It does seem to be logical for one of us to take the class," Ren said speaking up.

"Well we'd be happy to have you as a student Jaune!" Donut said happily.

"Yes yes," O'Malley said. "Hugs and kisses and all that. Now let's hurry up before I throw up."

"Can do," Donut said. With another wave from Donut, Doc and Donut leave as the rest of team JNPR waits for Nora.

When Nora gets done with her shower, she dressed in the bathroom and was ready to train with her friends. As she grabbed Magnhild, Ren grabbed StormFlower, Jaune grabbed Crocea Mors, and Pyrrha grabbed Milò and Akoùo.

"All right," Jaune said. "Is team JNPR ready for an all team training session?"

"AYE!" Pyrrha and Nora said together. They were about to transform their weapons as they raised them in the air, but they didn't transform. Pyrrha looks at hers while Nora continued to press her button.

"Is something wrong?" Jaune asked the girls.

"I think so," Pyrrha said. "For some reason Milò isn't transforming."

"Neither is Magnhild," Nora said. They both press their buttons a few times and nothing happens.

"When was the last time you guys checked them out and cleaned them?" Ren asked.

"Uhhhhh…" Nora said.

"I don't remember," Pyrrha said with a slight blush on her face. Even a famous warrior can forget simple things too. Jaune sighs, then face palms and then chuckles.

"Okay," He said. "Mandatory team weapon repair!"

"Awww!" Nora complained. "But I want to hit training dummies in the head!"

"It won't do much good if it breaks Nora," Ren said. Nora pouts but it isn't effective. Ren grabs her wrist and drags her as Jaune and Pyrrha lead the way to weapon maintenance.

With Caboose:

Caboose, surprisingly, hasn't destroyed anything yet. In fact, he was helping a lot of the teachers. Mainly professor Oobleck, the two seemed to share a weird connection somehow. Neither of them could explain what it was.

What has Caboose helped Oobleck with exactly? Well first it was helping clean Oobleck's desk full of papers. Oobleck cleaned his desk every week but yet due to the amount of information he covered it always got messier. While Oobleck was fine with cleaning everything, having Caboose help immensely. The reason being is because Oobleck would grade, alphabetize, and do everything he needed to do with the papers and books. That was the easy part for him due to his speed. He just hated transporting the books around the room.

That was where Caboose came in. due to his strength, he was able to carry a ton of books around the class. Literally, he actually had to carry a literal ton, of books. Oobleck got his information from so many different books that he often forgets about them until a few days later.

"I must say," Oobleck said. "I have to thank you for doing this for me Caboose."

"That's okay Dr. Boobleck," Caboose said. "I like helping."

"Well at least you got the doctor part right…" As Caboose carried another stack of books to the bookshelf, Oobleck continued to grade his student's homework. "Caboose are you sure you don't need to sleep? You've been helping me and Port all night."

"I'm fine," Caboose said. As he put the last stack of books down on top of the bookcase, he headed over to Ooblecks desk to help some more. However just as he took a step he then soon tripped over a book that fell. A loud thud echoed throughout the class and Oobleck looks up from his desk.

Caboose fell, but he didn't get up. "Mr. Caboose?" Oobleck said. When there is no response he zooms over to the blue armored soldier. He kneels down and was about to turn him over when he heard a loud snore. Oobleck sighs but a smile grew on his face. "He's like one of my students." Oobleck continued to grade his papers as he let Caboose rest. After all, before helping Oobleck he was helping Port.

They were able to capture a Beowolf on their last capture trip so Port was going to use it in class. However this one was an alpha and didn't like the idea of getting picked up in a cage. So Port called the Blue's dorm to see if they could get caboose. Despite sounding sleepy, Caboose said he would be okay to help and walked into the emerald forest .

Of course Caboose being Caboose he didn't ask for directions. So when Caboose didn't show up on time Port worried and sent some other teachers looking for him. They found him an hour later still walking around aimlessly in the forest. However they noticed that he was almost out of ammo. As they walked back they noticed a lot of bullet holes in trees, the ground, everywhere. In fact a tree was even knocked down, but they were not sure of what.

Anyway, once they reached the Alpha beowolf cage, Port told Caboose what was going on. Caboose just walked right up to it. However the beowolf tried to claw at Caboose from the cage. Freckles fired at it, to wound it but not kill it. It didn't want to claw after that. So Caboose easily picked up the cage, and began traveling back to Beacon.

Then, he helped Oobleck as it was morning by the time they got back to Beacon. So it would make sense that he passed out after helping Oobleck.

As Caboose continued to snore and Oobleck continued to grade. An hour passed before Oobleck picked up his scroll. He dialed Ozpin's number. It rang a few times and Ozpin picked it up.

"Hello Bart," He said. "Is there something you need?"

"Not what I need but what our guests might need," Obleck responded. "Caboose has been helping Peter and I for the past few hours and has passed out in my room. If you could ask to get one of his companions to get him I would greatly appreciate it, and I'm sure he would too."

"Of course, I'll see who I can send over."

"Thank you." With that Oobleck hung up and continued to grade.

With Sarge:

Sagre gave up on his rocket launcher/shotgun combo. The harness feel apart after the rocket fired for some weird reason. Now he was building another project. The project would hopefully help him with his shotgun/rocket launcher combo. Sparks flew as he welded two pieces together. He even removed his helmet as it was getting uncomfortable for him to wear it. Sarge was still so immersed in his project that he didn't notice the four students enter the weapon maintenance.

"Okay remember," Jaune said. "After you finish repairing make sure you clean it so we're less likely to have it jam."

"Yes sir!" Nora said with a salute.

"Of course," Pyrrha said.

Ren just nods his head. As the team spread out to fix their weapons, Jaune noticed Sarge was working on something. He walks up to him takes a peak at it. "Hey Sarge, whatcha working on?" Jaune asked. Sarge let out a startled yell, which caused Jaune to yell.

Sarge then elbowed Jaune in the face with his right arm and then turned around and sucker punched him in the face with his left fist. Jaune hits the floor and slides a couple of feet. "Whyyyyyyy?" he moaned out. Nora laughs uncontrollably, Ren gets a small smile and Pyrrha giggles. Sarge realized what happened.

"Don't sneak up on me like!" He said. "I've trained myself so if any blue snuck up behind me, I would be able to finish them off!"

"Blue?" Pyrrha asked while helping Jaune up. "You mean Tucker and Caboose?"

"Uhh… No! Of course not! I call my enemies blue because they're dirty rotten backstabbers."

JNPR looks at Sarge weirdly. But they shrug it off, whatever he calls his enemies is his business. "So what are you working?" Jaune asked as he held his head.

"It's a secret," Sarge said. He pulled a tarp over the project to hide it. "So what are you guys doing here?"

Since Sarge had his helmet off, they were able to see his face. He had a scar over a closed left eye, buzz cut brown hair that started to grey on the sides, and a strong jawline.

"We're here because our weapons malfunctioned so we need to repair them," Jaune explained.

"Would you mind helping us?" Pyrrha asked. Sarge grumbles.

"I'm no use, I can't even make my shotcket launcher."

"What's a shotcket launcher?" Ren asked.

Sarge turned to the raven haired boy. "I was trying to convert my shotgun so it can be a shotgun and a rocket launcher, but no matter what I did I couldn't get it to work." Sarge points a thumb back at the tarp covered project. "That's why I'm making that. I'm hoping it will make my shotcket launcher for me." JNPR raised their eyebrows.

"If you can't make it, how would that make it?" Pyrrha asked. Sarge turned towards the tarp and then turns towards JNPR.

"Don't know!" he said. "Always worked for me before." With their curiosity satisfied, JNPR began cleaning and repairing their weapons. Sarge also began working under the tarp with his secret project.

A few minutes passed and the fact that Sarge was still disheartened about his custom weapon was bugging Pyrrha still. She was able to find out what was wrong with Milò so she was just cleaning it now. She sets Milò to the side and walks to Sarge.

Jaune was cleaning his weapon with a cloth. He notices and Pyrrha and grabs her arm as she walked passed him. She turns a little red with Jaune's sudden forcefulness. "Just be careful," he said. "He throws a mean hook." She gives him a reassuring nod and continues towards Sarge.

She can hear a hammer being hit from under the tarp. "Sarge!" She called out. The hammering stops and Sarge crawls out from under the tarp.

"Yes Pyrrha?" Sarge asked.

"You know how you're upset about not making your shotcket launcher?"

"I'm never upset! But go on."

"Well instead of that, why not make the double tomahawk shotgun we saw on the catalog in the library? It might be a little easier." Sarge puts his hand up to his chin. He grew a small smile as his eyebrows slanted downwards.

"All right, I guess I can try that." Sarge grabs his shotgun which was resting on a leg of a table and begins to dismantle it.

For the next hour, team JNPR and Sarge worked on their weapons.

To be continued.

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