Extra Chapter: New Course Ahead

Off the coast of Shunan City

August 19th, 2025

The HIJMS Katakuchiwashi (Japanese Anchovy) raced past the cruiser HIJMS Fuso's stern in what looked like a reckless game of chicken. A fifty‑seven‑foot trimaran, it had a main hull and two thin outriggers attached by lateral beams.

The design, often used in racing yachts, was lighter and faster than a standard single‑hulled boat's, having a shallower draft, a wider beam, and less surface area underwater. For the racing yachts, it meant minimal crew space inside the thin hulls, but that wasn't a concern for a robotic warship. Originally developed in-house by the US Navy before being shared across it's allied nations before the war meant that at the time of hostilities, there were already examples in service outside the USA, first with Commonwealth navies such as the Royal Navy, Royal Australian Navy, and Royal New Zealand Navy as well as South Korea followed by newcomers such as Philippines, Indonesia, and Republic of China Navy in exile.

The autonomous sub hunter sped away to the far edge of the coastal and began to patrol in a racetrack figure‑eight pattern with a sister ship, the HIJMS Oyanirami (Japanese perch). In support and linked by a proprietary data transfer system around them, there were two Type-21 Combat Support Multipurpose USV. They lacked names, just numbers, but unlike the Katakuchiwashi-class, which are colloquially called "Escort USV" the Type 21 were capable for submerging to avoid threats on the way. The latter also served as an ultra-encrypted communication array with deeper-diving underwater drones of all sizes.

Both the Escort USV and Combat Support model were also capable to be fitted with anti-ship missiles, although only the former type was capable to support short-range SAM for air defense. The common practice was that the Katakuchiwashis were used for it's intended purpose as outer escort for manned vessels, while the more stealthy works like ISR were predominantly done by the Type-21.

The real-life concept of Japanese Combat Support Multipurpose USV designated storywise as "Type 21"

It had been a controversy within the former Sakamoto administration when the first Katakuchiwashi was named and commissioned. It was an important cultural shift, and ultimately the ultimate decision was made by the back-then and also the current Minister of Defense, Soichiro Watanabe, himself: these were not disposable robots but warships the fleet could count on to save lives.

Nobody questioned the naming on this day as the drones worked overtime to keep Chinese submariners' (and sometimes surface sailor') lives miserable especially in strategic waterways such as Miyako Strait and Kanmon strait, side by side with manned vessels. 

She bolted in a straight line to the east, its speed rising past forty‑five knots an hour. The Oyanirami slowed, its chisel‑like bows diving slightly in the Pacific swell, then took off on a different heading to the west. The pair located a PLA Navy Type 039A submarine six miles away, too close to the stealth cruiser and her surface action group for comfort. Following an algorithm developed from a joint Japan-Korea-US-UK, and Canada research done on the way sandtiger sharks cooperated in their hunting with enhancements to counter a similarly designed Chinese USV called Type 101 as well as a provision for manual control, the two hunters coordinated with the submersible combat support drones and began to box in the fleeing diesel attack submarine; one of the quietest in it's class thanks to it's Air Independent Propulsion technology. The Chinese sub didn't know that a third Katakuchiwashi‑class ship, the HIJMS Tobiuo (Flying Fish), lay silently drifting in its projected path.

The Tobiuo launched a Type 19 rocket‑powered torpedo from a range of three miles. The supercavitating design allowed the torpedo to reach underwater speeds of almost two hundred knots, giving it just enough time to get up to full speed before it punched through the sub, entering the hull from one side and exiting through the other.

The sounds of the submarine's hull collapsing were captured by the Type-21 and relayed to both Katakuchiwashi-class hunters and later to the Fuso, as was the burst‑transmission distress message from the buoy that had been automatically ejected by the sinking Chinese sub. The task force ships were now safe from the undersea threat, but also made themselves known much more especially from space.

The same design had spawned a variant outfitted only for single use - suicide attack, called the "Shinyo" or Sea Quake, while the combat support Type-21 also had a dedicated expendable version called "Kaiten", both names were deliberately mean to evoke it's World War II predecessors. Already three Chinese frigates as well as several merchantmen suppling it's troops in Japan as well as some other ships circling the occupied Taiwan had fallen victim to those kamikaze maritime drones. 

Ministry of Defense No #2 Underground Operations Bunker, Tokyo, Japan

With the situation are still uncertain for his country, Prime Minister Nishikino had less and less sleep each day, even with the exhortation from the Emperor himself to "take care of your health", which he would answer with the following.

"Your Majesty, the people were having nightmares each night thinking about their loved ones in the frontlines, and just like you, sire. I happened to have one of my sons who's there as well. Tetsuya, my eldest one. He's with the Army and his duty is to operate Type 23 LR-LAD (Long-Range Laser Air Defense) in defense of Kobe while my niece, Maki, once a school idol, volunteered as field surgeon. Your Majesty and I are more than aware about how Chinese and occasionally North Korean aircraft and drones and ballistic missiles are bombing our cities routinely, even Tokyo isn't spared. I want, and I have, to share their hardship."

Such pledge was such to the point that Nishikino had ordered that his pre-war salary to be cut in half for time being, and he exhorted the ministers and the entire Diet to do the same as well.

Today was another general joint Cabinet, the intelligence services, and Defense Forces' Joint Staff meeting in this MOD bunker, also attended by high-level command officers of the formerly US Forces Japan - now renamed Combined Forces Command - Japan, under a 4-star general in command. As secure as American's the Hive, it's also originally an alternate site until an attempt of his life inside Kantei's main Situation Room convinced the former physician that his internal circle has been compromised, especially as the would-be assassins turned out to be a group of Japanese Koreans affiliated with the North Korean NGO Chongryon.

The attack was part of a series of decapitation strikes by KPA Special Operation Forces, while failed to kill the Prime Minister himself, costed him his secretary Junichiro Tawabata and six National Police Agency's elite Imperial and Dignitary Guard (IDG) police officers; pre-war reorganization of the NPA meant that protective security forces that was initially separated into two divisions; Security Police for elected officials and diplomatic mission, and Imperial Guard for the Imperial family and property has been merged into the IDG.

"I want bad news first."

"A diversionary attack from Canadian' 5th Brigade Group and our 24th Mechanized Brigade has managed to tie down the Chinese 18th Heavy and part of the 22nd Medium Combined Arms Brigade but with the cost of nearly half of their manpower and equipment."

"Damn!" roared Nishikino.

"...On the other hand, the good news is, it forced both occupier's brigades to stay in Yamaguchi instead of coming in support of their comrades from 3rd Medium Combined Arms Brigade and 9th Heavy in Iwakuni."

"Well, at least the objective is reached, am I right, people?"

"Exactly" replied the Chief of the Imperial Joint Defense Staff, General Fumio Matsuura, from the IGDF.

His role is equivalent of US' Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff but instead of a merely advisory role to the government like it's American counterpart Matsuura had operational control of the entire JIDF. In addition, he's also dual-hatted as the Commander of Combined Forces Command - Japan, with the commander of USFJ General Andrew Bannister, USAF, served as deputy commander; similar of it's Korean equivalent (1).

"Continue." signaled Nishikino, still with a hint of growl that made him reminisced his days with his elder brother Subaru managing the intricacies of hospital operations.

"The good news is, we are making good progress in Iwakuni Area with acceptable numbers of casualties, along with our defense so far in Kyushu as new equipment continue to flow both from our factories as well as those in the USA. I wish we have something to pay them back..."

Nishikino interrupted Matsuura. "Even with that acceptable casualties word that you have mentioned, one single dead Japanese soldier, sailor, and airmen will still affect us all, General. It just like one of my own children has been taken away."

"I agree, Mr. Prime Minister." the General replied, before his mind went on to his eldest son who had also chosen the profession of arms like him, to be exact, an Aerospace Force Combat SAR helicopter driver.

Nevertheless, the progress on Iwakuni allowed Nishikino to smile for the first time since the invasion began. "On the other hand, General, this is a very good news. Please let the PJHQ - Central Command people know that the 5th Brigade are to continue alongside other units in the area. On behalf of the Commander in Chief, I want the Chinese to be pushed out of Yamaguchi and hopefully the rest of this country by the end of the year," commanded the PM.

Director of Cabinet Intelligence Research Office Kuniwo Fujiwara, a ministerial level official, jumped into the conversation, "Mr. Prime Minister, still about the Chinese, I got something that we must discuss right here and right now. It might affect our plans." Everyone turned to look at Fujiwara and then to Nishikino. "Ok, then please go ahead Director, and let us know what you have known so far," the PM said.

"Our assets inside the PLA passed along some credible information about a future operation the PLA is currently preparing to execute. Our agents as well as my DI (Defense Intelligence HQ) counterparts said that the PLAN are ramping up the production of cargo ships, amphibious assault vessels of all sizes and relocated the rest to the East China Sea for a big amphibious ops. In addition, there were steady influx of new transport aircraft capable of carrying paratroopers including new Russian built models... On their coasts, their Navy were extensively using unmanned minehunter ships to neutralize mines laid down by Coalition airpower at their ports."

"Where will be their objective be? Philippines? Singapore? Indonesia? Australia?"

"No, Mr. Prime Minister. The Chinese are preparing a massive naval and air assault against the United States. Targets were Alaska, Hawaii, and part of US and Canadian West Coast." Fujiwara said, a bit anxious about the information he was sharing.

General Matsuura jumped in and asked. "What? Are you telling us that they are now readying a massive gamble by invading the United States and Canada? What in the name of Kami-sama are they thinking...."

"Are they insane?" asked the American general.

"I stand with what I found out, General Matsuura, General Bannister." Fujiwara continued. "They must be desperate at this point. They lacked progress in the Indian theater, and Pakistan is not yet opened a new front for China while stepping up military buildup on their own... Meanwhile, in South East Asia Theater, troops from European Community member states are starting to arrive. The Americans had also reinforced their troops in Australia while Indonesia increased their recruitments to beef up their presence in Mainland South East Asia, at least four divisions. The latter also planned to deploy at least a brigade to Korea or perhaps in Eastern part of India... in short, with the state of land combat in Mainland Asian continent and naval losses so far, with exception of submarines, there's no way that their Navy will be able to break through Indonesian archipelago without catastrophic losses, nor without jeopardizing their ability to go eastward."

"...Now, let's get back to the intel, ladies and gentlemen... The news does get worse. The Chinese are resilient enough to be able to field roughly 2,5 million soldiers plus up to 300.000 foreign legionnaires of the IAIB from all corners of the world. There are no shortage of radicalized volunteers from all stripes and the latter include parachute and special ops trained units just like what we had seen in Tottori. In short, what we've encountered so far were only the fraction of that number."

He continued. "The asset told me that the primary targets in Alaska are the outlying islands as starter, followed by the city called Nome. At the same time, they also planned to take the port facilities at Seward before an overland advance with Anchorage being the first objective followed by the Canadian state of Yukon, British Columbia in Canada, and then Washington State. There is also confirmation that a second axis of invasion will involve a landing in Hawaii and then California."

"Mrs. Chizuru Hokaze."

"I am on ears, Director Fujiwara" replied the Foreign Minister.

"You must pass this news to the following list of authorized American recipients after this meeting, right away!"

"Of course."

The foreign spy chief continued. "I will be close and personal to you in this process. I trust you and the entire Cabinet, but I know that in this dangerous times there are no such thing as too much vigilance..."

Sighing deeply, the PM asked, "How much time do we have before this planned invasion?"

Director Fujiwara spoke up, "First thing first, the various troop movements including confirmed reduction of their troops from North Korea, ships, aircraft, and so on is consistent with preparations for an invasion. As to the timeline, our sources says it will happen within the next four months. Other sources namely from our satellite imagery as well as assets from India, United States, Britain, and even Israel also believe that timeline is accurate as well, unless their higher up changed their mind."

"Then we do not have much time, do we?" pondered the PM aloud. "What are your suggestions people?"

"There will be regular updates for this matter as more information will be available over time. However, with our Navy are fully engaged, I suggest that we ramp up the production of unmanned combat vessels as part of our Youkai Kantai (Ghost Fleet) Program side by side with manned vessels for start."

"It's long since been underway, through. But you're right, director. We are in need of those things more than ever if we want to do our part to destroy or degrade that fleet, if it ever comes to pass. It might better be prioritized slightly more, knowing the capacity of our shipyards. Thanks to Supply and Industry Minister Kouri, yards in America, Mexico, and Canada as well as in South East Asia and even Europe are filling us and the Koreans up ever since the start of this war, but can only do so much with their own production needs." The one who answered was the Chief of the Imperial Maritime Staff, Admiral Uchida Sakurai.

Everyone present knew that most of the country's ship building capability was located in Western part of Honshu as well as in Kyushu, which made an ever attractive target for Chinese and North Korean raids and further explained the reason for a direct ground invasion.

The shipyard cities namely Kobe, Yokosuka, Nagasaki, and Maizuru were prioritized for Chinese and North Korean air and missile raids, which resulted in smaller towns and villages saw steady influx of emigrants from the cities.

Despite the transition fraught with difficulties for affected citizens, including an entire class of students who were evacuated from their inner cities to bucolic towns and villages especially in the relatively safer northern areas, it increased their chance for survival greatly. Foreign evacuations were also undertaken in smaller numbers, mainly eastward to United States, Brazil, and Canada but also southwards to Australia and New Zealand.

The PM quickly thought back to the verified reports from his Minister of Education and Science (MEXT), second youngest in his government by the name of Nakamura Kentarou, regarding the status of a hybrid emergency curriculum jointly developed in a record time with education ministries of Republic of China and South Korea - which had began it's rollout to schools that were still operating in the country as it struggles to absorb displaced students not only Japanese but also Koreans and the Free Chinese. 

"Along with that, Admiral" Matsuura replied, bringing everyone back to current military topic. "I suggest that we are to be ready to invoke a second part of our Plan Tomodachi (Friend), involving our equipment stored somewhere in America's Cascade Range that some of it are now being used in training capacity side by side with our American allies. Further details will require an "Eyes Only" meeting."

"I second that motion" answered General Bannister, who then proceeded to leave the meeting due to his other works.

"I just want to say that, General." Nishikino said. "I almost forget about that plan, when I told you people on how we can pay those Americans back. After lunch break, let's continue with the naval plan as well as the second phase of Plan Tomodachi you've just mentioned. No aids, no notes, no recording devices on any kind. I want every details so we can get this show on the road while our boys and girls including some of our own flesh and blood down there are retaking what is ours!"

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(1). Combined Forces Command - Japan or CFC-J is a fictional coordination and combined headquarters of US military forces in Japan (USFJ) and Japanese Imperial Defense Forces, modeled after ROK/US Combined Forces Command.

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