09: Nightmare
Your heart skipped a beat when the truck finally stopped after moving for half an hour going through the rough road.
Hearing the door of the truck getting opened, you heard girls getting down off the truck one by one until your were also grabbed by a man who pushed you out off the truck before you heard the door of truck getting close.
This means that you were last in the line with man pointing the gun behind you. He pushed the gun on your back telling you to walk.
You kept walking staright with your heart thumping loudly against your ribcage, scared that the man behind you might notice something in your pocket.
"Stop." The man behind you commanded and made you sit forcefully on your knees just where you stopped.
You really didn't know what was going on and where you are because of the blindfold but your ears caught the sound of, maybe a waterfall, making your body go stiff.
'Is this the same waterfall that you and Lia saw on the way to the sunset point?'
"Open their blindfolds."
You heard someone in front of you and that exact moment your blindfold was removed. You quickly blinked your eyes to removed the blurriness and when you gazed your surrounding, you swear your body shivered in fear.
You couldn't believe what you were seeing. You never thought this could ever happen in real life. The sight in front of you was like a nightmare as you were slowly realizing what was all this time. You were kidnapped not to sell or simply get killed but to-
Get sacrificed.
You were literally in middle of jungle under the full moon night with waterfall right in front of you. There were seven wierdly carved wooden poles stamped on the ground with some black candles around it and each wooden poles were placed right behind you all.
You then noticed the black powder making the same symbol placed in front of every girl. At the middle of the ground there was a fire pit with long stands beneath it from which large flames of fire was coming out.
You looked up to find a red thread tied to the seven trees surrounding you all with each of your photos clipped onto them. As you squinted your eyes to get a good look at the photos, you saw Lia's in which her eyes were closed and she was lying on a hospital bed making you confuse as hell.
You tried to look for your photo but your attention went towards a figure that walked towards that fire at the centre, wearing a black shining cloak having the same symbol carved in golden. His face was covered by a fancy white mask with golden designing lines.
You were so tensed by all of this and glanced at Lia who was kneeled down a little away on your right side. You could clearly see her tears falling from her closed eyes staining her cheeks.
Looking back at the mysterious man in front of you all, you carefully took a glance to see if any of the men is standing behind you. There was this one man who was not behind you but was standing near your left, leaning against a tree.
Your heart started beating loudly when you saw that the masked man has started chanting some words in other language which means you don't have much time.
Stretching your arm back while tolerating the pain, your fingers reached out to your pockets as you once more glanced at the man on your left.
But, you quickly removed your fingers from the pocket when that man looked straight at you.
'Shit. How will I take out the glass piece when he is standing here?'
You thought as you started getting distressed with each second passed by. Ignoring the chants that were getting louder and louder, you once more looked at the man who was now looking somewhere else.
Shifting a little bit on your knees, you quickly placed your fingers inside the pockets of your pants and tried to get a hold of the piece with your fingertips.
You looked back in front and quickly closed your eyes when that man threw some stuff inside the fire making its flame more bigger.
This was getting really scary now.
Biting your lips to ignore the pain in your arms, you finally held the piece between your fingers and held it rightly before pulling it out.
"Bring her."
You snapped your head in front when the man on your left walked past by you as you quickly hid the piece in your palm eyeing the man who held the girl, first in the line.
He dragged the girl towards the masked man as she screamed and was shouting trying to get away from them. Your hands were shaking at this moment when that masked men made her forcefully sit on her knees in front of him.
You glanced back at your tied hands and carefully placed the sharp piece on your rope before you started rubbing on it.
"No, no. Please leave me. Let me go!"
You heard the girl screaming making you look in front as your hand froze while looking at the masked man in utter shock.
He was holding a traditionally carved sharp knife with golden handle and before you could even register anything, that man, right in front of you, sliced opened her throat mercilessly as blood spurred out like a fountain.
Your mouth was wide open not believing what you just witnessed.
The girl's body fell on the ground with blood still coming out of her covering her face with red crimson blood.
You stomach scrunched at the horrified scene unfolding in front you.
Tears automatically brimmed in your eyes looking at the lifeless body of the girl and your whole body started shaking violently making the sharp piece fell from your hand on the ground that you didn't noticed.
Your insides flipped when another girl was dragged towards the masked man who was crying loudly while thrashing around to save herself.
When that girl was also made kneel down, you abruptly came out of your trance after hearing soft sobbing beside you.
Looking at your right, you saw Lia crying hard while closing her eyes and that's when you snapped out of your traumatized state.
You looked back at the girl who was pleading and begging for her life but that man didn't listened to her and sliced her throat as well.
Turning your head away, you panicked knowing that you and Lia are soon going to die. Your fingers quickly picked up the piece from ground and you started rubbing the rope with the sharp piece as fast as you can.
The rope was tied so tightly around your wrist that was making you unable to move your hands properly.
Hissing at the pain, you moved your wrist around resulting cuts from the ropes but you didn't cared. You have to free yourself quickly before Lia is taken away.
Looking back at front you saw the third girl kneeling down in front of the man.
Your heart was pounding so badly as you heard her loud scream of pain. You closed shut your eyes tightly and tried to ignore the crying of the girl focusing to cut the rope open.
'Come on! Please! Please.'
Tears made out of your closed eyes as it was too painful for you to move your hands because of the cut from ropes on your wrist. But, the screams of the girls were making you aware that Lia is soon going to be next one.
With constant rubbing you could feel the grip around your wrist loosening just a little.
The rope has started to loosened as you opened your eyes and looked in front only to feel your heart sank deep and fear ran through your whole system.
The masked man was now looking at Lia who was still sobbing with her eyes closed unknown to the fact that she is the next.
"Lia! No!!"
You screamed loudly when the man grabbed her arm as she flung opened her eyes and snapped her head towards you while crying out loudly.
"Y/n! Ugh, No!"
"Please, please! Leave me! No! Y/n!"
Your breath hastened when the masked man grabbed her arm and made her kneel down forcefully.
You screamed on top of your lungs and groaned loudly in frustration, trying so hard to cut the rope with the piece while looking straight at Lia who was yelling at the man to let her go.
Your eyes widened when the man washed the blood from knife in a water cup beside him and pointed it at Lia. He then placed the knife on her neck as she screamed out loud when that man chanted one last time before-
You ripped opened your ropes and jumped on your legs before you sprinted towards the man and attacked him from behind with the sharp piece digging it in the skin of his neck.
"Lia, RUN!!" You screamed at her and pushed the masked man away before grabbing her arm as you two quickly ran into the forest.
"Go, fucking catch them!"
The masked man yelled at his men who were already running behind the two of you. He hissed in pain and placed his finger on his neck before gazing at his blood.
Chuckling darkly, he glared at the way you both went and walked towards a man who gave him his phone.
Quickly dialing a number, he brought the phone near his ear.
"Two girls are on loose. Catch them, they must be near your area."
Hanging the call, the man gazed back at the dead bodies and removed his mask revealing his face glowing under the full moonlight.
He clenched his jaw as the flames of fire reflected in his grey coloured eyes. Gritting his teeth, he glanced at the smeared blood on his finger before muttering in anger.
"I almost finished the ritual but that bitch fucking ruined it all."
He lifted his face as an evil smirk appeared on his lips.
"I will not let you escape from your death so easily."
You two kept running with all your strength, passing by the wild bushes and large trees. Running footsteps of those men were kept getting closer and closer making you scared as hell.
If you get caught by them, then the next moment you'll find yourself bleeding to death.
Turning your head back, your eyes widened when you saw the flashlights that were in your direction.
"Lia, we have to hide!"
You spoke as the two of you went past through the bushes leaving the trail of road and quickly duck down behind the trunk of a large tree.
You placed your finger on your lips telling Lia to not make much noise while breathing loudly because of the running.
Both of your body froze and you held your breath when those men were flashing lights as they kept running on the road. You bend Lia's head down when the light was flashed towards the tree where you both were hiding.
"They must have gone though this trail only." One of them spoke as you heard all of them running further away from you both.
For a minute you both sat completely silent without moving a single muscle until you released a long shaky breath.
"Lia, you okay? Did you got any cut?"
You whispered and turned towards the girl beside you while placing your palms on her cheeks gazing around her body for any cuts or bruises.
"No. I'm fine. You...You saved me on time, Y/n. T-thank you so much....I..I was almost k-killed...."
You quickly wrapped your arms around her shivering figure as she sobbed lowly clutching your dirty top tightly.
Lia was terrified by all this. And who wouldn't be? She was almost killed mercilessly with that sharp knife like those poor girls.
You really wanted to let her calm down and come back to her senses but you were afraid you both were wasting time. Any second those men might come back to look for you two.
"Lia. I know you are traumatized by all this but we have to get out of here quickly. Those men will come back."
Helding her shoulders you made her turn around and quickly untied her ropes releasing her hands. Lia rubbed her reddened wrist and glanced at you before nodding her head in understanding as she wiped her tears.
"Y/n, that fountain." Her gaze locked with yours as you hummed.
"Yeah, I know. We are somewhere near the sunset point."
You said while looking around adjusting your eyes in the darkness.
"Hey, you remember we once went back to the cabin through these woods. This trail was blocked by a large broken tree after the storm."
Lia muttered as she looked around the woods as well while you gasped when you remembered that day.
"Yeah! You remember the way?"
You asked her as she squinted her eyes through the woods and quickly nodded her head.
"Those marks and arrows. We made them that time."
You followed her gaze at the tree behind you and found the old carved arrow as you remembered that it was Lia's idea to make this arrow so that you both don't get lost if that happens again.
"Come on. Let's go."
Lai smiled widely and grabbed your hand as you two followed the arrows carved on the trees showing the directions to your cabins.
Who knew that these would have actually helped you in future as well?
"Look!" Lia pointed at the cabin as you both came out of the woods and rushed towards it.
"Shit! We don't have the keys." She muttered while hopelessly trying to open the locked door.
You groaned in frustration as you remembered that the keys were in your bag which must be left behind on that place where you were knocked out.
"What should we do-"
Lia stopped and looked at your figure in confusion when you walked towards one of the windows.
You held the handle of the window at the bottom and lifted it up before chuckling a little at Lia whose eyes were wide.
"I would have scolded you to leave the windows unlocked if we were in different situations but I guess you are safe this time."
You said and opened the window wide before jumping inside the cabin followed by Lia who shut the window and locked it.
"No. Don't!"
You quickly slapped her hand away from the switch board and pulled her towards you.
"Don't turn on the lights, stupid. They will get to know that someone is here."
She nodded her head cursing herself in her mind for almost doing the dumbest thing that would have put you both in trouble.
"Lia, your phone." Plugging out the charger from her phone which was fully charged for so long, you walked back towards her and switched on her phone.
Both of your heart clenched when you saw so many missed calls and messages from Hoseok and Yoongi within these two days.
"I'll call Yoongi." Lia nodded her head and walked towards the kitchen counter to have a cup of water to put her dried throat at ease while you clicked on Yoongi's name and pressed the phone near your ear waiting to hear the ringing sound.
Just when Lia was about to drink, her eyes widened when she saw the bright headlights of a vehicle approaching the cabin.
"Y/n! Someone is here!" She lowly yelled as you snapped your head towards the window through which the light was coming inside and you heard the vehicle stopping right in front of your cabin.
"Lia, quickly hide."
You rushed and grabbed her hand before pushing her in the bedroom locking both of you inside.
Lia crawled under the bed pulling you aswell to hide with her.
But your eyebrows automatically furrowed when you heard someone whispering. You cautiously walked near the small window and peeked outsidse to get a look at the person.
And when you did, you weren't able to believe your own eyes as you stumbled back in shock.
"Y/n, what happened?" Lia whispered seeing your stunned face and quickly crawled out in worriedness when she saw tears filling your wide eyes.
Before she could ask you more, you made a sprint out of the room ignoring Lia's call and before the person could knock on the main door, you ran outside through the kitchen door startling the person but as soon as he saw you he didn't waited a single second and rushed towards you.
"Y/n! Oh my God!"
You crashed into his arms as he held you tightly still not believing that you are literally in his arms right now. You cried out loud while clutching his black leather jacket when he carrased your head.
The male looked behind you at Lia whose eyes were also filled with tears seeing him as she also ran towards you both and crashed into his arms.
"Oh God. Finally, I found you both."
Yoongi muttered as tears brimmed in his eyes.
"What happened to you both? Why weren't you picking-"
Just when he was about to throw questions at the two of you, your eyes widened after coming back to your senses and pulled out from the hug.
"Yoongi! Quickly come inside!" You grabbed his and Lia's hand before rushing inside the cabin through the back door of the kitchen and locked it.
Yoongi looked around the cabin filled with darkness before looking at the two of you. His eyes widened when he finally noticed both of yours dirty clothes and some scratches on your arms.
"Y/n, just what has happened? You both were supposed to come Seoul yesterday and none of you were picking up my call-"
"Yoongi. I know you have a lot of questions but we don't have much time. There are some dangerous men behind us and if we get caught, we will be killed."
You informed him while going around the cabin locking all the windows and putting the curtains properly.
Yoongi stood there in utter shock after hearing from you as he glanced at Lia who nodded her head and sighed loudly.
"But, how did you got involved with those men- Okay. Let it be. If that's the case, we should get out from here first. Come on."
Yoongi grabbed your and Lia's arm before he almost opened the back door until you pulled back and shushed them while ducking down as involuntarily those two also bend down.
"What happened Y/n-" Lia's words were cut short when you all heard a vehicle nearing you and within seconds it stopped right in front of the cabin.
"This is the cabin."
Your eyes widened after hearing a man followed by so many footsteps approaching your main gate.
"Fuck! They are here! We all are dead,
Lia was now panicking when the door handle violently moved followed by loud bangings as she whimpered in fear and held your arm tightly.
"We know you two are here! So, its better you open this damn door or we'll break it open!"
A man yelled as he pounded again on the door flinching you all.
"Okay, listen."
Yoongi released a shaky breath and turned towards you both before whispering lowly ignoring the yells and bangings on the door.
"Both of our cars is parked in front so we have no choice but to run into the woods as soon as we get out of the cabin."
"But they will catch us with their vehicle." You said not sure of his idea but he nodded his head and continued speaking.
"Their vehicle won't pass through these wild woods. There is only one way that they can drive, which is the main trail but we have to run in opposite direction."
"Are you sure we can do this?" Lia muttered with tears in her eyes as Yoongi smiled and wiped her tears before helding her shaking hand.
"If you believe in yourself, yes we can do this."
You bit your lower lip eyeing deeply in Yoongi's eyes who was giving you a reassuring smile. Your heart was breaking apart as you saw his real emotions even though he was trying to hide them so hard.
He was scared. So damn scared.
Not for him, but for you two.
And that was scaring you as hell.
"Fine, break this fucking door!"
You snapped your heard at the main door and closed your eyes tightly.
"Let's do this."
~To Be Continued
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