eleven ♔ the fallen soldiers

Juniper was just sitting in her tent, looking at the dark camp. It was rather peaceful when the delinquents were sleeping and the fire was flickering. She could not get the thought of what Bellamy said out of her head and the fact that three hundred people were going to die because she was too late to stopping Bellamy, if only she went with him.

Juniper quickly gasped when she saw someone holding up the door of her tent with a torch-

it was Bellamy.

"You're up?" Bellamy said as Clarke lay sleeping beside Juniper. Juniper looked at Clarke before she got out of the tent.

"I just can't shake the feeling that three hundred innocent people are going to die tonight on the Ark. It makes it pretty difficult to sleep." Juniper replied catty as Bellamy help up a torch for light. He looked pretty worried.

"Raven's flares will work." Bellamy reassured but Juniper just shrugged her shoulders.

"Her radio would've worked better." Juniper admitted and Bellamy just sighed as he became more tense. 

"Have you seen Octavia?" Bellamy asked and Juniper began to worry. Octavia was a bit of a free-spirit after being stuck in isolation for so long. But she would not wander away from camp without telling Bellamy. Unless, they got into an argument, because when they did it was like fire fighting with fire.

"No. It's Octavia. She's probably chasing butterflies or hiding in the dropship." Juniper smiled it off to reassure Bellamy, but he kept his tense stance.

"Juni, I've checked the camp. She's not here." Bellamy stated and Juniper nodded her head as she grabbed her make shift knife and stuck it in her pocket.

"Ok. I'll help you find her. Let's check again. You go to the dropship. I'll check the rest of the tents." Juniper set out a plan and they began to walk. 

"Thank you." Bellamy smiled and Juniper just nodded her head before she started going through all the tents. It was no use, Octavia was nowhere to be seen. Juniper ran to the middle of camp, where Bellamy was rounding people up

"Hey, everybody, gather around and grab a weapon. My sister's been out there alone for twelve hours. Arm up. We're not coming back without her." Bellamy instructed and Juniper saw Jasper getting ready to leave. He had not done that since he was last attacked.

"Hey, Jasper, you don't have to do this. You haven't left camp since we brought you back." Juniper explained and Jasper shook his head. Jasper wanted to protect Octavia and it turns out he would stop at nothing to protect her.

"Juniper, I need to do this." Jasper reassured before he walked off. Juniper nodded her head before she went over to the weapons area, she had knife but she wanted a bow and arrow. 

"Look up there. It's so beautiful." One of the hundred shouted and everybody looked up at the sky. It was speckled with shooting stars falling from space. Juniper's stomach clenched, that was a funeral for three hundred people. 

"They didn't work. They didn't see the flares." Juniper whispered and Bellamy came up from behind. 

"A meteor shower tells you that?" Bellamy asked and Clarke shook her head.

"It's not a meteor shower, it's a funeral. Hundreds of bodies being returned to the earth from the ark. This is what it looks like from the other side." Clarke explained and Juniper looked up at Bellamy. He was too busy concentrating on Octavia to give a reaction, but on the inside he was feeling it. 

"This is all because of you!" Raven shouted as she marched over to Bellamy. Juniper moved out of the way for Raven.

"I helped you find the radio." Bellamy argued and Raven got closer to him. The tension was radiating off of them. 

"Yeah, after you jacked it from my pod and trashed it!" Raven screamed angrily and Juniper knew that she had to cut in. She stood in front of Bellamy to divide him and Raven.

"Yeah, he knows. Now has to live with it." Juniper stated and Bellamy took a step forward when he spoke so his body was up against Juniper's. Juniper knew that he could feel her breathing rapidly. 

"All I know is that my sister is out there and I'm gonna find her." Bellamy stated before he turned to Finn.  "You coming or what?" Bellamy asked the newly cut Finn, his long hair was no longer, it was now short and aesthetically pleasing.

"Yeah." Finn stated as he nodded his head. Bellamy turned to everybody else 

"What are we waiting for? Move out!" Bellamy shouted as he turned to see Juniper looking up at him. She was holding a knife and looked ready to get out there. Bellamy sighed as he shook his head. "You are not coming." Bellamy instructed and Juniper stomped her foot like a child.

"Please, it's Octavia." Juniper pleaded and Bellamy was still saying no. But, Juniper noticed that he was wearing her necklace underneath his top.

"I can't lose you, okay, I need to be completed focused on Octavia and if you are out there I won't be." Bellamy explained and Juniper sighed before she slowly handed him her knife. Bellamy took it before he hugged onto her.

"Just bring her back." Juniper whispered into his ear before they pulled out of the hug. Bellamy nodded his head before the pair looked over at Finn and Raven kissing. Juniper sighed before she stuck her foot into the ground. She hated the fact that Clarke could do nothing about the whole situation.

"Maybe we should do what they are doing." Bellamy teased and Juniper grinned before she threw her head back laughing.

"How about I just kick you in the balls?" She asked sarcastically and Bellamy laughed before he turned to his group. 

"Alright guys, let's move out." Bellamy shouted and the whole group started to leave. Juniper walked over to Jasper, Clarke, Finn and Raven.

"Guys... They're leaving. We gotta go." Jasper stated as Finn looked at Raven. Juniper gave Clarke a sympathetic look.

"I gotta do this. And you should stay and fix the radio, ok?" Finn instructed and Raven looked flustered and confused. She had no idea how she could.

"Fix it? The transmitter's smashed. Unless there's a parts depot down here, we're not talking to the ark." Raven explained and that's when everything clicked in Clarke's head.

"Art supply store." Clarke smiled to herself and Juniper nodded her head in support. "I know a place you might be able to get a transmitter." Clarke stated as they watched the boys walk off with Bellamy and the others.

"You guys go, I'm going to stay with the camp. Make sure things are working." Juniper smiled before she walked over to the food shed. Might as well make herself useful in this time. Plus, it would stop her worrying about Bellamy, Octavia and the rest of them.

"Clarke! Where's Clarke? Get Clarke now." Juniper heard when she woke up from her slumber. She was not sleeping in her tent but by the front gate so she knew when they got back. Juniper sighed with relief when Bellamy helped her up. He had returned Octavia and she was safe.

"What's going on?" Juniper asked and Bellamy just stayed silent as he watched them carry Finn's body on a stretcher. He was knocked unconscious. Juniper ran up to Finn on the stretcher and Bellamy joined her. "What happened?" Juniper asked as she looked up at Bellamy.

"The grounder happened." Bellamy answered just as Clarke came rushing over to them.

"Finn. Finn? Oh, my god. Oh, oh, my god." Clarke said worried as she inspected Finn, Raven came up behind her. 

"Oh, my god." Raven cried out as Clarke checked his vitals and to see if he was breathing.

"He's alive." Clarke said as she looked at the knife in his stomach. Luckily, they did not take the knife out of him.

"Bellamy wouldn't let me take the knife out." Jasper explained and Juniper gave Bellamy a little smile.

"No, that was a good call. Get him in the dropship now. Go!" Clarke demanded as they brought Finn into the dropship. Raven looked at Clarke whilst Juniper stayed by Clarke's side.

"Clarke, can you save him?" Raven asked and Clarke shook her head as she started to cry. Juniper held onto her best friend's hand.

"No. Not me. I need my mother. I need to talk to her." Clarke explained and Juniper was praying that they had a radio.

"There's still no radio." Raven stated and Juniper sighed, they had no hope at saving Finn.

"Raven, fix it! Go!" Clarke instructed before she ran into the dropship. Juniper was away to follow after her before someone held her back. She could tell by the grip that it was Bellamy.

"Bellamy, I've got to go see Finn." Juniper sighed as Bellamy walked closer to her. 

"Here." Bellamy stated as he untied the necklace and tied in around Juniper's neck. "I'll always come back." Bellamy promised and Juniper nodded her head as she touched the necklace. 

just a little filler for you all, need to do a small chapter in between big ones and break it up. how are we feeling about the book so far, please let me know. i love the feedback. i've got a couple on direct message so please keep it up.

also just to let you all know that I have started planning out book two and three and i'm so excited for Juniper's evolution as well as junamy's relationship. cannot wait.

mrs n o'brien x

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