
~With Kai~

After I woke up, I had gotten a text from Hunter and it had to be about something.

Hunter: Hey Kai. Do you mind coming over to the PC today? I want to talk to you about something.

Me: Am I in trouble?

Hunter: No, it's something that I think you'll enjoy. Come on by when you can.

Me: I'll get there now. See you soon.

After that text, I hopped in the shower, got dressed, and went to the PC for something that Hunter had wanted to talk to me about.

When I arrived, I was looking for him and I did, but Masami and Kaori were there too.

Me: おはようございます。 (Good morning, guys.)

Masami: カイ、あなたは時間通りにいます! ハンターは私たちに何かを伝えようとしていた。 (Kai, you're right on time! Hunter was about to tell us something.)

Me: Alright, what do we got?

Hunter: Perfect timing. In a week from now, the WWE will be on tour from Yokohama, to Tokyo, and, you'll love this, to Yamaguchi, in your home country of Japan. You guys want to go?

Without any hesitation, I said my answer.

Me: はい、お願いします。 (Yes, please.)

Kaori: Hai.

Masami: Hai.

The reason I said yes is because for sometime after my NXT debut, I've been feeling homesick and for Hunter to say that the company's on tour from Yokohama, to Tokyo, and to Yamaguchi had made me so happy.

I think that once I tell Hunter why I gave my immediate answer, he'll understand because he made sure that I was okay. After the talk was over, Kaori was so happy that she looked like she was gonna cry!

I had to hug her and make sure that she was okay. And she was. We were going home to Yamaguchi and show off her NXT Women's Championship.

After some of that, we had to go home, pack up our stuff, and got to flying, but I know who I wanted to meet with once we got to Yokohama.

~9 Hours Later~

We finally arrived in Yokohama with the Raw and Smackdown roster and we were told the rules about the events that we needed to follow, which I'm alright with. Soon after, we were allowed to go to wherever we wanted.

Kaori, Masami, and myself decided to visit Minoru's store and see if he's available. I think he wouldn't expect us to be here, especially his assistant manager Hiroyo Matsumoto, another one of Minoru's protégés and we had to see if he was there.

When we got there, he was, but Minoru was on his computer watching something. I assumed his favorite anime "One Piece" because Suzuki-Gun, before I signed with NXT, was inspired by that anime and that's how he's been considered one of the best heels in Japanese wrestling history.

When you watch his post-match speech against Hiroshi Tanahashii, when he says treasure, that's a reference to the anime. I picked it up while he was delivering the promo and I thought that was really cool.

Here's what I mean:

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Then, we saw Hiroyo and she looked so excited to see me here!

Hiroyo: カイ?! (KAI?!)

Me: 何が起こっているの? (What's going on?)

We hugged as she turned her attention to Kaori and Masami who hugged them as well.

Hiroyo: あなたはどのようにしていましたか 私たちがあなたのみんなを見たからしばらく経ちました! (How have you been doing?! It's been a while since we've seen you guys!)

Masami: 私たちは日本でここにいるWWEとツアーにいます、そして私たちはここにある小さいかどうかを見たかったです。 カイは私たちがここにいる間彼に会いたかった、そしてそれは彼の考えでした。 (We're on tour with WWE here in Japan and we wanted to see if Minoru's here. Kai wanted to see him while we're here and it was his idea.)

Hiroyo: 彼は本当にその悪い小学を見たいですか? (He really want to see Minoru that bad?)

Me: こんにちは、彼は私に父親のようです。 もちろん私は彼に悪いことを見たいです! (Hey, he's like a father to me. Of course I wanna see him that bad!)

Hiroyo just giggled with such cuteness that it told her that I seriously wanted to see him.

Hiroyo: 大丈夫、私は彼が時間を過ごしているかどうか見ます。 あなたはここで3待ってください。 (Alright, I'll see if he has time. You three wait right here.)

Kaori: わかりました。 (Okay.)

She went away as we all looked around. Everything in this store is all clothing, but Minoru also sells Suzuki-Gun merchandise and some cds of songs from the artist that made his entrance music, Ayumi Nakamura, who was such a sweetheart when I first met her!

~With Minoru~

So far, One Piece is really making me relaxed after a business meeting I had not too long ago.

While I was watching it to recharge my batteries, Hiroyo came in.

Hiroyo: 未成年、あなたに会うためにここにいくつかの人々がいます。 (Minoru, there's some people here to see you.)

Me: 大丈夫、私はすぐに出ます。 (Alright, I'll be right out.)

Hiroyo: いいえ、軽微です。 この人々は本当にあなたに会いたいです。 (No, Minoru. This people really want to see you.)

Me: それは誰ですか? (Who is it?)

Hiroyo: カイです。 (It's Kai.)

Me: カイ?! 私は彼がNXTにいると思った? (KAI?! I thought he's in NXT?)

Hiroyo: あなたが彼に話しかけたならば、それは良いです。 (It's better if you talked to him.)

Me: 私は今来ています。 (I'm coming right now.)

I paused the episode and closed my laptop as I came out of my office to see Kai, but I never thought I would see him in my store.

I'm sure happy to see him, but I have a little joke up my sleeve.

~With Kai~

I was just looking at this for a souvenir before we left...

Why? I'm a former member and once you join, you're Suzuki-Gun for life. I think Minny would appreciate this gesture, and since Halloween's in a couple months, why not wear it then?

?????: こんにちは、ここにいることは許されません! (Hey, you're not allowed to be here!)

I looked over and I had the biggest smile on my face.

Minoru looked better than ever and I couldn't be more happier, but he looked pissed! What did I do wrong?!

Me: 何? 私はあなたに会いたいです。 (What? I just want to see you.)

Minoru: あなたは私があなたが私の店に歩いて、あなたがいくつかのちょっと大きなショットを考えさせるつもりだと思いますか? あなたはもう1つのものを持っています、カイ!(You think I'm gonna let you walk into my store and think you're some kinda big shot? You've got another thing coming, Kai!)

We then had a little staredown as if we're about to fight in his own store, but he smiled and just laughed.

Minoru: 私はただ冗談を言っている、息子。 それを持ってきなさい。 (I'm just kidding, son. Bring it in.)

We just hugged and laughed at what we had to catch up.

Minoru: あなたがここでみんなを見てうれしいです! (Nice to see you guys here!)

Masami and Kaori hugged him as he was so happy to see us here.

Minoru: あなたはここで何をしていますか? 私はあなたがNXTにいると思いましたか? (What are you guys doing here? I thought you're in NXT?)

Kaori: 私たちは、日本でここでツアーをしています。 (We are, we're just on tour here in Japan.)

Minoru: 本当に? (Really?)

Kaori: ええ。 私たちは横浜、東京、山口のためにここにいます! (Yeah. We're here for Yokohama, Tokyo, and Yamaguchi!)

Minoru: うわー、それはとてもクールです! こんにちは、あなたは私がプライベートでカイと話をしたら女の子の気持ち? 私は彼に追いついていきたいです。 (Wow, that's so cool! Hey, you girls mind if I talked to Kai in private? I want to catch up with him.)

Masami: を確認してください。 私たちが周りを見ても大丈夫ですか? (Sure. Is it okay if we looked around?)

Minoru: もちろん。 私のゲストになりましょう。 (Of course. Be my guests.)

They looked around as Minoru and I had to talk.

Minoru: 私はあなたの最初の2つの試合Kaiを見ました、そして彼らは素晴らしかったです。 (I saw your first two matches Kai, and they were amazing.)

Me: ありがとう、軽微です。 (Thanks, Minoru.)

Minoru: あなたは大歓迎ですが、私はあなたに尋ねなければなりません、あなたがNXTにいる間あなたの計画は何ですか? (You're welcome, but I have to ask you, what are your plans while you're in NXT?)

Me: 正直に言うと、少野、私は一つを思い付いていません。 私がやっているのはフローと一緒に行きます。 (To be honest, Minoru, I haven't come up with one. All I'm doing is going with the flow.)

Minoru: ああ、私は見ます。 WWEでは、私が知っているものから、あなたは新しい国際的な観客にさらされていて、あなたはそれに適応する必要があります。 ファンをあなたのキャラクターに興味を持っていくために何かを思い付いたことがありますか? (Ah, I see. Look, in WWE, from what I know, you're exposed to a new international audience and you need to adapt to that. Have you came up with something to make the fans interested in your character?)

Me: 私のデビューの試合の後、私は自分自身を紹介するプロモーションをカットし、私は新しい日本でのキャリアのためのコールバックをしましたが、私は私の元会社をドロップに命名したくありませんでした。 それが私が最初にやりたかったのは、それほど良いことでしたか? (After my debut match, I cut a promo introducing myself and I've done callbacks for my career in New Japan, but I didn't want to name drop my former company. That was the first thing I wanted to do, was that any good?)

Minoru: 私はそれが好きです。 それは良いスタート、カイです。 私はコールバックのアイデアが好きです。 それはあなたに興味を持っているファンがいくつか得られます。 その後何でも? (I like that. That's a good start, Kai. I like the idea of callbacks. That'll get some fans interested in you. Anything after that?)

Me: 私はまたアダムと私と私たちがお互いを取り組むことを決してしなかった方法でもいくつかの歴史をもたらしました。 私たちは来週しました、そして私は良い試合があったと思います。 (I also brought some history with Adam and I and how we never got to wrestle each other. We did the next week and I think I had a good match.)

Minoru: これは良い、カイです! これはいいです! それはあなたにとってさらに興味を持っているつもりです。 あなたがこれを維持するならば、アメリカのみんながあなたを愛します。 見て、あなたが働いている方法は私がそれをする方法を正確にしています。 あなたがしていることをやってください。 (This is good, Kai! This is good! That's gonna make the crowd interested in you even more. If you keep this up, everyone in America will love you. Look, the way you're working the audience is exactly how I would do it. Keep doing what you're doing.)

Me: 私は予定しています。 私はホームシックだったので、私はこのツアーに来るには「はい」と言わなければなりませんでした。 私はあなたが理解できることを知っているので私はあなたに会いたかったです。 (I plan to. And Minoru, I had to say "yes" to coming on this tour because I was homesick. I wanted to see you because I know that you'll understand.)

Minoru: 私はそれを手に入れます、カイ。 私はあなたが来ているところから来ます。 私はそれがホームシックを感じる方法を知っています、そして私はあなたが去るのを保証し、あなたはアメリカで素晴らしいことをします。 あなたは新しい日本で素晴らしました、今、私はあなたがあなたがタップアウトを見た驚くべき若者に会いたいです。 (I get it, Kai. I get where you're coming from. I know how it is to feel homesick and I guarantee you it will go away and you will do great in America. You did amazing in New Japan, now I want to see you be the amazing young man I saw tap out Okada do the same in NXT.)

Me: ありがとう、軽微です。 私はあなたにそれを言っていることを私は感謝します。 (Thanks, Minoru. I appreciate you telling me that.)

Minoru: こんにちは、あなたは私の息子のように、カオリとマサミは私の娘のようなものですが、私はその障害を持つことを知っています、あなたはアメリカの周りにすべてのファンをあなたの名前を覚えていることを知っています。 私のためにそれをしなさい (Hey, you're like my son, Kaori and Masami are like my daughters, but I know that with that disability, you will make every fan around America remember your name. Do that for me, understand?)

Me: はい、サー。 (Yes, sir.)

Minoru: 大丈夫。 私は仕事に戻らなければなりませんが、私はあなたが私が言ったことを覚えています。 (Alright. I have to get back to work, but I want you to remember what I said.)

Me: 私はします。 しかし待つ。 あなたは本当に働いていますか、それとも1つの部分のエピソードを見ていますか? (I will. But wait. Are you really working, or are you watching an episode of One Piece?)

Minoru: 大丈夫、あなたは私を捕まえました。 それは一つです。 (Alright, you caught me. It's One Piece.)

We both laughed again as we had to come back to Kaori and Masami.

Minoru: あなたが誰かが商品を望んでいるなら、私のゲストになろう。 (If you guys want some merchandise, be my guests.)

Kaori: 本当に? (Really?)

Minoru: ええ、そしてあなたが得るものは何でも私の上にいます。 (Yeah, and whatever you get, it's on me.)

Masami: 未成年、あなたはそれをする必要はありません。 (Minoru, you don't need to do that.)

Minoru: しかし私はしたいです。 私はあなたを愛しています。 (But I want to. I love you guys.)

We did ended up getting some Ayumi Nakamura CDs and some shirts, including the Suzuki-Gun shirt Kai wanted. After all of that, we each gave Minoru a hug, to a selfie with him, and went on our way back to our hotel rooms.

Still, it was great to pay Minoru a visit to his shop, Piledriver GottiSutairu before a show in Yokohama. I hope that whenever I need a tag team partner, I can count on Minoru to help me.

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