One More Day
(A/N: You guys will probably think I'm stalling about the WarGames matches, but I'm not. This is just so I can mentally prepare myself for what I'm going to write.
Some of the stuff that I'll be writing for those matches are basically going to have comedy in them because that's where I'm best at in my opinion.
Anyway, sorry for the long wait, but I hope you enjoy this chapter!)
~With Kai~
It was only one more day before WarGames and I decided it would be best if I just had an iced coffee and a Danish before I go out on a run. I didn't let Masami know because I wanted her to sleep in after our dinner date last night.
While I was at a Starbucks having my iced coffee, I was looking through some pictures of Masami and I. Seeing the two of us together just makes me so happy. I just think Masami and I just make a cute couple because of our chemistry. I'm thinking about getting her something nice before we leave LA.
After drinking my coffee and before I went on a run, I was mentioned in a tweet from Minoru. I had to see what he said.
When I saw it, I was choking up.
Translation: I miss my protege. 😭😭😭
I felt so fucking bad about Minoru missing me that I immediately responded with...
Translation: I miss you too, dad. 😭
I had to put that out there because I just miss being in his Gun and just having fun as a heel. When I talk to Hunter, I need to ask about a heel turn because, honestly, that's where I'm the best at.
Back in 2015, after being a babyface for 8 years, I was 27 at the time, I thought me as a babyface was stale and I needed to change it all. When I joined Minoru's Gun, not only did it make my character fresh again, it also defined not just my life outside the ring, but my entire career.
Although I was a heel for a couple years, I gained enough experience on how to act like one and how to improve my character as a whole.
I do hope to be a heel in NXT sometime soon because I don't know if I want to stay as a babyface at the moment.
Even before I got back to the hotel, Masami had to text me if she wanted to have some lunch.
Masami: ねえ、カイ、あなたはフーターズでいくつかの昼食を手に入れたいですか? (Hey, Kai, you wanna get some lunch at Hooters?)
Me: ください! 待って、どこにいますか? (Sure! Wait, where is it though?)
Masami: 🤣🤣🤣🤣あなたはかわいらしい! それはホテルから角の中だけです、私はあそこにあなたに会います。 (You're adorable! It's just around the corner from the hotel, I'll see you over there.)
Me: 大丈夫、お会いしましょう! あなたを愛しています。 (Alright, see you there! Love you.)
Masami: あなたも愛しています! (Love you too!)
I decided to stop at the hotel, shower, change, and walk to Hooters. I've never been to this restaurant before, but I heard that their wings are so good.
When I arrived at the place, I walked in and was seated at a table. I'll tell ya, there was a lot of people and I felt uncomfortable. I thought I was just about to faint due to how much people there were.
Before I did, I heard a voice behind me...
?????: あなたに奉仕している人は誰もいますか? (Anyone serving you, sir?)
I looked behind me and Masami had to do this to me...
(A/N: Truthfully, I've never went to Hooters, but I wouldn't complain about her serving me some wings!)
Me: あなたはリトルスニークです。 (You little sneak.)
We hugged and kissed as she took out notebook and I knew what she was doing: ordering our lunch TOGETHER.
Me: ここで仕事を受けましたか? (Did you just get a job here?)
Masami: いいえ、愚かな。 私はあなたのためだけの彼の従業員のように服を着ることができれば所有者に尋ねました。 とにかく実行されているすべての後に飢えていました。 (No, silly. I asked the owner if I could dress like one of his employees just for you. You must've been starving after all that running anyway.)
Me: さて、これは間違いなく驚きであり、私はかなり空腹です。 (Well, this is definitely a surprise and I am pretty hungry.)
Masami: 私はあなたが飲んでいないことを知っていますそれは大丈夫です、カイ? (I know you don't drink so I'll get you a Diet Coke, is that okay, Kai?)
Me: はいお願いします。 (Yes please.)
Masami: そして私はあなたの飲み物と私のもので戻ってきます。 (And I'll be back with your drink and mine.)
Me: 先に行きなさい。 (Go ahead.)
She kissed my cheek and walked away to put the order in.
I just couldn't believe that Masami had to dress as a waitress for Hooters, just for me! I mean, she did get this uniform a souvenir somewhere while in the states before NXT, but seeing her in that just made me love her even more!
When she came back with my Diet Coke, I had my hand on my jaw just smirking at her.
Me: あなたはその中でかわいいように見えます (You look cute in that, you know?)
Masami: 本当に? (Really?)
Me: ええ。 あなたがやる。 それは私があなたをもっと愛します、マサミ。 (Yeah. You do. That makes me love you even more, Masami.)
Masami: あなたはとても甘い、カイです。 とにかく、どのような翼が欲しいですか? あなたが選択を読む手助けが必要な場合は、問題ありません。 (You're so sweet, Kai. Anyway, what kind of wings do you want? If you need help reading the choices, it's not a problem.)
Me: 私はそれを感謝します。 ありがとうございます。 (I appreciate it. Thank you.)
She and I looked at the menu and there were so many sauces to choose from! Since I have a huge appetite at the moment, I think I'll go with mild buffalo.
Me: 私はバッファロー、マサミに行きます。 あなたが望むものは何でも入手できます。 (I'll go with buffalo, Masami. You can get whatever you want.)
Masami: 大丈夫。 どんな翼? (Alright. What kind of wings?)
Me: 焼きました。 (Just grilled.)
Masami: それは良い選択です、私はそれが好きです。 私が欲しいものを書き留め、私は注文を受けます。 (That's a good choice, I like that. I'll write down what I want and I'll get the order in.)
Me: 大丈夫、そしてあなたが私たちの食べ物と一緒に戻ってきたとき、私たちは食べます。 (Alright, and when you come back with our food, we'll eat.)
Masami: それが計画です。 (That's the plan.)
She walked away with a wink and smile before I completely melted by her beauty with that.
I swear, I have the best girlfriend in the world. None of the other girls would've been able to give this much love to me. While I was able to give some to them, they never appreciated it, which would lead to some breakups along the way.
When I first met Masami at that charity event, I thought she was the most beautiful woman I've ever seen, even though she was engaged to Tataaki at the time. Even when I was introduced to her and Mayu thanks to Kaori, I was entranced by her beauty. I'm serious, she made me feel special after I overheard her and Kaori talking about me as she found me quote unquote "adorable".
Why am I adorable in her eyes? I'm just an ugly freak with a learning disability and to top it off all else, the breakups in the past resulted in the women take advantage of me.
Now, the one girl I've dated was Mayu and, same thing with what Masami's doing, she never saw me any differently and treated me with love and respect. She and I had a good thing going on until I signed with NXT. Mayu and I had to break up because of that, which is on good terms, same with Masami and Tataaki, which is kinda a coincidence that way.
After I signed with NXT to be near Kaori, Mayu sent me a text with support, and I took a screenshot of it as she said,
Mayu: カイさんのご冥福をお祈りいたします。 あなたはそれに値する。 もしあなたが日本に戻ったときに私と一緒に帰りたいと思ったら、いつでもドアは開いています。 (I wish you all the best Kai. You deserve it. If you ever want to get back with me when you return to Japan, the door is always open.)
Well, I might break her heart because it seems like the door's closed since I'm now committed in a relationship with Masami.
~With Masami~
My relationship with Kai is just one of the best things that's ever happened to me.
Even though he considers himself a freak with his autism, I considered him adorable because that messy hair he'd have often, and his eyes, you know? Kai has these eyes that are a brownish-black to them, with innocence, but inside the ring, they have no fear and no emotion.
Not many of those girls saw them like I did, especially in his matches and during Kai's bouts in NXT, I guarantee the commentary team will focus on those eyes because he's that good at making his matches believable and it makes his character even more sadistic than his time in New Japan.
Anyways, Kai's just that cute to me and that's why I love him. Nobody can't deny that he and I are made to be together, even though I had to go through a breakup with Tataaki which ended on good terms.
When the wings were done, I grabbed a serving tray and brought our food to Kai's table. He looked so cute waiting for me, even when folding his hands, he's like a cat!
Me: さて、ここにあなたの翼があります、そして私は私のものを持っています。 ところで家の上の私たちの食べ物 (Okay, here are your wings and I have mine. Our food's on the house by the way.)
Kai: 深刻な待っていますか? (Wait, seriously?)
Me: ええ。 彼らは私たちが明日の夜間で演奏することについて知っています (Yeah. They know about us performing at WarGames tomorrow night so anything we order is on them.)
Kai: それは素晴らしいです。 (That's awesome.)
Me: ええ。 (Yeah.)
As I sat down with him, we ate our wings and my gods they were so good, and a bit spicy, which I kinda enjoyed.
Kai: 明日私たちの試合では、私たちは何でも準備されています。 (With our matches tomorrow, we gotta be prepared for anything.)
Me: そうです。 これが初めて、特に女性との初めて、私たちは最善を尽くし得た。 (That's right. With this being our first time, especially with the women, we gotta perform our best.)
Kai: ええ。 こんにちは、マサミ? (Yeah. Hey, Masami?)
Me: ええ? (Yeah?)
Kai: 私があなたに何かを尋ねても大丈夫ですか? (Is it okay if I ask you something?)
Me: もちろん、それは何ですか? (Of course, what is it?)
Kai: それは私を生きて食べていました、そして私はあなたがどのように反応するのかわからないが、なぜあなたは私のような誰かと一緒にいたいのですか? (It's been eating me alive and I don't know how you'll react, but, why do you want to be with someone like me?)
Me: さて、あなたがどれほど愛らしいかに言ったときに覚えていますか? (Well, remember when I told Kaori how adorable you were?)
Kai: そう思いますか? (I think so?)
Me: それは私が真実を言っていました。 私はあなたが一緒にいた他の女の子のようにあなたを利用することは決してないだろう。 あなたはその特別なカイであり、私はあなたを約束します、私はいつもあなたのためにここにいます。 私はあなたをとても愛しています、カイ。 私はどこにも行きませんので私はあなたを残すつもりはないでしょう。 (That was me telling the truth. I would never take advantage of you like those other girls you've been with. You're that special Kai and I promise you, I will always be here for you. I love you so much, Kai. I'm never gonna leave you because I'm not going anywhere.)
I was choking up as I said this. This made me smile so much that Kai did the same. I held onto his hand and I kissed it to let him know that I'm not going anywhere.
Kai: 私が同じことをしても構わないと思っていますので、あまり多大なマサミに感謝します。 (Thank you so much Masami, as I'm willing to do the same.)
Then he took my hand and kissed it as I had some red on my cheeks.
Kai: あなたが最初にあなたを見たとき、そして私が今日でもその中であなたに会ったときにあなたを見たとき、あなたが私があなたを愛していた。 (You were so beautiful when I first saw you and when I saw you in that Hooters uniform just today, that made me love you even more.)
Me: あら、カイ。 (Oh, Kai.)
I got off my seat, walked over to him, and kissed him so lovingly as he did the same. I just love the compliments he would give me, especially how supportive he is.
Even after having our lunch, we went back to the hotel and hung out for the rest of the day.
Even before dinner, we promised to get together and be ready for our matches, but for some reason, he asked me to not look at his choice of ring gear. I didn't want to protest because I know he would be adamant about it, so I took his word for it, but little did I know, I was going to enjoy the hell out of his WarGames match.
Also, for all the girls that treated him like dirt, he may look like a freak, but he's my freak and I love him for it.
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