Epilogue Pt 2
~With Kai~
After the controversy I caused in New Japan, I had to quit the sport. I've said many times that once Suzuki-Gun was finished, I was finished. This group meant so much to me and for it to be gone, it's just the worst feeling in the world.
To keep myself sane, I took bookings in Japan. I wasn't doing the bookings for passion, I only did it because of the money. I didn't care anymore.
I was actually a freelancer for myself, but I eventually learned how to get moped as it was kinda like a motorcycle, even though it wasn't. I also managed to get my license and permit, not just to ride in Japan, but to ride internationally.
This is what it looked like because I really spent good money on it, that way I can go to bookings without any problem, but I had to be aware that the traffic laws are very different in Japan than they are in America.
Mid 2023, I just didn't care about wrestling anymore as I was only doing it for the money, but all of a sudden, I was given a call from an unknown caller.
I didn't know what it was, but I had to take it.
I picked up...
Me: Konichiwa?
I couldn't believe it...
Hunter: Kai, it's Hunter. How are you?
Me: Hunter? It been years!
Hunter: It has Kai. It really has. Are you doing anything right now?
Me: Uh, no. I have been taking bookings in Japan, but to be honest, I feel like I do not have passion for wrestling anymore.
Hunter: Why is that? What's going on?
Me: It better if I talk to you in person. If that okay?
Hunter: Of course! Let me book a flight. Which city are you in right now, in Japan?
Me: I back in Tokyo for booking next week. You can come then.
Hunter: Sounds good. See you then, Kai.
Me: Same.
~Next Week~
At the hotel, I waited for him as I wanted him to meet me here, where we were going to be talking.
It's been two years since we've seen each other and for Hunter to call me and ask for a meet up, I felt like it was homecoming, but I didn't expect Hunter bring in someone who I love so much.
When he arrived, I was super happy to see him.
Me: Konichiwa, Hunter!
Hunter: Hey Kai!
We hugged as it felt so good to be back with him, but we had to talk business.
Hunter: How you doing? You doing okay?
Me: I fine for now. Just happy to see you again.
Hunter: I know the feeling.
Me: So, what is happening?
Hunter: We all know that the TKO Shareholding's going to be finalized in September, but I've been negotiating with Nick Kahn and Endeavor about bringing you back to the company.
Me: You want me back?
Hunter: Yes. I saw how passionate you were about NXT and how much history you've made in that brand, but most importantly it was your work ethic that won me over. You worked so hard and for Vince to let you go a couple days after losing the title in 2021, it really took a toll on me, which would explain the cardiac arrest scare later that year.
Me: Really? You miss me that much?
Hunter: I did. You were one of my favorite guys in NXT and it was a shame to how your run in WWE ended. This time, on behalf of TKO and WWE, I wanna offer you a contract.
Me: A contract, for me?
Hunter: It's not a return to NXT, it's more so on the main roster, on Smackdown, where Masami is. I also want to ask you a question, Kai.
Me: Go ahead.
Hunter: How much money are you making, with all the bookings in Japan?
Me: Not much. 7,5000 yen, 530 dollars USD, per match. Lucky enough to get a hotel room, some food, gas, and a hotel room. There were times I sleep outside of building, but Hunter, I feel like I do not have passion anymore.
Hunter: You told me about that. What's going on?
Me: Let say that after Suzuki-Gun disband, it was not the same for me. I said many time if the group done, I am done too. So, hai, I going with flow.
Hunter: Sorry to hear, Kai. Didn't know how bad it was. Well, the offer is on the table and take some time to consider it. The money is not much, but it's fair: 3 million dollars, for 3 years.
Me: 3 million? Can I take look?
Hunter: Yes, of course.
I looked over the contract the best I could and I was in disbelief at what it said:
"To whom it may concern,
The signee of this Superstar contract hereby understands that this legally binding contract is obligated to the terms and conditions as a Superstar/Performer employed by World Wrestling Entertainment, and its subsidiary brand Friday Night Smackdown, and agrees to perform said duties until the contract expires or is terminated. The WWE reserves right to terminate the contract at any point and without reason. This contract is also void if it is entered under duress or coercion.
This document shall serve as a legal and binding agreement amongst all parties signed to Friday Night Smackdown on October 7, 2023. These parties include Ren Hosako, previously belonging to the indie scene in Japan.
This contract is drawn in the state of Connecticut and all laws of Connecticut shall apply to its execution, arbitration, or contest."
I didn't think I would get another contract with WWE after everything I went through.
I mean, I've been wanting to come back and work alongside Masami, my wife, for a long time, and if this is what it takes to come back to the company and reunite with her, then I'm willing to do whatever it takes to come back.
Me: Hunter?
Hunter: Yeah?
Me: You got a pen?
He smirked, took out a pen, gave it to me, and I signed the contract, letting him know that I was serious.
Me: There one condition though.
Hunter: Anything.
Me: Creative Control.
Hunter: Kai, it's not in the contract.
Me: I know, but I want to return whenever I want, I want full control over character, and I want full control of whatever I say, in Japanese and English. No exceptions.
Hunter: Alright then. If you want Creative Control, you got it.
We shook hands as we had to wait for the right moment to make my return to WWE, but there was another condition.
Me: There also another condition.
Hunter: Name it.
Me: Masami gets lied to about me signing. I do not want her to know that I signed contract with Smackdown. We deny everything and we start working on return, but I also have one more condition to be met.
Hunter: What is it?
Me: Kaori return with me, and we form faction with Masami, "Hosako-Gun".
Hunter: Now we're talking. I'm all for it and those conditions are met.
We shook hands once again as I was so happy to be signing with WWE again, but we form a faction with Masami, Kaori, and myself.
Little do I know, Masami is gonna be so emotional when I come back.
~WWE Fastlane~
To show that I'm back, I'm wearing this:
The reason I'm wearing a hoodie is because I got something underneath this, which will be revealed in a little bit as my sister signed a new deal with WWE too, but what people don't know is that we'll be working together in a faction.
I also won't be revealing that until later on, so this is something I'm gonna keep secret.
When Masami performed her moonsault onto Charlotte and Kana combined, pinning them, I lost my shit, but I had to be ready because as Pam, Cheree, and Masami celebrated her win, Hunter gave the production team the go to get my new titantron ready, as well as my theme.
I'm still keeping "Tsubasa No Oreta Angel" by Ayumi Nakamura, but only when I'm competing on the solo side of things.
However, we have a song that will give everyone a run for their money as Kaori and I are the founders of the group, same with Masami.
And speaking of which, once Masami went to the top rope and celebrated with her newly won Championship, my theme played...
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
When that guitar riff made itself known, the fans had lost it and gave out the loudest pop I've ever heard in my life.
And on the screen, Pam and Cheree were in shock, while Masami's reaction was confusion.
When she looked at the titantron to see my name...
...she covered her mouth to mute her scream and tears started to roll down her face as the crowd popped again, but this time even louder.
At the 32 second mark of the song, I entered to another huge pop and I saw that Masami screamed with such joy that she started covering her face with her hands folded together and just started sobbing as loud as she could go.
Being back in WWE is great and all, but I'm here to be near my own wife again. It's the best feeling in the world right now.
Cole: Can someone say, "ichiban", because the "Broken Winged Angel", Ren Hosako is here!
Barrett: Are you kidding me?!
Cole: But look at Shirai! She's in shock! That's her husband! Her husband has returned to WWE and to her for the first time since 2021! Former NXT Champion, former North American Champion, 2020 Warrior Award recipient! This young man has done it all!
Barrett: What a huge surprise for Io Shirai and look at her! She's in tears!
Cole: I don't blame her at all! She needs to let it all out after all this time!
After a very slow walk to the ring, down the ramp, Masami, her eyes red and face stained with tears, dropped the belt, slid out of the ring, jumped into my arms, feet hooked around my waist, and smashed her lips against mine as I had to hold her with my arms.
The fans continued to cheer and applaud as Masami continued to bawl her eyes out that I'm in her arms. Pam and Cheree were trying not to cry and break character as they stayed in the ring, not knowing what was happening.
We looked at each other as Masami's eyes were so red, it almost looked like she was having an allergic reaction!
I can't tell you how it feels to be back with my wife, but I didn't come alone as Kaori is waiting to make her return as well.
Masami(voice cracking): なぜ教えてくれなかったのですか? (Why didn't you tell me?!)
Me: すべてを秘密にしたかったのですが、一人で来たわけではありません。そこに戻りましょう。 (I wanted to keep everything a secret, but I didn't come alone. Let's get back in there, shall we?)
I put her down, but as the chorus was sung, we kissed again, making the crowd cheer and applaud again while they sung along to the lyrics...
Crowd: Oooooh, tsubasa no oreta angel!
Aitsu mo tsubasa no oreta angel!
Minna tobe nai angel!
Translation: Oooooh... a broken wing angel!
I am another broken wing angel!
Everyone is an unflyable angel!
We got into the ring and Pam and Cheree don't know what's going to happen next.
I decided to grab a mic once the crowd was done singing the chorus of my song and say this...
Me: Oi, Bayley! You should know, Io is done with Damage CTRL.
Pam: What are you talking about? She's not done!
Me: Many month ago, over phone, she talk to me about how you hold her back! So, I talked about return, to be with her, and here... I... am!
The crowd cheered as I smiled with some mischievous intentions as...
Me: But, I did not come alone.
Pam, Cheree, and Masami were confused until Kaori, who had on the same hoodie, but with a face mask, slid in the ring, came from behind, and whacked Pam in the back with a chair.
The hair was showing, but once she pulled down the hood and the face mask, it lead to a huge pop from the fans.
Cole: What the?! Oh my God! That's Kairi Sane!
Barrett: Kairi Sane is back in WWE!
Cole: Remember, Ren and Kairi are siblings! It makes sense for them to come back!
That's when Masami took the belt and bashed Cheree in the face with it!
Kaori and Masami started to beat down Pam and Cheree as the fans ate it up, but Kaori is wearing something underneath the hoodie, same as me.
Masami, after laying out Pam and Cheree, regardless of the torn ACL, was really smiling like I would do: with evil.
After that, Kaori went to the top turnbuckle as Masami and I held Pam by her limbs. After saluting her, she gave the leader of Damage CTRL her InSane Elbow!
Then, it was Masami's turn, as she took Cheree by her arms and dragged her to the corner, stepped on her ribs, climbed to the top turnbuckle, did her pose, and performed her signature Moonsault Stomp!
Then, it was my turn as I pulled Pam up by her head and locked in the sleeper. She was already out, so I put her head underneath my armpit, put her arm around my head, and performed...
Cole: Brainbuster! The Brainbuster from Hosako onto the leader of Damage CTRL!
Barrett: Are you that mental, Ren! That's a woman! What the hell is wrong with you!
I walked over with a smile and yelled at Barrett...
Me: Equal rights... equal fights!
I gestured Kaori to go out of the ring to grab the bag I put under the ring way before the show and way before Masami and the others arrived.
Once she pulled the apron, she grabbed the bag, and threw it in the ring while rolling back inside. I grabbed it, picked up a mic and grabbed the bag, letting everyone know that we're a trio, rather than a group of great wrestlers that were lost on the card with no direction.
This is definitely gonna be better than Damage CTRL or whatever this group is because it's all family based, not random nobodies.
Me(subtitles): Oi, Io Shirai, my beautiful wife. You see, I want to apologize for lying to you about my "freelance bookings". There was never any bookings back home because Hunter and I actually worked together on not just me coming back to WWE, but Kairi as well.
The crowd cheered as Kaori was smiling at what I was saying, almost tearing up.
Masami: もしこれが私を驚かせたとしても、私はそれで構いません。あなたは許されています。 (If this was to surprise me, I'm okay with it. You're forgiven.)
I smiled and nodded, letting her know that I'm happy she forgave me, but I had to get back to business.
Me(subtitles): So, Shirai-kun, this is the only time I will offer this and I need only one answer, "yes" or "no". See, you can't wait for the opportunity anymore, you have to take it. And if you don't, it's never coming back. Shirai, will you join Kairi Sane and myself, as we look to take over WWE with brutality, with judgement, with our bloodline, and let everyone know that we mean business?
She looked so happy that Kaori and I were back and I gestured Kaori to reveal the vest that was designed by WWE themselves. I made the design, but the way they put it together was so freaking awesome...
When the design was revealed, the crowd lost their minds.
Cole: Wait. What does that mean? "V. President"? And Hosako-Gun?
Barrett: I don't know, but something doesn't sound right!
Me(subtitles): So, Io-kun, what do you say?
After that, I unzipped my hoodie to reveal my vest, which looked like this...
...and Kaori did the same...
Cole: Is Ren Hosako and Kairi Sane teaming up?! What's going on here?!
Barrett: Definitely seems like it! And look at the back of their vests! "Hosako-Gun" and "Ichiban"!
Cole: Ren Hosako, former member of Suzuki-Gun, Suzuki-Army, in New Japan Pro Wrestling, one of the most polarizing factions in the history of sports entertainment which disbanded earlier this year, knows how a group is run and having his own brand will definitely make the entire locker room fill with fear.
Me(subtitles): "Yes" or "no". It's that simple.
I looked at her and Masami was tearing up, just so happy that Kaori and I here with her at Fastlane, returning to the company we made a name for ourselves in.
As Masami was looking at the vest, the crowd was chanting "yes", wanting her to join us, and I know for a fact that there are some fans of Damage CTRL, but as of late, the group's been shoved down everyone's throats, making them hated so much.
After some time to look at the vest, Masami took off the DC armband she had on her left bicep, looked at it, and threw it onto Pam.
Then, she took the vest and put it on, much to the delight of the fans and my sister and I. Once that was done, Masami and I hugged and kissed as Kaori soon joined in as well.
We then released as I then proclaimed, with Masami, on the left side of me, still in tears of me returning to her, and Kaori on the right side of me...
Me(subtitles): Oi, Damage CTRL is dead, and a new army has arrived. Sound off the alarm because we're taking over WWE however we can. We'll fight anyone, Raw, Smackdown, NXT, it doesn't matter! We will fight anyone who steps in our way. Our love for wrestling is what's driving us, and there's nothing, I mean NOTHING, anyone in the back can do about it! Be warned, you will have to watch out for us because we're coming for you, and we will take what we want! And you will know that Hosako-Army is...
All three of us, with the crowd, pointed up...
The theme played, my theme in fact, as we hugged again, reunited for the first time in what feels like forever, but Masami was still crying about the fact that I'm back in her arms.
When we released, I kissed her head and smiled, with a tear in my eye as well.
Me: 約束します。もうどこにも行かないよ。細迫正美さん、愛してるよ。 (I promise. I'm not going anywhere again. I love you, Masami Hosako.)
Masami: そして、私はあなたを愛しています、甲斐ホサコ。 (And I love you, Kai Hosako.)
We hugged as the crowd continued to applaud and cheer for us in the middle of the ring.
When we got out of the ring, people were sticking their hands out as we slapped them. I saw a kid with headphones on, which I learned is a way to mute crowd noises, as there are kids on the spectrum who do not like very loud noises.
I went up to her, gave her a bit of a hug, and patted her head as I continued slapping hands.
I even gave another kid my autograph and a picture, just to make him happy, but the only person I know who isn't happy is Kana, only because she hates my family with a passion now.
I mean, she went from being the most kindest and friendliest person in the world to a big asshole, kinda like the mayor off of fucking Cloudy With A Chance of Meatballs or some shit.
When we got to the back, Hunter looked like he wanted to cry after seeing the sweet reunion we had out there and I didn't blame him!
He hugged us, but me the most as I really couldn't believe what he would say to me...
Hunter: Kai, welcome home.
I smiled with my eyes watering and I said...
Me: My home not with WWE.
He frowned a bit before I backed it up with this...
Me: It with my wife.
He smiled, patted my shoulder.
Hunter: Go to her, Kai. She needs you.
I walked away as Masami was waiting for me because we had to do a press conference.
Luckily, there was a subtitle machine on the wall as we were going to talk business.
We entered as my theme played, getting a round of applause. I sat down in the middle, Masami was on the right, and Kaori was on the left.
Me(subtitles): Oi, here's the thing, I'm happy to be back, but there's one thing that makes me happy even more, and that's being beside my family: my sister Kairi Sane, and my wife, the WWE Undisputed Women's Champion, Io Shirai.
The reporters aww'd and applauded as I continued, while holding Masami's hand with a smile.
Me(subtitles): And yes, no more IYO SKY. It's a name that could be heard off of Wish, and "Io Shirai" is resurrected from the dead. Not only that, Kairi Sane is back, and she's more dangerous than before. That Walking Danger Zone named Nia Jax can't keep her down, and yeah, she's been hurt by her in 2020, but times have changed because after training with me, she's much harder to kill now.
Kaori felt so happy that I said that and teared up. I basically side hugged her, just to let her know I love her, but I had to get serious.
Me(subtitles): Now with that out of the way, let me explain why I decided to return to WWE as it's gonna be serious.
I held myself together, took a deep breath, and continued...
Me(subtitles): You see, a couple months ago, Hunter visited me in Japan, and I told him everything: from Suzuki-Gun in Japan being disbanded, my father figure retiring in the near future, and I didn't have the same passion and work ethic that I used to have. What I didn't tell him was that, no pun intended, every time I wrestled, I was broken. I don't think anyone could ever know what I went through at that time. Every time I messed up a spot or, you know, made a mistake in every match I was in, on the indie scene, I would lose that specific match, thinking, "Goddammit, why can't you just get it, Kai?" It hurt. No pain, just anxiety, right? Not only that, as it's about to get worse, there were times when I considered ending my own life.
I heard Masami gasp, tearing up and her hand over her mouth while I continued, with my voice changing to a crack.
I was in a very dark place and I didn't want Masami, Kaori, not even my friends know about it all as I had to get it out and release all this baggage, but now that I'm back with her after almost two years, it feels so good to let it all go.
Me(subtitles): But I didn't, because I would hurt the one person who had been there for me from the beginning, and that was Io.
A second after I said that, I let out a cry.
I mean, I don't think anyone can blame me for shedding a few tears on the spot, in front of cameras.
Me(subtitles; voice cracking): I didn't want to hurt her because she was alone without me in this company, and I didn't want to hurt her even more with me considering suicide. But I'm still here because I know that she would want me to fight. So, I kept fighting, and Hunter gave me a three year contract for 3 million dollars per year, and I took it.
The reporters applauded as I had to finish it up.
Me(subtitles): I only inked the contract because not only did I feel a resurgence of passion inside of me, I wanted to hold Io in my arms once more. There was a bonus, though, and that was Kairi coming back as well. It made me happy because that the family is back together again after all this time. As you guys can probably tell, Hosako-Gun is a family faction, and family is everything to me. We'll consider adding more members in the future, but for now, this is a family reunion, and I'm happy to be back home. Thank you.
The reporters applauded as I let Masami talk for a bit and she probably wanted to talk ever since she's retained the title, and I don't blame her.
We held hands on the table as she started to talk.
Masami(subtitles): I clearly did not expect to see my husband and sister-in-law ever again in the company. I didn't think they'd sign, but after hearing this story, I didn't think he'd hide all of this from me. However, Kai was being honest and I can perfectly understand why he was feeling what he was feeling. I can forgive him for hiding the suicidal tendencies and his depression because I'm his wife, and I will be right beside him until the day I die. He comes first, and I will love him forever.
The reporters applauded and I didn't think Masami would forgive me after hiding all the shit I've been through the past year and now revealing what I've gone through.
I really can't love Masami enough for sticking by me, even with all the lying I've done to keep my return a secret.
Masami(subtitles): Whereas me being the Champion, I'm super happy to be the Champion and I'm so happy to be out of Damage CTRL. I hated it, and with Bayley talking over me and taking credit for my successful reign as Champion so far, I reached a breaking point and this was the best time to turn on Dakota and Bayley. I needed it, and for Kaori to return as a bonus? It just can't get any better than that! So, yeah, I'm ready to be a member of Hosako-Gun and be the Vice President for this Army. And Bayley, I'll take you on, anytime for this and if you bring Dakota into it, just know that Kairi will spear her right in half, and will elbow you until you lose a birthday. Thank you.
The crowd applauded as Kaori was going to talk now. I couldn't wait to hear what she has to say.
Kaori(subtitles): Here's what I know about the situation: this is probably the best choice for me because my friends back in Stardom actually told me that I should make the decision to come back to WWE. The reason why is that I was going through the same motions as my brother, but there was no suicidal thoughts or whatever like he had. I just didn't know what I would do if I stayed. When Ren called me up and asked if I would want to join him in Hosako-Gun, I said "yes", because I know that he would've wanted me to join and not only that, I just got out of an abusive marriage. My ex-husband would beat me out of spite and just hurt me, so for that, I filed for Civil Protection and if he ever came here, I was going to file a restraining order against him, and I did.
I was really happy Kaori filed a restraining order on Oshiro. I mean, that bastard and Kana had been abusive towards her and my family, so for Kaori to leave him and get that help, it was music to my ears.
Kaori(subtitles): I'm just really happy to be with my family again because this was the best decision I've made. I really wanted back in and Hosako-Gun is just the start of a new chapter in not just my life, but my career as well. Now that I'm back in WWE and with Kai and Masami again, like Hunter's entrance song, it's time to play the game, because anyone who crosses our path, watch out. We're not to be messed with anymore. We're dangerous. We're not gonna take BS from anyone no more. We're gonna fight as, like I said, this is just the beginning of a new chapter for all of us. Thank you.
We were done as the three of us hugged together, but I had to say this before we could go.
Me(subtitles): Like Kairi just said, we are dangerous. We do not mess around. We won't take any shit from anyone who tries to fight us. If anyone does, just know that we're basically gonna put them down like the dogs they are. Women's Division, Men's Division, whatever we fight, we will fight with our hearts and souls. If we want something and people say "no" to us, we're just gonna take it. And you all will know that Hosako-Gun is...
We all pointed up and yelled...
Kaori/Masami/Me: ICHIBAN!!!
The crowd applauds as we made our way down, finished with our segment and headed back to the hotel, but before we left, I gave Minoru a call, just to see if he was still mad at me for what I pulled late last year.
Minoru: こんにちは? (Hello?)
Me: ミノル、カイです。昨年あなたとギャングを軽視して申し訳ないと言いたいだけです。私はただ混乱していて、まともに考えていませんでした。 (Minoru, it's Kai. I just want to say I'm sorry for disrespecting you and the gang last year. I was just a mess and I wasn't thinking straight.)
Minoru: カイ、もう言わないで。わかりました。気分が少しでも良くなるなら、本当はマサミのせいでWWEに戻ってきてほしかったんだ。今、あなたは本当に幸せです。 (Kai, say no more. I understand. If it makes you feel any better, I actually wanted you to go back to WWE because of Masami. Now that you are, I'm really happy for you.)
Me: 本当に感謝しています、ミノルさん。ありがとう。 (I appreciate it so much, Minoru. Thank you.)
Minoru: もちろん。何か必要なことがあれば、または試合で私に来て一緒にタッグを組んでほしい場合は、私に知らせてください。 (Of course. If you ever need anything or you want me to come by and tag with you in some matches, let me know.)
Me: ありがとう、ミノルさん。愛しています、メンター。 (Thank you, Minoru. I love you, mentor.)
Minoru: ここも同じよ、カイ。そしてマサミとカオリに愛を捧げます。 (Same here, Kai. And give my love to Masami and Kaori.)
Me: 私はします。 (I will.)
I hung up as we headed on back to the hotel.
Kaori was in one room and Masami and I were making out in the other, just feeling the warmth of our own bodies after all this time. We deserved our alone time as being reunited really made me feel so happy.
Still, after everything I have gone through with my sister and my wife, I can say that I finally have the life that I've wanted.
If I could end it with this, allow me to do so. I've went through so many obstacles in life that I didn't let my actions or career define me, I let myself define me.
My life was nothing full of struggles as my autism is the one thing that I've used to inspire others. If there's one thing I've learned throughout my entire time on earth, it's that Masami is my love as I see red every time I'm with her.
What I mean is that I love her with all my heart, as my heart beats red, and that Red Is For Love.
(A/N: And that is it for this story! It's finally done and now I can move on!
Honestly, I'm gonna miss doing this story because it's one of my favorites due to Kai being autistic as writing his matches and doing whatever I wanted with this OC just made it work, especially when I planned out the booking.
Here comes the usual survey, but I'm gonna add one more question to it. It's about the booking, if it was good, it was good. If it was bad, you let me know, alright?
So, here it is:
1. What did you like about the story?
2. What didn't you like about the story?
3. Favorite insult?
4. Favorite chapter?
5. How would you rate this story on a scale of 1 to 10?
6. Would you recommend it to anyone who loves Io Shirai and WWE?
7. How would you rate the booking Kai had gotten in this story on a scale of 1 to 10 and would you like to see more booking like this?
That's it for the survey and before I go, here's a little something that you guys might enjoy as it's basically behind the scenes of Kai and how I created him.)
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