Epilogue Pt 1

~With Kai~

Although I'm now married to Masami, it's been hell for me.

Four months into 2021, and I found myself released from WWE after losing the NXT Championship to Karrion Kross, which I had no problem with, considering he and I got along very well.

Then, I had to leave Orlando to be back in New Japan, rejoining Suzuki-Gun, making my return and showing how sadistic I could be in the group, but it wasn't the same when I first joined in 2015, which I'll get to in a little bit.

THEN, I learned that Hunter had suffered cardiac arrest and was removed from his position as head creative for NXT.

If THAT'S not enough, Vince McMahon had to take over NXT, rebrand it in his image, and then my wife fucking gets casted to the side for other talentless bitches who have no idea how to wrestle and only being push towards the title because they were blonde, sexy, or both!

Could you believe it? Of all the fucking things? This irritated me, Masami, even Kaori, and I couldn't even tell you how pissed off I was when I found out that Masami got paired up with a girl who may be talented, but she almost looked like a meth addicted Chessie Kay if she went through three tanning sessions a day!

I mean, I couldn't tell you how pissed off I was when I heard my wife was pushed away and not booked how she should've been booked, especially when she had broken her ankle back in April of 2022!

Yeah, I would be back in Orlando to help her out and console her, but I couldn't because of my schedule with New Japan Pro Wrestling! And my sister, I just reunited with her! I didn't want to see her leave again and I couldn't tell you how happy I was to be near her again!

If you think I'm reaching, then see how far you can reach up your ass, because I found out that Oshiro, my goddamn brother-in-law, started to beat my sister to where she had been cut on one side of her face and the other side so bruised that she couldn't even open her eye!

Obviously, I'm not gonna show the pictures of what she looked like because one, I would start to have thoughts and wake up from dreams in where I'm in the act of murdering this motherfucker and two, I would feel guilty about not protecting my sister when it happened!

And Kana? Don't even ask. She distanced herself from us and never talked to us again!

I was so angry with what happened that I proclaimed the Urais as dead to my family.

If you think that's not devastating enough, Antonio Inoki, the man who endorsed me when I first started, getting the approval to carry on the legacy, has passed away on October 1st, 2022.

I was very much devastated when the news broke out when he passed away. I attended his funeral and paid my respects.

Let me shove another cock down your throat because I need to introduce you to Suzuki-Gun!

You might be familiar with it since I was called the "Heart And Soul" for the group, had a lot of awesome memories during that time, but recently, I just was in the meeting with Lance, Takao, Kyosuke, DOUKI, Yoshinobu, and Zack, where we made the call to disband the whole faction.

I was personally devastated because this faction meant everything to me. It helped me reinvigorate my career and it helped me reach new heights and it helped me reached so many goals that I didn't even dream of having.

If that's not enough, I even learned that Minoru is looking at retirement in the near future, and I thought I was blasted in the chest with a cannon. Like, it really stunned me to where I broke down crying.

This lovely man mentored me and treated me like I was his own son. I loved him like a father and to hear him discuss retirement, I don't know if I can say that I want to wrestle anymore!

I'm serious, if the faction's done, then I'm done too.

~December 23, 2022; Suzuki-Gun Disbandment~

After the eight man tag team match between Michinoku, El Desperado, Archer and Suzuki against DOUKI, Kanemaru, Taichi and Zack, where I was the guest referee and when Zack's team won, I completely lost control of my emotions.

I mean, I cried like a baby in the ring as Suzuki, went over to me immediately, checking on me if I was okay, but I really wasn't.

To know that this was the final match of Suzuki-Gun's tenure, I had to shed tears.

The announcer introduced the winners as I was helped up, being given a water bottle and handed Minoru's towel to help me wipe away any tears I had.

After celebrating the win, we all took turns doing our own speeches about our time with the group, as I had one too.

I was not looking forward to it, but I had to before the show was over.

Minoru: 何か言った方がいいよ、この野郎...鈴木軍の末っ子、DOUKI。 (You better say something, bastard... Suzuki-Gun's youngest, DOUKI.)

DOUKI was given the mic as he spoke...

DOUKI: 私はこのグループとの付き合いが最も浅いです。たった3年半ですが、鈴木軍に入ったおかげで成長できました。 (I have the shortest history with this group. Only three and a half years, but because of joining Suzuki-Gun, I have grown.)

Everyone cheered and applauded as Kanemaru was next.

What he said was very simple...

Kanemaru: 良い軍隊...美味しい飲み物、そして殺人者、壊れた翼の天使! (A good army... with good drinks, and a killer Broken Winged Angel!)

He pointed at me and I was stunned. I didn't think he'd call me out. I felt humbled by it, but not like Minoru!

He looked like he wanted to burst into tears, and I don't blame him.

Takao: ボス、これが最後のチャンスかもしれないので、これだけは言わせてください、ボス、ありがとう。 (Boss, this may be the last chance we have, so let me say this, boss, thank you.)

Takao bowed as everyone applauded and it was El Desperado's turn.

Desperado: 私は鈴木郡にいたくて日本に来ました。長い間参加させていただくことができました。あんなに増えたのに、もうなくなってしまった。次に何をするかは分かりませんが、今この瞬間を楽しみたいと思っています。こんなに楽しい軍隊の一員になれたことを誇りに思います。ありがとう。 (I came to Japan because I wanted to be in Suzuki-Gun. I was able to be a part of it for a long while. I grew so much, and now it's gone. I don't know what l'I do next, but I want to enjoy this moment while I can. I'm proud that I was able to be a part of such a fun army. Thank you.)

The fans kept applauding for us as it was now time for Lance to speak.

Lance: Suzuki-San, 22 years in professional wrestling, 私のキャリアの半分、11年間を鈴木軍として過ごしました。(half of my career, I have spent 11 years as Suzuki-Gun.) 11年。 (11 years.) It has been an honor for me to wrestle in Japan, but it's been a bigger honor to share the ring with you, my brother forever. ありがとう。 (Thank you.)

Once Lance was finished, Zack had to speak as it was going to be Taichi, then me, and Minoru as the last to go.

Zack: 7年前、(7 years ago,) Suzuki-Gun came to Pro Wrestling NOAH. 毎日、(Everyday,) I thought Suzuki-Gun, 何というお尻の痛みでしょう!(what a pain in the ass!) But then, 18 months after, Suzuki-San, you invited me to come to Suzuki-Gun and New Japan, and it was the best choice I've ever made. 鈴木軍はチームではない。鈴木軍は家族だ。(Suzuki-Army isn't a team. Suzuki-Army is a family.) ありがとう。 (Thank you.)

When Zack was done, he gave the mic to Taichi as it was now his turn.

Taichi: 他の陣営が達成したような結果は得られなかったかもしれませんが、私たちは他の誰も真似できないものを持っていました。だからこそ、誤解しないでください、私たちは最高です。以前のものやこれからのものよりも優れています。この11年間、最初から一緒にいたのは私とあなただけでした。それが私のキャリアの半分です。鈴木郡在住11年目。今から11年前を振り返り、あの頃の自分はゴミだったので、元に戻らないように今は自分の道を歩いていきます。とても楽しい11年間でした。ありがとう。 (Maybe we didn't get the results other factions did, but we had something nobody else could hope to emulate. That's why, make no mistake about it, we're the best. Better than those before and those to come. These 11 years, it was only me and you that stayed together from day one. That's half of my career. 11 years in Suzuki-Gun. From this moment on, looking back 11 years ago, I was rubbish then, and I will walk my own path now to make sure I don't go back to the way I was. This was a damn fun 11 years. Thank you.)

It was my turn as I had to come up with something and then my history from a bland and boring babyface for 8 years until I finally joined, reinvigorating my career and reinventing myself into the Broken Winged Angel.

Me: おい、私が入社する8年前の私は、何の個性も、何の仕掛けも、他と比べて目立つところが何もなかった。そして鈴木さんは、いつでも参加できて、ドアはいつでも開いているとおっしゃいました。そこで2015年、私はチャンスを掴んで新日本プロレスを離反し、小峠篤志を攻撃し、その後は歴史になりました。私には人生そのものよりも変化が必要でしたが、鈴木軍は私になりたいものになるチャンスを与えてくれました。鈴木さん、私をこの軍隊に加えてくれただけでなく、私を信じてくれてありがとうと言いたいです。このグループが恋しくなるよ。鈴木さんも含め、知り合って何年になるかは関係なく、私は皆さんのことを愛しています。ありがとう。 (Oi, 8 years before I joined, I had no personality, no gimmick, nothing to stand out from the rest. And Suzuki-San, you said that I could join whenever I wanted and the door was always open. So in 2015, I took my chance, defected from New Japan, attacked Atsushi Kotoge, and the rest was history. I needed change more than life itself and Suzuki-Gun gave me a chance to be what I want to be. Suzuki-San, I want to thank you for not only letting me join this Army, but believing in me. I will mis this group. I love all of you, regardless of how many years I've known each of you, including you, Suzuki-San. Thank you.)

I gave the mic to Suzuki who wanted to cry right there and I didn't blame him. I wanted to do the same, but I stayed in character as Minoru spoke his piece.

Minoru: 先週、皆さんに言いたいことを言いました。これ以上付け加えることはありませんが、私の意見を言っておきますが、11年前、私は新日本プロレスに侵攻し、IWGPタイトルを獲得するためにこのグループを作りました。さて、これが鈴木軍の最後の試合、もしかしたら違う形になるかも知れませんが、目標は変わりません! IWGPが欲しい! IWGPチャンピオンは皆、気をつけろよ、俺が奴らを捕まえるんだから!頭が回転します!私たちのやり方で終わらせましょう! (I said what I wanted to say to each of you last week. Nothing more to add, but I will say my piece, 11 years ago, I made this group to help me invade NJPW and take the IWGP title. Now, this was Suzuki-Gun's last match, maybe it'll be in a different form, but the goal has not changed! I want IWGP! Every single IWGP Champion had better watch their heads, because I'm taking 'em! Heads will roll! Let's end this our way!)

We grouped together for our signature pose as I was given the Suzuki-Gun towel, ready to let the fans know that Suzuki-Gun is gone for good, but I wanted to burst into tears.

Minoru: 全てを破壊して欲しいものを奪ってやる!最後に!私たちは鈴木郡です... (We'll destroy everything and take what we want! For the last time! We are Suzuki-Gun...)

Crowd/Us: ICHIBAN!!!

I spread out the towel and we just posed for the cameras, marking the last time Suzuki-Gun was going to exist.

After the speeches and just posing for the cameras with my friends for the last time, I immediately got out of the ring and, with tears leaking down my face, I walked to the back, towards the locker room, ignoring everyone who was in my way, asking me if I was okay when I wasn't.

~With Minoru~

It was all fun, but I saw Kai got out of the ring and walk to the back. I knew he'd be very upset about the group disbanding, and I couldn't blame him. He loved this group with a passion and to see him like this was just heartbreaking.

Lance: You want me to grab him, Minoru?

I shook my head and said...

Me: No, leave him alone.

He nodded as I was feeling bad for my protege.

The main reason I said that is because I wanted Kai to be alone for a while. I know how much this group meant to him so I thought it was a good idea to let him have some time to himself.

I mean, he was upset. I love him like a son and to see Kai just so sad about Suzuki-Gun disbanding and not being around anymore, I can understand his feelings.

This group definitely brought his character back from the dead. He was a stale babyface for 8 years and for him to join this group and reinvent himself was a huge deal, he even debuted as a member in his hometown of Yamaguchi no less!

Although he was in the group for 4 1/2 years, slightly longer than DOUKI, Kai was the personification of what Suzuki-Gun was all about.

Hell, we even gave him the nicknames of "Broken Winged Angel" and the "Heart And Soul of Suzuki-Gun" because of how sadistic, twisted, and evil towards everyone who crossed paths with him over the years!

Kai was also the reason why we stayed together, always looking out for each other and being there for one another.

After all the celebration and while everyone was doing their promos, I looked for my son. I was very concerned and I wanted to know if he was okay.

When I finally found him, Kai was sitting in the corner, eyes red, and he couldn't even cry anymore because of how emotional it was.

Me: カイ、大丈夫? (Kai, are you alright?)

Saying nothing, he hugged me as I had to do the same. Feeling his whole body shake from all the crying he was doing as it made my eyes water.

Although Suzuki-Gun is disbanded, I just came up with a great idea, and I think Kai would love it.

Me: わかってるよ、カイ。知っている。 (I know, Kai. I know.)

I patted his back and just let him get his emotions out. I really couldn't blame him for doing this.

I mean, I love this kid and I hate seeing him upset.

Kai: ごめんなさい。ごめんなさい。 (I'm sorry. I'm sorry.)

Me: 大丈夫。分かりました、カイ。 (It's okay. I understand, Kai.)

I looked at him as I had to pray to the gods for comfort for him. He really was upset and needed some relief.

Masami wasn't here because she was scheduled on Raw and she couldn't come to be with Kai. I couldn't blame her because I know she would've been on the flight to come here and be with Kai.

Kai: みのる、レスリングを辞めると約束したって言ったらどうする? (Minoru, what if I told you, that I promised to quit wrestling?)

~With Kai~

I said what I said. I'm gonna quit wrestling because if the group's done, then I'm done too.

Minoru: 何と言いましたか? (What did you just say?)

Me: 辞めるって言いました。 (I said I'm quitting.)

Minoru: 辞められないよ、カイ。グループがいなくてもあなたはスターです。 (You can't quit, Kai. You're a star without the group.)

Me: たぶんだけど、ぐんだんが終わったら私も終わると心に誓ったんだ。 (Maybe, but I promised myself that if Gundan's done, then I'm done too.)

Minoru: しかし、あなたには未来が待っています!したくないのですか— (But you got a whole future ahead of you! Don't you wanna—)

Me: 何がしたくないの? 2015年に新日本が私に移籍を望まなかったときに受けたでたらめなブッキングはもうやめるべきですか?変化が必要だったのでグループに参加しました、ミノル。本当にそうでした。当たり障りなく、退屈で、個性のない10年間。私はキャリアを失いかけていたところ、このグループに救われました。それがなくなると、今何をしたいのかわかりません。このグループが私にとってどれほど意味があるか、あなたは理解していないようですね。 (Don't I wanna what? Go through with the bullshit booking that I had gotten when New Japan didn't want me to turn in 2015? I joined the group because I needed a change, Minoru. I really did. A decade of being bland, boring, no personality. I was on the edge of losing my career, and this group saved me, and for it to go away, I don't know what I wanna do now. You don't seem to understand how much this group meant to me.)

Minoru: 本当に私が知らないと思っているのですか?私はあなたを訓練し、指導者でしたが、今、あなたは私が何年もかけてあなたに与えたすべての教えを失いたいと思っています。実のところ、私はこれをあなた自身の派閥、細古軍に伝えるつもりでした!今は要りませんか? (You really think that I don't know? I've trained you, I've been a mentor to you, and now you wanna lose all the teachings that I have given you after all these years. In fact, I was going to hand this down to you, your very own faction, Hosako-Gun! Now you don't want it?)

Me: そうでない場合はどうなりますか? (What if I don't?)

I got up and started walking away from Minoru, and I know it's a bad idea, but I didn't care.

Minoru: 私に背を向けないで、坊や! (Don't turn your back on me, boy!)

Me: 鈴木さん、ごめんなさい、こうなったらもうプロレスは終わりです! (Suzuki, I'm sorry, but I'm done with wrestling if this is what it comes down to!)

Minoru: こんなことやってるんじゃないよ!離れてほしくないのです! (You're not doing this! I don't want you to leave!)

Me: 私はあなたの息子ではありません! (I'M NOT YOUR SON!)

Minoru: あなたは私にとって同じようなものです! (YOU'RE LIKE ONE TO ME!)

I looked back at him and he was hurt. He really was upset as I was, but right now, this was about me.

Me: さようなら、ミノル。 (Goodbye, Minoru.)

I kept walking away as I started to go towards the showers to clean up and head back to the hotel.

Minoru: カイ。 (Kai.)

I looked back at him as I was about to leave.

Minoru: いつか引退するよ。私がこのスポーツを続けているのはあなたのおかげだと証明するには、あと何年かかりますか? (I'm retiring at some point. How many more years do I have to prove that you're the reason I'm still in this sport?)

I went into the cab with my duffle bag and went to the airport, not looking back.

I know I disappointed my own mentor, someone who I looked up to as a father, turning back on the people I called family over the years, and the depression that was to come.

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