With Luffy, Yue & Dragon

RT_Strawhat_Ninja: sorry this one is so late guys. I'm back at college and I've recently developed an addiction to Final Fantasy XV.

Ignis is my love and Prompto is our child.

Luffy's POV

I was in Yue's apartment, waiting for my father to show up while Yue was making sandwiches. I sipped on the soda she gave me.

I had learned a lot about my sister in the time we hung out together.

I learned that she was a professional Ice Figure Skater. She had won multiple competitions and was actually ranked as the number one figure skater in Grandline. She used to date a girl named Arabella, but they broke up because their lives took them in different directions. She moved out of Dad's place when she turned nineteen.

I also learned that after my mother had died and I had been taken away, Dad completely fallen apart and devoted all his time to his job, so Yue had to grow up fast and take care of herself by the time she turned 8.

Suddenly, Yue's phone started to ring. She wiped her hands on her apron and then lifted her phone to check the caller ID. She hit the answer button.

"Hey, Dad. Luffy's here, We're just... You what?... Damn it, Dad, you said you would't do this today!....... Yes, yes, alright.... You better be." She growled. She sighed and hung up.

"Well, it seems Dad is going to be a bit late and he gave me permission to start with out him." She said, turning and setting the giant plate of sandwiches on the table. She sat down across from me.

"Yue... You said that I was taken away... I always thought that... I was always told that I was left on Old Man's doorstep. They showed me the basket and everything." I said. Yue nodded.

"Before you jump to any conclusions and get angry, Newgate didn't steal you away from us. He just happened to be the one that got you." She said. I stared at her.

"Then... Who did? What happened?" I asked. She sighed softly.

"Well, let me start at the beginning. After I was born, Mom was really weak and sick. Most days she couldn't get out of bed, though she desperately wanted to be up and running around, going on adventures, climbing trees, seeing the world. You're a lot like her in that sense.

"Anyways, After I was born, she became very weak and frail. The doctors told Dad that if she had another baby, she'd definitely die. After all, she could hardly leave the bed, and when she did, leaving the house was out of the question. Then, when I was six years old, Mom told me that I was going to be a big sister." Yue smiled.

"Honestly, I was excited. I was going to have a baby brother to play with and take care of. But there was one thing I was scared of. With how weak Mom was, I was scared that the baby was going to be born sick. Babies that are born sick often don't live very long after birth. I knew my mother wasn't going to live, but I was so scared that my baby brother wouldn't either. Every night for nine months, I prayed. Begging god to let my baby brother live and grow up to be strong and healthy. Seems my prayers were answered." She said, grabbing my hand and smiling, her emerald eyes sparkling.

"Then, came May 5th. We rushed to the hospital and sure enough, you were born, perfectly healthy and strong. I was so happy. But, as soon as Mom started to fade, chaos broke loose. You were taken to the nursery so you wouldn't be hurt in the chaos as we tried to save mom, even though we knew it was impossible to save her. She was fading too fast. The last thing she heard was Dad saying "I love you" and then she was gone." Yue stared at our hands, tears were building in her eyes. She sighed softly and squeezed my hand.

"But somewhere in the midst of the chaos, you were stolen away. We always thought it was one of the nurses that stole you because she was angry that she couldn't have her own child. But every nurse Dad interrogated had an alibi and a witness or more to confirm it. I was fourteen when we found out who it was that kidnapped you." She said.

"Who?" I asked. She closed her eyes and sighed.

"Our grandfather, Monkey D Garp." She said. I blinked and stared at her.

"Wait, our grandpa, a high-ranked police officer, stole me from the hospital and left me on the doorstep of a Mafia Boss?" I asked, trying to make sense of it all. Yue sighed and nodded.

"We didn't quite understand it, though from what I found out from looking for you was that Gramps had actually left you on Vista's doorstep, not knowing that Vista was part of a mafia family. When I asked Vista about it, He told me that since he had just moved out on his own, he knew that he wasn't properly equipped to take care of a baby, so he took you to someone who could. Someone that had just adopted three other seven year olds. He took you to his father. He took you to Newgate." She said. I blinked and waited for her to continue.

"You would think that he would have been easily able to track you back to us, but it seems Gramps was more careful in covering his steps. He erased the files of you being born in that hospital. He was able to get a doctor to tell them that Mom died, but that they knew nothing of me or dad. That seemed like it was the end of it until I turned fourteen." She said.

"What happened when you were fourteen?" I asked.

"Well, the whole reason Gramps took you away was because he seemed to believe that Dad wasn't suited to be a father, and he wanted to take me away, too. He... He said a lot of hurtful things to Dad." She said softly.

"What did he say?" I asked. Yue sighed.

"A lot. Said he was irresponsible and that he did nothing to help mom when she was sick after I was born. Dad was late to both of our births because of his job. I can kinda understand Grandpa's perspective on that. But Grandpa never really understood... Dad was working so much so he could pay for Mom's treatments and make sure that I was fed and taken care of. Grandpa is a stubborn man and wouldn't look at it any other way. So he took you away and when i was fourteen, he tried to put me in another home, but Dad won that fight. He said something that must have hit home with Gramps." She said.

"What was it?" I asked.

"Dad looked Gramps in the eyes and said "I've lost my wife and you took away my son, now you want to take away my daughter. What will you take next, father? My life?" After that, Grandpa just went quiet. Then he left. I didn't see him again until I moved out. That night... Dad doesn't know it... But I heard him crying... He was crying for you and mom. He thought I was asleep, but I could hear him begging God for you to come back." She said. I stared at our hands. We stayed quiet for a long time.

"Don't... Don't tell Dad this next part, but... I think Gramps was right to take you away." She said. My head snapped up to her.

"What?!" I asked. She sighed and traced circles on the back of my hand.

"Don't get me wrong, Luffy, I would have loved to have been there for you when you were a kid. To have been part of you life. But... You didn't see Dad when Mom died. Dad completely fell apart when she died. After she was gone, he just kept sobbing and saying "Mae, please. Mae, come back." I had to grow up fast because he couldn't handle the loss. I love Dad, but... I really think Gramps was right to put you with another family." She said.

"... Why?" I asked, not knowing what else to say.

"From what I gathered from talking to Sabo, Ace, Aoi, and you, you're happy, Luffy. You were able to have a childhood and you can still enjoy being young. And with how cheerful I've seen you and what I've heard... It's almost like you took the childhood joy and innocence I skipped and you've become one of the most kind-hearted, optimistic and loving young men in this entire world. If you had grown up with us... I don't think you'd be half as cheerful and happy are you are now. That's why I talked Dad out of taking you back. You're happy where you are, and there is nothing in the world I want more than for you to be happy. I would give all of my awards and trophies and everything just for you to have all the happiness in the world, Luffy." She said. I stared at her with wide eyes.

"You mean that?" I asked. She nodded, getting up and walking around the table to me. I stood up, in case she was leading me somewhere. She pulled me in to a tight hug. That's when I realized my sister had to be about 5'9" or 5'10" in height while her boots were on.

"I do, Luffy. You mean the world to me. I love you." She said. I felt tears rise in my eyes. I wrapped my arms around her and buried my head in her shoulder, returning my hug.

There was a knock at the door, but I refused to let go of my sister.

"It's open." Yue called, struggling to keep and even voice. The door opened, but I didn't need to turn to know it was my father. I heard him sigh.

"I was hoping that I would make it for a little bit of the story, but it seems you've covered everything, Yue." He said. I felt her nodded.

"You should still talk to him, Dad." She said. She pulled away from me and I reluctantly let go of her. She wiped the tears from my cheeks and kissed my head.

"I'm going to go get some air. I'll be back in a bit." She said. I nodded.

"I love you, sis." I murmured softly. I could see tears rise to her eyes again. She kissed my head again.

"I love you, too, Lu." She said. She grabbed her keys and walked out the door. Dad and I sat on the couch. There was a thick silence in the air. I didn't know what to say. What could I say?

"Did Yue tell you why I'm late?" He asked. I glanced at him. His eyes were shadowed over and he was staring at the ground.

"No..." I said. He sighed and sat back.

"I was talking with Newgate." He said. My head snapped to him.

"You were with the Old Man?" I asked. He nodded.

"I wanted to know what your life was like growing up there. He ended up having to call in your brothers and sisters just to tell me all their favorite stories of you. The story of how you got that scar definitely caught my attention." He said. I chuckled.

"Well, it worked, Ace and Sabo didn't leave me behind as much after that." I said with a grin. Dad sighed.

"You're just as reckless as your mother and sister." He sighed.

"What was she like?" I asked.


"Mom... What... What was Mom like?" I asked. Dad sighed.

"She was like you. Always looking for a new adventure, protecting her friends, standing up for the weak. It's what made me fall for her in the first place. I wasn't always the man you see before you today. Believe it or not, but I used to always be so shy. Then I met your mother, Mae. I don't know what she saw in me, but she started following me around school, yelling at anyone that whispered about me. I couldn't believe it when she agreed to go out with me. She gave me the confidence I didn't think I had. She made me a better man." He said. We were quiet again.

"Yue tells me that the red head I met the last time I saw you is your girlfriend. Aisuru, was her name?" He asked. I nodded.

"Yeah, Ai-chan. Aisuru LeRoux. We started dating last year. She was so shy back then. She's still shy now, but not as shy. And I can see that she's becoming more confident when playing her violin. And she's always so sweet to me. She's always making lunches for me. She always tells me that I look cute or handsome. She tries her best to keep me out of trouble, but I always manage to get in trouble anyways. She's-"

"Does she make you a better man?" He asked me. I thought back on all of the moments I've had with Aisuru. I smiled to myself.

"Yeah, she does. A lot of things I didn't understand before I understand now because of her. I love her." I said. I felt Dad's hand on my shoulder.

"Then you found the right girl. Take care of her, son. A girl like that is one you should never let go of." He told me. I smiled.

"I planned on it." I said.

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