Time Flies

I blinked in surprise when I woke up. It was already winter break. It felt like I had just barely returned to school. I sat up and yawned. Not long after I did, I heard a knock on the door.

"Yes?" I called. My door opened and Dad stuck his head in.

"Good, you're awake." He said. I nodded.

"Makino isn't feeling well. I'm going to run to the store and get her some stomach medicine. Can you help her while I'm gone?" He asked. I nodded again.

"Yeah, no problem, Daddy." I said. He came over and kissed my head.

"Thank you, baby girl." He said. I smiled at him. He headed out and I got dressed. After that, I walked out to the lounge. Makino was sitting on the couch, reading something in her phone while eatting some pretzels.

"Makino?" I asked. She looked at me.

"I just can't seem to find what's wrong with me. I don't think it's something to call a doctor for, but I've never heard anything with these symptoms. I wake up every morning sick, I feel tired all the time, I'm having odd cravings..." She said. I though for a moment.

"Sick every morning..."


"Always tired..."


"Odd food cravings..."


I hummed as I thought for a moment.

"Hold on, let me call Law. He's been studying medicine since he was little, he might know something." I said and grabbed my phone, scrolling through my contacts until I found Law's number, then I hit "call."

"Yes, Aisuru-ya? Do you need something?" He asked. He sounded tired. Medical school must be exhausting.

"My step-mother, Makino is sick. She's having some unfamiliar symptoms and I though maybe you'd know what's causing them." I said.

"What are Makino-ya's symptoms?" He asked. I heard a book being opened.

"She wakes up every morning sick, she's always tired, and has odd food cravings." I said. Law hummed.

"Does she feel bloated?" He asked.

"Do you feel bloated?" I asked her.

"Sometimes." She said.

"Does she feel feverish?" I checked Makino's temperature.

"No, she's not feverish."

"When was her last menstrual cycle?" I stopped at the question.


"What are you implying, Law?" I asked.

"Well, from the sounds of it, Makino-ya might be pregnant." He said. I stopped. I looked over at Makino.

"What did he say?" She asked.

"Makino.... when did you last have your period?" I asked. Makino was about to answer, then stopped. She thought for a moment, then checked the calendar.

"...Three months ago... in October..." she said.

"You might want to have her take a pregnancy test. Aka-ya is saying to text either one of us when you know. She seems excited." Law said. I could hear Aka yell her hello in the background.

"I will, good luck in school." I said. After that we hung up.

"Makino... you still have those pregnancy tests, don't you? You didn't give Ki the last one a few weeks ago?" I asked. She shook her head.

"They're in the bathroom connected to our room. Under the sink." She said. I nodded and went to grab the test and got a glass of water for Makino.

"Do you really think I'm pregnant, Aisuru?" She asked.

"All the signs point to it..." I said. She released a sigh.

"How is your father going to take this?" She asked me. I shrugged.

"I think he'll be pretty happy about it." I said. She looked over at me as she sipped on her water.

"Really?" She asked.

"Well, yeah. I mean... he missed six years of my life when Mom took me away. If he had a baby with you, then he'd get a chance to be a father again before I grow up." I said. Makino hummed.

"How are you taking this?" She asked me.

"Honestly?" She nodded. I grinned.

"I really wanna be a big sister!" I said. Makino giggled at me.

"Would you rather have a little brother or a little sister?" She laughed. I shrugged.

"Either, really. As long as they're healthy and alive." I said. She smiled at me and I sighed.

"If I was told three years ago I'd be a big sister, I'd be terrified. I'd be scared because the baby would definately be targeted by Hono. But now I don't have to worry about that!" I said with a smiled. Makino gave me a sideways hug.

"What about you, Makino? Are you ready?" I asked. She smiled.

"I was a bit worried at first, but now that I think about it... I think having a baby would be wonderful." She said. I smiled and hugged her.

"Well, nature is telling me it's time to find out!" She said. I grinned happily. She grabbed the test and headed for the bathroom. I pulled my feet up and hugged my knees to my chest, smiling at the idea of having a little brother or sister.

"I wonder if they'll have Dad's hair or Makino's hair. Or a mixture of both? Mix green and red and you get brown. Cute! I wonder if they'll have Makino's eyes or dad's? I hope they'll like me. I wonder if they'll like Luffy." I thought.

Makino walked back out.

"Okay, the instructions say that it will be done in five minutes." She said. I grinned.

"I'm excited." I said. Makino giggled at me. We watched TV. The movie Tangled was on. Makino and I were singing along with Repunzle.

"I've got a dream~ I've got a dream~ I just wanna see the floating lanterns gleam! And with every passing hour, I'm so glad I left my tower! Like all you lovely folks, I've got a dream!" We sang. We started laughing at ourselves.

Suddenly, I remembered something.

"Hey.... Makino." I said.

"Yes?" She asked.

"A while ago, you told me that Dad always tried playing matchmaker for Ms Caramella and Uncle Mihawk in high school. Did you go to school with Mom and Dad?" I asked. Makino smiled.

"Yes. I was a freshmen when your father and Dawn were juniors and Mihawk was a senior. Dawn really looked after me when some sophomores were picking on me for my hair and how shy I was. I thought it was only a One time thing where she helped a poor shy girl, but she'd meet me at my locker every morning and she'd drag me over to Shanks and Mihawk." She said.

"Did you know Mom?" I asked.

"I never really saw Hope much. I saw her maybe once or twice during school. I only knew her as Shanks's on-again-off-again girlfriend. I had a bad crush on him back then. Though I figured I never stood a chance. When they had a steady relationship all through out their senior year, I kinda just gave up on the idea of dating Shanks." She sighed.

"Did you date any other boys?" I asked. She shrugged.

"A few. Ace and Luffy's older brothers, Thatch and Marco, were two. Things didn't work out between us. They were nice boys, but Marco was a little too lazy and Thatch.... well, he's a bit of a pervert." She sighed. I giggled.

"There were a few others, but now that I think about it, they were all jerks." She said. I smiled.

"Never thought you'd actually be married to Dad, huh?" I asked. She smiled and shook her head.

"Nor did I think I'd get to be the step-mother of his adorable daughter." She said. I giggled and hugged her.

"So, did Ms Caramella and Uncle Mihawk date in high school?" I asked. Makino giggled.

"He was smitten with her, and Dawn did have an interest in him, but when she decided to do a little bit of Mafia work after school, she ended things. It was rather sad. Mihawk didn't actually date anyone after her. He asked me out once, but I knew he was just trying to force Dawn out of his mind." She said.

"He's really in love with her." I said.

"He is. I hope that Dawn doesn't end up pushing him away again. He was a mess." She said. I giggled at the thought of my cool, stoic PE teacher and uncle as a mess.

"Well, I think it's been well over five minutes. I'll go check the test." She said. I nodded as my phone went off. I looked at the text from my father.

Daddy: I got stuck behind a train. How's Makino?

Me: she's okay now. She doesn't have a fever. It was probably just dinner disagreeing with her.

Daddy: ok. I'll be home soon ❤️

Me: kk

I put my phone away. Makino approached with the test in hand.

"Together?" She asked. I nodded. She sat down and we looked at the test. I felt a bright grin over take my face.

"Looks like your going to be a big sister after all." She said.

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