Spring Break

Aisuru's POV

I smiled happily as I woke up on the first day of spring break.

My phone pinged with a text from Luffy.

Luffy: Hey, Ai! What are you doing later today?

I smiled at the text and replied.

Me: Oh, IDK, why? :)

Luffy: I was thinking that we could go to the beach or something.

I immediately felt my heart sink and the scars on my back burn. I couldn't let him see. He couldn't know about my scars. He won't love me anymore if he sees them.

Me: Not the beach.

Luffy: why not?

Me: I'm afraid of sharks

Luffy: I'll protect you from sharks. I promise

I sighed as my lie failed. I rubbed my hip.

Me: I think Dad and I have something planned.

I sent back and felt bad. I hated that I had to lie to him about this. But what else could I do? He couldn't know about my scars. These scars have taken too much from me already. If I had to lose Luffy, it wouldn't be because of what Hono did to me.

I sighed as my phone pinged again.

Luffy: Can I see you today? Please?

Me: Sure.

I sighed. I was getting myself in to trouble with him. I know it. But... I couldn't just avoid him, could I? No. He's my boyfriend. He makes me happy. I can't just ignore him all the time. Then I really will lose him. I don't want that.

Luffy: I'll be over in a few minutes 😘

I rolled out of bed and pulled a light gray button up over my tank top and pulled on a pain of jeans. I walked in to my bathroom and brushed my hair. I stared at myself in the mirror for a little bit. I looked over every visible inch of myself. My hair was in place, my eyes didn't show any sign of tiredness.

I grabbed the emerald necklace he gave me and pulled it on. As soon as I did, I heard the sound of someone knocking on the door downstairs.

I ran down the stairs as fast as I could with out tripping. I pulled open the door and grinned at Luffy. Immediately, he dove in and kissed me before I could say anything. I wrapped my arms around his shoulders and leaned in to the kiss.

"Hi." He said when we broke away for air. I smiled happily at him.

"Hi." I said back. He smiled and rested his forehead against mine. He closed his eyes and held me close.

We ended up watching TV on the couch. His arm was slung around me and I rested against his shoulder. I sighed softly. He looked over at me.

"Hm? What is it, Ai-chan?" He asked me. I looked to the window.

"It feels so strange. For the first time in almost seven years, I'm not dreading spring break or summer vacation. For once, I'm not terrified that my mother's husband is going to burst in to my room and beat the hell out of me. I'm not afraid that he's going to..." I stopped. I closed my eyes and fought the memory of the searing, White Hot pain in my back as Hono carved his mark in to my back with a burning dagger edge.

"Hey, it's okay. He's not here. I am." Luffy said, pulling me closer to him. I took a deep breath and calmed myself.

"That's another thing. Instead of having to spend my break inside my room, too afraid to ever leave, I have you. I know I'm safe whenever you're around." I said and smiled at him. He smiled at me, then looked away.

"Hm? Is everything okay? Luffy?" I asked. He sighed, wrapping his arm around my waist.

"Your mom's husband... is he the reason your never want to go to the beach or go swimming?" He asked. I stared at him.

"Luffy? What's this about?" I asked. He stared down at the ground.

"Well... it's just... um.. well, my adoptive father is having a big birthday party for me at the beach tonight-"

"Today is your birthday?!" I yelled. He looked at me surprised. I felt absolutely crushed. Today was my boyfriend's birthday and I had no idea. I felt tears fill my eyes.

"I'm so sorry!" I said and hugged him.

"Huh? Why are you sorry, Ai?" He asked me. I hugged him tighter.

"I didn't know it was your birthday! I didn't even get you a present! I feel awful!" I cried. He held me in his lap.

"Hey. It's okay. I never told you when my birthday was, it wasn't your fault. Shhhh, shhh, don't cry." He said, gently rubbing my back.

"It's not okay, Luffy! It's your birthday' I didn't even know! I'm an awful girlfriend!" I cried. He pulled away and looked me fiercely in the eyes.

"Never say that! You're amazing! In every way! Don't say you're awful because you're amazing!" He said. I bit my lip. He leaned in and pecked a soft kiss on my lips.

"Don't be sad." He said softly. I closed my eyes and leaned in his shoulder.

"Ai-chan... I know you don't like the beach and swimming... but would you go with me to my adoptive father's beach house for my birthday tonight?" He asked. I hugged him again and kissed his cheek.

"Of course I will." I said.

"Really?! I mean, are you sure it's okay?! What about your plans with your dad?" He asked in a panic. I giggled and kissed him to get him to shut up.

"I'm sure dad will let me reschedule." I said. He smiled at me and kissed me. His phone went off, interrupting our kiss. He sighed and looked at it.

"Well, Ace wants me back home now. We'll come pick you up at six. Okay?" He asked. I nodded and kissed his cheek. As soon as he was gone, I called Makino.

"Aisuru? What is it?" She asked.

"I need help." I said.

Time skip

I sat by Luffy as Ace drove us out to his father's beach house. I held Luffy's hand and watched the scenery pass by. I held a small box in my hand. I hoped that Luffy would like it.

"I can't wait to introduce you to the Old Man." Luffy said and kissed my head.

"He's going to love you, Aisuru. And I know you'll love the old man." Ace said. Aoi giggled from the passenger seat. I stared up at Luffy. I hummed.

"Hm? What's wrong?" He asked, looking down at me.

"Your hat seems oddly familiar to me for some reason." I said. His face lit up.

"Oh, right! It used to be your dad's! He gave it to me for my seventh birthday. He told me it was to symbolize that I was a man now!" He said with a laugh.

"Ah, that's what it is." I said and kissed his cheek.

We soon arrived at the beach house. Right away, I spotted Marco. For once, he didn't have his cellphone jammed to his ear. Instead, he was busy making out with...


Well, now that I think about it, Yatsumi did mention that she and Marco were a thing.

"Luffy! Aisuru! Over here!" I heard Nami call. Luffy pulled me over to our friends.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY, LUFFY!" Everyone said to him. He laughed and smiled.

"Thanks guys!" He said. He kissed my cheek.

"I'm gonna go find the Old Man!" He said and ran off.

"Sorry we forgot to tell you about Luffy's birthday." Ki said. I smiled as waved it off.

"It's alright. Things happen. Hey... why don't you guys have presents for Luffy?" I asked. Ki laughed.

"Well, when we all asked him what he wanted for his birthday, he said for his family to like you." Usopp said. I blushed.

"Well, he asked me to make him a giant pile of meat, but you know." Sanji said. I stared at the box in my hand.

"Oh? Last minute gift?" Ki asked. I nodded.

"I hope he likes it." I said.

"Of course he will. It's from you, after all." Kaya said with a smile. I smiled happily at her encouragement.

"Ai-chan! This way! Come on!" Luffy called. I stood up and took his hand.

"Alright, let's go." I said. He pulled me over to a large man with a wicked mustache.

"Oi! Old man! I have someone for you to meet!" Luffy called. The man stared down at us. My heart jumped as I recognized Edward Newgate.

"Hmm? Red hair, golden eyes... what brings Shanks's daughter here tonight?" He chuckled. Luffy pulled me in to a tight hug.

"She's my girlfriend!" Luffy said. I blushed.

"I-It's nice to meet you." I said. Newgate let out a large laugh.

"So then it is true! My youngest brat really does have a girl!" He laughed.

"And she's a cutie, too." A voice came. I turned my head and saw a brunette man with a pompadour hairstyle approach.

"Hi, I'm Luffy's oldest brother, Thatch." He said. I smiled at him.

"Hello. My name is Aisuru." I said.

"You've got yourself quite the sweetie, Luffy. Here, happy birthday." Thatch said and handed him a long box. Luffy pouted.

"I told you not to get me anything!" He said.

"You never said you could stop me." Thatch said. Luffy opens the box and laughed when he saw the contents. I peered in to the box and smiled. Thatch had given Luffy a blue vest the same style of his favorite red one. I smiled happily.

The night went on with everyone playing in the water from time to time (me staying away, of course) and everyone eatting. Finally, I gave Luffy my present.

"Ai, you didn't have to." Luffy said.

"Yes I did. You're important to me." I said. He smiled and kissed my cheek. He opened the box and pulled out the gift.

"A locket?" Sanji asked. I nodded.

"I figured that you could put a picture in it so that way you have a precious memory close to you at all times." I said. Luffy grinned at me.

"I have the perfect one to put in it." He said. He pulled me close to him and kissed me.

"Luffy! Aisuru!" Ace called. We turned our heads, smiling brightly as Ace took our picture.

"I'll get this fitted for Luffy's locket."
Ace said with a smile. I smiled and kissed Luffy.

"Ai-chan?" Luffy asked me.

"Hm?" I asked.

"When is your birthday?" He asked.

"May 16th." I said. He grinned.

"How about for your birthday, I take you out on a special date. Just the two of us?" He asked. I nodded and kissed him.

"I'd love that."

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