New Friends
"Hey guys!" Usopp called as the four approached.
"Hey, Usopp, Hey, Ki! Hi, Zoro!" A girl called over. She stopped when she saw Aisuru.
"Huh? A new girl?" She asked. Ki grinned and slung an arm over Aisuru's shoulder.
"Yup! This is Aisuru, my childhood friend." Ki said. The girl smiled sweetly at Aisuru.
"Well, Hi, Aisuru! I'm Nami." She said. Aisuru waved at her. The blonde boy that had been sitting with Nami walked up to Aisuru and wrapped an arm around her shoulders.
"And I am Sanji, my beautiful lady~" he hummed smoothly to her.
"Sanji!" Nami snapped. Sanji danced back over to Nami.
"Yes, Nami, my love!!!" He cheered. Nami scowled and whacked him on the head.
"Don't flirt with other girls in front of me!" She snapped. Ki chuckled.
"Sanji and Nami are in a relationship, but only recently. Sanji is still trying to get rid of his flirtatious habits. From what Usopp told me is that Nami and Sanji started dating in the Bahamas." Ki whispered to Aisuru. Aisuru nodded in understanding.
"And our little group leader in a sense should be here soon. He probably overslept again." Nami said.
"Group leader?" Aisuru asked. Everyone nodded.
"More or less. He's a complete idiot, but he makes some pretty good calls." Zoro said.
"When I was about to get in a fight with a guy for insulting Nami, Luffy told me to stand down. Immediately after, the guy fell down the stairs." Sanji said.
"When I was going to fight someone for insulting us, Luffy told me to ignore him. And he was right. Some fights aren't worth fighting." Zoro said.
"But both with in those same days, Luffy fought some bullies and was sent to the principal's office." Ki said.
"Luffy has a knack for getting in to trouble. But he's got a kind heart. He can't stand to see someone being bullied." Nami said.
"For example, when a group of guys were teasing me about my nose and my dad being a teacher, Luffy went and beat them up. Three on one. Luffy won that fight, but he had a week's worth of detention." Usopp said.
"He sounds like a good guy." Aisuru said.
"He is." They all replied with bright grins.
"HEEEEEEYYYYYY!" They all heard a voice yell out.
"SAAAAAANNNNJIIIIIIIIII! MAKE ME FOOD!" The same voice yelled. Sanji immediately paled.
"Oh. No." he said.
"Oh yeah, he's also always hungry." Ki said. Suddenly, a blur of black and red tackled Sanji off of Nami's arm.
"Food! Food! Food!" He cheered.
"Alright, get off of me." Sanji grumbled, shoving the boy off of him and dusting himself off before going to his backpack.
Aisuru couldn't stop stairing at the boy.
He had messy black hair and a scar under his left eye. He wore a red tee shirt and blue denim shorts and sandals on his feet. His lips were twisted up in to a bright grin as he waited for Sanji to give him food.
Aisuru was entranced by him.
Sanji handed him a small box.
"Here, made ya some turkey." Sanji said.
"MEAT!" Luffy cheered, taking the box and eatting the contents inside. Ki laughed.
"And that would be Luffy." She said. Luffy looked over and saw Aisuru. A look of curiosity crossed his face as he turned his head to the side.
"Oh? I've never seen you before." Luffy said.
"This is Aisuru. She's a childhood friend of mine that recently moved back." Ki said. Luffy turned his full body to Aisuru. She inched closer to Ki, uncomfortable by the sudden attention.
"H-hi." She said shyly. Luffy suddenly grinned brightly at her.
"Be my nakama!" He said. Aisuru's eyes widened. She stared at his bright grin that wasn't showing signs of dropping. Slowly, Aisuru nodded in agreement.
All of the sudden, she was being hugged by the boy.
"Woo-hoo! We have a new friend, guys!" He cheered. Aisuru smiled softly at the boy. She was going to be okay here with friends like these.
Time skip
"Hey, sweetie." Shanks said as Aisuru entered his office.
"Hi, daddy!" She said with a smile. Shanks blinked in surprise. Ever since he had gotten full custody of Aisuru, it had been nothing but shy smirks and soft smiles. This was the first time she had smiled so brightly.
Before Shanks was able to ask her about her day, he was whisked off to a meeting.
The secretary, a lady named Mrs. Casavant Miranda, sat down with Aisuru.
"Oh. So you are Mr LeRoux's daughter?" She asked as Aisuru started on her homework. With it being the first day, it was simple stuff.
"Did you enjoy your first day here, Miss LeRoux?" She asked. Aisuru nodded.
"That's good. Your father spent most of the day worrying about you. He said that you're rather shy." Mrs Casavant said. Aisuru nodded again.
"Were you able to make some friends?" She asked. Another nod.
"Well, that's good. Who are your new friends?" She asked.
"Monkey D Luffy and his crew." Aisuru said in a quiet voice.
"Oh, Luffy! He's such a sweet boy. He looks after his friends and he's rather kind." She said. Aisuru nodded.
Finally, Shanks was done with meetings not long after Aisuru finished her homework. When he entered the office again, he saw Mrs Casavant and Aisuru playing checkers on her desk. From how it looked, Aisuru was winning.
"Hey, sweetie, ready to go?" Shanks asked. Aisuru nodded and popped up to help Mrs Casavant with the board game.
"Oh, I've got it, dear. You go on ahead and head home." She said.
"Are you sure?" She asked. Mrs Casavant smiled at her.
"I'm sure. Have a nice night, Mr LeRoux, Miss Aisuru." She said. Aisuru smiled and grabbed her back pack and followed Shanks back out to the car.
"How was your first day?" Shanks asked.
"It was pretty good. I like all of my classes. I think that history with Miss Nico might be my favorite." She said. Shanks smiled.
"Any new friends?" He asked.
"Yeah. Ki and Usopp introduced me to their group. There's Sanji, Luffy, Zoro and Nami." She said. Shanks chuckled.
"Luffy, huh?" He asked.
"Is he a trouble maker or something?" She asked. Shanks shrugged.
"More or less. He's got a good heart though. Remember when you were really little before your mother and I split? How I'd always walk a little boy home from school since his older brothers were in a different school?" He asked. Aisuru nodded.
"Luffy was that boy." Shanks said.
"Oh. I thought his name sounded familiar." She said.
"So, what do you think of him?" Shanks asked. She smiled.
"He's nice. I have a few classes with him. He's pretty funny, too." She said. Shanks smiled. With Luffy as her friend, he was certain that his little girl would be okay.
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