Enough for One Day!
Luffy's POV
I watched as Ki stormed up.
"There you are." Zoro said. Ki handed him her phone. He blinked at the screen.
"I never sent this." He said.
"Then who did? Did you fall asleep in class and one of your desk mates swipe your phone again? Because you'd think they would remember what happened last time they did that." Ki said. I frowned.
"Where's Ai-chan?" I asked. Ki blinked at me.
"She didn't beat me here? I figured she would have been here already." Ki said.
"I'm here."
We all turned and I felt my heart stop. Kaya covered her mouth. Nami gasped in horror. Zoro, Sanji, Usopp and I all stared at her.
"Ai-chan.... what happened?!" I asked, jumping to my feet and running over to her. Ki ran over to her and wrapped her arm around her.
Her bag was gone and her shirt and skirt were dripping wet and her cheeks were red as if she had been crying.
"What happened to you, Aisuru? Are you hurt?" Ki asked. Aisuru smiled at us. It was a forced smile. I frowned as I held her arms.
"I'm sorry, Luffy. I tripped and I dropped your lunch in the fountain." She said. I frowned. I cupped her cheeks and made her look at me. Tears were building in her eyes again.
"I-I hope your not too upset with me. I-I can make a n-new one for you." She said. Her tears were just about to fall.
"Aisuru. What really happened?" I asked. She stared at me, her smile falling for a second before she forced it back up.
"I don't know what you mean, Luffy. I told you. I tripped and I dropped both my bag and your lunch in the fountain." She lied. I frowned again.
"It was them, wasn't it?" I asked. She blinked and her tears started to roll. She bit her lip and looked down. I scowled.
"This is horrible." Nami said.
"First the threatening notes in history." Kaya said.
"Then the false pictures of me and her." Sanji said with a growl.
"And now this." I said. She smiled up at me.
"It's fine, guys, really! It's not like there was anything super important in my bag like my laptop or my phone! It was just binders and notebooks! Easy things to replace! Honest!" She protested.
"Aisuru." Ki said.
"Don't blow things out of proportion! I'm fine! Really! It's not like they hit me or anything! It's fine! Luffy, Sanji and I can make a new lunch for you tomorrow, right, Sanji?" She asked. I looked over at Sanji. His jaw was clenched. He was furious.
"S-Sanji?" She asked.
"It was Rowan Jasmine, Almalda Yurra and Rakebi Bridget, wasn't it? This has their names written all over it. Don't try to deny it, Aisuru." He said. Aisuru looked scared.
"N-no. I told you. I tripped." She lied. I cupped her cheek and made her look at me. Her golden eyes were filled with tears. I frowned.
"Ai-chan." I said. She looked down and nodded softly.
"That's settles it." I said. I moved to walk past her. All of the sudden, she was hugging me from behind.
"Luffy, stop! What are you going to do? Go beat up a bunch of girls? That will make you look bad! You could get expelled this time, Luffy! I don't want that! Please... just... just let things be as they are." She cried.
"You want me to do nothing?" I asked. Her arms tightened around my body.
"You want me to just sit aside and knowingly let my girlfriend get picked on? You want me to look like a terrible boyfriend, just to uphold my reputation as the nice guy of the school?" I asked. She said nothing.
"I can't let them keep hurting you, Aisuru. Even if I can't hit them, I have to make them know that I won't stand for them picking on you." I said. She gripped my shirt.
"Please.... don't fight...." She begged. Suddenly, the intercom squealed on.
"Would Aisuru LeRoux please report to the main office? Aisuru LeRoux to the main office." The voice came. I turned and wrapped my arm around her as I sighed.
"Come on. I'll take you to the office." I said. Ki tossed me my jacket and I wrapped it around Aisuru's shoulders to help her with the water. I walked her down to the office.
When we entered, Shanks looked over at us and his eyes widened. In front of Shanks's desk was Mr. Donquixote. His eyes were also widened and his mouth hung open. In his hand was Aisuru's bag and it was very clearly soaked through.
Beside Mr. Donquixote was Aka, and she didn't look happy at all. She looked pissed. Like she was ready to beat someone up. I noticed her jeans were soaked up to her knees.
"Miss LeRoux.... what happened?" Mr. Donquixote asked. Aisuru looked down.
"Tell them, Ai-chan. It's only going to get worse if you don't." I said.
"I...." Aisuru said quietly.
"It was Rowan Jasmine, Almalda Yurra and Rakebi Bridget. If you look at the security cameras at the courtyard fountain, you'll see them do it." Aka spoke. I stared at her.
"How do you know?" I asked.
"They walked right past me talking about it. Those bimbos need to get better about hiding their evil plans. Also, Bridget took the pictures of Sanji and Aisuru, Jasmine put them where you would see them, and while all three of them wrote threatening notes, Yurra was the one that put them on her desk this morning." Aka said.
"You're sure of this, Miss Donquixote?" Shanks asked.
"Heard it all with my own ears." She said.
Shanks brought up the security footage. We watched silently as the camera showed Aisuru walking past the fountain towards our usual hang out when Yurra stepped infront of her. Aisuru apologized and moved to get out of her way. Yurra stepped in her way again. Jasmine then stood behind Aisuru and Bridget blocked her in from the side. Her only route of escape was through the fountain.
Bridget grabbed Aisuru's bag and yanked it off of her, the camera's picked up her yelling at Aisuru, asking why I would want anything cooked by her. I felt anger bubble up inside me as I watched Bridget throw Aisuru's bag over her head. Aisuru tried to catch it, but fell over in to the fountain. The three bullies laughed at her and called her names before finally leaving.
"Luffy." I heard Aisuru whisper to me. She was nudging my hand. I realized my grip was hurting her. I pulled her in to my chest and held her tight.
"Aisuru, how long has this been going on?" Shanks asked.
"Just today." She said. I shook my head when Shanks looked at me.
"From what Ki told me, Bridget threatened her the second month of school." I said. Aisuru held on to my shirt. Shanks sighed softly.
"Luffy, go get ready for class. I'll take things from here." He said. I didn't want to leave Aisuru, but at least it was Shanks taking care of her. I nodded and gave Aisuru a quick kiss.
"I'll see you later." I said. She nodded.
"Things are going to be okay." I whispered and kissed her tear stained cheeks. After that, I left the office.
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