Ever since the game night, Aisuru found Luffy clinging to her more. And oddly enough... she didn't mind it. He was kind to her and always made her smile and laugh.
She had always been timid to other human contact because of Hono's abuse, but she didn't tense when Luffy touched her. Only on her back would she tense if anyone touched her.
Also, Aisuru stumbled upon Shank's video game collection and realized they he had Prop Hunt on his gaming PC. Shanks had laughed when he saw Aisuru plyaing it online with Luffy, Ki and Ace. When he saw how much she enjoyed it, he promised he'd get her a gaming PC so they could play together.
Aisuru snapped out of her thoughts when she felt a chin on her shoulder. She turned her head and looked at Luffy. He was reading over her shoulder.
"What are you reading?" He asked.
"O-oh. It's a story about a girl and a boy, in a futuristic w-world where their land is mostly under water and there's a conspiracy going on in their government. The girl is f-from high-class society and the boy is a street hero from low-class society. They team up and uncover the conspiracy together. Th-the series is called The Legend Series. This is book three, Champion." She said. Luffy grinned.
"Wow! That sounds so cool!" He said. Aisuru nodded.
"This is the last book in the series though. I'm almost done with it." She said. Luffy grinned brighter, making Aisuru's heart jump and a blush fly to her face. She saw Nami, Kaya and Ki all grin at each other.
"Aisuru and Luffy, sitting in a tree. K-I-S-S-I-N-G!" Aisuru heard them sing softly, making her blush grow more.
"Huh? Ai-chan? Why is your face red? Are you getting sick?" Luffy asked, a hint of worry in his voice. Aisuru smiled at him.
"N-no! I just got a small chill is all." She said. Luffy blinked at her, then adjusted so she was in his lap and his arms were wrapped tightly around her waist. Her blush intensified.
"There! I'll keep you warm!" He said. The bell rang and Luffy pouted.
"Aw." He huffed.
"I'll walk ya to class, Aisuru." Ki said, standing from Zoro's lap. The boy frowned as she did. Luffy pouted as Aisuru stood up.
"I'll be back in a second, guys." Ki said, kissing Zoro's cheek. She linked her arms with Aisuru and walked with her to class.
"You've got a crush on Luffy~ you've got a crush on Luffy~" Ki sang when they were far enough away. Aisuru blushed hard.
"I-I do not!" She said.
"Then why do you blush when he touches you?" She asked.
"Because he always touches my back. And you know why that freaks me out." Aisuru replied.
"But you were blushing just when he read over your shoulder with out touching your back. And you blush when he says your name, and when your hands barely brush together when walking by each other, and you always insist on being on his team when we play Prop Hunt." Ki said. Aisuru shifted awkwardly.
"Oh... Aisuru..." Ki said as realizations struck her.
"You love him, you love him, you love him!" She said. Aisuru blushed harshly.
"I do not!"
"Do too~!"
"Ki, for crying out loud, it's just a little crush!" Aisuru snapped. Her hands covered her mouth as she realized what she says and blushed as red as her hair.
"You admit it!" She said. Ki laughed as Aisuru continued to blush.
"Ugh, shut up, Ki!" She said, punching the dirty blonde's arm. Ki only continued to laugh.
"Relax, Aisuru. He has a crush on you, too." She said.
"H-huh? H-how do you know?!" She asked. Ki grinned.
"It's easy, really. The way he wanted Ace, Sabo and Aoi to say hi to you at game night? Didn't you hear how insistent he was when he told Sabo to say hello to you? He was only like that with Nami before they started dating." Ki said.
"Why did they break up again?" Aisuru asked softly
"Luffy's not great at showing special affections. He really only would hold her hand and that's as far as special affection went. They never even kissed." Ki said.
"That would be frustrating." Aisuru said.
"Are you jealous?" Ki asked.
"No! Why would I be jealous?! Sanji is dating Nami now!" She said, her blush returning. Ki grinned.
"You're jealous, you're jealous, you're jealous~!" She said. Aisuru punched Ki's arm again.
"Stooooop!" She said.
Time skip
"Hey, looks like the roller rink is having their annual fall to winter event." Ki said, flipping through ads on her phone.
"Oh, yeah. I remember that. Our first date~." Zoro said, kissing Ki's cheek and catching Luffy's attention.
"The Fall to Winer event?" Luffy asked.
"Yeah. It's when they have this event for couples. They skate for free as a date as long as the couple requests a special song to dance to on skates. They also announce the winter formal for each school." Ki said.
"Geeze, is it already November?" Zoro grumbled. Ki chuckled and kissed his cheek.
"It is." She hummed. "That means your birthday is coming." Zoro smirked back at her.
"So is yours." He said.
"PARTY!" Luffy cheered. Ki laughed.
"I couldn't have said it better myself!" She said. Zoro smiled softly at his girlfriend, love in his eyes.
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