We all sat at the fountain at lunch time. Aka and Law were with us, of course. Luffy was excitedly gabbing to Law about something while he held my hand. Law was half way paying attention to Luffy while Aka sat in his lap, talking with Ki and Zoro.
It was clear that Law still wasn't feeling great. From what Aka told me, he couldn't face his parents. He stayed with her and her parents now, only returning home to get fresh clothes when they weren't home.
The bell rang to signal the end of lunch. I stood up to leave, pecking a kiss to Luffy's cheek.
"I'll see you later." I said. He smiled at me.
"I'll walk you to class." He said and popped up.
"Uh, I'll walk with you guys." Aka said, standing from Law's lap. He stared up at her.
"Aka-ya?" He asked. Aka smiled at him softly.
"I'll only be gone for a moment and then I'll be back for you and we can go home. Just hang out here with the others." She said and gave him a peck on the lips. Law stared at her with sad eyes.
"I'll be right back. I just need to ask Aisuru and Luffy something. I'll only be gone for a minute. Plus I need to give Mom's message to Dad. I love you." She said.
"Love you." Law responded quietly. Aka began to walk with us.
"So." She started.
Time skip
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
I smiled and bowed to the audience as they applauded my performance. I sat down in my seat and stopped paying attention to graduation until it came time for my friends to walk. Mr. Dracule and Ms. Boa were the ones reading the names. Ms. Boa was looking sluttier than usual. Mr. Dracule just looked the same as always, stoic and bored.
"Matsusaki, Kimiko."
A girl with short blonde hair and piercing gray eyes shook my father's hand and then walked across the stage to the adminisrator that gave her diploma to her.
"Midori, Kouda."
A boy with ruffled pink hair and deep crimson eyes followed.
"Mizu D Lynn Aka."
Aka proudly walked across the stage, shaking hands with my father, then to the administrator that handed her diploma to her. I stopped paying attention again unti I heard Law's name.
"Trafalgar D Water Law."
Law shook my father's hand. I noticed Dad give him an extra pat on the back. Law then crossed to receive his diploma. I smiled happily. I looked over at Aka. She grinned at me.
We had been planning this for weeks. We could only hope that this would get Law back on his feet. Everything was in place. All I needed to do now was get Law there.
Finally, graduation ended. I handed off my violin to Dad and ran to meet up with Law.
"There you are. He's waiting by the pirate ship statue. I just got the text from Luffy, everyone is in place. Do you remember how to get there?" Aka asked me. I grinned up at her.
"Of course! Now get going before he decides to go looking for you and ruins everything!" I said. She grinned and nodded at me.
"Thanks for doing this. I really owe you." Aka said. I smiled and shook my head.
"All I'm doing is keeping a promise." I said with a bright smile. Aka hugged me and ran off in the direction of the agreed meeting place. Her dress flowing behind her as she ran.
(A/N: That's Aka's dress)
I turned towards the statue. I ran up to the statue of a pirate ship that represented the school. The New World Pirates. I saw Law leaning up against the statue. He wore a plain white dress shirt and black tie with black dress pants.He was staring down at his phone.
"Law!" I called and ran up to him with a smile on my face.
"Huh? Oh, Aisuru-ya. Do you need something?" He asked, putting his phone in his pocket.
"We need to talk. Walk with me." I said. He glanced to the ground.
"Aka-ya-" He started.
"Will catch up to us. She knows I'm with you and she said she'll catch up. Come on." I said. Law sighed and pushed away from the statue and we walked in silence a distance away from the school.
"Aisuru-ya, what did you need to talk to me about?" He asked.
"Are you doing okay, Law?" I asked.
"Yes, I... I am fine." He said. I frowned over at him.
"Law." I said. He stared at his feet as we walked.
"Aka told me you haven't gone home since that day at her uncle's place. You can talk to me, you know? We're friends. It's what we're for. If you don't want me to tell anyone else, I won't. Just talk to me." I said. Law sighed and ran his hand through his hair before jamming it back in to his pocket.
"I don't know how to face my parents. The last time I was in their house, I left a note saying that I was going to kill myself. But I didn't go through with it. I know I scared my mother. Terrified her, even. I know my father was scared, too. I just.... I don't know how I'm supposed to face them after everything that has happened." He sighed.
"Why not just try talking to them?" I asked. He huffed.
"What would I say, Aisuru-ya? "I'm sorry that your son is such a shit" and then just hope everything is going to be okay?" He asked me angrily.
"Okay, do you want me to slap you again?" I asked. He flinched at my suggestion.
"Law, I know you're scared. You don't know how your parents are going to react. It's scary. I know. But, they are your parents, after all. They love you. Just tell them how you've been feeling and they'll understand. You just have to go to them." I said.
"Why didn't they approach me?" He mumbled, but I still heard him.
"Probably because they didn't think you wanted them to and they didn't want to upset you any more than you already were." I suggested, He drew in a deep sigh.
"I should really talk to them. They're probably really worried about me." He said. I smiled at him.
"Then let's go." I said.
Law's POV
I looked up when Aisuru said "Let's go."
I was shocked to find I was standing in front of my parents' home. The home where I grew up. The home where Lami and I played as children. The home where Aka and I first.... Yeah.
"What?" I asked. Aisuru nudged me.
"Go on. You know you want to see them and I'm sure they want to see you. I'll be right here if you want me to be." She said, I drew in a deep breath.
"She's right. Go talk to them." I thought. I strode up to the door swiftly, but as soon as I got up the steps and was before the oak wood door, my nerve abandoned me. I froze, staring at the intricate pattern on the door.
"You can do it. Go on." Aisuru said from behind me. I didn't know if i should knock or just go right in. It was my home, but... I had been gone for so long... What if I didn't belong here anymore?
"Law, stop doubting yourself. Stop overthinking things. Just... go home." Aisuru said. I drew in a deep breath and grabbed the door handle and pushed open the door.
My heart leaped in my chest at the loud shout. I blinked as I saw my friends all there. Luffy, Zoro, Ki, Sanji, Nami, Usopp, Kaya, Shachi, Penguin, Aka... everyone. Even my parents were there welcoming me home with bright smiles.
"Wh-what..." I stuttered.
"Welcome home, honey." My mother said to me.
"What... What is all of this?" I asked.
"We know you've been feeling down lately, so we decided to throw you this party to remind you that we all will always be here for you!" Luffy said with a laugh. I stared at him.
"We wanted to remind you that you're loved, Law." Aka said as she took my hand. I looked at Aisuru beside me.
"You knew about this?" I asked. She smiled and nodded.
"Who..." I started.
"It was-" Aka started.
"All Aka's idea!" Aisuru finished.
"Wha- Aisuru! I can't take all the credit for this!" Aka protested.
"Why not? It was your idea. We just helped you do it." Aisuru said with a bright smile.
"This was your doing, Aka-ya?" I asked. She blushed and looked to the side.
"Y-Yeah. I just... I hated seeing you so sad. I want to see you smile again, Law." She said softly. I reached out and gently took her hands in mine and pulled her closer. I felt tears building in my eyes as I rested my forehead against her's.
"Thank you." I whispered to her. She smiled at me with tear filled eyes. She leaned up and kissed me softly.
"Of course, Law. I love you." She said. I broke away and looked at my parents. I immediately began to feel nervous again.
"Mom.. Dad... I.." I stuttered out. Suddenly, my mother was hugging me.
"We know, honey. It's been hard on you. It's been hard on all of us. But don't feel like you have to run away. We're here for you. We love you." My mother said. I felt my father's arms wrap around both me and my mother.
"We'll always be here for you, son. Always. You're never alone. Not as long as you have your mother and I. We're so proud of you. We love you so much, son. And if your sister was here, she'd say the same thing. I know she's watching over you." My father said.
"Mom... Dad..." I started to cry. I held on to my parents and let myself cry. I felt Aka's arms slip around me and my parents brought her in to our embrace. I couldn't see it and I couldn't feel all of them, but I knew my friends were slowly starting to join in on the hug.
As I cried I felt what I had been missing return.
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