Another New Friend

Aisuru sighed in contentment. It was Sunday morning. The sky was clear and there were no signs of Friday's storm. She felt much better now that the storm had passed.

Suddenly her phone rang.

"Hello?" She answered.

"Ai-chan!" Luffy's happy voice greeted. Aisuru giggled.

"Hey, Luffy!" She said happily.

"Guess what!" Luffy said, excitement lacing his tone. Aisuru giggled again.

"You're going on an adventure with your brothers!" She guessed. Luffy laughed.

"Nope! Ace and Sabo said that they're gonna get me a puppy!" Luffy said. Aisuru gasped.

"You're getting a puppy?!" She asked. Luffy laughed.

"Yeah! We're gonna go look at some now! Do you want to come?" He asked.

"I'd love to!" She said.

"Great! We'll be over in a few!"

"Kay!" She said and hung up. She pulled on her jeans and a pair of sneakers before grabbing her jacket.

"Bye, Daddy, I'm gonna go hang out with Luffy." She called.

"Be careful, I love you." Shanks called from the kitchen.

"Love you, too!" She said and walked out the door as Ace's car pulled up. Luffy opened the door and motioned her in. Aisuru slid in and smiled at Luffy's older brothers.

"Hi, Ace! Hi, Sabo!" She said.

"Hey, Aisuru!" They said in unison.

"Where's Aoi-chan?" She asked.

"She's out of town for a movie shoot. Sabo and I also have to leave town for a few days, so we figured we'd get Luffy a dog to keep him company while we're gone." Ace said.

"Will you need help getting to school, Luffy?" Aisuru asked. It seemed that both brothers had forgotten about that.

"Ah, crap." Ace grumbled.

"Hate to burden you with the task, Aisuru-chan, but could you possibly get him to school on time?" Sabo asked. Aisuru smiled.

"No problem at all!" She said and held Luffy's hand. They pulled up in front of the pet adoption center. The four walked in to the building and Luffy immediately pulled Aisuru to the dogs.

"How about this little guy?" Luffy asked as he rubbed a pit bull puppy that couldn't be older than a few weeks.

"He's too small. He's not ready to be away from his mother." Aisuru said. Luffy pouted.

"Awww, but he's so cool!" He said. Aisuru giggled and looked around.

"We're over by all the newborn puppies. The puppies ready for adoption are over this way." She said, tugging her boyfriend to where a group of puppies were all playing together in a pen.

"You really know you're way around here, Aisuru." Sabo said. Aisuru nodded.

"When I was little, every weekend my mother would voulenteer here. I'd always come with her so I could play with the puppies." She said. The workers let Luffy and Aisuru in to the pen. All of the little dogs came running up to Luffy, ready to play. Luffy bent down and began to pet them all. He laughed as they jumped up and licked his face.

Aisuru noticed a little brown puppy in the back. His tail was wagging, but he looked scared to go to the other puppies. Aisuru knelt down by him and held out her hand. He sniffed it, then rolled over on to his back. Aisuru rubbed his belly and his tail wagged faster.

"Hey, Luffy, what do you think of this little guy?" She asked. Luffy came over and looked at the puppy. He reached out and rubbed his belly, the little puppy happily wiggling under his hand. Luffy began to play with him and the little puppy was jumping on Luffy's lap, running around him, rolling around. Luffy laughed and picked the puppy up.

"He's perfect!" He said.

"Yip!" The puppy barked.

"That little guy?" Ace asked from outside the pen. Luffy nodded.

"He's a cute little thing, that's for sure." Sabo said. Aisuru grinned as the puppy barked happily. Ace motioned a worker over and told them they'd take the little brown furred puppy. The girl got a leash and a collar for the little guy. Luffy dragged Aisuru and Sabo off to find toys and other things for the puppy while Ace held him.

"Hey, Ai-chan! Look at this!" Luffy held up a little pink hat that had an X on it.

"Aww, it's so cute!" She said. Luffy decided to get the hat while Aisuru pulled a squeaky monkey toy off the shelf. Sabo grabbed a ball and found some dog food, dog bowls, a dog bed and some dog treats. They went to check out and the worker prepared the last thing, his dog license.

"What will his name be?" She asked. The four looked between each other.

"We haven't thought of that." They said.

"How about Fireball?" Ace asked.

"How about Jellybean?" Sabo asked.

"Shadowolf!" Luffy said with a bright grin. The puppy whined and nudged Aisuru's arm with his nose. She rubbed his head as the brothers tried out other names for him.

"What do you think, Ai-chan?" Luffy asked. Aisuru hummed in thought.

"How about Chopper?" She asked.

"Chopper?" Ace asked. The puppy barked happily.

"Sounds like he likes it! Chopper it is!" Luffy decided. Sabo chuckled.

"Chopper. Sounds like a good name for him." Sabo said.

"Chopper... yeah, it's got a good ring to it." Ace agreed. The puppy barked happily. The worker put the name on the tag and clipped it to his collar.

"He's a small breed, so he won't grow to be much bigger than what he is now." She said. Luffy grinned.

"That's okay!" He said. Chopper barked and ran along the counter as the girl began to check them out. After everything was paid for, Chopper crawled inside his carrier kennel and sat down. They carried him out and Luffy played with the puppy from between the bars.

"Thanks for helping me find him, Ai-chan." Luffy said. Aisuru smiled at him.

"Of course, Luffy. I'm glad to help." She said.

"The lady said he was potty trained, so I'll install his doggy door when we get home." Ace said. Chopper barked happily as he chased his tail inside his cage.

"Awww." Luffy and Aisuru cooed at him. Aisuru pulled out her phone as he sat down.

"Chopper! Smile!" She said with a grin. Chopper looked up at her and did what looked like a smile and she took a picture.

"Good boy." She said. He rolled over and waved his paws in the air. Aisuru grinned at the puppy as she watched him play.

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