The Rainbow Feather
(A/N: Here's Akame's outfit; her wardrobe consists mostly of kimonos, explanation on that later....)
TW: Death and blood. You have been warned.
3rd POV Akame
Soon after finishing their midmorning snack, our heroes were on the road again.
"By the way," Zorua spoke up as they all walked alongside Akame. "Is that kimono new? I haven't seen that one?"
"Oh yeah..." Akame looked down at her kimono (see above image for reference). "Yeah... those human girls got ahold of my bag last time we all went with Mama to E...Ecru.." Akame struggled to say the word until Houndour spoke up.
"You don't happen to mean Ecruteak City would you?" The dark/fire type inquired.
"Yes that place." Akame confirmed with a nod.
"You from that place or something?" Rockruff asked curiously.
"Not from that town specifically," Houndour replied. "Many who have lived in the land of Johto have heard of the famous Eevees who have evolved in those temples especially for their artistic dancing with their humans..."
Froakie snickered. "You should have seen how the Flareon, Vaporeon, Jolteon, Espeon, and Umbreon took to Sis here. Those humans couldn't figure out why they love her so much...."
Zorua snickered too. "Let's not forget they loved dressing her up..."
Akame blushed. "Don't remind me..."
"Hey look, there's a Pidgey!" Riolu pointed off to the side as a Tiny Bird Pokemon pecked and scratched at the ground.
Suddenly the Rotom phone whirred to life, blinking its blue pupilless eyes and flying up to take a picture of the Pidgey and spout some information about it.
Akame sighed. As much as she despised the little machines that many claim that know everything about her kin, there is a Pokemon living inside this machine, so she can't hate it even if she tried.
But about that monotonous voice though....
Deciding to deal with that later, she and the others approached the Pidgey cautiously so as to not scare her (Akame already saw that this one was a girl).
The conversation was going well, until a Pokeball fell out of Akame's bag, making the bird panic and fly away.
"No wait come back!!!" Akame shouted saddened that it was fleeing away from her.
The bird out if sight, Akame grabbed the red and white ball and glared at it churlishly. "I told that damn old human I didn't want these things!! Why did he have to sneak them into my bag?!!" She ranted angrily.
"Please calm down, sis," Ralts tried to console the dark haired girl.
This is the oddest human I have ever seen... Houndour thought as Akame resized the ball that fell out of her bag and roughly shoved it back into her bag with an angry pout, making the dark Pokemon sweatdrop at her actions.
Before they could take a step further in the direction of Viridian City, Akame's sharp hearing picked up on some distressed cries for help.
Immediately recognizing it as fellow Pokemon in trouble, she ran off the beaten path and into the thick underbrush.
Breaking through the undergrowth, she was horrified to see a bunch of Spearow terrorizing a wounded female Persian.
3rd POV No one
Damn that bastard! The Classy Cat Pokemon cursed to herself as she fired off a few Thunderbolts at the hostile Flying-types. She panted as she aimed a Water Pulse at one of the Spearow going in for a dive bomb. First I get released into the wild because I was "too weak" and top of that the bastard didn't bother healing me beforehand! And to make things better, he released me into Spearow territory! For a businessman he's either not very smart or he was intending for me to die here!
Things began to take a turn for the worse when suddenly the wounded cat was suddenly knocked down by a strong Drill Peck.
Looking up she saw that to the her dismay that a Fearow, the leader of the flock, had joined the fray. And given her wounds already received before she was released into the wild plus the ongoing violence from the Fearow's underlings, it won't be long before she ends up dead as her previous owner may or may not have intended. All that loyalty for nothing... she thought as the Fearow was going to land the final blow. She closed her eyes ready to submit to her fate.
"Guys let's help her!" Imagine the feline's surprise when she heard a new voice break through the fight.
Opening her eyes she was surprised to see not only a pack of different Pokemon rush over to stand over her protectively, but also a girl with hypnotic vibrant crimson eyes and long black hair in a red kimono with a sword strapped to her obi.
The Persian's surprise grew even more as she heard the girl speaking to the foul tempered bird.
"Stop this at once!!" The girl began to yell at the Fearow who only gave her a callous once over. He didn't seem to realize that the girl was speaking in their tongue.
"Why should I?" The bird sneered. "This mangy cat is in our territory so she must be removed... by force!"
"No!!" The girl protested. "This isn't right! Can't you see that they have been hurt more than enough?! You are breaking many Ancient Laws doing this!" The Ancient Laws were something that was drilled into her head long before she was adopted by Delia, and even after all this time in humans' company, she had never forgot them. Not even for a second.
"That means nothing to me, brat!" The Fearow lashed out venomously. "This weakling has to go, one way or another! I don't give a Raticate's ass if they mean no harm or not! An intruder is still an intruder! And that's that! Now move or I'll peck your eyeballs out!"
It was then that the girl, who was reeling in shock at what this bird was saying, had suddenly snapped out of her shock before her eyes began to change. The whites suddenly darkened to a tar black and her red irises suddenly had swirling black inscriptions swirling inside them. Not only that, the odd pink markings on her body (that the Pokemon could see anyway with her kimono on her) suddenly turned to a vivid blood red.
Akame's mind was suddenly not her own as her hand latched onto the hilt of Murasame, drawing it out of its protective sheath, a dark aura pulsing from it.
Draw your blade and enact justice upon this miscreant! A regal voice spoke in her mind. While the voice was intimidating she couldn't help but think that she has heard it before... like a long time ago.... way before her and her siblings' kin were mercilessly slaughtered in front of them...
Regardless, she brought her sword in front of her, glaring at her opponent: the Fearow.
The bird laughed at her. "Well isn't this interesting! Instead of a measly Pokeball you draw out a stupid sword! What are you dumb?!"
Akame's eyes narrowed in anger, she has heard similar words from Professor Oak's grandson Gary. His words hurt then and it still does now...
Gritting her teeth she suddenly dashed at the Fearow her red and black eyes full of rage as she attacked.
"You have no honor!" Akame snapped out as she locked her blade with the Fearow's beak. "Nor any mercy! For that you will perish! By the will of Lord Arceus!!"
The Fearow sneered at her. "You think by saying Arceus's name and swinging a flimsy blade about will justify you stupid human weaklings?! How laughable!!!"
He was then tackled my a tan blur.
The said blur crouched in front of Akame, baring his pure white fangs as the stones in Rockruff's "collar" glowed brightly as he launched at the Flying type. "Go! Accelerock!!" He yelled tackling the bird head on.
The Fearow squawked angrily.
"Why aren't my useless underlings helping me?!"
Little did the Fearow realize his subordinate Spearow had backed off feeling the aura of both Akame and her sword. That and after seeing that the "intruder" has been hurt enough it was with great reluctance that they tried to withdraw. Keyword tried. But their Alpha threatened bodily harm if they didn't follow his orders...
So when the red-eyed girl appeared they took that opportunity to leave this one-sided fight and watch to see who will come out the victor...
And upon hearing their Alpha call them "useless" made them even more less than willing to help the ruthless bird.
"Oi!" The Fearow turned only to be met with a face full of Froakie's frubbles.
"That's playing dirty!" The Fearow squawked indignantly trying to get the sticky substance out of his eyes.
"Kuh!" Froakie snorted derisively. "Like you have any room to say that!"
"You little-!" The Fearow blindly charged at Froakie who simply jumped to the side, the Fearow consequently crashing into the ground.
Houndour then charged in his fangs igniting in flames as he charged in with a Fire Fang. "Take this!" He snarled clamping down on the Fearow's wing.
While the Fearow was distracted, Akame turned to attend to the fallen Persian, with Ralts by her side.
As she examined the Classy Cat Pokemon and her wounds, she looked to her sister. "Can you heal this?" She asked.
The Feeling Pokemon began to use Heal Pulse. While the wounds became mostly faded, it still wasn't enough to help the feline get away. "This is about as good as I can get..." Ralts looked down, saddened that she couldn't do more.
Akame smiled softly touching the top of Ralts horn. "It's okay.... you are still getting the hang of it..."
As she comforted the Fairy/Psychic type, Persian spied the Pokeballs in the red eyed girl's bag. "Hatchling," she spoke firmly but she could hear the fatigue in her voice.
"I'm not a hatchling," Akame grumbled automatically, having heard this so many times.
The Persian snorted, rolling her eyes. "And I'm a Magikarp. Listen," she said seriously as Riolu jumped to assist Froakie and Houndour with an Aura Sphere to Fearow's face. "I want you to catch me with that Pokeball."
"What?!" Akame exclaimed almost indignantly. "Are you crazy? What about your freedom?"
"There's no time to argue." The Persian retorted. "While I'm sure your... siblings are powerful, they can't hold that Fearow off forever..."
"Tch!" Akame looked conflicted. She wanted to help this Persian but she didn't want to confine her like this.
"Oh for Arceus sake!!" The Persian exclaimed exasperated as she then grabbed the Pokeball with her tail and hit the ball with said tail before vanishing in a red light. The capture was instant as the feline was willing to be caught.
"This conversation is not over!" Akame comically sassed at the occupied ball.
Akame and Ralts turned back to the fight that had been going on. Houndour was locked in a heated battle (no pun intended) with Fearow. Fatigue was obviously getting to the dark/fire type. It would be a matter of time before he ends up fainting....
"Akame..." Houndour panted. "Finish this guy off...."
"Keh!" The Fearow sneered. "Still standing? Let me fix that!"
Akame rushed forward drawing Murasame out once again. She intercepted the Fearow's attack with her blade, allowing Froakie and Riolu, who were also weakened but not as bad as Houndour, to get their ally safely away from the Flying type.
"This again, brat?!" The Fearow taunted, his beak locked with her blade. "You really are a bothersome one! Let's finish this!"
"By the will of Arceus, I will purge you for your sins and breaking of the Ancient Laws!" Akame responded coldly as she bore down on her blade.
They pushed away from each other, blowing each other back a good distance.
Then they dashed/flew at each other ready to deal the final blow.
The Fearow landed at the other end if the "battlefield", where Akame once stood. Akame was down on one knee, at the opposite end.
A moment of silence passed. Nobody moved. Nobody even breathed.
Finally Akame moved, sheathing Murasame before standing to look at Fearow with blank red eyes.
The Fearow turned to look at her. As he turned everyone saw the cut that Akame inflicted onto the avian Pokemon. Her siblings knew that Akame more or less won the battle, however grisly.
"You little-!" The Fearow made to charge at her only to freeze as the poison took effect stopping him dead in his tracks.
He then dropped to the ground, motionless.
As soon as the bird hit the ground, Akame felt a turbulent rush of emotions overcome her.
Dropping to her knees she held her head with both hands as she screamed in both anguish and anger; sad that a Pokemon had to die, and angry that it had to be her to kill him.
"Sis!" Her siblings called out to her in concern as they rushed over to her.
As the black haired girl cried out in anguish, it was heard across not just the entire Kanto region but many others as well...
In Sinnoh....
A certain purple haired boy was outside with his Turtwig about to board the next ship to the Johto region before he suddenly felt an unnatural chilling sensation run through his body before he crumpled to the ground holding his head.
"Paul!" The grass-type called out to him in concern, though he knew his Trainer couldn't understand him.
For the boy, it was as if a lot of information was being downloaded into his brain. Ancient texts, images of various Pokemon, in and outside his native region, many faces that end up blurring together...
But one image stuck out the most....
An image of a group of Pokemon standing around one human figure.
But the Pokemon, despite the rarity, wasn't what drew his attention...
The human figure, with luscious long black hair and mesmerizing ruby red eyes in a lovely kimono... for some reason he couldn't keep his eyes off her.
When he regained consciousness, he found his Turtwig standing over him in concern. He sat up with a groan, rubbing the back of his head.
"Are you okay, Master?"
This made the purple haired boy pause and look around to see who said that. "Who said that?" He asked thinking he was just hearing things.
Turtwig placed his front feet on his knee. "Paul... are you okay?"
Paul looked at his starter in shock.
In Hoenn....
A young man by the name of Steven Stone sat in the council room with his father, bored out of his mind. He rather do anything besides listening to stock market trends.
His shiny Beldum floated next to the bluenette's head. Despite not having much of a facial expression, Steven knew that his partner was just as bored as he is.
Right at that moment, he felt something akin to a violent headache hit him making him keel over in pain.
"Son!" His father momentarily stopped his meeting as he rushed to his son's side, as council members stood up to see what was going on with the CEO's son and heir.
"Call an ambulance now!!" His voice faded from Steven's consciousness as he blacked out.
As he drifted, he saw various images, the same as the purple haired boy in Sinnoh.
And like said boy, his attention was drawn to the red eyed girl, carrying a sword, with many Pokemon standing around her, like knights...
Sometime later, he regained consciousness in the hospital near Devon Corp. His Beldum hovered near him, its singular "eye" on him.
"ARE YOU OKAY, SIR STEVEN?" A monotone voice inquired.
This made Steven jump, as there was no one else in the room. "W-who said that?!" He asked, fearing that someone is going to kidnap him, what with his old man being the CEO of Devon Corps.
His Beldum floated in front of him. "YOU HEARD ME?!" If one paid enough attention, you could hear the shock in the inorganic Pokemon's voice.
"B-Beldum??" Steven asked in shock.
Before they could continue their "conversation" Steven's father rushed in, with his personal secretary asking him one question after another.
In Unova....
Another adolescent in another distant region, one who goes by the name Natural Harmonia, sat in the woods with his friend, a wild Darmanitan.
He gazed up lazily through the leaves of the tree he leaned against, petting the fur of his best friend, a shiny male Zorua (A/N:I know that's not canon but for the sake of not getting Akame's Zorua mixed up with N's....).
He already understood Pokemon as he, not unlike our ravenette heroine, was raised alongside Pokemon, until his "father" Ghetsis found. Anthea and Concordia helped take care of him until it was time to be groomed for the "throne" to take over Unova.
However, today was going to change N, for better or for worse, depending on his actions in the future...
Suddenly his friends tensed as if they sensed danger.
"My friends, what-?" He suddenly froze as some unknown force invaded his mind, making him clutch his head in pain, knocking off his favorite cap of his head in the process.
"My lord!" A Woobat called out in concern as the Zorua barked at him in concern.
"Go get Anthea and Concordia!" The wizened Darmanitan commanded the Woobat who flew off quickly to retrieve the two sisters.
Images, not unlike what Steven and Paul had witnessed, ran through his mind. And like them, he was instantly drawn to the sword carrying girl with vivid bright eyes....
Only two words came to his mind instantly upon seeing her.
My.... Queen...
In Alola.....
A blonde male in black and red clothes hid as a bunch of Aether Foundation employees ran past his hiding spot.
He clutched a red/white Pokeball to him, inside it containing an artificial Pokemon he was more than determined to keep safe from his crazy mother's grasp.
"Sorry, Mother," he thought regretfully before steeling himself in determination. "But I have to do this..." An image of a girl that looked not totally unlike him in a white sundress and sun hat appeared in his mind.
Absentmindedly, he clutched his bag, where a certain cosmic Pokemon hid inside, trembling in fear of being captured by the workers inside the artificial "paradise".
Suddenly a wave if turbulent emotions and images assaulted his mind, making him almost cry out in pain, but held back just in time so he wouldn't reveal his location to his mother's employees. He cannot, will not, get caught.
Like the last three who experienced the same sensation, he saw a raven haired girl in a kimono with an odd sword strapped to her side with many rare Pokemon at both her sides...
He felt an almost magnetic pull towards the stoic black haired female, almost as if... as if he needed to meet her....
He was abruptly brought out of his vision as suddenly, a voice broke through his consciousness.
Snapping put of it, he realized that one of the Aether grunts had just spotted him.
"Lusamine we found him!" He spoke into a walkie-talkie.
"Seize him and bring me both Cosmog and the Type Null he stole!" A crackly female voice responded icily. "Use force if need be."
"Roger that!" He replied grinning at the young male almost sadistically.
This made Gladion tense. Type Null is no shape nor condition to fight and the only moves that Nebby (aka the Cosmog his twin sister affectionately nicknamed) knew were Teleport and Splash. And after that... vision, Gladion was weakened significantly physically and mentally.
Just as the Aether grunt was about to grab the blonde, a sudden light engulfed the adolescent making the grunt step back in surprise.
The light drew other grunts to the location as they began to run over, talking into their two-way radios and releasing their Pokemon from their Pokeballs to apprehend Gladion.
The light was coming from inside his bag, and it let out a high pitched scream making many of the grunts nearby cover their ears in pain.
Just as Gladion spotted the head scientist Faba closing in on them, he prayed to the gods to have Nebby teleport him somewhere safe. The only place he had in mind was Kanto, hoping that despite the odd choice, he could hide there until he could face his mother...
"Your wish is acknowledged..." He heard a disembodied yet powerful voice in his head just as Nebby teleported him out of Aether Paradise.
Gladion only had one thought before he lost consciousness. "Stay safe, Lillie..."
In Kalos....
A dark blue haired male was having a training session with his Charizard which was wearing a collar with a Mega-evolution stone embedded in it. This young man is Alain. He was given an assignment from the regional professor to study mega-evolution. His colleague, one Lysandre of Lysandre Labs, offered to help the aspiring trainer out in the professor's endeavors.
However, the bluenette said that he would think about it. He wasn't sure why but something felt... off with the Pyroar-haired man...
Suddenly, just like the last few who had experienced it, he suddenly felt a rush of pain rack through his brain.
He leaned against a tree panting, as he tried to withstand the sensation as images and words in ancient texts ran through his mind. It was as if someone or something was downloading information into his skull.
And just like the others, he too saw an image of an attractive dark haired female in a kimono with vivid red eyes with her team of Pokemon, some of which he never seen before.
"Chief!!!" He was brought out of his vision as his starter Charizard stood over him roaring at him in concern. Only, Alain didn't hear roaring from the Flying/Fire type. He heard actual words. "Chief!!! Are you okay??"
Alain blinked his serious eyes up at the Lizard Pokemon. "C-Charizard? Did you.... did you just talk to me?"
"What?" The orange draconic Pokemon asked dumbfounded.
In Galar, at the Stow-in-Side Gym...
A certain masked Ghost-type gym leader was getting the gym ready for the Fighting-Type Gym Leader Bea to take over for this year's Gym Challenge. Allister sighed to himself, as he has no idea what to do since he won't be taking any challengers this year.
Just as he was beginning to head out the doors to head home with his Pokemon in tow, he suddenly fell to his knees, making Bea look up and run to her colleague. His Gengar forced his way out of his Pokeball as he felt his trainer was in danger.
"Hey! Allister?!" Bea's voice faded away as his consciousness grew dark.
Then his mind was flooded with many images, like the last several trainers. He also saw the dark haired girl wielding a red katana surrounded by her Pokemon like loyal knights.
When he regained consciousness, his Corsola mask was removed and Bea and Melony sat next to him in the hospital room of the Pokemon Center. Peering outside his room, he saw the other gym leaders, even the reclusive Piers.
"Allister, darling?" Melony spoke softly as to not startle him. "What happened?"
He was quiet for a long moment. Leon, the Galarian Champion, and Raihan, the Dragon-type gym leader peered at him in concern for their colleague.
Then, he spoke.
"I need... to go to Kanto..."
In the Rota Kingdom....
Within the halls of the Rota Kingdom's castle, there is a room that keeps many ancient artifacts of the past.
One of the most notable relics of their kingdom is the staff of Sir Aaron.
Within the staff, is the Lucario who once stood proudly next to the Kingdom's ancient hero of Aura.
For many centuries the Aura Pokemon was sealed inside the staff, frozen in time as he slumbered within his confines.
However, as the powerful waves that stretched across many regional nations hit this prosperous kingdom, the staff shook slightly as it absorbed some of the powerful force.
Within the crystal atop the staff, a tired yet powerful voice spoke.
"Sir Aaron?"
Back in Kanto....
Young one. The powerful voice from before resonated in her head. Do not shame yourself.... it was either you or him...
"But I killed one of my kin!" Akame cried. "I'm no better than those humans who killed our pack!"
Riolu, despite being scuffed up from the fight, walked up to her and placed his paw on her knee. "That's not true! Don't ever say that! You will never be like them!"
This made Akame's eyes widen, tears still falling.
Despite everything, Arceus continued in her head, you are in the right and you were only carrying out my orders in delivering divine judgement. And this shall be a reminder to all Pokemon who dare break the Ancient Laws..
Right at that opportune moment, a shrill cry rang through the area, making Akame and the others look to the sky.
Suddenly, Akame's Rotom phone flew out of her bag, taking pictures of the avian flying overhead.
Akame didn't need the Rotom possessed device to tell her what Pokemon that was.
The Rainbow Pokemon descended, making many of the Spearow that still lingered in the area fly away.
Akame, along with her siblings, bowed in respect to the Legendary.
"Lady Ho-oh... you grace us with your presence..." Akame spoke professionally despite her teary eyes.
"Lift your head, child." Ho-oh spoke to her softly, like Delia would whenever Akame thought she made a mistake. "You are in the right. But that is not why I'm here..."
Akame lifted her head, where Ho-oh gently wiped away the remainder of the girl's tears with her colorful feathers.
"Then why...?" Akame trailed off.
Ho-oh reached over a plucked one of the feathers off from one of her wings. Releasing it to the wind, Akame cupped her small hands to catch the feather into her palms.
"Is... is this...?" Akame asked, her Pokemon gaping at the multicolored feather that rests in her hands.
"It is..." Ho-oh confirmed. "A gift from yours truly. Guard it well. When the time comes, you'll help a special someone, who will be a great companion for you when the time comes..."
"I... I...." Akame was speechless. She swallowed nervously. "I... I am honored." She bowed gratefully.
Ho-oh smiled at her. "Then, that leaves one last thing..."
Before Akame could stop her, the large avian Pokemon reached into her bag, drawing out an empty Pokeball.
"Wait-!" Before Akame could stop her, the Legendary was engulfed in the red light. It shook three times before it clicked, signaling a successful capture.
Then she released herself from the Pokeball.
"B-but... why!?" Akame sputtered.
Ho-oh smiled at her yet again. "Because only you are worthy to wield me. However I would like to stay in Johto for the time being." She then prepared to leave. "If you need me, call upon me... Chosen One."
With that she began to fly off into the horizon, leaving an awestruck girl with her equally awestruck Pokemon.
"What..... just happened?" Akame asked more to herself than anyone.
Akame's team:
Houndour(M): Fire Fang, Flamethrower, Solar Beam, Dig, Crunch, Sludge Bomb
Riolu(M): Moves: Aura Sphere, Blaze Kick(egg move), Force Palm, Metal Claw
Ralts(F)(Shiny): Dazzling Gleam, Confusion, Magical Leaf, Shock Wave
Rockruff(M): Fire Fang, Thunder Fang, Accelerock, Dig, Rock Throw
Zorua(F): Night Daze, Shadow Ball, Flamethrower, Faint Attack, Bite
Froakie(M)(Shiny): Water Shuriken, Aerial Ace, Night Slash, Double Team
Persian(F): Water Pulse, Dark Pulse, Power Gem, Slash, Thunderbolt, Attract, Shadow Ball, Foul Play
A/N: I'm not doing the four move limit thing, I find that redundant in fanfiction to be honest. The only reason why Akame's siblings have only four to five is because they are still young and they got at least one powerful move in their aresenal. When they evolve however I'll add a few more.
As for Akame's "suitors", the first ones we will see are Gladion and Allister. I don't want to throw all of them at once at Akame because let's face it that would probably overwhelm her. And she is probably going to take awhile before she warms up to the idea of falling in love with any of them, as she still remembers Tatsumi...
As for the death thing, I'm going to try not to have so many if I can help it...
Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this chapter, it took me awhile to conjure up!
Stat safe and remember the six foot rule and wear a mask over your nose AND mouth!
This is the ArtVampire signing off!
Ja ne!
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