Eleventh Soul: The Feast

At one point you woke up in the middle of the night to go pee, but seeing the death grip Kid had around your waist made you sweat-drop. You tried waking him but he was in a deep sleep. Demons don't fall into deep sleep, but here he was dead asleep. You sighed and gave up, falling back asleep. You felt him roll over and crush you under his burning hot muscles. It actually made you feel protected and made you fall into a deeper sleep.

You woke up by feeling something wet on your face. The sun was high in the sky, you guessed It was noon by now. The fucking bastard was drooling on you!! Letting out an 'Ew' and groaning you slipped out from under Eustass and you gasped as you came face to face with the blonde demon.

"Kid invited me for food.... I thought I can come over earlier and help..."

He spoke. It was very awkward as you both stared at the floor.

"So... uh... are you two...."

He trailed off, scratching his head.

"Oh no no no no no no no no no!"

You laughed and nope-d your way to the bathroom, shutting the door behind you.

'Oh my fucking Goat!'

Being a witch you and God didn't get along that well.

"He thinks we're fucking now... I mean, we totally looked like we were going at it while we fell asleep..."

You sighed and face-palmed. There was not much you could do to prove your innocence. Actually, could you even fuck a demon? Would you survive?

Letting out a curious 'huh' you freshened up for the day and taking a deep breath you stepped out of the bathroom.

"Kid she is so nice to you and you seduce her into sleeping with you?? You... you... you man whore!"

Killer scolded Kid as he pulled on his ear. Kid was quiet and confused.

"But... we didn't do anything..."

He mumbled.

"He's right, he didn't seduce me to bed. He couldn't even if he tried."

You chuckled and Kid looked so offended.

"Then what about that hickey on your neck?"


You forgot Kid drank from you...

Your face flushed up as you rubbed the bite mark.

"Huh? That's no hickey I drank her blood."

"YOU WHAT? Eustass Kid that is worse than a hickey!! How could you do that?"

If you didn't know better you'd think he was his mom or something.

"Killer-san it's okay I let him"

You softly patted his shoulder to calm the raging demon.

"You did?"

He raised an eyebrow, suspicious if Kid made you say this. You nodded.

"If he ever hurts you, tap anything made of iron on the ground twice and you can summon me"

He patted your head. You nodded again.

"I'll go start cooking"

You smiled.

"I'll help!"

Kid declared.

"Kid you can't even cook yourself an egg. Y.n I will help you, I always cook for the squad"

He spoke as you both walked to the kitchen. You glanced at Kid and giggled as you saw him sulking on the couch. He was so cute.

Time passed quickly with Killer around. He was an amazing cook, You could tell by how precise he was cutting everything. You asked him to help you with cutting things, you were going to cook and spice everything yourself.

"Thank you for helping me"

You chimed.

"You invited me to your home, this is the least I can do"

He gave you the plate of finely cut meat. You muttered a thanks and got to cooking, too focused on making everything perfect that you weren't even hearing your surroundings.

"Hey, y.n, we have a problem..."

You snapped out of your thoughts and looked up at killer.

Luffy was grinning, standing behind him. Next to him were two demons you didn't know. One had Beautiful blue hair and markings on his body. He looked sad, His mouth was droopy and it had scars that resembled stich scars. His eyes had a mysterious sorrow in them. The other one was holding a pitchfork, Had long straight horns, and looked done with life. He was tall and thin and his outfit was quite.... kinky.... Harnesses and fishnets and leather, and a long cape over his shoulders.

Same could go for the blue haired man. He was wearing leather as well and there were ropes holding his vest together. The vest was the only thing he had on, no shirt under it. And he was rocking some leather pants.

"What's the matter, Killer?"

You smiled and he sighed pointing at the three men behind him.

"These bastards invited themselves over."

"It's okay, I made enough food to feed an army"

It shocked everyone -- except for kid -- that you were so calm about this. You greeted them with a big smile.

"Hello Luffy. Hello you two, I'm y.n"

"Thank you for having us, pleased to meet you~ I am Wire"

The tall man with horns spoke as he placed a kiss at the back of your hand. You blushed lightly and let out a giggle.

"So polite!"

"Our boss is the only one with no manners. I'm Heat."

The blue haired spoke as he offered you a flower. They were so damn cute you wanted to keep them!


Luffy grinned as he latched his stretchy arms around your waist, grinning childishly.

You giggled and pat his head and offered him snacks to keep him busy. You saw his eyes glow up with happiness as he took his little loot and started eating quietly in a corner.

"I guess all of you have a flashy fashion sense... Except for Luffy I guess"

You hummed as you watched them.

"Well Luffy isn't working with us. He has his own people he just likes to be a bother and tag along."

Killer crossed his arms.

"Ah, I see, so that's why he isn't dressed like he is going to attend a kink party"

You chuckled to yourself.

"You don't like my fashion sense?"

Kid spoked from his comfortable majestic position on the couch.

"No no, I do like it. If not I would have complained. I guess Killer is the most normal one if you exclude the mask."

"Does my mask make you uncomfortable?"

He asked, concerned.

"No it's just that your outfit is quite normal, and nice. The only odd thing is the mask. I like it though. But I can't deny I'm curious to see your face."

You smiled and went back to cooking.

Killer joined you in the kitchen and he gasped.

"Is that PASTA????"

"Yeah... You don't like pasta?"

You guessed.

"Oh. No! I LOVE pasta!!!"

You couldn't see but you bet he was grinning under his mark.

"Well I'm glad to hear that! I made a lot of different foods!"

You burst.

"I can see why captain likes you so much"

Killer hummed as he took in the scent of all the foods you had prepared. It smelled so delicious.

"Don't get too chitty chatty."

Kid rumbled as he stood behind you, pulling you into his chest protectively.

"Kid!!" You blushed, turning and gently smacking his chest. "You big dummy be nice!!"

He groaned and muttered something under his breath as he stuffed his face with a cabbage roll.

"HEY!! You can't eat yet!!"

You barked. He just ignored your scolding and stole two more, stuffing his stupidly sexy face with them as he walked back to his spot on the couch.

"Is he always like this?"

"He IS Kid"

Killer joked.

"Is there anything I can help with?"

Wire asked. You nodded and let him know he can help by setting the table.

Soon food was served and everyone was gathered around the table, eating and chatting and fighting over food. Kid refused to share as he protectively hid the plate of cabbage rolls away, glaring at those who dared get close to it.

"If you're good and behave, I'll get you something you want~"

You tried bribing him.

"Oh? Like what?"

"Remember the scooter cart~?"

You seduced, whispering in his ear. His eyes lit up and he put the plate back on the table.

"WOW she really is good at keeping boss under control!"

Wire exclaimed.

"Yeah, we should just hire her to keep him behaving"

Killer chuckled and Heat nodded.

"What did you bribe him with?"

Heat questioned.

"Oh, something he really wants~~"

You giggled.


Killer, Heat, Wire and Luffy all asked.

"AAAHHH you bastards played me into this!!!"

Your face flushed, becoming as red as a tomato as you hid away from the laughing idiots.

"Hey do you guys want some alcohol?"

You mused.

"Alcohol doesn't do us anything, don't waste it on us"

Heat worried. He was so kind!!

"Not the witch's brew~~"

You grinned and went to get a bottle.


Killer raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah, she's a witch."

Kid beamed proudly.

"I see."

When you came back you poured everyone a glass and served them. You were making sure everyone had their plates full, their glasses filled, and their little demon heads entertained.

"Hey! We should hire her when she dies!"

Wire gasped, in sudden realization.

"Yeah!! You can work with me!!"

Luffy chimed, earning a glare from everyone else.

"Thank you but hopefully I won't be dying anytime soon. I wanna pass a thousand years"

You laughed. You could feel Kid watching you all night. His piercing eyes admiring your beauty.

It was very late at this point. Almost morning actually.

Everyone was scattered around on the couches and chatting and enjoying their time. You went to sit down after putting everything away with Heat's help. And you saw Kid pat the empty spot next to him. You smiled and sat next to him and he put his arm over the couch. You seized the opportunity to snuggle. Growing up you had slowly become like your mother, your body always cold.

He wrapped his arm around you and made sure you're hidden away in his coat, warm and safe.

You heard Heat and killer sending you two glances and whispering to each-other. Wire was passed out drunk. Everyone was drunk.

"We should probably go."

Killer spoke.

"You guys can stay the night, I have a guest room."

You smiled.

"We bothered you enough"

Heat rubbed the back of his neck.

"Nonsense! I enjoyed our time together!"

You were glowing beautifully.

"I guess we could stay."

Killer spoke.

You nodded and went to get their places ready. Luffy had to leave a while ago because something had came up.

"Well everything is ready"

You smiled at them as they dragged the unconscious Wire by his legs to the room, said their goodnights and closed the door.












"You're not gonna go to bed?"

You raised an eyebrow.

"We are gonna go to bed in a bit."

We? Oh...

You blushed.

"You are NOT sleeping with me!!"

You cried out

"I've seen you naked multiple times and you had no problem sleeping on my fur and last night on my chest."

He had a point. You sighed and nodded in defeat.

Eh, You weren't mad about it. He was warm and you felt comfortable with him.

You weren't like humans. You didn't have their stupid boundaries. You were comfortable with who you are and with other too.

You leaned your back against his as he sat in the balcony, smoking a cigarette.

Your eyes grew heavy and you soon drifted to sleep, Listening to his breathing as you snuggled his back.

"For all the tsundere talk you're really cute"

He mumbled as he carried you inside.


Y'all!!!!!!! 1955 words!!!!!!!!!

I hope you enjoyed this.

I appreciate your votes, comments and all your support.


Donquixote_Joker 🃏

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