Prologue: From the future West to Past west
Mojave Desert 9:29PM 23 July 2318
in the middle of the desert a wanderer bike parked near the abandoned gas station a camp was set up with the camp fire crackle.
and the person sitting near the campfire is Y/n l/n born from shady sands, he left to find work outside the town, he was once a courier who got shot in the head by benny then turned NCR elite ranger when taking over new Vegas, he made some friends some left some died he was alone.
then it seems Karma decides to curse him pretty badly, his home town was nuked and the NCR has been disbanded.
he spend his years traveling around on his bike then became a bounty hunter, however one thing was certain he now knows how Randall Dean Clark went through he lost his home now on his own and iconic he is wearing the elite desert ranger Armor made him feel like the father of Zion park.
now old and wrinkly he's 90 years old but still in his prime cause the cybernetic implants he got from Big Mountain but his his hair and beard turns grey, he felt alone without a home to go back to, no family to see again, and no people he can relate to his is all alone.
it's only a matter of time till the implants fails him and a certain black hooded figure will come for him, but for now he'll have to rest.
he put out the fire and rest in his bedroll kit and sleeps under the stars while still wearing his helmet.
but unknown to him a mysterious Stranger walks up to him without waking him up, he looks at the sleeping legend.
???: It seems you are no longer needed here Sir, I believe you needed elsewhere
with a snap of the finger him and y/n and the bike vanished.
Tall trees West Elizbeth, 7:29.AM 24 July 1895
Sunlight hits Y/n's eye, causing him to block of the sun and slowly wake up and as he rub off the sleep out of his eyes he sees himself surrounded by tall trees
Y/n: What the hell?!
he quickly stands up and pulls out his revolver and aims it aimlessly like a panicked rabbit in a cage.
realising he's in no danger he calms down and puts away his gun, he looks around to see the green leaves on a tree.
Y/n: how the hell did I get here? I was in the Mojave desert resting.
he turns around to see his bike is with him including his stuff. he checks his pip boy to see the map but to see this message.
Y/n: damnit Now I'm lost
So with no map he's lost but first thing first he pack up his camp back into his bike and hopefully find a town nearby.
Near the river a young girl is throwing stones at the water and humming a song while the mother is harvesting plants
Girl: (Humming)
???: Annabelle be careful near the river you hear?!
Anna: Okay mama!
the woman named sara collected the plants hopping to make medicine.
(Choose one outfit)
both sara and Annabelle were from London, she wished to become a doctor but due to the law she came here with their husband and father Andrew to start a new life, but he died from a bullet from a bandit attack, so they have to make due to survive.
anna decides to hopscotch then she sees something shinny in the river as she got closer she sees gold buried in the river.
Anna: Momma momma I found something!
but she slipped and felled in the river
Anna: (Scream) Mommy Help!
sara turned around to see anna being swept away in the river.
She chased after her but tripped and dislocated her foot.
Sara: Fuck! No Not Now!
Anna: Mommy Help!
y/n finished packing his stuff then he hears a cry for help.
???: Mommy help me!
Y/n: What the hell?
he turns around to see a little girl being swept in the river, she looked like she was about to drown.
so with no hesitation he quickly ran to save her, he saw her go under so he dive in, they burst out of the water while he carried her out of the water.
anna: (Coughs out water)
Y/n: take it easy you're safe now.
Anna: thank you mister,
as he put her in dry land he sees her freezing up.
anna: (shivers) I'm cold mister.
y/n: Hang on kid.
he collect wood and rocks and make a campfire, and fortunately he has a spare winter jacket and wrapped it around her
y/n: alright kid that should keep you warm, now how on earth did you end up in the river and why are you doing here alone?
Anna: No I'm with mama she's been picking up flowers, I slipped and felled in the river, wait where's mommy?
Y/n: hey calm down she's probably looking for you now.
and he heard the mother calling.
Sara: Annabelle! Where are you?!
Y/n: see told you.
The mother on a horse arrived.
Sara: Oh my sweet pea I thought I lost...
when she saw y/n she pulled out her revolver and aims at him, y/n puts his hands up.
Sara: Who are you?!
y/n: whoa calm down miss.
Anna: Mama he saved my life.
she got off her horse but as she put her foot down she collapsed.
sara: (Grunt) dammit.
Anna: Momma?
y/n help her up.
Y/n: Jesus what happened to you
sara: I dislocated my foot.
y/n: damn here let me get you to your daughter.
y/n helps her to the campfire then anna hugs her.
sara: my sweet pea what on earth where you thinking getting close to the river?!
Anna: sorry mama I saw something shinny in the river thought it was gold.
Sara: oh sweet anna
y/n: hey sorry to interrupt but I have to check your foot to make sure there's nothing serious.
she took off her boot and y/n checked the foot.
y/n: well nothing's broken but there's some swelling, you have let it rest for a couple of days. I got some bandages be right back.
he run back to his bike to grab a doctor's bag but as he about to head back he felt someone behind him, he turned around and pulled his ranger pistol out to see his stalker.
It was a female tribal with a axe on one hand.
y/n: Um can I help you?
???: I saw you saving the child, it was brave and foolish of you.
Y/n: well it's part of being a ranger, plus blame my good nature.
???: I was ordered to capture any intruders here and bring them to the camp, however since you helping them I'll pretend I didn't see you three.
Y/n: thank you, here as thanks for not turning us in.
y/n grabs the bag of seeds and gives her half of the crop seeds.
Y/n: Hope these seeds are good enough.
???: Thank you stranger.
she begins to walk away but stopped and looked at y/n.
Sayla: My name is Sayla if your wondering.
Y/n: and the name's y/n l/n
she continued to walk away, y/n heads back to the two girls.
Sara: There you are what took you so long?
Y/n: sorry I took so long just encounter with a tribal.
Sara: Tribal? oh no How can I be so stupid.
Y/n: what? what's wrong?
Sara: we're in the Vatrou territory, they are properly the last Indian tribe that manged to push the army back.
Y/n: whoa well not to worry, sayla allow us to leave without trouble now stand still.
Y/n begins to wrap the bandage around the foot then he helps her on the horse, including the girl.
Anna: Thanks for helping us mister
Y/n: No Problem, By the way I never caught your names.
Sara: My name is Sara and this is my daughter Annabelle.
Anna: A Pleasure to meet you sir.
Y/n: thank you, The name's Y/n L/n ex NCR Ranger.
Sara: NCR? what's that?
Y/n: New California Republic was once a thriving city now just a smoking crater.
Anna: What happen mister?
Y/n: It's nothing for you to worry, by the way where's you off heading?
Sara: Blackwater why?
Y/n: well do you both happened to have a map of the area right?
Sara: Yeah here.
she hands him the map and he reads it
Y/n: huh so we're in the tall trees and I never heard any of these places before, Say do you mind if I burrow this?
Sara: sure.
y/n then stores it in his pip boy digitally, shocking both sara and Annabelle.
Sara: Oh my Goodness!
Anna: whoa!
Y/n hands back the map to sara then the pip boy glows and plays music
Anna: whoa it can talk, is it magic?!
Sara: just what is that thing on you Y/n?!... Y/n?
y/n was silent as he is digesting the date of the year.
Y/n: (1895? But how? There's no way I travelled back in time! But how?!)
Her shout regain his attention.
Y/n: Oh sorry I was lost in thought.
Sara: I just asked what's on your arm?
Y/n: Oh this is the thing from the future called the Pip-boy, it can allow me to store anything within the weight limit, and i can use the map to point me in the right direction.
Anna: wow that's amazing!
Y/n: well it's nothing, how about I'll tell on the way back but first let me get my bike.
he heads back again deep within the forest, then they heard a sound they never heard off.
they saw y/n a strange looking bike but was moving by itself without being paddled.
y/n parked near them.
Y/n: So what do you think?
Sara: What is that?
Y/n: this is a bike with a engine which I call it the wanderer, shall I accompany you both?
Anna: (Giggles) well that will be most pleasant sir y/n.
y/n: Okay ladies first.
the two head off while y/n followed them to blackwater, with y/n thinking who or what put him here? and Why?
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