"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH" Everyone screamed as they fell. The ground was approaching fast, and they knew they had seconds before hitting it. "What are we going to do? The ground is approaching," Asked Kaitlyn, as she looked over to lloyd who looked like the blonde was at a loss for words. He was scanning around and looking for something that could be used to make them have a safe landing, but there was nothing. He sighed, looking over at the brown-haired girl, who looked back at him. "I Don't know," Lloyd yelled back to Kaityln. Who lookd less annoyed than she usually did. Lloyd sighed. He looked over and saw Little Harumi looked very afraid. She was covering her eyes and looking like she was going to cry. He felt terrible for her. She was just a little kid, technically not, but that wasn't the point.
"You're a ninja. Can't you do anything" Quiet scolded as she glared at Lloyd with much venom as she could muster. Lloyd wanted to yell back at her, telling her this wasn't the time, But Hatred Had beaten him to it. "Oh, like How you are being so useful right now," she yelled. The Quiet one wasn't so fond of being yelled at, and her face went red in anger, as her teeth now were barring out of her mouth. "Well, you're not doing anything either!" she shot back at her. The other now looking angry that she had talked back to her, and she raised an eyebrow, and began to float towards The other, and then they began to have a yelling match, and that was just making everyone else miserable as they knew this wasn't going to end very soon, and they all looked at each other. And before someone could break them up, a voice was heard, and thats when they heard, a women yell, and thats when the brunette known as Macy got into the middle of the two and broke them apart.
"Enough this isn't helping!" she yelled at them, and of course the two pointed at each other and yelled. "She started it" And thats when macy looked at the both of them and grabbed them by the ear. They both groanedin pain, and thats when she raised her voice and said. "I Don't care who started it, I'm finishing it!" She yelled, and then the two of them went silent and grumbled.
Macy sighed, as she turned and that's when she saw Matais. She looked at him for a couple of seconds before she smiled. "Matias, Can't you use your magic and make it so we can get down safely" she asked. The boy looked at her and sighed. Of course this wouldn't be that easily as he looked at her. "I don't know if my magic is strong enough for all of us to get down safe" he says. Macy signed and looked around so she could try and find something they could use for a safe landing.
Little rumi looked like she was about to cry, and she looked like she was about to just start to have a mental break down. Garmadon felt bad, and held her close, ans Lloyd looked over and saw this and he felt bad, and thats when he looked at matias and then took a breath and started to form an energy ball. They had no idea what was going on because, thye had no idea what was going on. "What are you doing?" Causal asked. As she looked like she was free falling. She looked like she was ready for anything that was going to happen. They all watched as Lloyd looked around, and then he looked at everyone. He dropped the energy ball and threw it at a tree. And the branched bended, and that's when they all saw something in the corner of their eyes. And thats when little rumi looked up, and thats when she smiled as she had a feeling of what Lloyd was doing. "Are you sure this would work?" she asked the blonde. Who nodded, he looked like he was confident and she knew she had to faith in Lloyd. So she looked at Lloyd and nodded.
Lloyd looked at Everyone, and after making sure the leaves of the trees were on the ground making it so it would comfort their landing. He looked like he was about to say something but Little rumi beat him to it. "Don't worry, We can make it!" She says, as lloyd looked like he was confused on knowing what he was saying. But he shook his head, and smiled. As he braced himself. He saw the leaves were coming out faster, and he took a breath. He wasn't sure what was going to happen but he knew they had to act fact.
"Okay everyone, aim for the leaves" he tells them, and they all nodded, as they all understood what he was saying. Lilla held onto Jade, and Kaityln held onto the two of them. The three them held hands and sure they wouldn't let go so then they would all take the equal amount of the impact. They looked at each other, and they all smiled. They all said something in a whisper, The one Little rumi couldn't hear and she was sure none of them could hear. She stretched her neck and then looked at garmadon. And smiled she knew garmadon would protect her, and then he held her close, and thats when everyone held onto a buddy just to make sure they would be with another person so then they had a buddy to fall with. Cloud and Nix were being held by princess, and causal. Both of the puppies looked scared, and they all knew there was a chance they could get out with minimal injures but then again there was a cahnce they did have injuries becasue of the battle they had in the lab, and Jade had gotten hurt, and it was possibly gonna get worse when they landed.
They all then landed in the leaves with a giant off. And groaning was heard, they all sat up after ladning on their backs. The leaves had some what softened the blow but it didn't fully soften it. They all groaned, as Child rumi looked up, and saw that they had landed. She stood up, and brushed some leaves out of her hair, as she stepped out of the pile. "Where the heck are we?" she asked, she didn't reconize where she was. Even though those hills seemed similar she couldn't quite put her finger on it. But she shook her head, she couldn't focus on that . she needed to focus on the now.
Lloyd groaned, as he held a hand to his head, he felt an aching pain to his head. As he looked around. As he saw those weird shapen hills, and the sound of children laughing. His eyes widned, as he now had a neutral face. "We are at Harumi's Old village!' he says no smile on his face whatsoever. They all looked up, and thats when they saw that lloyd was infact correct. They were at the villages gate, and they were near the villages entrance.
"Great" Causal says, as she brushes herself off, and went to take a step forward. But then lloyd put a hand forward, and made it so she couldn't take forward. She was confused on why he was stopping her. They were somewhere where they could get help, and recoup before they went off to find zephyr.
"We Have a problem" Lloyd tells them. They all looked at each other, and were confused on what he was saying. They all shrugged, and then looked towards lloyd as no one knew what he was taking about.
"What do you mean" asked Princess, as she fixed her hair, so it was perfectly straight, and her headdress was perfectly on her head.
"Yea what's going on" Asked warrior, as she moved her braid so it was resting over her shoulder. Then brought her sword out of it's resting place, inspected it, watching it glow in the sunlight, then placed it back in the hilt.
"Um hello!" the green ninja says, as if it was obvious. As he pointed to the seven versions of harumi, but they still didn't understand, what he meant and gave the green ninja a confused look.
"How are we supposed to explain to the women, that already hates us. That we let Harumi get split..... INTO SEVEN VERSIONS OF HERSELF!" he yelled. As everyone in the gorup all murmured in agreement, and nodded. They didn;t know exactly what to do, they couldn't show up without harumi that would be to suspicious, and they couldn't show up with the seven versions, as That would raise to many questions.
"Maybe Causal, Could just Go" Mirage suggested. They all looked at the purpled eye girl. Who had just made that suggestion. They all thought about it for a second. And then they looked at ecah other it could work, but there was a still a few problems with that plan. Lloyd signed.
"I mean that's the only real plan we got so we can just stick with that" he says and all the group nodded. As they looked around for a place for the other versions of harumi could hide well they went and talked to Josephine and aronix. Naturally they didn't find anything but that's when they looked over and they saw a shed. It was old and Ricky B and it looked like it was going to fall apart at any second but they really didn't have any options so they started to head towards the shed knowing that was the only option they had and they had to deal with it because they needed to hide them before someone saw them because if someone saw them then it would probably be bad news. The seven versions of haurmi squeezed in and they all had hard times getting inside.
Then they all started complaining because, it was old and smelly and they were worried it was going to collapse on them and further more, it was smelly, and they didn't want to stay inside there for very long. They all glared at Lloyd who had suggested they stay inside and quiet one looked like she wanted to kill Lloyd even more then usal, he gulped nervously, as he slowly backed away, his feet scrapping against the sand as the particles got kicked up in the air. They were quite worried because they knew that the girl hated her the new harumis Aunt hated them. She had made that clear from the very beginning and now they were supposed to go back and ask for help. They knew that this was not going to end well. Lloyd sighed.
As they near the door, they all felt their nerves getting even more tense, because they knew how the woman got, especially when they were there, so they had no idea how she was going to act or if she was even going to help them. But they knew they needed to take the chance because they really didn't have anyone else to rely on right now because they didn't know where their allies were. They have no idea if the elemental masters would be able to help them or were they were they had no source of any help right now so they were all alone and they had no idea what they were going to do but of course they always acted like everything was fine because I didn't wanna worry anyone, but they all knew that they all had the same thought and inside everyone's head was worry.
The blonde haired boy, then took a step forward and gently knocked on the door. There's a few moments of silence. Before they had heard, shuffling and feet coming towards the door, they all looked at each other, and Lloyd took a step back, knowing who exactly it was, and they had a cheerful voice saying I'm coming they all break them self, knowing how exactly this is probably going to go, and when the woman open the door, her face and the smile that had previously been on, there had dropped and she scowled seeing all of them there she had her hands on her hips, and she did not look very happy. "What are you doing here" she asked that she put her hands on her hip. She basically was scowling at them and they knew that she was doing it to.
"We Need your help" the blonde said after no one had spoken after she had asked the question. They all looked at Lloyd, knowing that he had just taken a risk because they knew that this woman did not approve of Lloyd dating harumi, and did not approve of the relationship. Just because he was a ninja, but at this moment, Lloyd didn't care because he knew what he needed to do, and he needed to push aside any feelings that was happening inside his mind because they needed to focus on stopping zapper before his rain got out into the, rest of the Ninjago and then the other 16 realms and say did not want to 16 realms to fall so they need to come over the plan and fast to stop them. The women raised an eyebrow as she took a step closer. "What kinda help?" She questions.
"Well, we can tell you, if you let us inside" mirage says. Josephine looked angry, and she said nothing. As she glared at Eveyone, she was about to Close the door, The door was pushed open, and acronix was there. He smiled and waved at everyone.
"Hey everyone" he greeted, he held a cup of coffee in his hand, he had discovered coffee lately and he loved it. He took a sip, and then he turned his face upwards towards everyone.
"Hey acronix we came here, because we kinda need help, can we come in?" Kaitlyn asked, as she was looking at Josephine who was glaring at them even more now. But acronix was more then happy, to have them come inside, not caring about the look on Josephine's face.
"Come on in" he says as they all nodded thanks, as they headed inside. Josephine gave acronix a look but he just chuckled nervously; as he put a hand to the back of his head and headed inside and followed the group. They looked at each other and saw all them looked beaten down; and had bruises on them, what the heck happened.
"What happened to you guys" acronix asked, as he leaned against a wall. Lilla sighed as she pushed some hair away.
"It's a long story" she says, and there's some things we feel like you wouldn't understand. She says as she was bandaging up Jades arm. The blonde made pained noises and grunts but other then that she didn't say a word.
"Try us" acronix says as he went to sit down on the couch, being carful not to sit on jades bad hand. They all sighned and looked at each other. Then they nodded and Lloyd spoke up.
"We; had to go to another realm because, child harumi got kidnapped, and she was in a lab and a battle inused, and we barely made it out alive" he says. As he put a bandaid on his forehead and then groaned because he had a bruise there.
"I have so many questions, but for the first one, who's child harumi?" Acronix asked, and right before, that could be answered, the window broke and There was Quiey one, and hatred wresting each other. Acronix looked at Lloyd who was very sheepish and red.
"Well; to make a long story short a month ago, zephyr managed to corner Harumi, and Split her into seven versions of herself, and we have no idea how to put her back" he explain. As he tried to talk over quiet one and hatred's yelling and wrestling.
Then through the door, came princess, Warrior, and child harumi. Who looked frantic, as they searched around. "Where did they go?" Child asked.
"I don't know bu—" there they are princess says as she pointed at the two; and warrior sighed. "Yes we all see them princess" she says before princess could retort, acronix's eyes widened.
"Woah! Is that harumi, and harumi, and harumi, Are they all harumi?" He asked The blonde ninja, who nodded. He took a step and then grabbed child harumi, who clung onto him like a koala.
"Yes, Like we Said she was split into seven versions, and they are all part of her" he explains as he gave little Rumi a hug, and then smiled before looking at acronix, who looked shell shocked.
"This one Is child Harumi, she's the youngest, and she is is Harumi's I guess younger mind" he says, as he he went to go sit back down.
Jade smiled, and then walked over to Princess, warrior, and Causal". She smiled at them and they all smiled back at her. "This is princess, Warriors and causal Harumi" she says as she groaned and made sure not to hit her cast on anything. "Causal is Harumi's uhhh, well I'm not sure, Princess Is The part of harumi's life when she was a princess, and warrior is harumi's inner warrior inside of her" she says.
Kaitlyn stood up, and pointed to worry who was on the floor sleeping. It was harumi's oni form but they had no idea about that. All they knew it was just her worried but little did they know it something more.
"This is worry, she's harumi's worry's, and I guess you could say fears" she says, as she then went to stand up and then began to braid her hair.
"Then finally we have, Quiet one, and hatred, Quiet one is harumis past being... I hate to say this evil, and Hatred is also the same thing unfortunately but she grew to be a good person and it's all in the past now" Mirage says as she sighed.
Acronix eyes widened. "Wait Harumi was a villain?!" He asked, and Eveyone went quiet, and that just confirmed it. He couldn't belive it, he couldn't belive his sweet niece was a villain or former villain
"She made a few Mistakes in the past, and she feels really bad about it, but that was a couple of years ago, she's changed since then" Lloyd says, as he looked away, and at causal harumi. Acronix couldn't belive it and Josephine just scoffed.
"I can't belive this, you let my daughter get split into seven versions of herself!" She yelled, in fury and anger she was now so much madder at the ninja then usal and she looked like she was going to bite their heads off.
"We didn't do it on purpose!, and we're trying to figure out a way as we spea-" Lloyd paused and his face went pale. As he heard the words Josephine had just said and he was sure Eveyone Else heard that as well.
"Did you say daughter?" He asked, as Eveyone in room stood in shock and Lloyd was pretty sure he's gone pale, Jade gasped lightky and even quiet one and hatred stopped fighting. As they looked for Josephine for confirmation, all she did was sit there, and have a blank face as she then took a sip of her tea, and remained slient.
Hello hello everyone, Jdizzle here and I hope you enjoy that chapter. I hope you enjoyed that reveal, I've been waiting to do that for months! Let me know what you thought in the comments below! And if you liked it or not. I apologize if my writing was not good; I try my best but I alawayd feel like my writing is not up to par with others people. Anyways I'm still looking for someone to help me with my writing, and ect with the final chapter of this arc if your interested please let me know, and we can discuss details! Anyways I have to go, Happy Friday Eveyone, Bye guy's Jdizzle Sighing out peace!
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