11-I Hope Max And Mason Have Planned My Funeral

Chapter 11: I Hope Max And Mason Have Planned My Funeral

I spent the whole day with Wyatt, talking and having fun. I almost forgot what it was like to just feel free and not care for once. Sadly my carefree time is over and I have to face reality.

Wyatt was kind enough to drop me home but as I walk up the driveway I see something I was praying to avoid, Ava's car. Shit. Luckily, my mum is away for work, she left this morning, so I'm fine in that regard but Ava is another story. I hope Max and Mason have planned my funeral because I probably won't make it out of this alive.

I carefully walk up to the door and unlock it with the spare key that we keep under the doormat. Taking deep breaths, I open the mahogany door with a creaking noise. The lights are off and it's deathly silent; Alice and Hugo are probably both in their rooms on their phones but Ava is nowhere in sight.

Each footstep echoes throughout the house, the only noise to be heard, it's too quiet. As I'm searching I finally see the faint glow of a light in none other than my room. I cautiously open the door only to be welcomed with a stern and irritated looking Ava, just what I need.

I offer her a sheepish smile but she instantly shuts me down with a hard look, her arms crossed. I know I'm about to get a lecture so I make my way to sit on the sofa in my room and wait for her rant to start. As predicted it doesn't take long, seven seconds to be exact. "Where in God's name were you? I was so worried. How could you do that to me? I tried calling you a billion times and you didn't answer and when you finally picked up you just hung up on me. What the actual hell! Why? Why Aurora? It's just horrible to make someone worry like that. If you'd just told me that you were safe it would have been fine. Instead, you ignored me the whole day. Have you any idea how that feels? Who am I kidding, of course, you don't. You are ab–"

"Ava," I cut her off before she could go any further because I knew she was getting more flustered and agitated by the second. "Calm down, deep breaths. I'm sorry, I shouldn't have done that. If I were you I would've been worried sick, I see that now. So I'm deeply sorry, can you please forgive me," I say sincerely, giving her my best puppy dog eyes.

She just looks at me for a moment, contemplating her answer carefully. "Gah, alright. I forgive you, what are best friends for," she says and comes over to give me a hug which I return.

Once we've pulled away she goes and sits back on my bed and gives me a look that I can't place. "So tell me what happened. Where did you go? And also why did you ditch school? I can't recall you ever doing that before."

Shit. I knew this was coming but now it's here I'm not sure how to reply. Should I go for the honest approach or just lie. I can't lie to my best friend but I don't want to tell her everything. She doesn't need to know about our deal or how I'm changing myself for James. I know she'll just lecture me on the topic and tell me he's not worth it but to me he is. He's worth it and so much more. She's never been in love so she doesn't know what it's like. She can't relate to me on this topic so would give me advice from an outsiders point of view which is not what I need. So I'll tell her the truth but just leave out a few details, that's not technically lying.

"I can't remember much from the party if I'm honest but I do know I drank a lot. Turns out I got mad at someone and later passed out in their arms."

"Wait," Ava cut in, "let me get this straight, you got that drunk?"

I nod. You see, I have levels as to how drunk I get. Yes, I hardly drink but I have been dragged to parties before so I have drunk. The spectrum goes from where I'm a bit loopy and daft all the way to where I get extremely mad and irritated at everything. I was at the latter end of this scale last night, meaning I must've been extremely drunk.

"Anyway, the next morning I woke up in their house, don't worry they didn't try anything but obviously I was quite confused. This so happened to be the time that you called me and that's why I ended it so abruptly, I needed to figure out what was going on," I pause to look at her face, so far her expression is passive and doesn't give anything away. "So after I sorted everything out in my head and managed to soothe the killer headache I had it was too late to come into school." So maybe that was a bit of a lie, I only would've missed the first two or three periods but she doesn't need to know that.

"I talked with the person for a bit and came home to find you worried about me. Obviously, I felt terrible and realised how stupid I was for keeping you in the dark. And I believe that brings us up to now." Call me a suck up or whatever but in if you were in my situation you would've done the same, don't even try to lie, Ava is hella scary when she wants to be. Also, yes, I left out quite a few details but for some reason I don't feel like sharing that gorgeous location with her, it just doesn't feel right.

"And who is this mysterious person?" Ava asks.

I'm not going to tell her, she'll freak out and I'm not dealing with that. Plus she might accidentally blab, even if it's only to Max and Mason I can't risk it. "Now that, my dear Ava, is a secret," I tell her.

She pouts at me before opening her mouth to speak, she's going to push this I know but she won't win, I know how to hold my ground when I need to. "I'm your best friend, we're not supposed to hide things from one another," she sounds genuinely hurt as she says this, making guilt begin to chip away at me but nevertheless I won't give in.

"Ava, for now, I'd like to keep this to myself. There are probably some things you've never told me, in fact, I'm sure of this. There are some things I'm still trying to process and therefore are not ready to tell you, please understand that."

Her face holds a guilty expression, meaning I was right. "So it's true, there is something you're not telling me and I think it's pretty important," I state.

She nods. "Yes Ari there is but I'm not ready to tell you yet."

"How about this, we both tell each other when we're ready and on this specific secret, no other, we don't push to find out information." I think that's fair. Don't get me wrong I'm dying to know what Ava is hiding but if not knowing means I can keep the whole Wyatt situation a secret then I can manage being kept in the dark.

She seems hesitant at first but nods nonetheless. "Alright just for this one secret and no other we will wait until we're ready to tell each other."

Okay now onto the topic I was worried about, school. What did I miss?


It's now Friday, the best weekday, obviously. As usual, Ava and I went to school together and went about our day as normal. I'm really pleased to say that gossip about James and I is finally lessening, everyone must've found something new to talk about. I'm glad. I don't think I could've dealt with rumours for much longer without going insane. However, I didn't find out what they new gossip was until lunch.

I'm sitting at my usual table with my friends and everyone is chattering away as per usual. Mason still has that look on his face, I haven't had a chance to confront him on what's troubling him yet but as soon as I find a moment alone with him I will.

"Ari have you heard the news yet?" Jessica asks from beside me, stopping my train of thought. I shake my head. "Really? The whole school has been going on about it since yesterday morning."

I take that moment to remind her that I wasn't in yesterday. I told everyone that I had a killer hangover, only Ava knows differently but she's kept her lips sealed like I asked her to.

"Oh, right I forgot. Anyway, the news is that the Kings are back at school. They were on holiday so didn't come back to school until yesterday. Except for Wyatt, he only came back today, no one knows why."

If you haven't noticed the Kings are a major talking point at school. Everyone knows about them, they're sort of famous. Oh, who am I kidding they are famous. Their mum owns her own designer clothing brand and their dad is some famous businessman but I've no idea what he actually does. All in all, everyone wants to be their friend.

Me, however, I'd rather not. You see I've never been one for the spotlight so I chose to always stay out of their way. I'm not saying that they're not nice people but they're just not my scene. That's partly why I don't want anyone finding out about Wyatt and me, it would just draw unnecessary attention to myself. I've just about managed to deal with all the stares I've been getting because of James, now that that's over I don't need anymore.

It's not just the fact that I'm hanging out with a King, it's the fact that I'm around Wyatt King. He's got a bad boy reputation and I don't want to get messed up in that. On top of that he is very attractive and since he is still in school every girl I know wants him, even if they try and hide it, except myself obviously.

Speak of the devil and he shall appear. At that moment Wyatt walks into the cafeteria, smirking as per usual. Most of the girls and a few guys in the room stop to stare at him or should I say gawk at him. Typical, I'm used to this by now. I've never bothered to stare because I've always had a boyfriend but now that I'm single I can't help but to turn around and look at him. He is gorgeous, there's no denying that but unlike every other girl I never have and never will fall for is charms. He's more trouble than he's worth.

As he's walking to his table his eyes meet mine for what feels like a long while but in reality is just a few seconds, blue eyes into green ones. Before he turns away he sends me another smirk but this one is directed at myself and no one else. Luckily, I don't think anyone noticed.

I turn back around and continue to chat with my friends but I can't help my mind wandering away from the topics we're discussing. In the back of my mind, I'm thinking about Wyatt and all the crazy stuff he has planned. Let me just say although I'm nervous I'm ready, nothing is going to get in my way so Wyatt King bring it on.


So what did you think of this chapter? I hope you liked it :p

Side note, I've recently been listening to Royal Blood and can I just say that 'hook, line and sinker' is such a good song!

Well that's all for now, until next time, byeeeeee xxx

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