The Fight and The Regret


WARNING: "Extreme" Cursing

Error's POV

Well before I die or get brutally injured, I have to hand it to them, I wasn't expecting an army to just appear out of thin air. I was just expecting Ink or maybe the Sans from the new AU to appear out of thin air and try to kill me but I guess not. Jesus Ink went all out this time. No wonder I never saw Ink when I was destroying the AU's for the past week and a half, Ink was to busy recruiting and convincing Sanses and some Papyruses to come and help him kill the destroyer of the multiverse. But they should know that if they die outside of their AU, the AU will permanently destroy itself. Ink should have had most of the Sanses on his side days ago, and a blank world would have taken no effort at all to create. So what was up with Ink this time? He had a smug look as if he knew he was going to win and that made me want to facepalm.

Ink's done something similar to this a few weeks ago when he and some Sanses attacked me in a blank world. I had to refrain from killing Death when he had low HP because of his role of being the God of Death. Jeez, no wonder he hates me. I make his job harder... I should destroy AU's more often. But back to the point, Ink usually learns his lesson when his plans fail. So, of course, I have my guard up this time. While I may hate him, he is no fool. Sure he's naive and has an ego but he's not stupid. At least not as stupid as some of the monsters I have encountered in the past.

The problem I have is that there is no way in hell I am going to be able to kill or brutally injure every Sans if I fight them with my normal style. At least I have an attack I've kept hidden for years. I would use it more often, but it drains most of my magic and energy so I have only used it once. There are good reasons for why I target newer or younger AU's. It makes my life easier. The other problems are the Sanses. Fell never looks that confident. Cocky maybe but his brother beat the confidence out of him. I think. I don't pay attention to boring AU's. Classic looks alert. Science Sans was fighting!? Outer is actually here?

I thought we made a small truce. I would not destroy his AU as long as he let me stargaze in his AU without alerting Ink of my presence immediately like so many of the other Sanses. Sometimes genocide routes would abruptly stop and reset to pacifist in OuterTale. I wonder why? I totally had nothing to do with it. But I definitely appreciated his tolerance with me and I have some respect for him. At least I did. Now I don't know. Also Geno and Blue are here. But Geno rarely leaves his AU for fear of dying and Blue is just too nice to me to even think about it. Also, I can tell they're both in their AU's right now from reading the code... I'm so confused.

All of that I saw and thought in at least a couple of seconds. They could have attacked me by now. At least that's what I would have done if Ink was in shock. Ink's cocky... Oh dear lord. What the fuck did he do this time to make my already horrible life even worse?

"WHat tHe FUCK InKY?! AnD heRe i THOugHt yoU ActuAllY cAreD aBOuT moSt oF youR crEaTIons."

That slapped the smug look off of Ink's face, and he did it for one reason and one reason only. I never curse, even at him. I held in a laugh as my glitching became worse from the stress. Ink gave me a look I have never seen before. What mini bottle of paint on his sash did he use? He looked pissed yet happy at the same time. Who looks pissed and happy at the same time? Oh, wait I know the answer! It's Ink, that cocky mother fuc-

Most of the Sanses forgot about their attacks, which made the attacks disappear and the others just lowered what melee weapon they have. I just said that out loud didn't I? Wow... Just from the shock of me cursing too. I think I broke them... Yay?

Ink was one of the first to snap out of his shock, and what he said made me facepalm.

"Jezz Error, I never knew you had the guts to curse."


1. I'm A SkELEtoN sO I doNT haVe guTs.

2. YoU pusHEd mE oVer The LINe thIs timE anD i JUsT couLdN't heLp mysELf.

3.YOu anD tHE othErS faCeS wERe fUCkIng PriceLEss."

I think that snapped everyone out of their shock. Thank Void, I hate making conversations with monsters I hate. I still think their shocked that one monster is antagonizing an army of monsters and not taking them seriously. And their right. I'm not.

"Error this is your last chance to surrender and let us help you. Please stop."

"Ink If yOU thINk i Am stUpiD enOUgH tO TruSt sOmeONe wHo I haVe beeN FIghTINg fOR YEarS thEN YoU ARe WRonG!"

"Well.. at least I tried to help."

I would have thought he realized that I didn't want his help, but to be honest, I kind of want to surrender and be at peace with Ink but my job will never allow me to do it. It also doesn't help that him stopping would do nothing. There are too many AU's already. I sighed sadly.

"So aRE wE GoINg tO daNCe raINbOw aSshoLe oR aRE wE GoinG to figHT?"

All of the Sanses resummoned their attacks or they grabbed their weapon and pointed it in my direction. Ink grabbed his paintbrush off of his back while I summoned my strings. I normally would have summoned my glitchy gaster blasters and bones in a fight like this but I only need my strings for the attack that will reduce my magic and energy to alarmingly low levels.

So how this attack works is that I will have to focus on each and every code of all the Sanses here and send my strings after them. This attack may sound simple but it's not. Each Sans is different and some are stronger than others so I would have to send either a lot of strings or some strings at each individual. For example, I would send like two strings to deal with Sci but I would send at least twelve strings after Reaper.

There are at least 600 or 700 enemies here and there are a few who I don't want to kill. Ink, Reaper, Dream, and Classic. I've hung around Blue and Geno to know if they were here or not, and their not. They are in their AU's while their copies here want to kill me. I don't want to kill Ink or Dream because of the balance and someone has to reap souls. So I can't kill Reaper. Also if I kill Classic then the multiverse will collapse. After all, none of us would even exist without him. So every Sans I kill here will be permanently dead and the missing code in their universes would cause mass chaos before the universes would destroy themselves. So this one attack will end up destroying hundreds of AU's.

When I attacked, I ended up killing everyone except Ink. Whoops. But that wasn't my main concern. Dream or Reaper died but I should have felt a huge disturbance in the code from the balance becoming very unstable. Classic died as well but the multiverse would have been gone by now, and the other AU's should be glitched but they're not. They're completely fine. What did Ink do?

"InK. WHat dID yoU Do?!"

Ink didn't answer me but I did pull my strings hard enough to bring his HP down to one. He gave me a sad small smile.

"Heh, I guess I served my purpose Error... Kill me."

So I did. Nothing happened. What in the name of Fate and Void is going on here? When I heard slow clapping, I turned around to see who it was in confusion. I saw Ink?! But I killed him?!

"wEh- wHA...? WHat DId YoU DO InK?!"

"I cloned myself and everyone here and you just decimated the clones I spent a week and a half working on. I wasn't expecting you to kill them all under a minute. I am genuinely impressed Error."

That is some diabolical planning right there. Ink and the others came up with that? Well, it only took them less than a decade to plan. I wonder who originally came up with this. I doubt Ink did. Maybe Sci, he's the smartass out of all of the Sanses I've met. I am glad that I actually didn't kill Ink, Dream, Reaper, and Classic though. Fate would have tortured me then would have killed me in the most gruesome way possible for destroying their entertainment.

"Oh yeah, I almost forgot to tell you Error. Turn around."

Ink had that smirk his clone had earlier and when I turned around, I realized why.

"Oh GoD FUcKinG dAmMiT."

Welp... I'm fucked. Most of the Sanses that I killed were right in front of me. Is Fate this bored to let this happen? I didn't know if I had enough energy to keep everyone at a safe distance while I retreated to the Anti-Void or another AU. Welp, if I die today, at least I tried. Ink sarcastically wished me good luck...

"Hey Error, I wish you good luck."

I glared at Ink angrily as he was sarcastically speaking to me. TO ME? Oh, I don't care about this multiverse or balance anymore as its obvious Ink doesn't care either. If I die, at least I will get the last fucking laugh. So I am going to let my insane side out once again and kill as many monsters as possible before I retreat. I'm sorry Blue.

I gave Ink and the others an insane smirk and began to laugh.

"IF yOu thInK I Am tIReD frOM killINg YouR lOOk AliKEs thEN YoU mAde a GRAVE mIsTaKe!"


"Error what have you done?"

The first thing I saw was Ink staring at me with a horrified expression. But he should have expected this outcome. With these insane episodes I can get, I don't remember shit. So when I noticed dust piles and injured Sanses that had me cornered, I knew I was going to have a bad time. I could start to feel the injuries I managed to tolerate during that fight, hindering my movements. They would have killed a normal monster a long time ago. I knew I had to wrap this up sooooo.

"So whILe It WaS NIcE To sEe evEryOnE wORkiNg toGeTheR, I gOTta gO. SEe yOU aRouND aSShoLEs!"

I heard the pissed off protests from everyone before I closed the portal so no one could follow me into UnderTale. I managed to get to AfterTale without too much trouble to see a shocked and concerned Geno to greet me. I felt safe because I knew Reaper had to do his job before he could come here.

"HeY, GEno... LOnG TiMe no sEe PaL."

"Error what happened?"

I gave him a basic summary of what happened since I've seen him. Him being mad was an understatement. He was livid.

"I hope you killed Death Error. He's been a thorn in my side for weeks."

"SorRy GeNO, hE keEPs tHe BalAnCe beTwEEn LifE anD DEaTh."

I felt bad because he looked so depressed. He really seems to hate Death.

"If iT MaKEs yoU FEeL anY BEttEr, I ManAGeD tO InjURe hIm prETtY bAd."

He seemed to brighten up at that. I snickered. I rarely feel this amused from being happy. I will always take advantage of it when it happens. But then he asked me a question that kind of caught me off guard.

"Error, not to offend you or anything, but why are you here? Isn't the Anti-Void better?"

"HeH... I BeliEVe tHAt iS tHE fIRst PlaCE thEy woULd lOOk foR mE. ALsO, I MisSeD oUr coNVeRsatIOns."

I think I made his day. Or at least what he would consider a day in the Save Screen. We talked for a few hours... I think. It could've been days. Time passes differently in places like the Save Screen and my Anti-Void. Also, my injuries seem to heal faster outside of the Anti-Void compared to healing in it. I wouldn't be surprised if Fate made the Anti-Void a harder place to heal because it's the only place I truly feel safe. But while my injuries were healing, my HP didn't seem to be at all. That was strange. Then an unwanted guest arrived.

"Get away from him you MONSTER!"

Death is here and he looks pissed. He always looks angry though. I think we were both surprised when Geno snarled at Death to leave.

"Get out Death before I kill you myself."

"Why are you protecting him?"

"Because he is not an asshole compared to you."

"You betrayed us for an evil monster?"


"I hATe tO BreAK thIS SoMEwhAt inteREsTinG coNVersAtIOn bUt i'M GoNNa LEavE BeFOrE yoU BoTH KiLl eaCH oThER."

"See you around Error."

"That's right. You better leave you GLITCH!"

I do not feel bad about impaling Death with some glitched bones. I waved at Geno who was holding in his laugh. He nodded at me as I left.

Geno's POV

When Reaper recovered, we began to have the dumbest argument.

"Why do you talk to him, Geno? He's dangerous!"

"And your not? I guess I seem to attract dangerous monsters pal."

"At least I don't want to kill you!"

"But it's your JOB to reap monsters! Just leave Death!"

"Okay, Geno but you're coming with me."

"Wait you just ca-"

We arrived in InkTale to find some Sanses having a meeting.

"-nt teleport me to places that I don't want to go to!"

They all seemed shocked that I was here. I never come here.

"What are you doing here Geno?"

Ink looked curious, as well as the others. Death looked at me with hate.

"The better question for Geno Ink is why is he associated with ERROR?!"

Everyone looked shocked that I would do that. I swear most monsters are nieve. I am a glitch in the system to ya know! I rolled my eyes.

"I don't answer to assholes like you Death."

"Tell us, Geno. What did you tell Error?"

Ink looked betrayed, Dream looked sad, Death looked angry, and everyone else looked disappointed. Classic, on the other hand, looked curious.

"Ink. Let me explain to you in a simple way that everyone here will understand. I am Error's friend. Not his SPY. I have never mentioned a single meeting that I have attended and he never asks me. I swear on my life that I have never told Error anything."

Everyone looked surprised. Swearing on your life is a big deal. Especially if your lying. Ink closed his eyes as if he was tired.

"You're not allowed to talk to him anymore Geno. He will end up hurting you."

"So your gonna put me under AU arrest aren't you? GO TO HELL!"

Any Sans here has some power over teleporting back to their AU whenever they want to.

"Don't follow me if you value your life."

I left them all speechless. Heh... I wonder what Error's doing right now?

Error's POV

"Oh MY goD ERRoR yOU'rE SO STuPId!"

I facepalmed. I totally forgot that Ink was a soulless monster and he didn't have a goddamn soul. That clone of his had a soul so that should have told me everything I needed to know but nope. Keeping an eye on the army and thinking about my attacks and who I should and will not kill totally distracted me from that fact. Yes, I could use my strings to keep him pinned but I couldn't use them to kill him.

"I wONDeR IF ThE OTHeR SanSEs kNoW HE iS SOUlLEsS...? PRObaBly NOt. AFteR AlL, iF YoU DON't HavE SUPpORt fRoM OTHerS THEn whAT's thE POiNt tO CONtiNUe?"

What is the point? I don't have that much support. Sooner or later they will stab me behind my back, just like the others... I am Inks BANE and everyone loves Ink. Monster, human, whatever they are will always support their friends. Even if they're wrong. Especially if they're wrong. I can hear the voices again. But this time I am really listening.


I bet your "friends", Blueberry and Geno, are only using you to protect their universe. Nightmare and his team just want to take advantage of you. Just get with the program glitch. YOUR ALONE!

Your right. What's the point to continue? Just go kill yourself and do the multiverse a favor.

Where they right? DID BLUEBERRY OR GENO EVER CARE? For the first time in years, I cried. Not from pain but from grief. I am alone.

"WhY SHoULd I CONtINue? No oNe seEmS To caRE. INk doESn'T CarE. I DOn't caRe..."

I don't want to be the pawn anymore. I don't want to be the punching bag. I don't want to give anyone the satisfaction of hurting me anymore. I don't want to kill innocent lives anymore. I DON'T WANT TO BE THE ENTERTAINMENT ANYMORE! If Ink doesn't give a shit about this multiverse or whatever he calls it. The doodlesphere? Then I won't either. Ink and Fate will never get the last laugh. I will. I began to laugh uncontrollably and for once, the voices truly shut up. For a few seconds. I took of my dust covered scarf and coat and let them drop to the ground. I don't need them where I was headed.

I heard Ink once mention that if anyone ever fell into the Void, they would die. Perfect. I teleported to OuterTale and winced in pain as I was going past my magic limits. One time when I was dangling my legs from an edge, Outer quickly warned me that the dark abyss below was a part of the Void. So it's the easiest way to fall into the Void to my knowledge.

I peered down to only see a deep dark abyss, The Void. As soon as I got to the edge I felt my injuries and HP healing faster than they ever had. It was probably Fate. To fix this problem, I impaled myself with glitched bones quickly. Sure it hurt but my HP and injuries became worse. That when I heard someone coming my way.


I turned around to see a shocked and horrified Outer Sans staring at me. I have an audience. Shit. Outer went from shocked to furious. I thought he was gonna yell at me for being in his AU but he surprised me.


"DoINg evERyOnE AnD tHe woRLd a faVOr."

"Er Error... Please don't."

"OH So nOW YoU CArE?! Is iT BEcaUSe yOU knOw I aM gOInG TO KiLl mYsELf?"

"Error! Think about it!"

He took a step forward. I took a step back.

"Oh my god Error, let's talk before you do anything drastic."

"FuCK oF."


Damn it! He's calling reinforcements. Ink and Dream showed up at the same time. Ink looked at Outer confused. He didn't even notice me... Idiot.

"What's the problem Out- WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE ERROR?!"

Ink and Dream attacked me but to everyone's surprise, Outer blocked their attacks. Dream growled.

"Outer let us eliminate him while he's injured!"


Ink and Dream looked at Outer, then at me, flabbergasted.

"No way! Error would never kill himself, he is way to stubborn!"

"Ink's right Outer, Error would never kill himself."

" I just watched him impale himself with his own bone attacks to lower his HP! Explain that!"

Their argument gave me a chance to sneak closer to the edge. When Outer noticed, he used his magic to hold me in place. I could easily break out of his magic but I decided to let him think he had me pinned. But then he forced me to lay on my chest. I cried out in pain from the sudden impact on my already bruised and cracked ribs. He looked at me alarmed.

"Shit. I'm so sorry Error I didn't mean to force you down that hard."

"Why are you defending him?"

"What is wrong with you Ink!? Are you heartless or something?"

"Guys calm down!"

"YoU tWO DO ReALIze InKY DOeSN't haVE A sOUl, riGHt?"

I wanted to get this over with before I changed my mind so I interrupted Ink and Outers argument by dropping the bomb that I have been wanting to drop for years. Ink looked at me with slight panic in his eyes that Dream and Outer both noticed. But Dream was still in denial.

"You're lying!"

"OuTEr cAN Use hIS MAgIC TO TrY to PIn InK DOWn if YoU REallY DON't beliEVe mE."

Of course, Dream was supporting him. I was so happy to watch Outer try to lift Ink up with his magic and their reactions when they realized it wasn't working.


"ToLD Ya SO DreAMY. DId yOU Know SomEOnE WitHoUt a SOuL caN'T Feel?"

Ink looked down when Dream and Outer stared at him with shock.

"Why did you lie to us Ink?"

"It's obvious Dream, he doesn't care."

Ink looked at me with hatred before looking down again with a sigh.

"Well you guys were gonna find out sooner or later so... well... I am not totally emotionless. Besides using them for attacks, these vials on my sash give me certain emotions whenever I drink a certain paint. For example, if I drink the red paint, I will feel determination or hate. If I drink the green paint, I will feel happiness or hope. I think you get the point by now."

No one was talking. Outer forgot he was using magic and I was free to stand up. I did feel kind of bad. Dream looked so betrayed and sad and his emotions were affecting every monster in the multiverse. Genocide routes were starting and fights were breaking out. I wonder what Nightmare is thinking about this? Happiness and Sadness were unbalanced and I had to at least get it balanced before I died.

"DrEAm... He mAY Be emOTioNLesS bUT He caREs abOUt eVEryONe. iF He dIdN't trULy caRe, hE WoULdn'T drINk thE ViALs juSt beCAuSe hE WanTEd tO FeEl. TRuSt me, YOu nEED tO HaVE MorE THaN OnE MOtiVE tO ContINuE What yOU do OR yOU EvenTUaLLy won'T CarE. I CaREd aBOut kEepINg thE baLAncE buT I juSt... Don'T CaRE anyMOre beCAusE ThaT'S alL I CareD AboUT. I lOSt thE MoTIVe tO COntINuE. whY ElsE DO yOU thINk I aM heRe?"

"To destroy OuterTa- Wait..."

Ink looked at me with a surprised but thankful look. Outer realized I was no longer pinned and tried to do it again. He tried and failed. Dream looked worried.

"Wait... Outer always bragged that you never would destroy his AU so why are you here?"

I rolled my eyes. Did Dream and the others forget their original argument? I just turned around and stood at the edge.

"I'm SOrrY."

They didn't have a fast enough reaction to stop me from jumping. I can finally have peace. The voices eventually faded and I was in a freefall until I saw a light. I shielded my eyes but passed out. What happened?


Everyone felt a sudden shock go through them a minute after Error jumped. It made some collapse and others even took damage. Fell, who was in his genocide fight with Chara, was killed by the shock he felt to both of their surprise. Nightmare gripped his throne from the sudden pain.


When they left he wondered. Does Error know anything about this?

Geno and Reaper were together in AfterTale when it happened. Reaper almost lost his balance while Geno collapsed to his knees, crying quietly because he knew exactly what happened. After all, Error told him what it would feel like if he or Ink died.

Blue was in Waterfall when he felt it. He had a similar reaction that Geno had except Blue lost control of his magic from anger but was able to regain control before he killed someone.

"Whoever did this will DIE!"

Cross and Dust found Dream in OuterTale, along with Ink and Outer. Ink had coughed up black ink because his counterpart died while Dream stood there in shock. Outer had some tears in his eye, feeling guilty for knowing that he was apart of a group that forced a monster to kill themselves. Ink felt huge guilt. Error managed to clear his name in front of Dream and Outer for no reason.

It was not like Error attacked them and they had him in a corner, and he was trying to talk his way to safety. In fact, Error never attacked anyone ever. Error always made sure to stay away from Ink whenever possible The only time he fought Ink was when Ink attacked him. It was always in self-defense. Error never tried to kill Ink or anyone who provoked the fight. If he won, he always allowed the loser to retreat. Ink felt horrible. Dream came up with the same thought and hung his head in grief.

"I can't believe Error killed himself..."

"Dream I think we should let the Sanses know what just happened. Would you like a lift Outer?"

"... Yeah."

Cross and Dust left to go tell Nightmare and the others of what they heard.


Everyone was in shock.

Cross was sitting in a corner, wanting to be alone. While Error did take his soul away, he did give it back. They had a small friendship. One time, Error was getting overwhelmed by Ink and Classic. Cross jumped into the fray to help push both back. Error thanked him and teleported himself and Cross back to Nightmares realm to his relief, as going to any AU took a lot of effort.

Another time, Cross was discovered by Dream in Dreamtale and almost died from his wrath. When he thought he was done for, Error came out of nowhere and attacked Dream. Dream swiftly retreated. The two would always talk if they ran into each other and sometimes met up in Nightmares realm to have longer conversations without worrying that someone was going to attack them.

Basically, Error was a much better friend then Ink ever was when Ink visited his AU. There were times where he and the others fought Error. He didn't like to attack Error but sometimes their arguments could get a little out of hand. Cross wiped a few tears away and growled while grabbing the hilt of his gigantic sword. He could feel Chara's rage to. Ink and Dream were going to die painfully for killing one of his only close friends.

Dust just walked out of the palace to be alone. Himself and Error had a weird relationship. Originally, Dust used to attack Error a lot because of his LV. Neither of them got seriously hurt and Error always made sure to not kill him. Dust was confused on why Error never took him seriously, and that for being the destroyer of worlds, he never tried to kill him.

Error tolerated their fights and only went all out if he became bored and wanted to end the fight. He didn't realize why until recently when Error admitted his woes to everyone. One day, while the two were fighting in an AU's Snowdin Town, the Sans of that AU noticed Error and attacked him. Dust killed him quickly, pissed that their fight was interrupted while Error just stood there, amused.

"So wHAt Did THaT SANs dO To YOu DusT?"

"Nothing. He was just a nuisance and free LV."

Error just laughed and quickly finished their fight after that. Dust recalled that Error from time to time would invite Dust to come with him to an AU he was going to destroy. When he asked why Error told Dust that the monsters were free LV and that he was bored. The two would split up and kill monsters, boosting up their LV. Ink always came to challenge Error, only to find the two killing monster. Sometimes, Ink would leave them alone, but most of the time he would try to kill them. Those were always entertaining fights.

Most of Dust's LV came from their killing sprees, as Nightmare would sometimes not allow him to kill any of the monsters in the AU they were conquering. Error always helped him and his friends and he was their support if they needed it. He wished he could return the favor. Dust sat down and leaned against the castle walls, letting some of the tears he was holding back fall down. He hadn't felt like this since he first killed his Papyrus. He would avenge Error, no matter what.

Horror was not happy. While himself and Error did not have the best relationship, he never disliked Error. Horror was very wary of Error at first. Error was, after all the destroyer of worlds, and while he may not like his AU, he didn't want to lose it. But Error always seemed to avoid original AU's and destroy the other ones like HorrorSwap. He never cared about them anyway so any fear of Error slowly disappeared over the next few years.

One time, he found Error in his AU, injured possibly by Ink. Horror attacked him out of fear and took Error by surprise. At first, it was just a fight, him with his ax and Error with his strings. The fight ended after Error was able to disarm Horror with his strings. Horror, out of frustration and hunger managed to knock Error down and began to chew on his arm. Horror noticed that Error seemed to have "crashed" but didn't care because he was getting away with what he wanted. Horror looked up when he heard someone approaching and recognized this monster as Ink.

Ink looked at him with caution, and then to Error and took a step forward to his disgust. Horror used his magic to retrieve his ax and stood over Error protectively, stopping Ink in his tracks. Horror gave an animalistic growl and that seemed to convince Ink to take a few steps back and leave. Horror went back to gnawing on Errors arm. When Error came back to his senses and noticed Horror biting his arm, he didn't panic but instead just sat up and let Horror continue to his surprise.

When Error left, Horror was pretty sure he would never come back. But he did, multiple times. Sometimes he brought enough food for Horror and his brother Papyrus to last them a few days. Horror reluctantly stopped chewing on Error and began making conversation with him and that led to a small friendship. Error was always nice to him, but he was never nice back, only respectful. Horror lowered his head in shame and gripped onto his ax out of pure rage. If he caught Ink or Dream alone at all, they would not get away from him without serious injuries, and maybe some missing limbs to top it off.

Killer was in denial. Error had helped him so many times that he's lost count. The most memorable moment that Killer could think of was when Error saved his life from Dream. Dream had him in a corner and Killer thought he was about to die, but then Error attacked Dream and drove him away. Error brought him back to the Anti-Void and healed his wounds then took him back to Nightmare.

Another time, the entire team was close to death and Nightmare couldn't help them as they were in a positive AU, a place were Nightmare would be at his weakest. Killer thought they were doomed but then Error once again attacked the Sanses that had them cornered, forcing them to leave. When Cross asked Error, "Why did you help us?" Error gave them an answer he could never forget.

"iF No oNE WiLL stANd uP FOr uS, thEN wE HAVe to stANd uP FoR EAChotHER."

Killer did not want to believe Cross and Dust. He did not want to believe that Error was dead, the monster that convinced Nightmare to let him have his emotions again. He owed Error his entire world. He would still be an emotionless killer without Error's help. Why did he jump? Or was he pushed by one of the Sanses? Whatever truly happened, someone was going to get killed. Brutally.

Nightmare was angry and sad. Error would never kill himself! He admitted to everyone here that it may be almost impossible to kill him because he was the other half of Ink. If he died, then Ink would die shortly after. Nightmare reverted to his original form from grief. His team wasn't surprised. Occasionally, Nightmare would revert to his old self. The part of him before he ate all the apples on the tree. The time when he and Dream were close.

He did this because his other form was almost emotionless. If anyone that he cared about was seriously hurt, he would shift to help them. It was very rare. He usually let his teammates heal each other because changing to this state made him feel all the emotions he didn't want to feel. He closed his eyes in grief. Error was always there for him and his team. One time, Dream, Ink, and Fresh had him backed into a corner when Error came to his rescue and forced the three to retreat.

Error has also been there to help his teammates if they were in trouble. For example, when Killer and Cross were in UnderSwap, being tortured for information they would never get, Error got them out safely with little injuries. Nightmare was glad that both of them were not to badly injured. He originally wanted to get Error to join because Nightmare admired his strength and power along with his will to keep destroying. No matter who stood in his way.

When Error explained why he destroyed AU's, he wanted Error to join even more because he wanted Error to have company. That Anti-Void was not a good place to live in, but Error still declined his offer. He always wondered why. Nightmare smirked evilly. Whoever did this would pay dearly.


Cross stood up and took out his giant sword, giving Nightmare a determined look. Dust walked back in within insane glint in his eye. Horror picked up his ax and gave Nightmare an ecstatic insane expression. Killer had an emotionless smile but still stood up and took out one of his knives as his answer. Nightmare stood up and chuckled.


I don't think we will fight them this time. I just want some answers and possible betrayal. I wonder what Blue and Geno are up to?


Ink's POV

I was waiting for the fallout. Dream basically gave everyone a brief summary on what happened and who I truly was. I noticed that Geno was practically alone the entire time until Blue surprised everyone by coming here. He calmly stood next to Geno ignoring the looks of disbelief from everyone else. Since when were they, good friends?

"So that's basically what happened."

No one bothered to talk after Dream finished. At least not until Blue and Geno began to have a conversation, ignoring all of us.

"Blue... They found out that I hang out with Error."

"Seriously? They're staying away from you because of that? I'm Error's friend too but do I go and not hang out with certain monsters because of their friendships? NO!"

"Should we tell them what Error told us?"

"The better question is do they even deserve to know?"

"Probably not..."

Their conversation had everyone's attention. Until two Sanses gasped and suddenly dusted. Geno and Blue gave each other a panicked look.

"Shit! It's already happening?"

"I guess so Blue. But maybe we should tell everyone why that happened."

"NO! They killed him. I'm not going to help them even if it means my death!"

"Really? Then maybe you should at least tell us your secrets."

Everyone turned and saw Nightmare in his original form, along with his team. Dream looked shocked but happy. But I noticed tear stains on Nightmares face. Who caused that?

"You killed him! You murdered my closest friend! I thought you all were supposed to be the good guys!"

"You killed the monster that gave me my soul back!"

"You killed the monster that helped me gain LV!"

"You killed the monster that gave me and my brother food when we needed it the most!"

"You killed the monster that gave me my emotions back!"

"You Killed Our Friend!"

Nightmare and the others lowered their head in grief, also to hide the tears that were flowing out of some of their eye sockets. I have never seen Nightmare or the others like this. I have also never seen his team act like they were a family. But they were all obviously leaning on each other for support right now. Did Error's death affect them this bad? We were all in shock. Dream tried to talk to him.

"Nightmare? I thought you lost this form a long time ago."

"Why should I even talk to you? A real brother and a real hero would never kill someone off for doing what they were forced to do!

Everyone was confused now. Error was forced to do his destruction? By who?

"What are you talking about?"

"Don't pretend that you do not know Ink! It is your fault that he had to destroy in the first fucking place!"

I was lost at this point. The others looked at me for an answer, only to receive a confused look back. I really didn't know what Nightmare was talking about. Nightmare looked at me for a few moments before looking at Dream. Dream shook his head and Nightmare looked back at me.

"Holy shit. Ink... You're not lying."

"I really don't know what your talking about Nightmare. You and your gang have always been tight-lipped about Error."

"Of course you don't Ink. You are very stupid if you didn't heed the warnings you were given when you became a God pal."

Blue said that. Wow. Didn't know he had it in him. Geno glared at me.

"Error once said Ink probably likes to torture him out of boredom. I think he's right."

Nightmare and his team looked impressed. Probably because they were trash talking me.

"I don't think it is safe for the two of you to remain here in Ink's territory because of your past friendship with Error. Do you want to come and stay in my realm?"

Uh oh. Geno was in shock but Blue seemed on board.

"Fuck yeah! Everyone here never took me seriously anyway."

"But bro you can't they will ki-"

Blue's Papyrus was trying to change his mind but he got impaled by a bone instead. Blue just attacked his brother. Holy shit.

"You can't speak for me, bro. You always believe rumors and hate monsters because of them. You forced Error to stay away from me. I HATE YOU!"

Blue teleported to Nightmare's side and gave us a look that freaked all of us out. Geno seemed to have made up his mind, as he too teleported to Nightmare's side.

"Blue's right. You guys don't trust me anymore, and I will most likely get killed if I hang around. Also, Death keeps harassing me and he kept Error away from me. Error stayed away because he didn't want me to get into trouble. Fuck you all and I will see you all in HELL!"

Nightmare gave me a triumphant look as he changed into his newer form.


I was speechless. Seemed like everyone else was as well.


No one said anything after they left. Some Sanses began to leave so I told everyone we would resume this in a few days. It was just Dream and me now. Dream looked so sad, probably because he saw his brother in his old form but his brother wanted nothing to do with him. I was starting to feel nothing so I just teleported to my house to sleep it off. Error killed himself, and it might be because of me. What did I do this time?

??? POV

I was just patrolling through the woods when I stumbled upon a black glitching skeleton lying in the snow. A new AU popped up? It looks like I am going to have to tell Paint and the others of my find. I whipped out my phone.

"Hey Pap, I found an injured monster and I am going to take them back to our house."

"Alright bro, I will take over your patrol. Just keep an eye on the monster. Do you think they are from another one of those AU's you will not shut up about?"

"It seems like it, bro. Talk to you later."

"Be safe Sans."

I quickly grabbed the monster and took a shortcut back to my house and put him on the couch. I sighed. This will definitely be interesting as no new AU has popped up in a while.

"I wonder who you are pal? Hopefully a friend. I really don't want to fight in another war..."

(6,827 Words Total)

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