Forced Bonding
A skeleton filled with static was observing the code, watching his world interact with an outsider. That was, until he was interrupted by the demon running the place.
"I know the truth."
The glitched monster glared up at the sudden intruder but said nothing out of spite.
"I know how dead you are inside."
By now, the glitch turned away from his torturer and refused to talk to the one who put them here. As if it was his fault in the first place though.
"How worthless you feel."
The glitch tried to plug his non existent ears with his hands so he could ignore it but the voice just kept getting louder and louder.
"I know how you look into a mirror and hate what you see."
The destroyer growled and stood up in rage. He glared at the source of all of his current problems.
"Your not real."
He started to laugh maniacally.
"You are not real!"
The demon said nothing.
"All I gotta do is snap my fingers and you go bye bye."
The glitch snapped his fingers and the voice was no more. The monster sighed with relief and sat back down, resuming his observation of the new destroyer. The monster was surprised that such a peaceful, yet trouble making monster would be a destroyer. Why, out of all of the other monsters in that particular multiverse, why was he chosen to take lives? He had yet to receive or discover an answer.
"Static? Are you okay?"
Static looked up and watched his counterpart approach him carefully. He rolled his eyes and gave Sketch his trouble making grin.
"YeAh. I'm fiNe. wHaT are yOu doIng on mY sIde oF tHe VoID? Do yoU waNT to joIn me aNd waTch thE foREiGn DesTroYer intEraCT wiTh oUr olD frIeNds?"
Sketch looked at him with curiosity shining in his eyes.
"I got nothing better to do in this black abyss. So why not? Also do you know why he's here?"
"No. DO yOu know?"
"Yeah. I got a dream from Void and his origin story is pretty brutal."
"YoU caN telL me lATeR, aNd SkEtcH?
"I'm sorRY thAT i got bOth Of us trAPped iN herE."
"I know Static... I know."
The two sat next to each other and Static created a one way window with Sketch's help. They both fell silent.
Error gave his classic trouble maker grin to Bane, who looked really pissed off. Radix glared at Error. Radix narrowed his eyes.
"So, can you tell me were you three have been for the past three hours?"
"NowheRe imPoRtanT. We weRe juST taLkiNg in prIvacY."
None of them were buying it. Especially Paint.
"Right. So can you tell me why your glitching more than normal?"
Error froze and looked at Bane and Reverie for help. Reverie rolled his eyes.
"Me and Bane got scared by Error because we went to Bane's side in Dream!Tale but we also scared him back as payback. That's why we are all a little stressed and on edge right now."
The others were not buying Reverie's story but because they didn't have the magic to tell if Reverie was telling the truth or not, they let it slide. For now. Paint grumbled and put his hands into his pockets.
"Fine. I'll let this slide for now but i'm expecting some kind of explanation sooner or later. Got it?"
The trio nodded but Error still was not going to let his guard down just because he knew Paint was not going to let this one slide so easily and he will pressure all three of them until one of them cracks. Error has his money on Reverie accidentally telling someone. He gave the siblings a warning glare and the two nodded back, understanding what his warning glare meant. The group fell silent. Edge, who couldn't take the silence any longer spoke up.
"So what are we going to do now?"
Radix shrugged at his darker version before replying.
"Maybe we should make Error get to know everyone here. Including Bane's little group."
"Oh heLL no. NoT anOTheR forCeD bondIng seSSion. DOing it wIth PainT was baD enoUgh tHe firSt tiMe. No offEnse to yOu Paint."
"None taken."
"CooL. But stiLl, I don't kNow if tHIs is A goOd iDEa at aLl."
Error and Radix stared at each other for a long time until Error finally looked away.
"FiNe! But iF sOmetHinG hapPeNs iT's yOur faulT RadIX."
"Okay. Maybe you should go with Edge and Swap first, then anyone else but me and Paint after that. Maybe Bane and Reverie as well."
Error's POV
I walked over to Edge and Swap, who were waiting for me patiently. What surprised me was that Edge was so patient and calm. If this was Fell, he would have already lost his patience and Blueberry would be more excited. Swap was just... standing there. If he is from Under!Swap, then he should have papyrus's traits... unless Papyrus does not exist because I have met Radix's brother and he acted quite mellow but he still has his exciting and hyper personality. Swap just doesn't have that.
"HeY SwaP. My frIeNd who is tHe Sans fRom the UnderSwAp universe acTs hyper all THe time. Pretty mUCh the monstErs in the UnDErSwaP AU's switch rOles. So wHy are you Not hypEraCtive all the tiMe? Or is PaPyrUs also melLoW and cHill?"
Swap sighed and nodded his head towards the forest. I followed him into the forest with Edge right behind me. When we reached a shaded clearing, Swap sat down, leaning against a massive tree trunk. Edge sat down next to him and I sat down in front of them, patiently waiting for Swap to talk.
"So i'm going to assume you have met Radix's brother. Right?"
I nodded slowly, confused on why he was assuming that.
He looks really sad. What happened?
"So about 5 or 6 years ago, this multiverse was at war with each other. Good versus bad, light versus dark, I think you get the point. So by the time it ended, over half of the AU's disappeared into thin air. It was mostly because of the deaths outside of the AU's. If a major monster dies outside of their AU, their AU slowly destroys itself over time, the longest time it took was a week but it usually takes a day or two for a healthy AU to die."
I nodded to show I was listening. I remembered back in the day, if I was feeling lazy, I would just kill all of the major monsters outside of their AU so the AU would destroy itself for me. The major flaw with that was Ink, who could fix it if he was fast enough. That's why I normally never do it that way because Ink's too fast and the AU was easily fixed over time. Rainbow asshole.
"The war was about to end and we were fighting some of the last major battles. Me and Papyrus were fighting side by side, decimating the enemy monsters so fast that it was almost impossible to hit us. But someone got lucky and I would have died if Papyrus didn't push me out of the way. He... died.... I.... I killed the rest of the army in many brutal ways... I shocked everyone that day."
Poor Swap. I feel really bad but I doubt he wants pity by now.
"After Papyrus died, I had to take both the Sans role and the Papyrus role to keep my AU alive. I was successful. I'm the only one who ever managed to pull it off to. Heh... That's why I wear a jacket and act like a Sans. It's mostly because I have to but I also prefer it. Acting hyperactive and optimistic was always tiring for me 24/7. So that's my tale."
Wow. i'm kind of speechless.
"Oh. OkAy Then."
Swap looked shocked.
"Wait so your not going to pity me like everyone else here?"
"No. I aLso hatE pIty so I knoW wHat it fEelS liKe to get it All of tHE tIme."
He perked up and Edge gave me a thankful look. Now that I think about it, Swap never looked genuinely happy at all every time I have seen him. Now he is above happy. But then he hugged me. I froze on the spot but I decided to tolerate it. Swap let go when he felt me tense up.
"Sorry. I almost forgot you don't like physical contact."
"It's fIne... AnD I suPpoSe I cAn maKe an exCeptIoN jUst thiS onCe."
I grumbled. Swap hugged me and Fell looked amused. Tch. As if i'm going to let him get away with that.
"HeY Swap. I tHink Fe- EdgE neeDs a hUg to."
"Friendship Hug!"
I laughed when Swap tackled Edge to the ground. Now that's the Under!Swap Sans I know. Always happy and childish. I was expecting a look of hate or revenge from Edge but what I didn't expect was the look of confusion on his face. God dammit he caught my mistake. I almost said Fell and he noticed.
"Swap. Get off of me please."
Swap got off but they both gave me confused looks when they noticed my expression of shock. I ignored them because my train of thought right now was 'holy shit a monster from UnderFe- Under!Fell used manners. What?'
"Uhhhh. WhAt?!"
"What's wrong Error?"
"HolY sh- wha- wHAt?"
I shook myself out of my shock and glared at Edge.
"FiRst of aLl, thAnks for tHe ear raPe warNing EdGe. AlSo sinCe whEn is an Under!FeLl monsteR poLite, exCEpt foR the human aNd FLOwey."
Edge chuckled.
"Everyone here rubbed off on me and I grew to like the positivity here."
Swap elbowed him in the ribs and he looked pissed.
"And i'm sorry I killed every ones hearing here to."
He didn't look sorry at all. Asshole... I'll kick his ass later.
"SuRe. I'll beLIevE yoUr apOlogy whEn yOu reAllY meAn it."
He just rolled his eyes at me.
A few hours passed with having different conversations. Me talking about my multiverse and Edge and Swap talking about their multiverses history. I can tell that Edge wants to talk about my mistake earlier with his name but I really don't want to talk about it with Swap around.
"Hey Swap. I think Error should go hang out with the others now but i'd like to talk to him alone before that."
Swap nodded and left. Fuck.
"So can you tell me how the hell you almost said someone else's name instead of mine. Who did you mistake me with?"
I sighed. No use trying to get out of it now because he'll just bring it up again.
"YeAh yeaH. I almoSt said FeLl, UndErFeLl Sans's nicKName. HiM and BluebeRry hAd a small frIendshIp and he wOuld alwaYs tacKlE FeLl to the grOund. Sorry."
"It's fine. Were you and Fell ever friends?"
I didn't say anything and Edge understood why.
"Let's go. Swap and the others are probably wondering where we are by now.
I am glad that he didn't say anything else. We both walked back to others in silence.
By the time we got back, Swap had already told the others that Edge and I were talking in the forest for privacy. So when we came back to the house, most of the Sanses were hanging around, waiting for me and Edge to finish and come back. Just because I wanted to save the more murder driven insane Sanses for last, I decided to talk to Outer!Tale Sans and Reaper!Tale Sans. I believe they go by Cosmo and Reaper. I started to walk in their direction.
"HeY. Do you tWo waNna... tAlk?"
Cosmo shrugged.
"Sure. Do you want to do it here or somewhere else?"
"Can wE go to OUter!TaLe?"
"You wanna see the stars? Sure."
Reaper opened up a portal and I hesitantly followed them. After all, me and Death never got along and i'm pretty sure he hated me with a burning passion. So will Reaper be the same? I don't plan on killing any AU's here but still...
I shrugged off my doubt and looked up at the sky. Outer!Tale and its copies will always be one of my top five favorite AU's. Now that I am looking up into the night sky, I realize I really really really missed the stars. They always will make me speechless every time I gaze into the dark sky. But I didn't come here for stargazing, though I will come back here by myself the next chance I get.
"So. WhAt do yOu two waNna talk abOut?"
"I don't know. Reaper?"
Reaper shrugged. I guess he's not the talkative type. Neither am I though it is getting easier to keep a conversation going now that I don't have to be worried about getting stabbed in the back. Then Cosmo came up with the best (worst) idea ever.
"Error. How about you tell us about the other versions of us in your multiverse."
God dammit.
"SuRe... I guEss I cAn."
How should I say this?
"OuterTale SaNs in My multiveRse goes by Outer aNd ReaperTale SanS goes by DEAth. Me and Outer hAd a tolerance relAtionSHip. He woulDn't let Ink know thAt I wAs in his AU iMmediatelY and I didn't destroy OUterTale and moSt of its COpies. But DEath waS a totALly difFereNt sTory."
I noticed that Reaper seemed to be paying more attention now.
"He HATeD me sO muCh that he tRiEd mulTiPle tiMes to uSe hIs cuRSeD toUcH to kIll mE. But it neVer workEd aNd I never feLt anYthiNg frOm it."
"Wait a minute. He touched you and you didn't die?"
I think this is the first time Reaper really did talk to me. I wonder if he has the same or a similar curse to Death. It wouldn't surprise me if he does have it.
What was funny to me was that even Cosmo looked shocked from the fact that I didn't die. I guess Reaper does have it.
"What else can you not die from?"
Cosmo asked me. Well...
"I survIVed everyThing, inCLuding a falL into thE VOid so I gueSS I cAn't dIe."
"So if I touch you, you will not die. Right?"
"YeP. I daRe you tO try ReAper."
"Hold on! If you die Error, then me and Reaper will get murdered by everyone back at the Abyss. Are you sure you can survive this?"
I tolerated Reaper's touch, even though I had a few disturbing flashbacks of me and Death fighting. But the look on both Cosmo's and Reaper's face were totally worth it. They were practically speechless for the rest of the time in Outer!Tale and I knew that was my cue to move on to the final three. I wonder how different they are to my friends back home?
I helped both Reaper and Cosmo onto their feet and opened a portal back to the Abyss. Reaper walked in, looking the happiest I think I have ever seen him. But before I could enter, Cosmo gently stopped me from continuing.
"Thanks for that. He really need it."
"No prObLem."
I walked over to Bane, hoping that he probably knew were his friends were because I didn't see them in the Abyss when we returned.
"Hey BaNe."
He looked up from whatever he was doing.
"Hey. Are you already done?"
I shook my head.
"NoPe. I can'T find yOur frIenDs anywheRe so do yOu haVe any cLUe on wHere they coULd be rigHt now?"
"Check out their AU's. I think Dust!Tale just had a reset and they are killing everyone there right now. They left about a minute before you came back from whatever you were doing with Cosmo and Reaper."
I opened a portal to Dust!Tale.
So by the time I came through, I could already feel the misery in here and that made me excited. Sure I hate killing innocent monsters but that doesn't mean I don't hate killing in general. Old habits die hard and I can't really expect myself to suddenly want to stop after years of murdering monsters and humans on a daily basis. Feeling lazy, I opened up Dust!Tale's code and found the trio near the end of the ruins. Their probably about to kill Toriel so I may as well meet them in the normal spot were Sans usually greets the fallen human. I decided to just casually lean against one of the trees and face the door to wait. I was expecting to see them in about two minutes, but what I wasn't expecting was Flowey's sudden appearance.
"Hey glitched out smiley trashbag! I would run if I were you because three other sycophantic smiley trashbags are killing everyone in the Ruins. I-"
I pulled the annoying weed out of the ground as fast as I could, interrupting him in the middle of his long as fuck warning. It looks like this is going to be my first kill since the ambush.
"Oh I kNow abOUt theM beCauSe I plaN on joiNIng thEm in tHis massACrE aS sOOn as I kiLL YOU."
*You earned #%$ xp and $$ gold.
I crushed him to death.
"HoW fUn. He NeVeR hAd A cHaNcE iN tHe fIrSt PlAcE aNyWaY."
"Holy shit..."
I turned around and noticed that Grim was the first one out. They must be competing against each other.
Grim with much haste, teleported behind me to my amusement. Scourge kicked down the Ruins doors and ran outside, Butcher right behind him. They were both covered in dust. When they saw me they stopped in their tracks. Scourge asked the question that I knew was coming.
"Hey Error! Bad timing man but do you know were Grim went?"
They can't see Grim? Wait... I almost forgot i'm the tallest Sans in this multiverse right now! Grim was discreetly hiding behind me in my shadow. I gotta admit he is a very good hider. But i'm not that nice.
"UhhHhh. No?"
"What do you mean no?"
To answer Scourge's question, I just stepped to the side and revealed Grim. He looked slightly panicked.
"Uhhhh. Hey guys... No hard feelings right?"
Scourge and Butcher were about to lunge at Grim so I tangled them up in my strings to avoid conflict.
"Error! Let us kill him! He cheated!"
Butcher groaned in annoyance.
"Uhhhhhh. I just want to murder some monsters but nooooo I have to listen to you two bicker every single fucking time we get the chance to murder monsters. Just shut up for once!"
For a split second, I thought that Butcher might of successfully shut them up. But then Scourge noticed Flowey's remains and he grew super pissed.
"Seriously Grim?! I thought we all agreed that I would be the one to kill the weed this time!"
I am seriously very close to cracking up because Scourge immediately pointed fingers at Grim when it was me who murdered the weed.
"WAIT WHAT?! I didn't kill the weed I swear! Error killed it!"
"Sure he did."
Their bickering was starting to get really old so I let Butcher go.
"Butcher. Wanna kill the rest of the monsters with me while these two immature imbeciles fight?"
I asked him quietly and he nodded in response. Sweet. I let the two idiots go and they immediately went after each other's throats. They didn't even notice us walk away. I turned and looked in Butcher's direction, giving him one of my insane smiles. He returned it and the two of us walked towards Snowdin Town. Let the masacure begin.
Grim's POV (Three hours later)
I finally had this fucking idiot at the end of my blade, defenseless and tired. It looks like all of this LV I acquired came in handy because after all, I have the most of it out of the three of us. Scourge was close to my amount but I was still ahead. Butcher never really tried to go for a EXP and LV goal. Instead he choose to take his time torturing his victims. Speaking of Butcher, where is he?
"I surrender Grim..."
I rolled my eyes at the imbecile and helped him up.
"Do you know where Error and Butcher went?"
Scourge, who was eating a hot cat to heal his HP looked up at me in shock.
"No. Now that you mention it, they didn't stick around to watch the fight."
They must of left and they are probably killing all of the monsters right now. The two of us must have come to a similar conclusion because we both booked it to Snowdin Town. All we found were the remains of monsters. Dust, scattered weapons, items, and clothing. I growled in annoyance. They killed all of the monsters in Snowdin. When we reached Waterfall, once again there were no survivors. We found Undyne's remains near Waterfalls exit, I noticed that both Error and Butcher must of taken their sweet time with her. How long were we fighting?! I also noticed that Scourge looked kind of sad and angry. Don't blame him because I feel the same right now.
When we reached Hotland, I finally heard the screams of the innocent and maniacal laughter. It's music to my non existent ears. We both sprinted towards the noise and halfway through Hot Land, we came across an interesting site. Error and Butcher were basically a tag team. Error using his strings to trap monsters, leaving Butcher to kill them slowly or with a quick decapitation using his axe. Error was also using his strings to crush souls like they were nothing. Its almost unsettling to know that Error could of easily killed both me and Scourge when we were trapped in his strings. At least I haven't pissed off Error that much... yet. It's bound to happen because it's going to be either me or Scourge who's going to piss off Error. It's just in our nature to piss off beings stronger than us. I pulled out my knife and Scourge summoned some of his sharp bones. It's about fucking time I killed someone.
Error's POV
I heard a monster who managed to get away from the both of us scream in pain. I turned around and I watched Grim stab the poor innocent unsuspecting monster. Scourge was impaling monsters with bones and he was using his Gaster Blasters. I backed off and Butcher followed me as well, leaving the two armed idiots with the remaining Hotland monsters. I just watched them kill everyone and Butcher lowered his axe to watch as well. We didn't mind because we both killed every single monster in Snowdin and Waterfall and almost all of Hotland. We also killed Mettaton, Alphys and Muffet already. Oh well. That's what they get for fighting. I did find out that me and Butcher work very well with each other and killing the monsters were no challenge. I resumed watching the two murderers kill the last monster in a very brutal way before they turned to us. Butcher inched closer to me, probably scared that his friends might kill him for going on without them.
"Thanks for saving some monsters for us. If you didn't then I think me and Scourge would of tried to kill you two."
"Yeah. At least coming here wasn't a complete waste of my time."
Well at least Scourge and Grim were getting along. I miss Dust and Killer a lot now. At least they didn't fight each other 24/7 over stupid shit like which monster gets to kill what.
"So yOu twO caN clEan up tHe reSt of tHe UndeRgrOund and i'll mEet yoU at the JuDgement HaLl. And ButCHer, are you goINg wiTh theM or WitH me?"
"With you."
I created a portal and Butcher walked in with me in tow. I'm genuinely happy that I got to kill monsters because being a pacifist was getting really old. When we reached the Judgement Hall, I started to talk to Butcher. We talked about his universe and I talked about Horror and how different they are to each other. The biggest difference is that Butcher has bloody bandages around his skull and sharp teeth like Fell and Edge. That's really it.
"So basically I bring food back to my AU and I give it all to my brother. We aren't exactly close anymore but I don't want him to die from starvation."
I nodded and immediately thought of Horror. Him and his brother weren't particularly close either and that's the biggest reason Horror joined Nightmare. Nothing was holding him back and he hates his AU so joining a team of murderers was apparently a good idea.
"YeaH. HoRror and hIs brOtheR wERen't clOse eithEr aNd thaT's the reaSOn whY he joINeD NighTMare."
"You speak very fondly of Nightmare and his gang. Who are they to you?"
I closed my eyes, feeling a little bit of grief.
"ClosE frIEnDs anD somETimeS evEn fAmiLy. AftEr all, us bad gUys haVe to stICk togEThEr becAusE whO elSe wILl?"
Butcher nodded in agreement and fell silent. About twenty minutes later, Grim and Scourge entered the hall covered in dust. They sat across from Butcher and joined the conversation.
"So what are you two talking about?"
Butcher glared at Scourge.
"We were getting to know each other and you two may as well join us."
Scourge didn't say anything and neither did Grim.
After a few awkward moments of silence, the two of them started talking about their past and it reminded me of Dust and Killer.
"So basically I just wanted to stop the human from committing genocide and resetting the timeline but over time I grew to enjoy mass murder. I finally managed to kill the kid and they can't reset as much as they used to, but there are times like these were they reset the world. So because they do that, we usually kill everyone because it's an opportunity to kill monsters without pissing off everyone else. And by we I mean myself, Grim and Butcher but Bane sometimes joins us if he is in the mood."
I snickered. If he's in the mood? What mood would I have to put him in for him to kill monsters?
Grim took out his knife and started to mess around with it.
"Yeah yeah whatever. My human convinced me to do genocide but then I killed them and took full control of my universe."
"So yOu gaINeD more detERmiNation thEn the kid?"
"Yep. It only took about a dozen genocide runs to accomplish, nothing to difficult."
I nodded. So both Scourge and Grim have almost the exact same stories a Dust and Killer. At least that won't be too hard to remember. So the biggest difference with the entire group? They are not as bloodthirsty as my friends are.
"You tWo arE alMost idEntiCal to DusT and KilLer excePt foR a feW miNOr thIngs liKe clothes."
They didn't respond but I could tell they peaked their interest. Maybe it won't be such a great idea to introduce Scourge, Grim, and Butcher to Dust, Killer, and Horror because they might start a fight to see who is stronger.
"We sHouLd go aNd kiLl AsgoRe now so wE cAn go bAck to thE AbySs riGht after."
I watched the trio get up and race to the throne room. I wonder who's going to get the kill? When they came back, I noticed that Scourge looked smug and the others looked disappointed. I didn't say anything and opened a portal back to the Abyss. I was the last one to go through and my only thought was. 'I wonder how the others are doing now that i'm gone? I hope they're all okay and none of their AU's disappeared yet.'
"ThEy wIlL be okAy... rIghT?"
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