Concern, Monster Hunt, and Ambush


Error was very concerned. Ink seemed to have disappeared into thin air. But to be honest, Error wasn't complaining. He's been on a record-destroying streak lately, at least annihilating four AU's a day. It's also been the first time Error could finally truly relax since he first started destroying AU's. But he was still concerned so he came up with three conclusions. Ink died somehow, he stopped creating, or he was planning something. 

Error knew Ink would never stop creating, so he started to wonder if Ink died fighting possibly Nightmare, Ink's only other enemy besides himself. It wouldn't hurt to ask. Also giving all the Chara's their own doll that he makes for them and sparing with them to improve their dodging and attacking was getting old. So Error steeled up his nerves and created a portal to Nightmare's realm.

Error's POV

I'll admit, entering Nightmares realm is always chilling. This place is meant to bring out your worst fears, but I have already faced or conquered all of mine. The only other fear I know I have left is the possibility of me failing my "job" or Ink going too far... and maybe being touched but that is beside the point! Now, I just don't care if it happens because Ink doesn't seem to care. So why should I care then? I immediately noticed that something was off. I teleported to Nightmare's castle and saw some Sanses patrolling the castle grounds. I recognized both of them as HorrorTale Sans and DustTale Sans. Horror and Dust. They seemed to be on edge and I knew I had to make my presence known as far away as possible to avoid any attacks. I came out into the open and just hoped for the best. I really didn't want to end up getting injured like the last time I waltzed in unannounced.

Horror noticed me first as he brought out his ax before Dust summoned any of his attacks. But they seemed to recognize me thankfully and Horror lowered his ax and Dust got rid of his attacks. I could tell they were both pretty disappointed that I was not an enemy. Boredom will do that to you. I cautiously went up to greet them because even though we were "friends", I knew both wouldn't feel bad about killing me at all. It was a friendship that even Ink once in a while questions when we fight. I never had an answer for him. I looked at Horror.



Dust wasn't talking. He was letting Horror do all the work. I think all the friendship we have is just a partnership. Because I'm pretty sure a friend wouldn't look at you like they were going to eat or kill you.

"HaVE yOu SEen NIgHTmARe?"

Horror shook his head.

"He's out."

"DOinG whAt?"

For the first time that I have ever seen or talked to Horror, he looked genuinely concerned. Dust was more stoic but I could tell he was worried too. This put me on edge.

"Looking for Cross and Killer, their missing."

Oh lovely. The only way I can talk to Nightmare is if I help him find his two missing teammates. Horror looked down at the floor. He and Killer were pretty close. Dust looked up at me hopefully.

"I think that Ink can sense monsters in any AU, but even though you're his opposite, can you do it too?"

Wow. I was shocked that he would come up with that. "The Bad Sanses" are not known as strategic thinkers all the time. We usually just wing it and hope for the best.

"I'M nOT eVEn surE tHat InKy hAS tHAt AbiLIty, buT I cAN TRy."

I focused on the code that creates a Sans in each AU and went through as many as I could at once. I knew Cross and Killer well enough to tell them apart from the other Sanses code. I would have done this with Ink but both of us exist outside of the code. He can create and fix it while I can mess around and destroy it. I was messing around and looking for any anomalies in each AU. This takes less than a second for each AU I do. Messing around with it is one thing, but erasing it is a totally different story. After a few minutes, I finally found them. Thankfully they didn't split up as it would have taken me much longer. They were in the original UnderSwap. What the hell were they doing there? I opened my eyes.

"FoUNd eM, tHeiR bOTh In UnDerSwAP #01, whICh is iN a pAciFiSt roUtE RIghT nOw."

"Can you bring them back?" Horror asked.

"NOt froM HErE. I haVe tO Be iN tHe ACtuaL AU to reAcH tHem wITh mY stRiNGs."

"I know I may be asking a lot from you Error, but can you go and bring them back? Nightmare would kill us if we left the castle unguarded."

Dust looked hopeful. Horror just looked like himself. I knew a favor in return might come in handy in the near future so I just nodded my head.

"TeLL NighTMarE tHAt thEy'Re in UndeRSWAp # 01 wHEn he coMEs bACk If i'M nOt BAck bY tHEn."

They both nodded as I created a portal to UnderSwap. I have a bad feeling about this.

Third Person POV

UnderSwap seemed pretty normal. Chara was at HotLand by now and everyone was happy... Except for two skeletons in Snowdin Forest. They were tied up and gagged by Swap Papyrus and a few Sanses, including Dream, Blue, and Color. Color was hoping to bring Killers emotions back while Dream was hoping for some answers on his brothers newest plans. He wouldn't be doing much of the talking. That's why Fell and SwapFell Sans were here. Though Dream hoped it wouldn't go THAT far.

Blue was pissed, his brother has been stalking him and keeping him on a leash for months. Ever since Error was kicked out Papyrus felt it was important to keep Blue close, but Sans was close to snapping at his brother. He was close to leaving his own universe at this point to get away from Papyrus. Now he was forced to come here, watching as two evil Sanses were getting interrogated and possibly tortured later on, and he knew that they were Errors friends. No wonder Papyrus was so smug this morning, he knew that they were close to Error and now he basically gets to watch them suffer. He can tell that his brother is slowly changing into a darker version of himself in secret. 

Blue himself has changed in the anti void when he was with Error. But Error is gone, so he felt that he had to get these Sanses out alive. Like a forgotten monster once told him,"A friend of a friend is a friend of mine as well." This is the case now. Even if he became wanted for treason, or got caught, he would get them out. No matter what the cost is. For his friend.

Little did they all know, Error was already watching and waiting for the best chance to strike.

Error's POV

Freaking UnderSwap #01. Out of all of the billions of AU's and their copies that Ink has created, it had to be the original UnderSwap. I hope I don't run into Blue because Stretch is always with him now. I was not in the mood for a fight, at least if it wasn't about Killer and Cross. I have a job and I'm not gonna let that anomaly get in the way. Their code was leading me deep into Snowdin Forest, and they weren't alone either. If the code isn't glitching, the swap skeleton bros and other AU Sanses were here. I mean I understand why some Sanses might be here, but there's more than I anticipated. I kinda wish Horror or Dust came along but then again, I work better alone. Like it always should and will be.

I heard talking a few feet ahead of me and saw Blue guarding Cross's and Killer's gear. I teleported to the nearest hidden sturdy tree branch I could find to spy. From what I could see from my vantage point, there's a clearing down below. Cross and Killer are gagged and are in different areas. Cross is being interrogated by Stretch, UnderFell Sans and SwapFell Sans at the opposite side of the clearing. Probably to keep Cross and Killer from interacting. Killer was a lot closer, almost eight feet away. Dream stood and watched while Color seemed to be talking to him. Why just the two of them? Even the other Sanses here are not patrolling around here. Like they were discussing something quietly. Or at least trying to. 

While Cross was refusing to speak Killer was being very vocal about being here to the point where he was gagged and then injected with something that seemed to make him tired. My life is much harder now. Getting out with a drugged and injured Sans seems highly unlikely. Hopefully, Nightmare will back me up. I turned to observe Cross but instead of an interrogation, Fell was punching Cross, leaving cracks in his skull and rib cage. I was pissed. While myself and Cross had a rough start, I gave him his soul back and he forgave me and now we're "friends". I moved my attention to Killer and began listening to Color and Killer speak.

"Please, Killer it's not too late to come back to the right side. Let me get your emotions back!"

I quietly snorted. If Color only knew.

"In my opinion buddy, the right side is the side you believe in the most and I prefer Nightmare over you."

"Can you just let me help you?"

"If you don't back off soon I am going to get out of these restraints and crush you and your soul to pieces."

"Calm down and listen."

"NO! You calm the Fuck Down and listen to what I have to say for once!"

I shook my head. Most Sanses are always stubborn, some more than others. This argument will never end until either Killer gets a change of heart or Color finally understand what Killer is trying to tell him.

I looked back over to Cross to see even more injuries than last time I looked. It's time to break them out before they get killed. At least Cross would probably be killed as I believe that Color would protect Killer in hopes of converting him. It's time for a jailbreak and I think I'm going to get help from a friend of mine.

Blue's POV

Standing here is so unbelievably BORING. I decided to trade places with Outer to take a break without telling Papyrus. Once upon a time, I would have notified him but that time is long gone. I had a weird feeling and walked into the woods surrounding the area where the interrogation was going on. When I got out of earshot of the others I heard a voice I never thought I would hear again.

"HeY buDDy, MiSs mE?"

Error was leaning on a tree in front of me and for once his once stoic face showed emotion. He looked happy to see me but pissed off at the same time.

"I'm glad to see your safe Error."

"HeH I'M fInE BuT mY FRIenDS arE nOt aND i NEeD yoUR hELp tO reSCuE thEm."

I gave him a determined look.

"What do I have to do?"

Third Person POV

The interrogation was going smoothly until everyone heard a scream nearby. It was Blueberry. Most of the Sanses ran over to where the scream originated from while Color Sans stayed behind to watch the hostages. They may be a good ransom to get to Nightmare. But Color backed away in fear when Error appeared out of nowhere, chuckling evilly.

"BLue iS A pRetTY gOOd dIStraCTioN beCaUsE eveRYonE caREs ABouT hIm."

Killer began to chuckle, knowing his ticket out was finally here. Cross smiled but winced in pain. Cross is happy that he is finally going to get out of here. Let's just say the edgy Sanses and Stretch are on his death list. Killer just wants to murder everyone here for kidnapping him. Error summoned his strings hoping that he would be able to end this fast.

"YoU aND EvERyONe hEre aRe So DEAD."

Error managed to tangle Color in his strings but Color managed to escape. Error let him, grabbing Cross and Killer's gear and then them. Error supported Cross while Killer was able to manage on his own. Error opened up a portal and handed both of them their gear.

"jUMp In tHAt pOrTAl. It lEAdS tO NiGHtmArEs rElM."

Cross was practically unconscious by now and Killer was supporting both Cross and their gear as they walked through the portal. They arrived in the throne room were Nightmare, Horror, and Dust was talking about Error's chances to get both Cross and Killer out alive. All three of them had shocked faces on them when they noticed the pair watching them. Killer smirked.

"While your reactions are priceless, I have been drugged and Cross is out and was brutally tortured for information that they didn't get. Can you help us?"

Nightmare nodded at Horror and Dust. Both ran over to go and take the injured skeletons to the east wing for immediate medical attention. Before they left the throne room, Nightmare made a decision.


It wasn't hard for Nightmare to find Error as this clearing was the only negative place in UnderSwap at the time.

After Killer and Cross left, Error heard the pissed off shouts of the Sanses who went after the bait. Error hoped Blue teleported away to his house as a fight is about to go down. But when the Sanses saw who it was, they backed away from Error, scared of his wrath. He can easily destroy their universe. Is it really worth it to engage him in combat?" Dream took out his bow, realizing that none of the Sanses where going to challenge Error.

"Color, take everyone to InkTale, I am going to keep Error occupied."

Color nodded and everyone left, except for Stretch who went back to his house to look for Blue.

"HoNEStLy DrEAmY, I wAs goINg to lEAve YOu aND ThE otHErS aLoNE. BuT I cAn't reSIst a chAlLenge."

Well, Dream realized he messed up. He thought that Error was going to attack them all the way to InkTale so he stayed behind. Error wasn't in the mood at first but now he had to kick Dreams ass because of that accidental challenge. At the moment, Error has the upper hand in the fight and Dream was pretty sure he was going to lose. But he changed his mind when a new player showed up on the battlefield. Error wasn't expecting the paint attack that was aimed at him until it was too late. He managed to dodge the paint attack but the arrow Dream shot hit his shoulder. Error was pretty sure he was going to lose. He had destroyed three AU's earlier, teleported to Nightmares realm, focused on all of the different codes to find Cross's and Killer's location, kept his aura low so none of the Sanses could sense him, and was fighting Dream. Long story short, Error was tired and knew he couldn't take both Ink and Dream at the same time without huge consequences. Error was pretty sure he was going to lose but still prepared his strings while Ink changed his paint brushes paint and Dream lifted his bow. Before Ink or Dream could attack, Error felt a disturbance in the code and could tell Ink did as well. Chara began genocide for no reason and monsters were getting into fights. Error smirked knowing the cause of the messed up code.


Nightmare joined the fight to Errors relief and the tides have turned once again. Ink and Dream knew both entities were stronger than them and immediately retreated. Not before shooting them dirty looks though. Error could feel the human resetting the world, probably to commit the genocide route. He quickly created a portal to get him and Nightmare out of there.

Error's POV

Besides the burning sensation in my shoulder from Dreams arrow, I was relatively unharmed. Nightmare was sitting on his throne while his teammates were doing their own thing. I could tell Nightmare wanted to talk about why I destroy AU's and if there are any reasons for the destruction. This question has been coming up for years between the two of us and Nightmare never received an answer.

"YoU gUYs dESeRvE an ExplaNatIOn. PROmiSe to kEeP thIs beTWeEN us?"


Nightmare ignored the dirty looks his teammates sent him. I stifled a laugh.

"I'M SurE yoU wilL."

I chuckled. I quickly explained to Nightmare and the others on why I destroy the AU's and about the anti void with its voices. I also confessed about Ink creating as much as he wanted and how I was falling behind. If Ink continued like this, this multiverse would cease to exist. I also told Nightmare why emotions were important. I told him to look at me as an example. Because I cared about this multiverse, I worked harder then I would have if I didn't care.

Nightmare being the King of Fear and Pain was able to take away emotions for different periods of time. He could also spread negative emotions. Dream did the opposite and together they kept the balance between fear and hope. At least Nightmare understood now and maybe he wouldn't conquer AU's now as much as he does now. He is stronger than Dream and if he took a step back, their balance would remain stable. Unlike the balance between me and Ink.

"WeLL, nOW yOu knOw sO I'm gONna lEaVE."


I just smiled sadly and shook my head. I'm not good with most monsters when it comes to working together. So I politely declined. Although it wasn't the first time he asked me this. It's been going on for years. Nightmare just shrugged.


"i'lL keEp tHAt iN miNd."

I waved goodbye to him and the others and went back to the anti void. Back to the voices.

Little did I know that this was going to be the last time that I was going to see Nightmare's gang for a very long time.

Third Person POV

A few days later...

Error was just downright confused by now. Did Ink really care about the AU's he created? You would think that Ink would come to protect them but nope. Nothing. Error was just playing with his puppets out of boredom when he felt a new code appear in the multiverse. A new AU. Ink was creating an AU while Error was busy destroying other AU's. But even when Ink worked on AU's in the past he still came to fight Error if he knew Error was destroying an AU. So what was so special about this one that Ink would ignore hundreds of lives to complete it? Error entered the new AU in curiosity but understandable caution and was shocked when all he saw was just a white canvas and Ink himself. But like the old saying, "Curiosity killed the cat", Error walked into what Ink was hoping to be his downfall.

Ink walked toward him boldly and Error was starting to wonder if Ink made this AU to where he can't use magic or leave. But he dismissed that when he figured out he was still was able to summon his strings. He teleported behind Ink for an advantage. Only Ink dodged the strike and Error finally saw what this new AU was for. Hundreds of Sanses and Papyruses from different AU's were here to fight him standing behind Ink. It was an ambush.

"Your time of destruction ends today Error! You will not be leaving this place alive!"

The army roared in approval as Error just stood there shocked. Ink brought an army because he couldn't fight him alone. Pathetic. He took a mental note that neither Nightmare or his team were here. Not that it surprised him. Nightmare would never help Ink or Dream, even if they were on their knees and begged. Error was not scared as fate would not let him die and he could easily destroy everyone here if he was in top shape. 

But he had destroyed three AU's earlier and was exhausted. But he would never retreat unless he had to. So he summoned more of his stings and summoned glitched bones and gaster blasters to use. He laughed and let his more insane side out to take care of this predicament he found himself in.

"If YOu AlL THiNk yoU CaN BEaT Me THeN YoU juSt siGneD tHE conTRact foR yoUr DEATH!"

And that's when chaos broke loose and the army attacked Error as he prepared himself both physically and mentally.

Fate and Void both knew this was a fight that would be a reminder to both of them the consequences of making someone insane for their own benefit.

The Sanses and Papyruses all knew this was a fight that would be remembered forever. And it would be a fight that they would win. no matter what the cost is.

Classic knew deep down that this was a huge mistake and it would come back to haunt them if Ink is successful.

Ink knew that this would be their final fight. He will execute this insane destroyer to protect his creations. He will finally be free of this glitch. Forever.

Error knew this was a fight that he was going to most likely lose, but he wasn't going to die. He promised himself that he will die when he wants to die and that is a promise he will always keep. Even if it meant the death of the multiverse.

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